Cyber Daming

Chapter 307 Shen Shi ends (2)

In the corridor, you can hear a needle drop at this moment.

The expressions on the faces of all the Jin Yiwei changed rapidly, wavering back and forth between indifference and horror, as if there were two pairs of invisible hands controlling their consciousness.

Not only Qian Fengting was shocked, but also Xie Bian and Fan Wujiu looked horrified.

The only two people who could still remain calm were Lu Chengjiang and Li Jun.

"I have to say that your calculation is indeed worthy of Zonghengwu's "rhinoceros head". Even without the obvious obstacle of Jin Yiwei's identity, your methods can be more subtle and sharp."

"But you still underestimate me, Ghost King Da. Over the years, there are as many swans as there are sand in the river that want to kill me. What desperate situations have I not overcome, and what methods have I not seen? You want to trick me to death, but you are still a bit immature. .”

"This story is well-written, well-founded and remarkable. If Zheng Kui's body wasn't lying in front of me now, maybe even I wouldn't be able to help but choose to believe you."

Lu Chengjiang's expression was calm and calm, without even a hint of strange expression reflecting his mood swings.

"It's a pity that in the face of evidence, all speculations are just..."

Lu Chengjiang's words stopped suddenly, and his eyes suddenly shrank.

All because the fingers of the body lying in a pool of blood suddenly trembled!

Although this movement was extremely slight, the ripples on the pool of blood were like a silent thunder that exploded in everyone's hearts!

Is Zheng Kui really not dead? !

The exclamations came one after another, and although everyone tried their best to suppress them, they still formed a continuous stream and continued to echo in the closed corridor.

"You have underestimated my character, and you have also forgotten that Zheng Kui, who in your eyes is only worthy of being used as bait, is a real Nong Xu Qi! He wants to fake his death, and you can't tell it even if you stand in front of him."

In the voice of Ghost King Da, the body with a terrifying wound that penetrated from front to back was opened in the chest, and he slowly stood up.

Zheng Kui covered the wound with one hand and pushed away the messy hair covering his face with the other, revealing a blood-stained face.

"My Deputy Lu Qianhu, you didn't expect that I, Zheng Kui, am still alive!"

Zheng Kui's expression seemed to be crying and laughing, and his voice was hoarse like two stones rubbing against each other.

"Are you disappointed now? Maybe even a little desperate?"

Lu Chengjiang frowned, his face gloomy. The hands behind her back were clasped together.

He took a deep breath without trace, his brows spread, and a smile slowly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"It's good to be alive, so that your wife, children, and children in the empire can feel at ease. Originally, I notified the family to take good care of them. Now it seems that there is no need for it."

The ferocious features on Zheng Kui's face suddenly stiffened, and the sharp words he was about to spit out were stopped at his lips, and his throat seemed to be tightly grasped.

"you you.."

"You were seriously injured but you didn't die, so the old ghost doesn't have to die. Now the truth about the 'massacre' incident in Inuyama City has been investigated clearly. It's great that all the misunderstandings have been solved."

As Lu Chengjiang spoke a few words, the atmosphere in the venue became weird again.

"Zheng Kui."

Ghost King Da couldn't help but took two steps forward, his remaining prosthetic eyes staring at the blood shadow that was frozen in place, shaking uncontrollably.

"You still want to be a dog?!"

"Old ghost!"

Lu Chengjiang spoke in a high tone, cupped his fists with both hands, and bowed in the direction of Ghost King Da.

"However, during the entire incident handling process, because of my eagerness to solve the case, I did make some dereliction of duty, which caused varying degrees of harm to both you and Zheng Kui. I will truthfully report to the Beizhen Fu Division, resign and be transferred on my own. Japanese people area. Quan should apologize to you and Zheng Kui."

"Zheng Kui, speak!"

Zheng Kui's blood-stained body slowly turned sideways amidst Ghost Wangda's roar, his head lowered facing the wall of the corridor, his eyes not looking at either of them, just staring at his toes.

"I think this is enough. Why don't we reduce big things to small things?"

Before he finished speaking, a tall body appeared behind Zheng Kui, and his big hand like a leaf fan directly clasped his head.

"It's a small matter, and it should be eradicated completely!"

The black nerve harness rushed directly into the brain orifice behind Zheng Kui's head, taking with him the part of the "Professional Law" authority that Yan Bahuang left to Li Jun, and directly broke through Zheng Kui's brain-computer protection like a torrent!

Rich black color occupied Zheng Kui's pupils, and words without any emotion sounded from his mouth.

"Lu Chengjiang, the deputy Qianhu of Jinyiwei in the Japanese people's district, colluded with the Honghu rebels to persecute his colleagues and exclude dissidents. Zheng Kui, a Baihu, knew the inside story, concealed it, did not report it, acted as an aide, and abused lynching. The above two people violated the laws of the Ming Dynasty and followed the laws."


Li Jun passed the knife across Zheng Kui's throat. The red blade burned through the skin, cut off the bones, and chopped off the head.

The shock broke out suddenly, and it wasn't until Li Jun beheaded Zheng Kui that everyone reacted.

"Put your guns down, no one is allowed to shoot!"

Qian Fengting jumped in front of a Qianhu Office general, raised his foot and kicked him to the ground.

Bo Yun was treacherous, and the situation took a turn for the worse, making these Jin Yiwei who didn't know what was going on become panicked and at a loss. Completely separated from Lu Chengjiang's suggestion.

Xie Bianfei retreated to Gui Wangda and helped him back away.

Fan Wujiu grinned ferociously, grabbed the embroidered spring knife and strode forward.

And Li Jun's figure had already approached one foot in front of Lu Chengjiang!

"I have promised to be transferred out of the Japanese area and let you win this round. Are you still not willing to accept it?"

Lu Chengjiang dodged and retreated into a group of Jinyi guards who could not dodge. He raised his hand and grabbed two Jinyi guards and threw them out as shields.

"Be the commander vertically and horizontally, lead the troops and control them!"

A bewitching voice that was so strong that it was almost irresistible sounded in the heart. Two flying guards in the air, and the panicked Jin Yiwei gave up resistance in an instant, opened their arms, and ran straight into Li Jun's blade.


The red sword light passed by, blood rained and broken limbs flew across.

With this moment of obstruction, the distance between Lu Chengjiang and Li Jun had grown to more than two feet.

"It's obviously a power game between decent people, but you have to end it in such a brutal way. You Wu Xu are really disgusting."

Lu Chengjiang's big sleeves fluttered and he calmly fell towards another group of Qianhusuo Jinyi guards gathered.

The special terrain of the corridor made it impossible for these innocent Jinyi guards to find a place to hide. They could only watch as they were hypnotized into brave soldiers who were not afraid of death.

"Li Jun, please think clearly. If your sword is stained with the souls of so many of your colleagues, which household do you think would dare to keep you?"

Li Jun paused slightly. This scene fell in Lu Chengjiang's eyes, and his expression immediately brightened.

"That's right, all fights are for profit. You win this one, and I can give you enough compensation to make it up to you."

"How can you be so intimidating? Lao Li didn't say anything. It wasn't because you were swaying him, but because he was swaying him!"

A joking voice came from the red eyes in the helmet.

At the same time, Li Jun opened his mouth to swallow, and his skin quickly turned from sallow to dark yellow, without any luster at all.

Liver energy eats the dragon!

Li Jun's body dimension expanded once again, reaching the terrifying level of eight feet.

The muscles all over his body are like layers of boulders, and the originally slender Xiuchun Dao has completely turned into a slightly cramped 'dagger'.

The change continued, Li Jun's eyes turned from brown to yellow, and his pupils were round, like a pair of vicious tiger eyes.

Lung essence swallows the tiger!

The terrifying power that was more than twice as powerful continued to rage between flesh and blood, and Li Jun could no longer suppress the restless murderous intention in his heart, and roared angrily.

"Lord Ma!"

Mo Jia moved upon hearing the news, and the armor plates behind him opened and closed one after another, spraying out white airflow visible to the naked eye!

The clouds follow the dragon, the wind follows the tiger, and those who eat the dragon and the tiger control the wind and clouds!


The hard ground where Li Jun stepped collapsed into a terrifying dent, and the broken powder was swept away by the shooting figure!

Before the shock in Lu Chengjiang's eyes could fade away, the fear that jumped out of his genes had already turned into sweat, soaking out of his open pores.

His Adam's apple surged up and down, and as soon as his usual words came to his mouth, they were directly drowned by the fierce wind.

This was the first time that Lu Chengjiang discovered that in the most direct and naked life-and-death struggle, the vertical and horizontal order that he was so proud of was so feeble!

Bound Flame!

The power of Bajiquan!

The muscles and bones are divided!

The red knife flew up, and the blood burst out!

Lu Chengjiang's head soared into the sky, and the next second he was directly hit by fists that came one after another!

Broken bones and dirt flew everywhere, splashing on the face of Fan Wu Jiu who had arrived late.

He froze on the spot, looking at the terrifying body wrapped in ferocious armor, and a huge sense of oppression filled his heart.

The black light is as majestic as a prison!

"What kind of big muscle is this?"

Fan Wujiu's eyes were blank and he muttered to himself.

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