Cyber Daming

Chapter 177 There is no such thing as a bad life, only a bad heart

The remaining light of the moon lingers on the horizon.

The sky is still dark, but the sound of people is gradually rising in the Shibati slum.

The sleepy slaves pushed open the doors of their respective rooms with numb faces, gathered in a stream in the narrow alley, and headed to their respective workplaces along the same route that was repeated day after day.

As the darkness in the alley gradually faded, their empty eyes gradually became brighter.

When the crowds of people arrived in the dilapidated shantytowns on the outskirts of the slums, the eyes of the workers and slaves were filled with inexplicable contempt.

These lazy people have been reduced to living on the outskirts of the slums, but they still don’t know how to make progress. Seeing that it's already midnight, if you don't seize the time to make money, how can you still have the nerve to sleep soundly?

It’s so bad without even realizing it!

There were hurried footsteps outside the hospital, but the inside was silent.

Inside and outside the thin iron fence, there are completely different emotions, anger and sadness.

The dim light bulb swayed above the head, but the halo of light cast by it could not bring out the slightest fluctuation in those dead eyes.

Zhou You lay on his back on the bed, with no obvious injuries on his body, but his two dull eyes staring straight at the ceiling.

He woke up.

In fact, he had already woken up the moment the host of Huangliang Buddhist Kingdom in Luohan Temple was punched to death by Li Jun.

But Zhou You would rather he didn't wake up from a long dream.

He used to hate Luohan Temple very much, but now he hopes that he can stay in that yellow beam Buddhist kingdom forever.

Live under the rolling mountains and in the green meadows.

Even if there are temples suppressing it on the mountains, even if there is a Buddha entrenched in the sky.

But at least there are no disgusting eyes, no ugly and smelly mechanical bodies.

There are herds of cattle and sheep and free breathing.

And Zhou Sheng, his only relative.

But the illusion is always just an illusion. No matter how deep the dream is, you will eventually wake up.

Even in Huangliang Dreamland, there will be a day when the timeline is reset.

The tear gland that had not been stripped off during the transformation of the mechanical body gave birth to a tear, which quietly slipped down the corner of the young man's eye.

"Brother Jun, I'm awake, but is it possible for my brother to wake up?"

"I'm not good at souls, so I can't give you an answer."

Li Jun's tone was so stiff that it was almost heartless.

"If you can't even answer it, then there is no answer."

Zhou You's voice trembled, and his vision suddenly became blurry.

“So what if I have an answer, so what if I don’t have an answer?”


Zhou You's lips moved, unable to speak a complete sentence.

"What? Do you think there is no point in living anymore? If you want to die, you can commit suicide now!"

"Don't think about dying and sorry for me. There's no need. I went to Luohan Temple today simply out of anger and wanted to vent my anger on those bald donkeys!"

Suddenly, the young man's throat tightened, and Li Jun lifted him up with one hand.

The fire-like eyes dried up the moisture accumulated in the young man's eyes, and the suffocating pain drove away the sorrow that lingered in his heart.

"While you are here crying and moaning, do you know that He Zangjia is still outside trying to kill others?"

"We are all precarious people. Who is in the mood to watch you feel sorry for yourself?"

Li Jun's words were like an extremely sharp knife, stabbing into Zhou You's heart.

"Zhou You, I can tell you clearly that although Luohan Temple has collapsed, the person who killed your brother is not dead!"

"Revenge? I'm just a pariah who can't even join the ranks. How can I take revenge on the almighty Buddha?!"

The young man's face turned red, his voice was hoarse, and his words no longer contained the spirit of the past.

"Take a gun, a knife, your fists and your life! It's never life that's cheap, it's just the human heart!"

Li Jun yelled: "If you still have balls in your pants, then put down your worthless pride and self-esteem, use any means to gain power, use all your thoughts to change your fate against the will of heaven, advance to the rank, and seek revenge!" "

"What will happen if I kill you? It's an injustice."

"Fuck you, when will you retaliate? If you have a favor, you must repay it, and if you have a grudge, you must avenge it."

Li Jun spat disdainfully, "When is it? Kill until all the enemies are gone, kill until no one makes a sound, then it will be over."

After saying this, he raised his hand and threw the young man to the corner without mercy.

"How do you compare to He Zangjia?"

Zhou You slid down slowly against the wall and collapsed on the ground. Although he was embarrassed, his eyes were no longer as dead as before.

"Not as good as that."

"Since you know you are not as good as you, then learn, please, and cling. You must know yourself when you are dead! He Zangjia is the best opportunity in your hands, and also the best helper for your revenge."

"If you can't even seize the opportunity for revenge, then you might as well die now."

The words were as sharp as a knife and as heavy as a drum.

It is sharp and enlightening.

The young man lowered his head, and after a long silence, he suddenly said softly: "What about you? Even He Zangjia wants to cling to you, why should I sacrifice the near for the far?"

Li Jun was stunned when he heard this, but the coldness on his face gradually melted away.

It finally dawned on me.

"Me? Let's wait until you get promoted. Otherwise, I'm afraid you'll be beaten into a piece of scrap metal before you learn how to take pictures."

As soon as he finished speaking, a ray of morning light suddenly shot into the room.

The sky is getting brighter, the long night has finally passed, and the sun is rising.

"Not only do you reason, but you also point the way. If I could have met a life mentor like you back then, I wouldn't be like this."

A frivolous voice suddenly sounded.

At the same time, Zhou You's head, which was about to startle, suddenly dropped, and he fainted.

Li Jun slowly turned around and looked coldly at the uninvited guest who appeared in the courtyard.

Wearing a black robe and skirt, lined with white lining, there is a flying fish flow pattern woven from silver silk thread on the right shoulder, and a mechanical insect bird lies on the left shoulder.

The man's eyebrows were not handsome, and his hair did not have the popular imperial bun, but a weird ponytail on the back of his head.

His overall personality is lazy, somewhat similar to He Zangjia's.

Flying fish suit, embroidered spring knife, resting dragonfly.

The visitor had no intention of hiding his identity.

Li Jun raised his feet and stepped out, "If you call me brother, I can also guide you."

"elder brother."

The other party grinned and shouted repeatedly: "Brother Li, Brother Jun?"

Looking at that passionate and sincere face, Li Jun couldn't help but suffocate at the fierceness in his eyes.

Why doesn't this person act according to common sense?

"Are the royal guards of Chongqing Mansion so shameless?"

"Listen to others and eat enough. If you shout, you won't lose a piece of meat. Although my official position is a little higher than yours, those who are masters are teachers."

Li Jun was too lazy to pay attention to the man's jokes and said straight to the point: "Come to avenge Yu Kou?"

"He's just a shameless Taoist scum. Who is he? Is he worthy of me specifically avenging him?"

The man spread his hands and said calmly: "And I can't beat you. Wu Qi Dufu is more than enough to beat both of me."

Li Jun sneered and said, "You are an honest person."

"I can't help it. My main principle in dealing with people is sincerity. Otherwise, I wouldn't have friends from all over the world."

He moved his feet, stood up straight with his slanted body, and cupped his hands into fists.

"Formal introduction, the general flag of the Second Jinyiwei Division of Chongqing Prefecture, Wang Xie."

The man blinked and said with a smile: "Old Wei's friend."

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