Cyber Daming

Chapter 289 Falling into the trap

On the third day of the first lunar month of the twelfth year of Jiaqi, the festival is halfway through, and the final rhyme is still there. The entire Inuyama Castle was still decorated with lights and colorful decorations, and everything was filled with joy.

Lanterns of different shapes are placed on both sides of the street, interweaving a sea of ​​warm yellow.

The aroma that makes your index finger tickle floats in the air, and the colorful Japanese fish flags and red Ming-style wine flags flutter together.

Young workers and slaves who were still on vacation crowded shoulder to shoulder. Even the pattering of rain above their heads could not dampen their joyful mood.

But this festive atmosphere became shallower and duller as it spread toward the south of Inuyama Castle, until it disappeared without a trace.

On the contrary, the cold wind and rain became more and more arrogant because there was no shelter from high-rise buildings.

The southern district of Inuyama Castle is a shanty town covering an extremely large area, and the atmosphere of the New Year Festival has nothing to do with it.

Garbage and dilapidated and collapsed wreckage can be seen everywhere. Gray, which represents dilapidation and barrenness, is the main color here.

Even though the Imperial Ministry of Industry has never implemented a blockade of infrastructure technology in the Japanese areas, the untouchables living here still have no ability to improve their living conditions.

Because they are all 'useless' people who even the companies in the Japanese area chose to give up.

In the dim alleyway without lighting, rainwater accumulated on the unhardened ground to form pits of varying depths, reflecting the moon above, emitting a cold silver light, like a broken and scattered mirror.


A black boot stepped into the puddle, disturbing the moonlight.

An eight-member Jinyiwei action team is advancing rapidly in this shantytown.

They were wearing special night-fighting uniforms, and their cold, metallic flying saucer helmets showed cold and resolute faces. Goggles with night vision function allow them to see unobstructed in such a dim environment, as if they were walking on flat ground.

The firearms held in the hands are also different, but they are basically powerful melee weapons such as the "Beiwei" series.

Jian Xujiu's strength allowed them to sneak into the depths of this shantytown quietly.

At this point, the raindrops have lost the help of the strong wind and have no capital to wreak havoc. But the quieter environment can arouse more fear in people's hearts.

The equipment on their bodies clearly detected the thermal reactions of a large number of living people, but the ears of this group of Jin Yiwei never heard a single human voice.

It was as if this place was a cemetery inhabited by the living dead.

As the team progressed, they finally discovered the reason why they felt this way.

Looking through the cracked walls of the shack and into the dark room, you can see all kinds of garbage occupying most of the space.

Soaked in the rain, there was a suffocating rotten smell. A skinny man lay naked on the bed, with only the slight rise and fall of his chest proving that he was still a living creature.

A wire bundle wrapped in insulating patent leather protruded from the back of his head and penetrated into the soil, leading to the Huangbeam host that was erected somewhere.

There was a chilling expression of joy on the man's face, and his body even trembled with excitement from time to time.

At the next shack, they saw a similar situation.

This is a family of three, a man and a woman lying side by side on a tattered mattress.

They were also silent in Huangliang's dream, with their eyes closed tightly, the pupils behind their eyelids trembling at high speed, and their mouths splitting silently, forming a chilling silent smile.

The air was filled with the stench of rotting corpses, the source of which was the huddled black-green baby in the hostess's arms.

The next room, and the next room.

No coincidence, exactly the same.

Nerve strands buried deep in the ground weave into a large net in places that cannot be seen, covering this shanty town.

The Huangliang host at the end of the wire harness is like a benevolent Lord who blesses them, giving them beautiful dreams and helping them escape the current hardships.

Such a strange scene was like a bone-chilling, cold, damp air blowing into the backs of the necks of these royal guards, causing the hairs to stand on end in an instant.

It's not like they haven't seen people obsessed with the Huangliang Dream, and they have even personally executed many Huangliang demons who took away people's lives.

But it is rare for such a large-scale addiction to occur in a shantytown.

Because in this day and age, even dreaming requires money.

The leading Jinyiwei Xiaoqi frowned and said to himself: "Boss, something is wrong. It seems that someone is deliberately providing these poor people with dreams, and they should be the kind of forbidden dreams that are highly addictive!"

"I saw."

Fan Wujiu's voice rang in his ears, "The fact that something like this happened proves that the information detected by the Second Division is correct. There are indeed traces of Honghu activities here."

"I want to ask, why does Honghu do this? There is no profit at all in providing dreams to these poor people!"

"They are here to make dead soldiers!"

"Death warriors? Just these trash who can't even stand up?"

"In reality, they are trash, but in Huangliang's dream, they are all-powerful knights, generals, emperors, and even omnipotent gods."

Jin Yiwei Xiaoqi said disdainfully: "Boss, you also said that it was just a dream!"

"Dreams allow them to experience everything they don't have in reality, igniting the desires in their hearts. When Honghu, the benevolent master who gives dreams, takes back the dreams, they will fall into endless madness. A person who has been an emperor in a dream will never Returning to the beggar's body in reality, he had only two reactions."

Fan Wu Jiu's voice was low: "Either I will return to the dreamland by any means, or I will overturn the present world by any means."

"Even if they have the courage, they don't have the ability?"

"Honghu has a gun in his hand, and he has a life in his hand. These people who are made into serious Huangliang drug addicts are Honghu's favorite dead soldiers."

Jin Yiwei Xiaoqi was stunned, and then said angrily: "These lunatics who care so little about human life!"

"Otherwise, why would Honghu buy so many firearms? Honghu's craziness is far more than you think."

Fan Wujiu issued an order: "Continue the search."


"hold head high!"

A red-eyed owl broke out of the clouds, spread its wings in the heavy rain, and hovered over a huge iron building.

"Cheer up, everyone. The intelligence from the Second Office shows that this is the location of the Huangliang host, and there may be a Honghu rebel force responsible for its maintenance hidden inside."

In a command vehicle parked on the outskirts of the shanty town, Fan Wujiu stared at the synchronized picture linking the red-eyed owl's vision, and ordered over the sound transmission: "The other party is very likely to carry heavy firepower weapons, so during the operation, as If you encounter resistance, kill without mercy! Repeat for each team!"

"If the first team receives it, they will be killed without mercy if they encounter any resistance!"

"The second team has received it. If there is resistance, they will be killed without mercy."

In the back seat, Li Jun turned his head and stared in the direction of the shanty town, frowning.

He didn't expect that Gong Qinghong, who had saved his life from Cao Cang, would actually appear here.

Moreover, judging from the intelligence collected from the second office, the other party was doing well in Honghu, the Japanese pirate area. Even the meeting with the Inuyama branch of the Huangshi Group was conducted by him.

There is always a layer of fog lingering in Li Jun's impression of Gong Qinghong.

Whether it was the attack on Shudao Logistics in Chengdu, or the destruction of Qixia Group's "Liu Zu" celebration in Chongqing, or even the time when he rescued Zhao Qingxia, he never met him.

But this person is like a soul attached to his bones, always entrenched around him.

"These bastards, Honghu, finally have a New Year's Day, and they haven't even finished their holiday yet, and they start looking for trouble. It's really disgusting."

Fan Wujiu turned back to look at the thoughtful Li Jun and said with a smile: "Brother Jun, don't worry, I will capture that little character named Qinghong in a moment, crush his flesh and blood inch by inch, and then throw him into the prison." He will never be reborn."

"I asked you, can you please stop flattering me every time you get an opportunity? We, Xiao Li, won't do that." Prince Ma scolded.

Fan Wujiu had a serious look on his face, "What do you know, Old Ma? I'm not flattering you, I'm complaining about Brother Jun! A Zongheng from Xu Ba actually dares to touch Brother Jun's buttocks many times. He doesn't know how to live or die!"

Prince Ma shivered suddenly, as if he was disgusted by Fan Wujiu. He was afraid that the other party would continue to flatter him, so he quickly changed the subject.

"I heard the old ghost say that the swans operating in Inuyama City have been severely beaten by you in recent years, so they are very well hidden on weekdays. How come such a big one appears this time?"

"You don't know this. Don't look at Xiaobai's usual sultry appearance. He is the most powerful Second Division Chief among the Jinyi Guards in the entire Jamin District! His intelligence sources are so wide that it is unimaginable, up to the serial level. From female executives in major companies to the proprietresses of izakayas, they are all his concubines."

Li Jun and Lord Ma looked at Fan Wu Jiu with the same strange expressions.

"If it weren't for Mr. Ma and I knew that your education level was not high, I would have suspected that you were scolding Xie Bian."

"How is that possible? This is definitely the highest compliment!"

Fan Wujiu looked around nervously, and when he saw that there were no curses coming from the internal audio communication of Jin Yiwei, he continued.

"Since we had Xiaobai as the second director of the household office, the business volume has skyrocketed! Even the thousand households in Edo City have thought of poaching people, if it weren't for the old ghost who was strapped with bombs and prepared Died together with the adults in Qianhusuo, Xiaobai has been poached long ago."

Fan Wu Jiu spoke emphatically, "Anyway, Xiao Bai's information is not wrong. He said there are swans here, so those mice must have built their nests here!"

"A team has arrived at the predetermined position and is ready to attack!"

"The second team has arrived at the predetermined position and is ready to attack!"

In the shantytown, two heavily armed squads of guards surrounded the target house in a double-team.


As the order came through the voice communication, the door of the house exploded and fell inward with a roar.

A large amount of dust flew freely in the dark environment, and was then knocked away by the swarming figures.

"Disarm without killing!"

"Disarm without killing!"

Loud shouts like thunder sounded one after another.

But the next moment, the Jin Yiwei who made the surprise attack was stunned by the scene in front of him.

The square room, which was four feet across, was densely packed with corpses lying in various directions.

The air was filled with unspeakable blood and stench, and the blood flowing across it was like a sticky mire, making the Jin Yiwei standing in it unwilling to move any further.

"What's going on?"

Jinyiwei Xiaoqi, who was responsible for directing operations on the front line, murmured to himself.

He forced himself to calm down his panic, leaned over and pulled off the clothes of a corpse, and examined it carefully.

The Jinyi guards on the left and right also inspected the corpses piled on the ground.

A moment later, the results reported by his subordinates made him shudder.

There are slight traces of transformation on these people, but there is no mechanical heart in their chests, and there is no trace of the existence of wisdom root or Tao foundation.

Even the smart brains on the back of their heads are the models distributed free of charge by the empire when the Japanese settlement was first established.

The only thing they have in common is that they all have obvious symptoms of malnutrition.

This information all points to one answer, these people are poor!

The poor people living in this shanty town!

According to the intelligence, this place was supposed to be a stronghold of the Honghu rebels, but now it has turned into a corpse warehouse with a large number of corpses of poor people piled up!

Jin Yiwei Xiaoqi suddenly felt a bad premonition in his heart.

At this moment, Fan Wu Jiu's voice sounded in his ear canal.

"Yaksha, what the hell is going on with you? Why is there no movement at all?!"

"General flag."

Xiaoqi, whose pseudonym is ‘Yaksha’, had a complicated expression. He hesitated for a moment and finally said: “We may have been tricked!”

"Fell into a trap? What do you mean!"

Before he could answer, he suddenly heard a harsh sound piercing the air outside the house!

Grass, it’s the fire dragon coming out of the water!

"Lie down!"

Yasha jumped up and threw a subordinate who was standing beside him to the ground.


The dazzling flames tore apart the thick darkness, and the impact of the explosion lifted the corpses on the ground. The organs were thrown out from the broken bodies, mixed with iron sheets, and crackled on the bodies of the Jin Yiwei.

boom! boom! boom!

The heavy rain of gunfire followed closely, instantly tearing off the tight nerves of the group of Jinyi guards in the room, and they subconsciously began to look for bunkers to fight back.

In an instant, the crumbling shanty house was filled with gunshots.

Yasha shook his dizzy head, jumped up from the ground, and pulled out the Xiuchun knife from his back.

As a pioneer of the eight-armed weapon body, he trusts the long sword in his hand more than the firearm.

The flying bullets hit him with fleeting sparks, and Yasha rushed to the door in two steps and looked up at the door.

The rain poured down and the wind howled.

The short burst of gunfire illuminated a pair of eyes filled with hatred, as well as their frail and thin bodies and ragged clothes!

Yasha even saw two familiar faces among these people.

It was the couple holding the dead baby that they saw when they sneaked in!

The people who ambushed them were all poor people from shantytowns!

At this moment, thunder flashed through Yaksha's mind, and all the clues were connected together.

He finally realized that someone was going to use the lives of these poor people to frame them!

At this moment, the gunshots outside the door quickly diminished. There were only heavy breathing sounds left, which gathered together like a tide and hit the shanty house from all sides.

"How dare you attack us? These Japanese people are looking for death!"

A guard in Jinyi burst out, ready to vent his anger with the bullets in his hands.

Yasha grabbed the muzzle of his gun and roared in his throat: "Everyone cease fire! No one can fucking shoot!"

Outside the house, the poor people threw away the empty guns in their hands, stopped attacking, and showed no signs of fleeing. They just stood there with blood-red eyes.

A beam of light shot out from the crowd, illuminating the drafty shanty house.

And the piles of corpses all over the ground!

"The Imperial Guards of Inuyama City killed innocent people indiscriminately and killed them wantonly. They took the lives of poor people and pretended to be Honghu to claim credit. I beg the empire to give us justice!"

Countless poor people knelt down, raised their arms and shouted wildly.

"The guilty people are also the citizens of the empire. Please ask the empire to give us justice!"

In the shanty house, all the Jinyi guards looked at the scene in front of them, feeling as if they had fallen into an ice cave, and their whole bodies were as cold as ice!


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