Cyber Daming

Chapter 281 White Dragon Yin

Inuyama Castle North District, Kiso River Pier.

The cold rain in December beat on the dark river surface, and the ripples were as strong as boiling soup.

Dozens of slave workers were carefully carrying goods to a cargo ship in the heavy rain.

Strong-looking men were guarding the shore with guns in hand, and a badge engraved with three golden dragon scales on their chests indicated their identities.

The outer perimeter of the shipyard is also full of people, with a large number of members of the Huangshi Group patrolling continuously.

"Be careful when you move and don't damage the sealing layer. If water penetrates and causes damage to the goods, we won't be able to compensate you even with your life!"

The foreman responsible for organizing the transportation kept shouting at the top of his lungs.

On a pile of cargo boxes not far away, a young man in black clothing stood in the rain, silently looking at the neon-lit city in the distance.

The searchlight from the pier swept across, illuminating a handsome, solemn and indifferent face.

As the secretary of the branch owner of Huangshi Group, he is in a very bad mood now.

Not only because of the disturbing bad weather, but also because Beisan Fengxing, who is responsible for the distribution work, has been out of contact for more than 24 hours.

For safety reasons, he had to arrange for the transfer of the goods shipped from Lingshanwei.

Moreover, he just learned not long ago that Tian Heihachi, the specialist in charge of negotiations who was appointed by the Edo Castle headquarters, was also falsely accused of being a Honghu rebel. He was executed on the spot by the Inuyama Castle Kinyi Guards in Baidi Hundang and was given 10 million treasures. It was directly confiscated as stolen money.

The loss of treasure money was still a trivial matter. The key was the tough attitude expressed by the Jinyiwei of Inuyama City and the forbearance instructions issued by the headquarters, which gave Bai Longyin a very headache.

"Those lunatics in the war department really succeed more than they fail! We are the ones who will take the blame for the troubles they caused!"

Of course, Bai Longyin only dared to curse these words in his heart.

After all, the person who died in Lingshan Guard was named Huangshi.

People with this surname are not something people with a foreign surname like him can criticize at will.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but become even more angry. He lowered his head and looked at the busy dock and shouted angrily: "Speed ​​up the speed. If you can't finish loading the goods in a quarter of an hour, all of you will get out of the Huangshi Group!"

The voice of Bai Longyin seemed to be more piercing than the cold rain on this cold night. The worker slave, who was already worried about the damage to the sealing film of the container, became even more nervous for a while.

After all, Huangshi Group is one of the four major companies in the Japanese area. Its benefits and job stability are far superior to those of other small companies. Moreover, their jobs can be inherited from father to son, brother to brother.

As long as the group does not have any accidents and as long as it does not get eliminated, such a job can support the whole family until their household registration is cancelled, and their genes are destroyed.

"Did you hear what Mr. Bailong said? If you losers don't want to be like the bandits outside the city, speed up!"

The foreman waved the rubber stick in his hand and banged it on the iron cargo box beside him.

Perhaps it was the heavy rain that made the ground extremely slippery. Or maybe it was the foreman's threatening voice that was so chilling.

A fully loaded forklift suddenly skidded, and the tires that stopped suddenly made a screeching sound and a foul smell.

But no matter how the driver operated, he still couldn't prevent the entire forklift from rolling over.


The cargo box on the forklift arm fell to the ground, the sealing film was crushed, the box cracked, and a large number of brand-new firearms with cold light tumbled out.

"You're such a loser. You can't even drive a forklift. I don't think I want your work station anymore! Get out of here!"

The foreman, who was already anxious to get angry, saw this scene and immediately rushed over. The driver, who had not recovered yet, raised his stick and beat the injured people indiscriminately.

In the chaos, the worker slave driving the car was hit on the head, and blood immediately flowed out.

But he didn't dare to raise his hand to wipe it. Instead, he hurriedly pulled off his work clothes and threw the firearm on the ground without hesitation.

Every time I picked up one, I immediately wrapped it tightly in clothes, for fear that I would lose my workstation if I moved slowly.

"What the hell are you showing me, and how many people are here to help? A bunch of blind people, no wonder their genes are so rotten that they can't even resist the rejection of prosthetic limbs, so they can only do these menial jobs. I won't see it anymore In a few years, your surnames will be completely abandoned!"

The foreman had a livid face and was still cursing in Ming Dynasty Mandarin with a strange accent. He was completely unaware of the footsteps of the surrounding workers who were frozen in place and the panic in their eyes.

"From what you say, you must have good genes?"

A clear and clear language sounded behind the foreman.

"Who dares to talk back? I think you are dying, right?"

In the midst of his rage, the foreman didn't think much about it. He opened his mouth to curse and was about to use the stick in his hand to teach the daring waste behind him a lesson.

But just as he was about to turn around, he suddenly felt a chill in his chest.

Coldness and numbness instantly spread throughout his body. He looked down with stunned eyes, and saw a sharp blade piercing his chest from back to front.


The foreman's mouth opened and closed, but only fragmented and meaningless murmurs came out.

"Hiss, this feels wrong. It doesn't look like a being with a mechanical heart, but more like a wolf-hearted person."

The blade was still stirring in the body, and his tone of voice contained sarcasm and mockery as he spoke, "Oh, it turns out your genes aren't that good either."


As the tip of the knife was violently pulled out, suppressed blood immediately spurted out from the wound, instantly staining the foreman's body red, which was shocking.

"Someone is dead! Foreman Yamamoto was killed!"

The dazzling scarlet color was like a burning spark, instantly igniting fear in the hearts of the workers and slaves.

The riot spread with an unstoppable trend. The frightened worker slaves fled in all directions, but were quickly driven back by members of the Huangshi Group who came from all around. They could only squat on the ground helplessly, holding their heads in fear.

Clang! The crisp sound of the gun bolt being pulled was heard in succession, and pairs of eyes full of murderous intent stared at him.

Just waiting for an order, these gun muzzles will immediately spray out a torrent of hot metal, tearing the madman in front of him into pieces.

But the murderer stepped on the corpse on the ground with one foot, holding the long knife in front of him. The tip of the knife followed his eyes, looking around at the dense muzzles in front of him, and finally stopped at Bai Longyin's extremely gloomy face. superior.

"Little Japanese pirate, are you sure you want to point your gun at Jin Yiwei?"

"Fan, Wu, Jiu!"

Bai Longyin spoke every word, his eyes as fierce as a wolf, intending to choose someone to devour.

boom! boom! boom!

At this moment, violent gunfire suddenly exploded outside the dock, which was also mixed with screams and the sound of long knives tearing flesh.

The gunshots came suddenly and subsided just as quickly.

Before Bai Longyin could react, a large figure wearing a flying fish suit was already standing behind Fan Wujiu.

"If I heard you right, did you call me by my first name?"

Fan Wujiu picked his ears with his left little finger, raised his eyes and looked at Bai Longyin.

"The regulations of the Ming Dynasty Law Criminal Area stipulate that any criminal who dares to call a court official by his name will be punished with twenty sticks. Do you do it yourself, or do I help you?"

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