Cyber Daming

Chapter 202 The Luan Bird Wails

Chief Secretary of Sichuan, Baoning Prefecture.

There is no one in the suburbs, the moon is dark and the wind is high, which is a good time to kill.

A Luan bird with jet-black wings broke through the clouds, swooped down, and silently hovered over an abandoned warehouse.

The thin iron sheets that served as walls around the warehouse could not block those scarlet eyes at all, and the people lurking inside were clearly detected.

At this time, there was a wind blowing, and the almost waist-deep grass outside the warehouse spread its teeth and claws, and the 'red dots' suspended in it were revealed one after another as they swayed.

"Everyone has access to Luan Bird Vision and is ready for action!"

Wei Ju'an pulled down the visor on the flying saucer helmet to cover up the red light revealed when the mechanical eyes were operating, and held his five fingers together like knives, pointing forward.

More than a dozen figures with slightly bowed backs rushed past him silently, splitting into two teams and outflanking him from left to right along the perimeter of the warehouse.

"One team has arrived at the predetermined location."

"The second team has arrived at the predetermined position."

Two cold voices sounded in the cochlea.

Wei Juan's eyes were fixed on the warehouse door, his raised five fingers slowly came together, and he slammed it in front of him!


Following his order, the Jin Yiwei who had already entered his predetermined position suddenly rose up and jumped into the wall.

The next moment, the silent night sky was immediately torn apart by the violent gunshots of the Tiger Leopard Cavalry III submachine gun.

From the line of sight transmitted back from the phoenix above the head, one could clearly see that the swan members guarding the warehouse door were immediately beaten into mutilated corpses by the dense stream of bullets.

The hidden sentry disguised as vegetation and masonry using projections could not escape the hail of bullets and was instantly beaten into a sieve.

"Arrest people, move quickly!"

Wei Ju'an's roar echoed in the audio channel.

With the general flag behind him to personally supervise the battle, the imperial guards who had solved the outer defense of the warehouse did not dare to stay for a moment.

Among the team advancing in a fan shape, two burly figures wearing bright and heavy armor rushed out at the lead, their footsteps made a dull sound when they hit the ground, and bullets from the dark hit the armor with a crisp clang.


The door of the warehouse was two fingers thick, but it could not withstand the collision of the two soldiers and guards, and it fell inward with a roar.

But at the moment when the door collapsed and smoke was raised, a dazzling fire suddenly appeared in the warehouse!

A ferocious iron dragon rushed out of the darkness as deep as an abyss, its violent momentum and shrill screams making people shudder.

"It's Fire Dragon Izuku, quick move!"

The warning roars of his colleagues sounded behind him.

But within such a short distance, the two Jin Yiwei who broke through had no time to dodge.


The violent explosion directly blasted the small warehouse door into a huge gap.

The Honghu members' counterattack made Jin Yiwei's break-in behavior just like a joke.

The guards with the rank of peasants rushed forward and dragged their charred colleagues to the rear for first aid.

The remaining Jin Yiwei maintained a combat formation of three and advanced quickly along the gap. The hot muzzle of the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry III in their hands glared at the darkness in front of them, and bullets as dense as a rainstorm poured out.

After the advancing team poured out the remaining ammunition in their magazines, they immediately formed a triangular formation and quickly found bunkers to provide cover for the advancing Pao Ze.

The other teams followed the same pattern, always maintaining high-intensity fire suppression and alternately covering the advance.

This series of tactical actions was a smooth one. Although the Honghu members hiding deep in the warehouse had a geographical advantage, they could only watch as the deep space for their movement was continuously compressed.

"Disarm without killing!"

"Disarm without killing!"

The deafening gunshots were mixed with the angry roars of Jin Yiwei.

Unfortunately, they were answered with even more fanatical shouts.

"Princes, generals and prime ministers would rather have the seed!"

A Honghu member rushed out from behind the bunker with a mechanical heart buzzing in his chest. Before he could take two steps, his momentum was immediately interrupted by the surging stream of bullets.

In an instant, the bionic skin and synthetic muscles on his body were reduced to pieces, and the exposed mechanical body was also gouged with dense dents by bullets.

"The ambition of Honghu"

Like a boat about to capsize in the flow of bullets, the Honghu members who kept retreating under the impact burst into shrill screams.

A mechanical facial bone stained with flesh and blood fragments was raised from behind the arm that served as a shield, roaring loudly in the face of the dazzling gun flames.

"Be brave and not afraid of death!!"


The howling sound emitted by the vibration of the mechanical heart was so high that it was ear-piercing, and a feeling of panic suddenly filled the hearts of all the Jinyi guards.

"Back away, he's going to blow himself up!"


A thunderous gunshot drowned out all the noise in the field.

Countless pairs of eyes that were stunned by the loud noise looked at the Honghu member who intended to self-destruct, but only saw half of the incomplete mechanical body.

"You are not afraid of death, but you will fucking die!"

Everyone looked back in shock, only to see Wei Ju'an standing majestically in the field, carrying a giant gun almost as tall as a person on his shoulder, and spat with disdain.

"Catch me alive!"


Wei Ju'an's shot not only killed the leading soldier, but also defeated the resistance of the remaining Honghu members.

Quietness quickly returned to the warehouse, leaving only the pungent smell of gunpowder smoke and blood lingering.

Jin Yiwei worked in pairs, carefully checking the entire warehouse, looking for Honghu members who might be hiding in nooks and crannies.

The leather soap boots made a sticky sizzling sound as they stepped on the pool of blood accumulated on the ground.

A Jin Yiwei with a small flag hanging on his waist walked over quickly and bowed to Wei Ju'an, who was leaning against a cargo box with his eyes closed and concentrating.

"grown ups."

Wei Ju'an raised his eyelids slightly and said in a cold tone, "Say."

"These Honghu people are all lunatics. My brothers have tried their best to save their lives, but they still failed to catch them alive."

The little flag's forehead was pressed against his hands, and his muscles and bones were tense, ready for the angry rebuke from his boss.

But after waiting for a while, Wei Ju'an's voice still didn't sound in front of him.

In astonishment, he slowly raised his head, only to find that his chief commander was turning his head to stare outside the warehouse, his brows furrowed and his face solemn.


In the thick ink-like night, there was the sound of leisurely footsteps.

The strange thing is that this warehouse is surrounded by wild fields overgrown with weeds. The grass stems are intertwined like a natural thick ground, and ordinary people will not make any sound at all when they step on it.

But now the sound of footsteps is as clear as the sound in my mind.


Xiaoqi came to his senses, turned around and roared at his subordinates who were still in a daze behind him.

After regaining their senses, the Jin Yiwei quickly formed their formation, and all their guns, which had not yet cooled down, were pointed at the figure stepping out of the darkness in front of them.

Wei Ju'an narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at the uninvited guest in front of him who did not hide his identity.

"Buddhist people?"

"Shaolin, Jiwu."

"Jinyiwei is handling the case. What is Master doing here?"

A faint smile appeared on Jiwu's handsome face, "I would like to ask Mr. Wei for a small favor."

"What's the deal?"

"Follow the poor monk to visit Chongqing Mansion."

Wei Ju'an felt a sudden chill in his heart, and clenched his left hand behind his back into a fist.

"What if I say, no?"

Jiwu raised one hand in front of him and said, "If you can't live, you can die."

Wei Ju'an laughed angrily. He was always decisive in killing and had no interest in talking to the opponent. He waved his left fist and shouted coldly: "Kill!"

In an instant, gunfire sounded like thunder.

The luan bird that was perched above the warehouse seemed to be frightened. It screamed and fluttered its wings into the overlapping black clouds overhead.

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