Cyber Daming

Chapter 201 Never retreat from the abyss

Wang Xie's sudden visit made the atmosphere in the private room suddenly become weird.

He Zangjia was the first to react, and immediately stood up with a smile, saying that this boy Zhou You had just changed to a new mechanical body, and he couldn't grow too much yet, so he had to keep an eye on it.

Zou Sijiu obviously didn't want to have too much contact with the Jinyiwei Commander, so he found an excuse to show Yi Yuan's trip today, and then left immediately.

Only Lord Ma seemed to have fallen into drunkenness again after being awakened by the nightmare, curling up in the corner motionless.

But if you look closely, you can see a faint red light beating in the hood.

Wang Xie naturally noticed Lord Ma's little trick, but he didn't say anything more and sat directly on the sofa next to Li Jun.


He threw the embroidered spring knife on his waist on the table. Wang Xie reached out to pick up the unfinished bottle of grape wine and drank from it.

In just a few sips, he drank half the bottle of wine.

Wang Xie didn't seem to be satisfied yet, so he picked up another bottle of high-concentration Maotai-flavor wine and took a big gulp.


He suddenly put the wine bottle on the table, turned his head and looked at Li Jun with slightly red eyes.

"Honghu is causing trouble and killing innocent people. Should he be killed?"

"Confucianism disrupts the imperial court and floutes the law. Should I kill him?"

"But why is it that when you kill the people who deserve to be killed, countless people stand up and tell you that these people should not be killed?"

Anger mixed with the strong smell of alcohol came out of Wang Xie's mouth.

"Li Jun, can you tell me the answer?"

"The temple is too high and too far away from me. I'm just a warrior still struggling to survive. I can't give you the answer."

Li Jun picked up his wine glass and touched it lightly with the wine bottle in front of Wang Xie.

"Besides, don't you have the answer yourself?"

Wang Xie couldn't help but smile bitterly when he heard this.

Indeed, he didn't need Li Jun to give him an answer at all, because the root of everything was so nakedly in front of him.

All the bustle in the world is for benefit, and all the hustle and bustle in the world is for benefit.

This was not the case in the Pre-Ming Dynasty thousands of years ago, let alone today when the imperial power is controlled by the Sequence Group and the Sequencer Group monopolizes the upper class.

The promotion of the sequence requires the accumulation of massive resources, and everything is destined to make way for profit.

Wang Xie's eyes were full of confusion, "I don't understand, if one day the Ming Dynasty really collapses, can their current power and status be maintained?"

"Their roots have penetrated into every corner of the empire and are entrenched in thousands of households. Under such circumstances, do you think they still care about who the current emperor is?"

"After changing dynasties and generations, the sequence is still the sequence and the group is still the group. It will not change."

Li Jun's tone was calm and without any waves.

"What's more, there are sequence genes eager to evolve driving them behind the scenes."

He stared into Wang Xie's astonished eyes and asked, "Could it be that your determination to revive the Jin Yiwei is really just to eradicate traitors and support the court, without any intention of realizing your own sequence of rituals and thereby improving your own sequence?"


Perhaps because of the rising alcohol, or because the secret in his heart was revealed, Wang Xie's face suddenly turned red.

He wanted to open his mouth to argue, but he hesitated.

After repeating it several times, he finally seemed to be discouraged. He slumped down on the sofa and said in a low voice: "There are two ways to be promoted in the vertical and horizontal sequence. One is to save the building from falling, and the other is to compete in troubled times."

A wry smile appeared on Wang Xie's face, "You are right. My original intention of joining the Jinyiwei Revival Sect was to be promoted faster. Although the paths chosen are different, in essence, Honghu and I have no differences. What a difference."

At this moment, a deep and deep voice sounded, "As a human being, you can only judge your deeds, not your heart. If you talk about your heart, you are like a bird that will be punished by heaven and earth if you don't do it for yourself."

Wang Xie's expression suddenly froze, and he subconsciously looked in the direction of the sound.

But he saw Lord Ma lying on his back among a pile of wine bottles. The voice that had just awakened Wang Xie was replaced by a lewd tone.

"But Xiaoqin, my mother is not a human being, she is a spirit! Don't look at me as a playboy on the outside, but in my heart I am a rare infatuated person."

"Those bastard words I said to you before were purely because my heart was not calm. From one moment to the next, now I just want to find a harbor where I can anchor, do you understand?"

Li Jun shrugged at Wang Xie, who looked dull, and said jokingly: "Do you see, that is your life mentor, why don't you go and ask for advice?"

Perhaps because he was uncomfortable with Wang Xie's gaze, Lord Ma stretched out a finger to poke his hood, revealing the red eye embedded in the helmet.

"Why the hell am I staring at Mr. Ma? I've never seen anyone in love? Just go and do what you have to do."

The hood was closed again, and the greasy voice sounded again.

"Oh, look at what you said, Xiaoqin, why are we not in a relationship anymore? The progress is too fast? I don't think it is fast at all! Don't worry, I am serious and I will definitely take responsibility for you."

Wang Xie's eyes widened and he murmured, "Has this 'Ming Gui' always been so naughty?"

"Is this coquettish? Do you have this ability?"


"Have you ever been in love?"

"It's Jin Yiwei who is not allowed."

"That means it's gone?"

"I'm an honest man."

"In that case, isn't this a role model for our generation?"

Wang Xie's whole body trembled suddenly, and he raised his hands and fists in the direction of Lord Ma with a look of admiration.

The two looked at each other, laughed and clinked glasses at the same time.

The slightly heavy atmosphere just now was diluted by laughter, and the annoyance in Wang Xie's heart also disappeared.

"Sometimes I really envy you warriors. The rituals are simple and crude. You help when you are right and kill when you are wrong. Everything is done according to your heart. How free and unrestrained."

Listening to Wang Xie's envying words, Li Jun shook his head and said calmly: "There is no such thing as freedom, it's just about survival."

"That's true. I almost forgot that your current situation can be described as being surrounded by enemies on all sides."

Wang Xie smiled and said: "But looking at your posture, it seems you are not ready to leave?"

A cold light flashed in Li Jun's eyes, and he smiled slightly, "They forced me to come to Chongqing Mansion, and now they want to force me to leave. How can such a good thing in this world be possible? Even if I want to leave, at least I have to collect some tolls. ,Am I right?"

"Actually, there is no need to face such a life-and-death situation. How about I show you a clear path?"

Li Jun naturally knew what Wang Xie was talking about - joining the Jinyi Guards of Chongqing Prefecture.

Wang Xie raised his finger and pointed at the ceiling, "There are people above us. As long as you wear the official body of a royal guard, I guarantee that those people will not dare to touch you."

Li Jun smiled half-heartedly, "The top you mentioned should be the Golden Tower, right?"

Now it was Wang Xie's turn to be shocked and said in astonishment: "How did you know?"

"You are the Jinyiwei revival sect, so whose empire can be revived?"

Wang Xie's expression became solemn and he said sternly: "Since you have guessed it, let me tell you directly. Apart from Qingcheng Group, companies like Luohan Temple and Qixia Taoist Temple are just small companies at best. They claim that the groups are doing their own business. Put gold on your face.”

"But this time they are coming from Dazhao, Shaolin and Longhu Mountain. They are all real Buddhist and Taoist groups! As a martial artist, if you want to fight against them, it is like using a mantis as a chariot. Only Jin Yiwei can protect you."

"If it really comes to that point in the end, I hope you Chongqing Prefecture Jinyi Guards will never break your promise."

Looking at Wang Xie who looked worried, Li Jun filled up the wine glass in front of him, and then swallowed the half bottle of spicy wine.

"But before that, I really want to try to find out whether I am their merit or whether they are my nourishment!"

The strong smell of alcohol spurted out from his nose, but Li Jun's eyes were frighteningly bright.

[Consumption of 50 mastery points, Chuwu Danying (seventh level body skill) is upgraded to mid-seventh level 0/100]

[Consumption of 138 mastery points, split tendon and bone hand (seventh level martial arts) increased to mid-seventh level 38/100]

[0 mastery points remaining]

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