Cyber Daming

Chapter 279 Rende Capital

"Li Jun, I advise you not to do this, otherwise it will be bad for everyone if you break up!"

Although Tian Heiba's words were harsh, he secretly tensed up his body and glanced around, quickly thinking of ways to escape.

"Who do you want to break up with? The Huangshi Group?"

Li Jun smiled contemptuously, "Today, Baidi Huntang, where the Jinyi Guards House of Inushan City is located, captured a Honghu gangster and seized 10 million stolen goods. Does it have anything to do with the Huangshi Group?"


At this moment, a clear and melodious sword chant suddenly sounded, and the Xiuchun sword fell on his shoulder, pressing Tian Heihachi who had just jumped up to kneel on the ground again.

Fan Wujiu appeared behind Tian Pingba at some unknown time, holding a knife in one hand and a bath towel around his waist with the other, his face full of ferocious anger as his interest was disturbed.

"Li Jun, please think clearly. If you kill me, you will become an enemy of the Huangshi Group. It will be harmful rather than beneficial. You will regret it sooner or later!"

"To you Japanese pirates, I only talk about right and wrong, not profit."

After Li Jun finished speaking, he ignored Tian Pingba, looked at Fan Wujiu and asked calmly: "General Fan, what is your attitude towards the Honghu rebels?"

"Of course, kill without mercy!"

Fan Wujiu grinned, revealing his white teeth, and raised his arm to brandish the sword without hesitation!


A fountain of blood spurted out, and Tian Pinghachi's head rolled to the ground with a pop.

On the dead man's face, which was condensed with horror, a pair of eyes widened.

Li Jun turned his head and looked at Gui Wangda beside him, "Boss, I think today is a good day!"

The latter is like drinking strong wine, his beard and hair are spread out, and his brows are full of smiles.

"Double happiness is coming to our door, double happiness is coming to our door!"

His flapping palms disturbed the water in the pool, and the dense hot air rose and drifted along the window into the dark night sky.

After being captured by the night wind, it is carried into the accumulated clouds and decomposed into nutrients for a heavy rain.


Thunder roared and rain poured down.

The rapid rain enveloped the entire Edo Castle, mercilessly smashing all the advertising projections that dared to float in the air, and finally fell hard on the cold and solemn faces.

These tough men didn't care about the noisy wind and rain around them. They held the trigger or the handle of the knife in their hands, and their sharp eyes kept scanning the surroundings.

Everyone remained silent and stood shoulder to shoulder, forming a human wall full of oppression, guarding a towering skyscraper behind them.

Under the clouds, several armed airships were circling the building at the risk of crashing. The four characters "Benevolence Capital" painted on the boat's body flickered in and out of sight in the thunder.

At the highest point of the entire building, a bright yellow permanent slogan was spelled out with large spray-painted characters stretching one foot across, "The Empire is benevolent and will protect our Japanese people."

When the rumbling sound of wind and rain entered the building, it had become inaudible.

More than a dozen sedan elevators circulated in circles, constantly transporting groups of Japanese men with solemn expressions into this huge square-like space.

After a long time, when the sedan chair finally stopped working, a red-painted torii gate standing in front of the steps was already filled with black heads.

These men were all wearing black feather fabrics, but they were clearly distinguishable from each other. Through the different family emblems on their chests, it can be seen that they belong to four different organizations.

In the center of the square, facing the red-painted torii gate, the person standing here looked cold and proud, and the badge pattern on his chest was shaped like a blooming clover.

They are the owners of this building, members of Rende Capital.

On their right side, standing was Mikawa Heavy Industries, who wore the eagle feather pattern emblem on his chest.

The people standing on the far left are obviously much stronger, and there are almost no traces of artificial limbs on their bodies. They belong to the Huangshi Group, and their emblem is three golden dragon scales.

The Ming Empire respected the left, and the crowd standing on the far right was obviously weaker than the other three.

The badge pattern worn on the chests of these people is a 'Platycodon pattern' shaped like a hollow five-pointed star.

"The meeting begins!"

A majestic and old voice came from the speakers hidden in the four corners of the square.

Clothes billowed, making a roaring sound like a wave, and everyone in front of the torii knelt on the ground in uniform movements.

At this moment, three still standing figures were highlighted.

Two men and one woman, each wearing a haori or kimono. Judging from the wrinkles between their eyebrows, they must have passed the age of fate.

The three people left their respective camps and walked slowly up the steps, with steady steps and solemn expressions.

At the end of the steps is a sacrificial shrine full of Japanese style.

After Emperor Longwu conquered the Japanese area, the construction of such buildings was explicitly prohibited, and all existing ones must be destroyed.

But at this time, there is a building like this quietly remaining on the top floor of Rende Capital's building. Moreover, judging from the appearance and degree of decay of the shrine, it seems that it was not newly built, but moved here from somewhere else.

At the same time, in front of the shrine, there is also a arrogant plaque with four blood-red characters: Mountains and rivers rise again.

There were already people waiting in the shrine.

The silver-haired old man knelt on the tatami, and the wall behind him was covered with rich ukiyo-e paintings.

The painting shows a Japanese community surrounded by flames, with mountains and rivers shattered and sea water pouring in. Four Japanese pirate armies carrying different flags are fighting bloody battles with the Ming Dynasty troops wearing Mingguang armor in a desperate situation.

Above the battlefield, there are endless black clouds stacked up layer by layer, covering up all the skylight.

A ferocious and terrifying huge dragon head poked out from the clouds, looking down at the entire battlefield with a contemptuous expression.

As the three of them entered the shrine, a faint dragon roar suddenly came from the wall, and every pair of eyes in the painting looked like living creatures, staring directly at their figures.

His eyes were hot and burning, revealing pure hatred and desire for revenge.

If anyone approaches this wall at this moment, they will be shocked to find that the eyes of these soldiers are lifelike, not because of the superb brushwork of the painter, but because they are the real thing!

It’s a pair of real human eyes!

"Do you feel it? These ancestors who died on the battlefield are becoming more and more determined to take revenge."

This sound not only echoed in the shrine, but also echoed throughout the entire floor, ringing in everyone's ears!

Three huge projections appeared in front of the torii gate at the bottom of the steps, projecting the scene inside the shrine and the figure of the silver-haired old man.


Amid the sound of turbulent waves, the old man named Tokugawa Hiroshi, the owner of Rende Capital and the patriarch of the Tokugawa family, slowly stood up.

As he stood up, the sound of pindrops could be heard throughout the top floor of Rende Building.

Countless pairs of eyes belonging to the undead or living people were looking at him quietly at this moment.

"Everyone, today we are holding a New Year's meeting in advance because in a few days, on the first day of the first lunar month, an earth-shaking event will happen in our homeland!"

"The New Donglin Party will promulgate a new policy on that day to expand the area of ​​indoctrination for criminals. They are trying to use official positions, treasures, and titles to alienate our brotherhood, split our flesh-and-blood ties, and completely reduce us to an empire. Slave. So.”

Tokugawa Hiroshi's words suddenly stopped. He slowly raised his arms, spread them out in front of his chest, and clenched his fingers into fists.

A pair of eyes dancing with fanatical light stared forward, as if looking through the thick curtain wall of the building into the thundering night sky.

"The war between us and Akito is about to begin!"

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