Cyber Daming

Chapter 3 Breakout

boom! !

The engine of the Muniu heavy-duty truck made a deafening roar. A man in Muddy Waters Robe who couldn't escape was pushed hard by the front of the truck and hit the load-bearing pillar in the middle of the warehouse. He was crushed into a pool of fine flesh and blood.

The tires rubbed against the ground, emitting a large amount of white smoke.

In the haze, the heavy truck cargo box suddenly opened, and a large group of members of the Sacrificial Sword Society jumped out, all holding short-handled firearms in their hands.

Li Jun raised his eyes and recognized the model of this firearm - Yulin Type 1 pistol.

The pistol, which fires gunpowder bullets, was withdrawn from military service decades ago.

Compared with the Wei Wuzu Type 4 pistol, which is also a gunpowder firearm in Li Jun's hand, it is far different in terms of lethality, stability, and ammunition capacity.

However, because of its low price and simple structure, it has been popular in the underground black market of Chengdu Prefecture for a long time. It is the most common short-barreled firearm among gang members.

With the enemy outnumbered and ourselves outnumbered, Li Jun immediately made the most correct choice, raising his hand and shooting out the light bulb above his head.

boom! The entire warehouse suddenly went dark.

The sound of the gunshot was like a spark falling on dry firewood, instantly igniting a prairie fire.

The short but dazzling gunfire tore apart the darkness that lasted less than a second, and the high-pitched gunfire silenced the sound of the torrential rain outside the warehouse.

Puff puff puff puff!

Just as Li Jun ducked behind a broken pillar, the place where he was standing was covered by a dense rain of bullets, and the hot bullets tore the headless body behind him into pieces.

In the light and dark environment, Li Jun saw with his own eyes that two of his men, Mushui Pao, who were unable to dodge, were shot and fell to the ground, and were instantly swept into a hornet's nest by the incoming stream of bullets.

Suddenly, the entire warehouse fell into extreme chaos. People on both sides relied on the bunker to shoot at each other. The air was filled with the pungent smell of gunpowder smoke and blood.

"Oh, hey, Li Sang, you are the strongest thug of the younger generation in Brother Pao Club. Why have you turned into a coward now?"

Flame Ghost carried an extremely wild-looking shotgun on his shoulder. After removing the trigger and handle, the entire gun was like an ugly barrel, and the fist-sized barrel flashed with a cold light that penetrated people.

This kind of aesthetically pleasing firearm could never come from any military industrial enterprise in the Ming Dynasty. Only craftsmen in the underground black market could transform such crazy works.

"Come out quickly and offer your head to me, otherwise when I catch you, I will chop off your limbs and send them to the Cowherd Shop of the Sacrifice Sword Association."

Yan Gui's arrogant voice revealed a disgusting vulgarity.

"As a Mingren who serves as the fifth brother of the Red Flag in Brother Pao Club, just thinking about this stunt makes people salivate. Believe me, I will definitely make you the most popular cowherd in Sinmin Street!"

boom! An unusual burst of gunfire suddenly broke into the flame ghost's rampant voice.

The Japanese pirate who was guarding Yangui suddenly flew forward and knocked him down.

At this moment, a bullet flew past Yan Gui's head, shaving a gap in the extremely arrogant red cockscomb head, and hit the body of the truck, leaving a fist-sized hole.

The flame ghost who had saved his life felt that his neck was slippery. When he took a closer look through the gun flames, he saw that it was scarlet.


When Yan Gui saw his younger brother who had half of his head shot off by Li Jun in order to save him, he became furious and picked up the shotgun in his hand and fired several times.

boom! boom! boom!

The dense shotguns hit the concrete pillars, causing gravel to fly instantly. Pressed by the powerful firepower, Li Jun had no chance to show his head and shoot.

The gunmen of the Sacrificial Sword Society also relied on their firepower advantage to quickly approach and kill the scattered and hidden Muddy Water Robe brothers in the warehouse one after another.

However, these muddy robe buddies who came with Li Jun to do business were also extremely fierce. After determining that there was no chance of escape, they resolutely chose to rush out of the bunker and exchange lives with these Japanese pirates.

For a moment, there were screams in the warehouse, and the thud of bullets embedded in the body was horrifying.

Yan Gui looked at his confidants who suffered heavy casualties, and the anger in his heart became even stronger.

These people are all dead warriors and ronin whom he spent a lot of money to support, and they will be one of his trump cards in the future competition for the president of the Sword Sacrifice Association.

In the past, even in the fight with the other "Ten Nobles", he never thought of dispatching these people, just to make the final decision at the most critical moment.

The reason why Yangui brought these dead men to hunt down Li Jun this time was because Li Jun pulled out the reverse scale of the Sacrificial Sword Society.

Houki wants to take all the credit and single-handedly wash away the shame of the Sword Festival Association, so that the president Toratsuka can see his strength, and pave the way for his future promotion within the Sword Festival Association.

But now that there were so many casualties, Yan Gui suddenly felt extremely distressed, and his hatred for Li Jun became even more profound.


Yan Gui pulled the trigger while shaking his head and shouting: "Li Jun, do you know why you were exposed? Because you were betrayed by one of your own!"


"It's so pitiful to take your own life to pave the way for others. Tsk tsk tsk."

Yan Gui's eyes were fixed on the broken cement beam. There was a strange red light flashing deep in his eyes. It was the night vision equipment implanted in his eyeballs operating.

boom! The extremely violent shotgun muzzle once again exploded with dazzling flames.

"Come out, I promise that Ji Dao will not kill you, and I will also ask President Huzhong to accept you into the guild and help you take revenge on Xiangpao Brotherhui? You are so good at fighting, maybe when the president is happy, he will also Let you take the position of Rukawa Tanju, and glory and wealth will be right in front of you!"

Yan Gui seduced Li Jun with words and glanced at his men, signaling them to outflank him from the left and right.

But there was still no movement behind the broken pillar, as if Li Jun was not hiding behind.

However, Yan Gui had been keeping an eye on Li Jun's movements from the beginning. He was very sure that in that dark environment with stray bullets flying everywhere, Li Jun had no chance to escape, and the person must be behind the broken pillar.

The anger in the heart of the thirsty Houki gradually rose, and the shotgun in his hand once again sprayed out more than an inch of gunfire.

The broken column was riddled with holes and even the steel bars were exposed.

"Brother Pao, you bastard, get out of here!"


At this moment, there was another roar of engines outside the warehouse, and several police cars spray-painted with the words "Tianfu Guards" rushed in through the gap in the wooden cow truck.

"Tianfu Guards, put down your guns immediately!"

"Squat down and hold your head, or we'll shoot!"

The arrival of this group of Tianfu guards was so sudden that several members of the Sacrifice Sword Society obviously hadn't reacted yet and turned around blankly with pistols in hand.

This dangerous move immediately attracted a fierce attack from the Tianfu guards, and countless bullets instantly overturned them in a pool of blood.

"Why did the Tianfu garrison come here?" Yan Gui's face changed drastically, and thoughts in his mind were like lightning.

He was not a fool to be able to secure the position of "Ten Nobles" in the Sword Festival Society, and he immediately realized that he had also been fooled.

The person who revealed Li Jun's location to him wanted to kill them all with the help of Tianfu guards!

Just when Yan Gui was struggling, hesitating between abandoning his gun and surrendering or fighting to the death, a figure suddenly flashed out from behind the crumbling broken pillar.

boom! boom! boom!

The trigger of Wei Wu's 4-type pistol was firmly pressed with his fingers, and all eight bullets in the magazine were tilted towards Yan Gui.

Even if Yangui had special ceramics implanted in his chest and back, he still couldn't withstand the terrifying power of the Wei Wuzu Type 4 pistol at close range. He was instantly beaten into a mutilated corpse.

After a long time of patience, he was finally rewarded with a thunderous blow.

After shooting the flame ghost, Li Jun immediately threw away the pistol with the empty magazine, swung his knife to chop off a head, and stabbed a Japanese pirate into the abdomen. With the muscles of his arms bulging, he dragged the pirate quickly back towards the depths of the warehouse.

This series of movements was clean and neat. By the time the Tianfu guards reacted, Li Jun's figure had already traveled more than ten meters, leaving only a blurry outline.

The Tianfu guards who recovered their senses hurriedly pursued him, but when they reached the deepest part of the warehouse, there was only a skeleton on the ground whose flesh and blood had been almost removed by the kinetic energy of bullets, and a smashed window.

Outside the window, the wind and rain were raging, and the shadow of thunder was shaking.

And Li Jun's figure had long since disappeared without a trace.

"Oh shit!"

The leading guard captain cursed, kicked the scattered bones away, then pressed the built-in communicator implanted in the ear canal and whispered:

"Boss, Ruchuantan and Yangui are dead, but Li Jun ran away."

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