Cyber Daming

Chapter 290 Falling into the trap (2) (Thank you to the first leader of this book, Moon and Sea!)

The ferocious-looking red-eyed owl folded its wings and shot down from the sky like a sharp black arrow, heading straight for the roaring crowd gathered in front of the shanty house.

The sharp claws flashing with a chilling light passed almost close to the door, arousing a cry of panic before fluttering its wings and returning.

Fan Wujiu raised one arm horizontally to catch the falling owl.

"Armed with weapons to attack the imperial guards, do you criminals want to rebel? Ah!"

The sound of the drink is like thunder, and the fierce flames are like waves.

Facing Fan Wujiu, who was alone but like an army of thousands, the hundreds of sinners looked at each other, and no one dared to speak again.

When no one said anything, Fan Wujiu smiled coldly and pointed at the firearms and bullet casings scattered on the ground.

"Whoever took these broken guns just now, and now surrenders voluntarily, our general banner can give him a lighter sentence!"

"Those who report accomplices will be exempted from punishment!"

"Those who report the instigators of the behind-the-scenes organization will be rewarded with great merit! According to the laws of the Ming Dynasty, they can be separated from the criminal household registration, enter the empire's native life, and be supported by enterprises directly under the empire!"

"But whoever dares to hide it and refuse to retaliate will be treated as a traitor and sentenced to prison for a hundred years of hard labor."

Fan Wujiu's eyes rolled with a dazzling cold light, plowing through the faces of the criminals in front of him one by one.

"The whole family will die, no one will be left alive!"

The noisy night wind passed through the gaps in the shanty houses, bringing out a chilling and sharp whistle, carrying Fan Wujiu's cold words and sending them into everyone's ears.

The cold rain was getting more and more raging at this moment, mercilessly beating these weak figures.

Unfortunately, no one spoke up and no one responded.

These criminals knelt upright in the mud, like silent tombstones.

It's more like a puppet with rough workmanship, waiting to be controlled by the person behind the cash withdrawal.


Yasha led his team members out of the darkness and stood behind Fan Wujiu holding the Xiuchun Knife.

"Boss, I've caused you trouble." Yasha said in a hoarse voice.

Fan Wujiu didn't even look back, "Don't talk such nonsense. Is any brother injured?"

"One was injured by the fire dragon blast, but the others are not serious."

"That's good, brothers, cheer up and come out with me immediately if something goes wrong."

Yasha was stunned, staring at Fan Wujiu's murderous side face, and said in astonishment: "Isn't the situation already under control? Are you still going to fight out?"

"Others have finally dug such a hole for us. If our hands are not stained with the blood of these criminals, how can we let it go?"

Fan Wu Jiu said coldly: "These criminals are waiting."

"What are you waiting for?"

"Wait for the people behind them to give the order to take action. Then they open their own blood vessels and splash blood on us!"

Although Fan Wujiu doesn't like to use his brain, he often talks about being illiterate. But the person who can become the bannerman of the Imperial Guard in the Japanese area cannot be a brainless person.

From the fact that after Li Jun arrived at Inuyama Castle, he put his attitude to the end, and was even willing to give up his position as director of a department, completely eliminating the ghost king's worry that "one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers", it is not difficult to see that he He is actually a careless and careful person.

In today's trap, it doesn't matter whether anyone from Jinyiwei dies or not. What matters is that these criminals must die. And there must be enough deaths and enough misery!

Only in this way can this basin of dirty water be poured on them, and the smell of blood stained by Inuyama Castle be spread to the Sentosho of Edo Castle!

Even the empire itself, which is thousands of miles away!

"Boss, if we start killing people on a large scale, I'm afraid our household will be in big trouble."

Yasha couldn't help but shudder when he looked at these sallow, dry faces and hollow, numb eyes, and sweat dripped from the palm of his hand holding the knife.

He also saw the obstacles, otherwise he would not have decisively stopped his men from firing back when they were first attacked.

Although the number of criminals gathered was quite large, it was not difficult for the Jin Yiwei who had all entered the ranks to break through.

But the real dilemma,

"Can't kill, boss."

Yasha persuaded in a low voice: "If we really take action, wouldn't it be playing into the opponent's hands?"

"Can the problem be solved by just sitting back and waiting for death? We can't control that much. Let's take the brothers back first. If the bastard from Beizhen Fusi wants to be held accountable afterwards, I will take the responsibility!"

Around the shacks, 'tombstones' were rising from the ground, and hundreds of pairs of turbid eyes glowed with bloodthirsty light.

Fan Wujiu's attitude was firm and he said categorically: "Tell brothers, don't hold back once you get started. If anyone capsizes in such a small ditch, I will have his household registration file marked when I go back, so as not to give us the household registration Shame on you!”

Yasha clenched the handle of the knife with both hands and shouted sternly: "Yes!"

Meanwhile, on the edge of this shantytown.

An unmarked vehicle parked quietly on the side of the road under a streetlight.

A hand wrapped with veins stuck out of the car, with the palm facing upward and the fingers slightly bent.

It seems that he wants to play with the dim light that has no substance.

"That Honghu named Gong Qinghong is really quite capable. He was able to deceive Xie Bian and set up such a trap. I really underestimated him."

Huangshi Qiuhe's eyes were slightly closed, his head tilted back, and he lay on the back seat with a happy expression.

Since he became the head of the branch, he has suffered a lot at the hands of the western suburbs households.

The vast majority of failures were due to the fact that the intelligence was intercepted in advance by the Second Division headed by Xie Bian, resulting in restricted operations.

This time Gong Qinghong actually managed to make Xie Bi'an fall into a trap, which surprised him.

"Fan Wujiu, Fan Wujiu, are you going to kill this time or not?"


Footsteps suddenly came from the cramped and dirty alleyways of the shanty town.

A tall and straight silhouette gradually emerged from the darkness, walking into the range illuminated by the street lights, and an angular face gradually became clear.

Huangshi Qiuhe opened his eyes and looked at Li Jun who was standing close to him.

"What's your surname?"

There was no anger as expected, and the other party's tone seemed unusually calm.

"No need to be expensive, Autumn Crane in the Wild Age." The Japanese man, who was as majestic as a tiger and a bear, laughed, and his clear language was extremely standard.

"Then do you know who I am?"

"Of course I know that there should be only one Xiaoqi of Wu Liuzhige in the entire Ming Empire."

When he said these words, there was a slight tremor in Huangshi Qiuhe's voice.

Not fear, but excitement!

Li Jun said calmly: "Everyone understands, so don't beat around the bush. You have won a bit today, so let the people inside disperse."

"What is Li Xiaoqi talking about, and who are the people inside? I can't understand it at all. I just happened to pass by."

Huangshi Qiuhe pretended to be surprised and said: "Could it be that the Jin Yiwei adults from the western suburbs were surrounded in the shanty town? When did these untouchables become so bold? Could it be that they were bewitched by the Honghu rebels?"

"If that's the case, then your office must kill these rebellious people without mercy! Inuyama City has been suffering for a long time. I hope that you, sir, can give peace to us, the law-abiding people!"


Li Jun narrowed his eyes and sneered, "Do you want to continue playing?"

"This has nothing to do with me."

"Even Honghu dares to touch it. I really don't want this head on your neck."

The smile on Huangshi Qiuhe's face slowly faded, and he raised his eyebrows coldly, "Li Jun, I advise you to be more polite when you speak."

"If you and Honghu want to play, we at Xijiao House will accompany you until the end!"

Li Jun looked down at the opponent from a high position, without concealing the murderous look in his eyes.

"But now if they can't get out, you'll die immediately."

"Ha ha ha ha."

Fierce laughter broke out from Qiuhe's mouth in the Huangshi, and he sarcastically said: "Master Li has such great official authority. Those who don't know think that this and the past are not Jiaqi, but Longwu! Being a dog in the empire, and being a sinner among the people Ou Chonghu, capable of bending and stretching, is worthy of being a royal guard!"

"We little people can't afford to offend us, so we can only hide away."

Huangshi Qiuhe smiled at his subordinate in the driver's seat and said, "Don't you see that Sir is unhappy? Why don't you drive faster?"

The dark car window slowly rose, blocking Li Jun's sight.

Just when the glass was about to close, a hand suddenly came in and pressed down!


The car windows suddenly shattered, and the glass shot out in all directions under Huangshi Qiuhe's furious gaze!

Before he could curse, the metal door made an overwhelming creaking sound, the whole car suddenly sank, and all four tires exploded at the same time.

The figure of Huangshi Qiuhe crashed out from the other side like a cannonball, and the exquisite and gorgeous feather fabric on his body was shattered, revealing a body with tall muscles and cold lines.

"You Jin Yiwei are indeed mad dogs, and you will kill the good people of the empire indiscriminately!"


A foot kicked on the rear of the car, and the paralyzed body suddenly swung in place, and the shriveled tires swept up muddy sewage.

Li Jun picked up the driver who had expired, raised his hand and threw it at the feet of Huangshi Qiuhe.

The corpse was face up, the chest was twisted and collapsed, and the pale ribs pierced the flesh and passed out from both sides of the body.

"Let the poor people surrounding you disperse immediately. You don't have to die today."

"I once heard a rumor that wild martial arts like you have different sequences from those of us who inherit the sect. Your genes are more active, stronger, and more warlike than ours."

Huangshi Qiuhe raised his hand to tear up the tatters on his body, and a ferocious look appeared on his rough facial features.

"A lone wanderer is either a beast or a god. I would like to ask the people who spread these rumors, have you really seen a wild dog become a god?"


A crack of gunfire tore through the night sky.

"Damn it, has this grandson sensed Master Ma's murderous intent?"

The red eyes in the helmet flashed with doubtful light, and through the sniper scope of the 'gallbladder', he clearly saw that his shot hit the empty space.

The moment before the gunfire sounded, Huangshi Qiuhe had already jumped back suddenly.

However, before Huangshi Qiuhe's figure landed, Li Jun's fist had already hit his eyes.


Huangshi Qiuhe's left arm was raised horizontally, resisting the oncoming punch, and his calloused right fist flew out quickly, heading straight for Li Jun's head!

Li Jun bent his arm and used his horizontal elbow to resist the opponent's counterattack. At the same time, his left arm went around the back of Huangshi Qiuhe's neck, and at the same time he raised his knees and hit his waist and abdomen.

The ferocious smile on Huangshi Qiuhe's face remained unchanged, his burly figure showed unusual agility, and he also used the same movement of raising his knees to collide with Li Jun's left leg.


The two of them took a step back at the same time. The ground where they landed was sunken and cracked, and muddy mud splashed out from the cracks.

The fight on the feet stopped for a moment, but the fight between fists and shadows became more intense.

The conflict that broke out between Wu Xu was so violent that it was staggering.

Huangshi Qiuhe seemed determined to compete with the wild martial artist in front of him, and even stood in a fist fight with Li Jun!

The dazzling blood spilled from the shaking body, was blown up by the surging fist wind, mixed with the pouring rain in the sky, and fell into this dirty and rotten land.

Angry eyes met cold eyes, fists met horizontal elbows!

Only attack, no defense!

There was only the muffled sound of fists hitting muscles, not the roar of unbearable pain.

Qiu He's forehead was full of blood and flesh, and the corners of Li Jun's mouth were also filled with blood.

Two completely different internal forces collide and impact in the flesh and blood that cannot be penetrated by the naked eye. The harsh whistling of genes made it almost impossible for the two to hear any other sound.

Both were Wu Xu, but Li Jun felt a stronger murderous intention from his genes, as well as the disdain that could not be concealed and was engraved in his bones!

That is contempt for the former escapees, and anger that such genes can continue!

Thinking of this, Li Jun's offensive became more and more fierce, and the flesh and blood nourished by Ju Mang Shu began to stir continuously. While quickly healing the wounds, he burst out with almost inexhaustible physical strength.

This is the peculiarity formed after Jumangshu, a seventh-grade internal force, evolved into a skill.

Simple, yet powerful enough!

The strength of the Baji Quan and the strength of dividing tendons and bones were condensed between the fist bones and exploded continuously on the body of Huangshi Qiuhe.

The blood color is getting thicker and the breathing is getting worse.

When Lord Ma's figure appeared behind Li Jun, Huangshi Qiuhe suddenly pulled away and retreated, turning over and falling in the distance.

"The method of Xu Liu, the new branch of Wu Xu, to stop the war is nothing more than this."

He touched the blood on his face, put his trembling left hand behind his back, and forced a sinister smile on his livid face.

"Your old martial arts mouth is harder than your fist!"

Li Jun's arms shook, and he flicked away the blood dripping from his fist. The Xiuchun knife fell into his palm, and he approached step by step.

Lord Ma followed behind, stretched out his hand and pulled off the gray robe on his body. The thick armor on his chest slowly opened to the left and right, revealing a cavity large enough to accommodate a person.

Huangshi Qiuhe's eyes shrank, but he still kept sneering, "The show is about to begin, and I'm not in the mood to continue playing with you. If you can survive this time, I will beat you with my own hands." Die and dedicate your body to the elders of this family!"

"Grandson, if you can't win the fight and want to run away, just say so. Stop talking so much useless nonsense! Kneel down now, and I'll leave your whole body intact!"

Lord Ma's overbearing voice sounded from between Li Jun's eyebrows.

The ferocious black armor wrapped around the entire body, and even the back of Xiuchun Dao was wrapped with black lines, and the red light flickered like breathing.


The rainwater collided with it and was immediately evaporated into white mist!

"Seventh grade?"

"It's just a small progress, don't be surprised. Master Ma, I can't keep holding you back, right?"

Li Jun smiled slightly, feeling Mo Jia's overall increase in physical skills.

The five fingers holding the Xiuchundao gradually lifted up and then clenched tightly.

Huangshi Qiuhe looked at the looming figure in the mist, and the pressure on his face made the skin on his face tighten.

boom! boom! boom!

At this moment, continuous explosions suddenly came from the shantytown, as well as shrill screams that seemed to be absent!

Li Jun turned around suddenly, his eyes turned red by the fire!

At this moment, Huangshi Qiuhe, like a frightened bird, turned around and ran away without stopping at all.

In a shanty town.

Fan Wujiu stood in the blood-soaked mire, his black uniform glowing with greasy black and red, but the long knife in his hand was as smooth as new.

Behind him was a sea of ​​burning fire, which was the room filled with corpses.

There was a disgusting burning smell in the air, accompanied by crackling sounds.

The surrounding criminals had already fled without a trace, leaving only the flesh-and-blood flowers blooming on the ground.

Yasha held the body of a Jinyiwei in his arms, and his body was covered with metal fragments that flew up after the Huangliang host exploded.

Fan Wujiu took a deep breath of the cold and smelly air, and suddenly roared loudly.


The roar penetrated the rain curtain and rushed into the sky.

A wild goose suddenly fluttered its wings and rushed out of the rain clouds. It screamed mockingly at the angry eyes on the ground.


A bullet was shot from the muzzle of the 'Zhao Dan', tearing the body of the wild goose apart and exploding in the air!

Li Jun slowly pressed the muzzle of the gun and looked at Fan Wu Jiu, who was covered in violent flames.

"Take the people and go back to your residence first!"

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