Cyber Daming

Chapter 176 Harmony brings wealth

Just when Cao Cang closed the door of Feiliu Pavilion.

He Zangjia, who came non-stop from the Shibati slum area, happened to board the Tonglou and walked into a palace called Tingfeng Pavilion.

The name of the pavilion is Tingfeng, but inside it is full of splendor and wealth.

Everything you see is Ming Dynasty classical furniture, calligraphy, painting and antiques. There is no cold light from metal machinery.

The walls on both sides are covered with exquisitely framed Ming Dynasty treasure banknotes. Judging from the layout of the treasure banknotes, it turns out that from the eighth year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty to the eleventh year of Jiaqi today, every generation has not fallen behind.

The overall style stands out in one word: vulgar!

But it was such an overwhelming tackiness that made He Zangjia feel a little uneasy when he came here for the first time, and his originally neither humble nor arrogant demeanor suddenly weakened a bit.

"Oh, our protagonist is finally here. Hutou, you did something great tonight!"

The speaker was a short, fat, middle-aged man, wearing a bright yellow robe, sitting in an armchair and waving to He Zangjia.

"Stop standing at the door and sit down quickly."

He Zangjia took a deep breath of vulgarity, then quickly walked over and bowed.

"Wenpai 'Tiger Head' He Zangjia has met Master Feng Jiangjin!"

"You're not an outsider, so you don't need to talk about these etiquette."

Jin Shenghuo had a warm smile. He didn't have the airs of "Eight Generals of a Thousand Doors". Instead, he looked like a gentle elder, and asked He Zangjia to sit down.

"Actually, I don't come to this Tingfeng Pavilion very often. Just treat us as guests here. Don't be formal."

Jin Shenghuo said jokingly: "You may not know Hutou, but Hongya Mountain is actually a status symbol. It's not comfortable to live here at all. The room is small and broken, and even stretching out feels cramped."

"I used to treat this place as a refuge. I would hide here to avoid the limelight when I encountered trouble. But it's funny to say that the three generals of our card department all moved in overnight tonight."

He Zangjia, who had not yet settled down, stood up straight with a groan, cupped his hands and said solemnly: "It's all Hutou's fault, please punish Master Fengjiang."

"We are all a family. It's just a joke, why do you take it seriously?"

Jin Shenghuo sighed and patted the back of He Zangjia's hand gently.

"You are so loyal and willing to risk your life to stand up for your subordinates like Hutou. It is rare in our card series these years. If everyone could be like you, I would live in Tingfeng Pavilion every day. I do."

He Zangjia bowed and said, "I'm ashamed of myself. I acted impulsively and overestimated my capabilities, which almost caused a disaster. If it hadn't been for the help of relatives, I would have lost my life in Luohan Temple today."

Jin Shenghuo smiled slightly and patted the armrest.

"Don't worry, even if no one saves you, the three generals of our poker department can still watch you die? Although Luohan Temple has a profound background, the Sichuan-Chongqing Gambling Club does not have a habit of bowing to power!"

"Thank you for your consideration."

The two sang and harmonized, and the atmosphere was touching and extremely harmonious.

When He Zangjia sat firmly again, Jin Shenghuo smiled and said:

"Hutou, you also know what I do. I follow the wind and buy and sell news. Why haven't I heard that you have a relative named Wu Qidufu?"

He Zangjia said: "We didn't have much contact with him before. If he hadn't encountered something in Chengdu Mansion, he wouldn't have come here to seek refuge with me."

"But his surname is Li, and your surname is He."

"Distant cousin."

Jin Shenghuo smiled half-heartedly, "So, the relationship is not too close?"

"The blood relationship is not deep, but the relationship is deep. Brothers are like the same person."

Jin Shenghuo's swollen fish eyes flashed with light, "Your relative has offended many people, so you must be careful."

"Back then, the Nongjia Qimin Group thought I was not doing my job properly and kicked me out. It was the card department that took me in."

He Zangjia smiled flatteringly and said: "He is my relative, that is, a member of our card family. With Mr. Feng Jiang here, can you still make me and my cousin suffer?"

"This is exactly what I want to say to you."

Jin Shenghuo said sternly: "Since we are all a family, don't bear it on your own if anything happens in the future. If I can't deal with it, there will still be a fire general. If he can't win, the old man will have many ways to escape."

He Zangjia's heart trembled, and he knew clearly that the other party was trying to provoke him.

"Don't worry, sir. My cousin and I are not people who like to cause trouble. This time, Luohan Temple bullied others too much, and we only acted because of our greed."

"Young man, how can you do this without some blood?"

Jin Shenghuo looked heroic and said loudly: "Back then, Fire General, Tuojiang, I, and I relied on our bravery to fight hard, and that's how we achieved the current status of our card game."

He Zangjia looked fascinated, "Rumors save lives, but rumors harm people. I often use your stories to inspire myself."

"These are all things of the past. If I continue talking about them, I will make people laugh."

Jin Shenghuo changed the subject, "What is your cousin planning next? Those bald donkeys won't be lenient when they seek revenge."

He Zangjia smiled bitterly and said: "He is just a reckless man who only knows how to fight and kill. He knows nothing but protects others. Now that he has caused such a big problem, I really don't know what to do."

"Zang Jia, don't worry. There is no dead end in this world. The so-called dead end is just an excuse for the courageous!"

He Zangjia got off the donkey along the slope, showing an excited expression, "Please save me and my cousin."

"What you said just now, Zang Jia, is that you are from our card system, so naturally your relatives are also from the card system."

"If your cousin is willing to join the Cards Department, then I will spread the word to the outside world and blame our Cards Department for today's incident. If Buddhism takes revenge in the future, all of us will naturally face it together!"

"Sir, I heard that the power behind Luohan Temple is quite powerful. I really don't want to involve my brothers."

"A strong dragon cannot defeat a local snake. Anyone who dares to bully our relatives is going against our card system. Come on, I'll kill one."

It seems that these three card-playing generals are determined to recruit Li Jun to join the group, and take advantage of the Luohan Temple's territory in an open and honest manner.

"Brother Jun is really amazing. He can guess all this. Is it really like what he said, a long-term illness makes a good doctor? Tsk, tsk, it turns out that you have to be deceived so badly to be so experienced."

He Zangjia marveled in his heart and said with gratitude on his face: "Thank you so much, Mr. Feng Jiang. If my cousin heard what you said, he would definitely be moved to tears!"

"One family does not speak the same language. I, Jin Shenghuo, only want to see my enemies bleed, but I don't want to see my brothers shed tears."

He Zangjia looked at the impassioned fat man in front of him and was speechless for a moment.

No wonder others can be a general, but I am just a tiger head.

Still need to practice

Just when He Zangjia was amazed, Jin Shenghuo narrowed his eyes and smiled: "Actually, I came to Zangjia today for another matter."

"My lord, please tell me."

"In the past, we put you Zang Jia in the position of the 'tiger head' because you were still young and not calm enough. Moreover, you don't have a deep foundation in Chongqing. If you have a big reputation, you will easily make people jealous."

"But your performance tonight impressed our three generals. If you are allowed to be a 'tiger head' again, it will not only be too talented, but the brothers below will also scold us for not understanding people, so..."

After Jin Shenghuo finished speaking, two Pai Gow pieces slipped out of his sleeves and fell into his palms.

One red dot, four white dots, a pair of tied cards.

"From today on, you are the 'tie' of our card system!"

Jin Shenghuo sat in the chair, cupping his fists and cupping his hands, "Peace is the most precious thing!"

He Zangjia stood up and bowed in return, "Harmony brings wealth!"

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