Cyber Daming

Chapter 280 Meeting Orientation

After Tokugawa Hiroshi announced the core theme of this New Year's meeting, the projection suspended around the vermilion torii slowly faded away.

Because the content of the ensuing meeting does not need to be known to the members sitting on their knees outside the shrine.

Inside the shrine.

Tokugawa Hiroshi knelt down and sat back in his seat again, and the eyes in the ukiyo-e paintings covering the entire wall also cast their gaze on his shoulders and back.

"Three of you, it is our joint decision to resist the tyranny of the empire and realize the resurgence of the Japanese people. Now that the oath to declare war has been issued, there is no turning back. If you or your family still have any doubts or worries, please let me know. I can say it at any time. But after leaving the shrine, I don’t want to hear anything different again.”

"Mr. Hongzhi, please rest assured that all the martial arts of the Huangshi Group are ready and can be dispatched at any time."

The first person to speak was a burly man with a burly body, and his exposed skin was covered with ferocious tattoos of gods and ghosts.

He did not wear the badge of the Huangshi Group, but had three golden dragon scales engraved between his eyebrows.

"I even think that we can take action now. First kill the imperial guards in the ten cities, and then throw all the dog officials of the Xuanfu Si Yamen into the sea, and completely eliminate these imperial eagle dogs!"

As soon as these words came out, the other three people present frowned almost simultaneously.

"Huang Shilie, this is a war that affects the overall situation. Once it starts, it will be invaded by wildfires. Either a brand new Japanese country will be forged, or all of us will be burned to ashes!"

The person who spoke out to refute Huang Shire was none other than Toyotomi Enjiang, the owner of Mikawa Heavy Industries.

His facial features were flat, and two silver metal lines one finger thick extended from the corners of his eyes to his neck, converging at his Adam's apple and extending straight into his clothes.

He is short in stature, but his limbs are very thick and strong. Even though he was kneeling and sitting at this moment, the aura exuding from his body was like a majestic mountain.

"Weapons and firearms, logistical supplies, intelligence information... the complexity of a war is far beyond our imagination!"

Toyotomi stared at the white-haired old man sitting at the top, "Although after the rise of prosthetic technology, the focus of the entire Ming Empire's military force has shifted from the army composed of ordinary people to individuals represented by the Sequencers. All-out war involving hundreds of thousands of people has been completely eliminated, replaced by decapitation tactics as precise as a scalpel. But I think we still need to be fully prepared before we can show our fangs to the sleeping lion of the empire."

"Similarly, today's meeting is to unify the thoughts of the four major companies, so that all middle-level cadres can put aside their past estrangements and hatreds, and work together to accumulate strength, instead of starting a war blindly and conceitedly now!"

Toyotomi Yuanjiang turned his eyes and glared at Huang Shilie, and said word by word, "Before this, any arrogant and provocative behavior may bring death to us!"

Huang Shilie still looked unruly, "Wu Xu doesn't need guns or supplies, he just needs a list of people who need to be slaughtered, or targets to be destroyed!"

"Back then, we suppressed the entire empire, covered the sky with one hand, and defeated the two martial arts sects of Buddhism and Taoism. The entire line was almost killed! Your Huangshi family just grew from their corpses. Get up the counterfeit!”

Toyotomi Yuanjiang said angrily: "How come you have the confidence to be able to withstand the New Donglin Party, Confucianism, and even the other two religions and nine religions that may smell the smell of blood and seize the opportunity to seize resources?" flow?"

"Watch your wording. We are the orthodox successors of the Imperial Martial Order, not imitations!"

Huang Shilie leaned forward, and the huge figure projected by the light rushed towards Toyotomi's distant territory.

"Your Toyotomi family has been eager to replace Mo Xu for so many years, and has sacrificed the lives of so many family members to imitate Mo Xu's heroes, but you can't even have a single Ming ghost. You are the poor imitators of Mo Xu!"

Toyotomi Yuanjiang's face was livid, and the gray beard on his lips kept trembling, "Do you know that because of your words, the Huangshi Group will forever lose the support of Sanchuan Heavy Industry, and the Wu Xu of your Huangshi family will also forever lose Daimo. A chance!"

"So what if we lose? We no longer count on you."

Huang Shilie sneered: "Minggui Mojia, our Huangshi Group can also develop it ourselves!"

"A group of old parties who can't even connect to Huangliang's dream and have been abandoned by evolution also want to study technology?

Toyotomi Yuanjiang seemed to have heard a huge joke, and sneered mercilessly: "Do you think that the other members of our group don't know about the intrigue between you and the Tenzhihui Mo Attack Force? If you use a few control cores, you can Extrapolating the entire Minggui Realm, Mo Xu has long been extinct along with the fathers you admire!"

The muscles on Huang Shilie's face twitched as his painful feet were grabbed, and the sound of clenching his fist bones echoed throughout the shrine.

Toyotomi Enjiang saw his anger in his eyes, and the smile on his face became wider and wider.

"I advise you to put those scientific research funds into food expenses. After all, you guys who work as coolies have a lot of appetite."

Seeing that the quarrel between the two was getting worse, Tokugawa Hiroshi remained as still as an old monk in meditation.

Even if brothers start a business together, they will still quarrel over unclear profit division.

What's more, this is a war that is classified as "rebellion" in the Ming Law, and all participants will be executed!

There are some contradictions, just sort them out now.

Otherwise, if the situation breaks out again at a critical moment, it may become a key player in the hands of others that determines the outcome.

Thinking of this, a shadow appeared in Tokugawa Hiroshi's eyes.

On this land, their four major companies walk under the sun.

And in the darkness where the sun doesn't shine, there are still many shadows.

They may be workers in the industries owned by the four major companies, and they are hard-working slaves.

It could also be the owner of an izakaya on the street, a prostitute in a certain house, or even a stranger passing by on the street.

They have different identities and faces, and their life trajectories have no intersection.

But they will unite under the call of "Princes, generals, would rather have their own kind", and die generously for a goal that they may not even know what it is.


Tokugawa Hiroshi's lips moved as he read out the name that haunted his mind like a nightmare.

Hearing this gibbering-like voice, the tense atmosphere in the shrine due to the quarrel between Arashi Retsu and Toyotomi Yuanjiang suddenly became solemn.

Huang Shilie clenched his fists tightly, and an awe-inspiring cold light appeared in his eyes.

At this time, Toyotomi Enjiang no longer continued to ridicule him, and let out a long sigh.

"In fact, whether it is the Empire or Honghu, if we want to fight against them, the real core focus is the dreamland that hangs over the heads of hundreds of millions of people in the Empire!"

The only woman present, Akechi Haruhide, who was dressed like a shrine maiden in white and hakama, finally spoke.

"Only by seizing more authority can we blind those eyes that are everywhere and covet us all the time!"

Huangliang dreamland.

These four words are like a mountain weighing on everyone's hearts.

If the popularization of mechanical prosthetic technology gave other sequences, especially the opportunity for the rise of the Three Religions, the rise of the Three Religions, it directly led to the occurrence of the "division of martial arts in the world" and was the main reason why Wu Xu fell into the dust from the clouds.

That Huangliang dream is a sharp sword that cuts off the rebellious thoughts of all criminals in the empire.

This highest technological crystallization born in the second wave of technological revolution in the empire is not only the "White Jade Capital" in Daoxu's words, but also the "Buddha's Kingdom on Earth" in Foxu's teachings.

It is a dragnet that covers all criminals and can be tightened to suffocate them to death!

"The authority opened to us by the Imperial Ministry of Industry can only be used for civilian voice communication and linking some will-breaking desires. Even business transactions are limited to the Japanese civilian area."

"Not to mention linking Daoxu Cave Heaven and Fosu Buddha Kingdom, so there are almost no Buddhist and Taoist followers in our Japanese area who can advance to high-level Buddhism and Taoism. The head of the Toyotomi family must have felt the pain of this deeply."


Toyotomi Enjiang put his hands into the wide sleeves of the feathers, responded in a dull tone, and then stopped talking.

His eyes were slightly dazed, with a hint of resentment and unwillingness emerging from time to time, as if he was trapped in very painful memories.

Akechi Qingxiu, whose face was lined with wrinkles but whose eyes were as dark as a pool of water, continued: "On the contrary, the empire has spared no effort in promoting brain intelligence in recent years, and even proposed a preferential policy of free installation. The intention is nothing more than this In order to leave a control valve in the minds of the people in the Japanese area. When necessary, let us 'ourselves' fall into rebellion and alienation."

Huang Shilie crossed his arms around his chest, and the muscles on his body stretched out the clothes on his body. He snorted coldly, "I had proposed to kill those officials of the Xuanfu Department directly. If you kill a few more, you will see what they can do." Do you dare to come to govern?"

"If I had listened to you then, the grass on our graves would probably be taller than people now."

The best way to relieve your own pain is to vent your pain on others.

Toyotomi Yuanjiang looked contemptuous and said: "Please use your brain more. The empire has a word called use it to advance or lose it. Do you understand what it means?"

"You have a good brain," Huang Shilie stretched out a big hand like a leaf fan directly towards him, "Then take out a Minggui ink armor for me now. It doesn't have to be a divine weapon, just an ordinary one. I'll bring it with me right away. How about merging the entire Huangshi Group into Sanchuan Heavy Industries and working as a horse for you for the rest of my life?"

"You are obviously a god-like soldier, but you still want to covet someone else, Mo Xu. What, you want to find out how your parents gave birth to you?"

"You" Toyotomi puffed his beard and glared at Yuanjiang.


Seeing that the two were tending to quarrel again, Kawayasu Hiroshi finally couldn't help but speak out.

Following his angry shout, the eyes in the Ukiyo-e all stared at Ara Shiretsu and Toyotomi Enkōrō. The biting cold made their hairs stand on end, their hearts tightened, and they closed their mouths in unison.

"The empire has always been very firm in blocking our authority. Although Black Dragon Capital has been working hard to seize more authority for so many years. But so far, the 'Gao Tianyuan' we built still dare not use it easily, and can only be buried deep in the Huang Liang remains silent in his dream."

"So if we want to get more permissions, we can only..."

At this point, Akechi Haruhide suddenly covered his mouth and coughed violently.

Heartbreaking and shocking.

"Qingxiu, how long can this body of yours last? I can smell the rotten smell sitting here. Isn't it uncomfortable to have your brain in such a body?"

Huang Shilie changed his arrogance and domineering attitude when he faced Toyotomi from far away, and asked with concern: "How about I send someone to the mainland of the empire to help you buy a young Yin Yangxu back? Even if no one sells it, I will kidnap him. Let me help you kidnap one!"

Toyotomi Yuanjiang scolded: "You reckless man, can you please stop causing trouble? Do you believe that if you catch someone with your front foot, the yin and yang sequence of your back foot will be able to find you with the art of writing?"

"So what if we find them? Do they dare to come to the Japanese area?" Huang Shilie said nonchalantly.

"Do you know what those people do? They are a group of real lunatics! Even Dao Xu doesn't dare to push them into trouble, how dare you provoke them?"


Huang Shilie lowered his eyes and said, "Let me ask, could Wu Xu defeat them back then?"

When Toyotomi Yuanjiang heard this, his expression couldn't help but suffocate.

"Looking at you like this, does that mean you won the fight? If Wu Xu can do it, then so can I, the Huang family!"

"Actually, the way I want to speed up the acquisition of authority coincides with that of the head of the Huangshi family, which is to start with Yin Yangxu."

Akechi Haruhide put his blood-stained palms back into his sleeves and raised his eyes to look at the stunned Toyotomi Enkō and Kawayasu Hiroshi, who was frowning in thought.

As for the proud-looking Huang Shilie, she didn't look at him from the beginning to the end.

"Robbing is always more efficient than stealing."

Akechi Qingxiu said in a deep voice: "Now the Yin Yang Xu is busy taking back the authority that once belonged to them from the Daoxu and continuing to complete the grand plan. Now the two Xu Xu are constantly fighting openly and secretly. At this time, we can secretly lure and arrest the two Xu Xu. People, strip them of their authority and then put the blame on the other person.”

Toyotomi Yuanjiang asked in confusion: "Bringing the blame? With the existence of the big case technique, can this basin of dirty water be poured over?"

"Has the Toyotomi family forgotten that the Akechi family also has a yin and yang order? Even when we were building the White Jade Palace, we had contributed. However, the empire has forgotten our achievements and abandoned our efforts. !”

A strange dark red appeared on Akechi Haruhide's face, and coupled with that old face and sharp voice, it became even more terrifying.

"Since you are confident, Qingxiu, then do as you say. Huangshi Group and Sanchuan Heavy Industries are responsible for arresting people, and Black Dragon Capital is responsible for depriving them of authority and accelerating the construction progress of 'Takamagahara'!"

"This matter will be the core mission of our four major companies in the future. I hope that everyone can put aside past grudges and work together!"

The white-haired old man made the final decision and raised the flag for this meeting.

Huang Shilie's face was filled with a ferocious smile: "Don't worry, to deal with those people in the empire who are wishful thinking and dreaming of dreams, I will use my fists to make them realize the reality!"

"The Mikawa Heavy Industry Union will fully cooperate." Toyotomi Enjiang suppressed the doubts that still remained in his heart and said solemnly.

Seeing the two people expressing their opinions one after another, Kawayasu Hiroshi showed a satisfied smile.

"Everyone, I have received the exact news. After the promulgation of the New Deal, the empire withdrew all the original officials from the Xuanfu Division to the mainland, and instead selected some outstanding young officials from the capital Jinling and some important areas to station in the ten cities of the Japanese area. .So we must complete all preparations before the New Deal is fully implemented!"

"Everyone, this is a war that concerns all of our families and all our relatives. It is our support for our dream of humiliation and humiliation that has been dormant for decades!"

Kawayasu Hiroshi stood up again and looked around the three people with awe-inspiring eyes.

"Everyone, I hope that the next time we hold a New Year's meeting, we can no longer hide in this steel-woven cage and return to the blooming cherry trees and the sacred mountain!"

Two in one today

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