Cyber Daming

Chapter 4 Ghost Street

Chengdu Prefecture, located on the southwest border of the Ming Empire, has thirteen administrative districts. Although Ji'e District is also among them, the entire district only has three main streets, which is far less prosperous and prosperous than other districts.

Among these three main streets, Ghost Street, where most of the black market transactions in Chengdu Prefecture are concentrated, is more lively than Jiulong Street, where dragons and snakes are mixed, Sinmin Street and Pao Ge Society occupy.

Li Jun, who had escaped, mingled with the crowd and put on a casual jacket. This kind of clothing passed down from the Western Yi was very common among the poor in the Ming Dynasty.

Li Jun raised the collar of his jacket high, blocking half of his face and blocking some coveted eyes.

Li Jun was obviously no stranger to this street. He walked quickly through the crowd and turned into an inconspicuous dark alley after a moment.

Compared with the rows of bright signs on the street, most of the so-called 'stalls' here are just rags spread on the ground, but the piles of goods on them are scary enough.

There are a large number of artificial limbs and chips that have been worn away, a whole set of artificial meridians soaked in a glass jar, an embryo-shaped acquired Taoist base, and Buddha relics of various shapes.

There are three religions and nine streams, all of which are comprehensive.

Contraband items that are rarely seen in other areas of Chengdu were blatantly laid out on the floor, and the customers who came and went looked calm as if they were used to it.

"Sir, I have the latest Huangliang Dream here, which is based on "Liao Zhai Yan Tan". It is absolutely fresh and exciting. Do you want to give it a try?"

A short dealer approached Li Jun, with a crudely packaged biochip lying in his wet palm.

Li Jun couldn't arouse any interest in these things that looked like pirated goods at first sight.

Not to mention that he didn't have a brain-computer interface implanted at all. Even if he had one, he wouldn't try this illegal Huang Liang dream.

I don’t know how many people have entered this illusion. Even if the AI ​​intelligence inside is not driven crazy, it is probably on the verge of losing control.

If you are not careful, these monsters will invade the user's brain and turn into a monster.

"No need, I'm not interested."

Li Jun, who still had business to do, replied lightly, turned sideways and walked past the dealer.

But the other party suddenly took a step back and stood in front of him again.

"Try it. It's very cheap. You only need 30 Ming Dynasty banknotes to play one time."

The dealer had a hunched figure and looked humble, but Li Jun saw a hint of coldness in Fang's big eyes.

At the same time, a burly man squeezed in from the side and stood beside the dealer, waving his right forearm that had been replaced with a mechanical prosthesis as if to show off his strength.

With a click, an old antique brick picked up from somewhere was crushed into pieces. Under the rain, it turned into red mud and flowed from the fingers.

Li Jun raised his eyes and looked at the two of them, half-smiling but not smiling: "When did the stall owners in Ghost Street start the business of buying and selling by force?"

"Ghost Street never deceives others."

The short dealer shook his head in a pretentious manner, stretched out his neck like an old dog, and sniffed the faint smell of blood from Li Jun's body with his mechanical nose.

The smile on his face became brighter and brighter, revealing a pair of dark yellow rotten teeth.

"But if you don't want to cause trouble, you'd better do this business with me."

A raw face with clean flesh and blood and a gunshot wound is simply the best business target.

The strong man on the side obviously regarded Li Jun as a weakling, and reached out to pull his collar.

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and pay. One minute has passed now. Count you once per second, a total of sixty times, a total of 1,800 yuan. I will give you a zero, two thousand Ming Dynasty treasure notes!"

The short dealer took a step to the side and folded his hands leisurely on his chest. He was very sure that Li Jun would not fight against them, but would spend money to avoid disaster.

After all, people who go into the ghost streets with gunshot wounds are either seeking medical treatment or escaping.

No matter what it is, the fat sheep in front of me will not choose to conflict with him.

The originally bustling alley suddenly fell into silence, and many stall owners and customers raised their heads to watch the excitement.

At this moment, the strong man's right arm had been stretched out in front of Li Jun, and a pungent and unpleasant smell of metal rust rushed into his nose.

To deal with this kind of prosthetic limb that was already considered metal garbage, Li Jun didn't even bother to move. He only saw that he raised his left hand in a circle, directly clamped the mechanical arm under his arm, and then pulled hard.

There were just a few crunching sounds, and a large number of rusted nuts and gears flew away. The mechanical prosthetic limb was broken from the link, and a large piece of flesh and blood was torn off the strong man.

The strong man looked at his bloody right forearm in shock, and the pupils in his eye sockets trembled like an electric shock.

Just as a big mouth opened, before he could scream, his throat was chopped into pieces by a hand knife that followed closely.


The strong body fell backwards and hit the street hard. The splash of rain caused the surrounding spectators to scream.

The short dealer reacted very quickly. The moment the strong man fell to the ground, he ducked into the crowd, but before he could take two steps, he felt a pain in the back of his neck, and all his strength was drained away in an instant.

Li Jun casually threw the body away with an extremely calm expression, as if he had swatted two flies to death.

The people around him all moved to the left and right, making way for a spacious road, watching as he strode deeper into the alley.

After Li Jun walked away, several cheers suddenly erupted in the originally quiet alley. Several stall owners rushed out from behind the stalls like hungry wolves and grabbed the corpses on the ground.

Fresh corpses are necessary materials for making 'artificial meridians' and 'Buddha relics', and are also one of the hard currencies of the ghost street.

Regarding the vague noise coming from behind him, Li Jun naturally knew what was going on, but these things were already common in Jigo District. Without any fluctuation in his heart, he raised his hand and knocked on the iron door in front of him.

After a moment, a gap opened in the iron door, revealing a pair of cold eyes. The pure and deep black eyes represented the identity of Akito.

"What's up?"

"Heal your wounds and ask for medicine."

The pupils behind the door moved slightly, and his tone softened a bit, "Which doctor should I seek treatment from?"

"Crow Hua."

The iron door slid open silently. It could be seen from the flashing cold light on the side of the door that the rusty iron door's inner core was actually a single piece of composite steel.

Behind the door seemed to be a private clinic, with equipment that Li Jun couldn't understand scattered around, and the air was filled with the pungent smell of disinfectant.

In the Jige District Ghost Street, in addition to the contraband business, there is another industry that is extremely famous, and that is the black clinics that can be seen everywhere.

These clinics undertake a wide range of services, including prosthetic body replacement, device implantation, and meridian replacement. Anything you can buy outside the door can be installed here.

From purchase and installation to after-sales maintenance, the business chain of Guijie has been extremely complete.

The owner of those cold eyes turned out to be a petite girl with a pretty face but an extremely cold temperament. She had no intention of talking to Li Jun.

Li Jun was also sensible enough not to say much and followed the other party silently.

The two walked through a messy and crowded corridor, and their eyes suddenly opened up, revealing a huge room covering several hundred square meters.

In the middle of the room was a spacious operating bed, and an old man in a floral shirt was standing beside the bed, tinkering with something.

"Old man, someone is looking for you to see a doctor."

The girl shouted, then sat on the clutter aside, took out a yellowed paper book from her arms and started reading.

"Is Jinlin a pond?"

Li Jun glanced at the cover of the book and vaguely felt that the name of the book was very familiar. Before he could recall it, the old man in the colorful shirt had stopped what he was doing and turned around.

"This pair of blood vessels has been peeled off cleanly, and the meridians can be made without much processing. It can be sold for at least 50,000 Ming Dynasty treasure notes."

The old man held a pair of blood vessels shaped like a fishing net and smiled happily.

Then he raised his eyes and looked at Li Jun. After two careful glances, he said with a playful smile: "If you know my name, Crow Hua, then you should be a member of Brother Pao's club?"

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