Cyber Daming

Chapter 308 Shen Shi ends (3)

In the Imperial Kyoto during the first lunar month, the wind and snow were in full swing.

It was only midnight at this moment, and the sky was already dark.

The dark sky was like a bottomless abyss, and heavy snow continued to pour towards the city on the ground.

The square and majestic palace stands in the wind and snow. The ninety-nine-story cornice building is hung with red lanterns to celebrate the first day of the new year. The lights are bright, as if it is a sacred tower that fell from the hands of gods into the mortal world.

On the street with few people, a black and red car with the word "Ministry of War" printed on the door was slowly driving towards the imperial city.

There are many sentries along the way, and powerful and armed guards can be seen everywhere.

Standing still for a long time made them almost become snowmen, but the firearms in their hands were not stained by snow, and their sharp eyes were always staring at the car that drove into their sight.

After an unknown number of serious obstacles, the black and red car finally drove into the Ministry of War compound smoothly.

However, it did not drive towards the main building of the Ministry of War, which was located in the center of the compound. Instead, it turned and slid silently towards an inconspicuous corner of the compound.

A short building that is slightly shabby and dilapidated compared to other buildings in the compound stands here.

He looked like a dying old man, standing among the backs of energetic young people, exuding a heavy air of old age.

Watching the black and red car approaching, a guard in golden clothes standing on the left side of the steps quickly came up to him and reached out to open the car door.

A man in black military uniform slowly stepped out of the car.

His hair is gray, his nose is straight, his cheeks are fleshless, and his eyes are fierce. His body is slightly rickety, his appearance is like a thin tiger, and his temperament is like a lone wolf.

The wind and snow howled, and the cold air filled the air.

The man breathed out mist into his cold hands, rubbed them together, inserted them into the sleeves of his military uniform, and stepped onto the steps in front of him.

At this moment, a powerful voice came from the wind and snow.

"But Su Qianhu?"

The man looked around and saw a group of bright red unicorn uniforms in the vast white snow, which was particularly dazzling.

"Su Qianhu, today is an important day for our Qianhu District prisoners to report their duties to the Fu Division. Why don't you even wear official uniform?"

The speaker was still far away, so he raised his hands diligently.

"The Qilin suit is too expensive. It would be a pity if it gets smashed after a while."

Su Ce's tone was cold, revealing an indifference that would repel people thousands of miles away.

Just like his black military uniform, it was incompatible with this group of unicorn uniforms.

However, these thousands of households in the criminal community seemed to have long been accustomed to his behavior and did not take it seriously at all.

In other words, they regarded him as air, standing in the snow one by one, minding their own business and chatting animatedly with the people around them.

Only Qianhu Yancheng from Goryeo's criminal district, who had just called Su Ce, stepped up the steps and stood side by side with Su Ce.

"The debriefing meeting hasn't started yet. Why are you so angry, Lao Su? Come on, calm down and say hello to everyone. We, the thousands of households in the criminal district, rarely meet once a year, so we must seize the opportunity to keep in touch." It’s about connecting emotionally.”

Yan Cheng smiled broadly and showed off his good-natured manner when he opened his mouth.

Su Ce was obviously not interested in his invitation and said coldly: "It's not necessary."

He raised his chin and nodded towards the Qianhu who were standing a few feet away, "I don't think they want to deal with me either."

Yan Cheng took advantage of the situation and looked back, only to see everyone whispering to each other, and there was a lot of noise, and they seemed to be unwilling to look here at all.

"Ha ha."

Yan Cheng smiled awkwardly and lowered his voice: "Lao Su, don't blame them for being stingy. It's really your temper that's a bit too much."

He paused for a moment, carefully considered the words, and then continued: "It's too violent. Every year at the debriefing meeting, many colleagues will be beaten black and blue by you. After all, we are all thousands of households, and in the empire You can be regarded as a well-known person, so what you did is really a bit embarrassing."

"You may have a head, but you don't necessarily have a face. Some people's jurisdictions are obviously in a state of decay, but they don't know how to clean up their own mess. They only know how to cut off their own birds and use the girly method of crying, making trouble, and hanging themselves. Ask for money from the people above."

Contrary to Yan Cheng's cautious attitude, Su Ce had no intention of lowering his voice, and his voice rang clearly in everyone's ears.

"As the old saying goes, children who cry are fed by milk. I can't care if someone takes advantage of you. I don't care about the little things you do behind the scenes."

"But I heard this time that some of you are planning to join forces to give me eye drops at today's debriefing meeting and share the funds and establishment quotas for the Jinyiwei of the Japanese Min District."

"I don't know if your strength has increased in the past year, or if you have become bolder."

Su Ce was condescending and looked stern.

"However, if anyone wants to try this unflattering method, they can go ahead and do it. But I can't guarantee that that person can return to his jurisdiction intact!"

"Don't yell at me about nonsense like, 'This is Kyoto, and I, Su Ce, don't dare to kill you.' If anyone makes me unhappy, I will trade my life with him. Anyway, I can live to this age. You are old enough!"

One person is arrogant and domineering, and everyone is as silent as a cicada.

Black clothes press red clothes.

Located in front of the Fusi Yamen of Beizhen in the compound of the Ministry of War, Su Ce, a thousand households in the Japanese area, was like an evil tiger and a lone wolf, showing his claws unscrupulously.

Logically speaking, the people he threatened were also thousands of households in the criminal district, and everyone had equal official positions, regardless of superiority or inferiority.

But at this moment, no one dared to refute, and no one was even willing to meet Su Ce's eyes.

Each of them seemed to have heard nothing and looked at the ground.

If someone is lying on the ground and looking up from below, they will find that although these people are looking down at the dirty snow under their feet, their eyes are very disdainful, and even the expressions on their faces are exactly the same.

Porcelain does not collide with earthenware, and a wise man does not fight with a madman.

In their eyes, Su Ce was a lunatic who used his body as a pottery vessel.

"Lao Su, don't say that. What you heard must be malicious rumors spread by someone, and they are simply not credible."

"Our Jinyiwei's internal performance evaluation is all ranked according to the martial arts points recorded in the criminal territory. There is no possibility of fraud at all. And I also believe that everyone will not use those shameful means. The adults in the Beizhen Fusi We will definitely uphold justice and not be arbitrarily partial."

Seeing that the atmosphere had dropped to freezing point, Yan Cheng, who was always known for his long-sleeved dancing skills, immediately jumped out to smooth things over.

"Colleagues, it's almost time for debriefing, let's all go in."

Yan Cheng called out to the group of people with lowered eyebrows and narrowed eyes, saying "quail", stretched out his hand and tugged on Su Ce's sleeves, and the two of them climbed up the steps together.

"Lao Su, I heard that there was some trouble at the Qianhu Station in your Japanese area an hour ago?"

"You get the news very quickly. You already know things that the Ministry of War doesn't know yet. Why, did you plant an informant in my residence?"

Su Ce raised his brows and looked sideways. The latter's face turned pale and he hurriedly explained: "How is this possible? I can't monitor all the areas in my own Goryeo area. How can I still have the energy to put people in your Japanese area? Don't do that." Wronged me"

"Then how did you know?"

"It's the Lu family."

Yan Cheng hesitated for a moment, sighed quietly, and said helplessly: "Lu Chengjiang's family has some strength in the Liaodong area. And the Goryeo criminal district I am responsible for borders Liaodong, so it is not easy for me to shirk some requests."

"Yan Qianhu, if you have anything to say, just say it." Su Ce closed his eyes slightly and his tone became cold again.

"I know that the things Lu Chengjiang did are indeed worthy of death. If he were in my jurisdiction, I would not let him go. But after all, he has been your deputy for so long. There is no credit but hard work."

Yan Cheng noticed the change in Su Ce's attitude and gritted his teeth and said: "Now that the person is dead, the debt should be cancelled. The Lu family doesn't want to pursue anything anymore. They just hope that you can show mercy in the report to the Ministry of War." , give Lu Chengjiang a better reputation."

Yan Cheng's meaning was expressed very clearly, and he believed that Su Ce would understand.

Su Ce paused as he climbed the stairs and said something that made Yan Cheng feel confused.

"How high is the lintel of the Lu family?"

Yan Cheng frowned, "What do you mean, Old Su?"

"If the lintel of his Lu family is as high as heaven and earth."

Su Ce stretched out a finger and pointed at the splendid building in the distance that made people afraid to look directly at it. "If it can be as high as the imperial city of the empire, then I will go back to the Japanese area now and take my 800 Jinyi guards with me." With both hands, you can kill them with your neck."

"Old Su, you can't make such a joke." Yan Cheng's face turned a little ugly.


Su Ce pointed in front of him at the strict Yamen at the end of the steps.

"Is that as high as the Yamen of Fusi in Beizhen? If so, I will resign from my official position in Qianhu in the Japanese area now, go to Liaodong to become a bandit, and use the remaining half of my life to fight with the Lu family for life and death. Down."

Yan Cheng's face was ashen and he remained silent.

Su Ce took in the changes in the other person's face and smiled slightly, "It seems like it's all gone? Then why do the Lu family dare to make such a request to me?"

"You just said that Lu Chengjiang has hard work without merit. Indeed, he has not had an easy life these years. It is also a laborious and laborious task to embezzle hundreds of millions of treasures. Yan Cheng, guess why I let him go so much? "


"Because there are many Jin Yiwei in the Japanese area who are from Liaodong Province, the empire's homeland, I can feel at ease with the care of the Lu family. So as long as Lu Chengjiang does not cross the border, I will pay for the money he eats on behalf of my brothers. Living expenses.”

Su Ce's voice suddenly turned cold, "It's a pity that he crossed the line this time! He was driven by greed, excluded dissidents, and harmed Baoze. How can such a traitor leave a good name behind him? How can I be worthy of those who were wronged and humiliated, or even died in vain? Brothers?"

Yan Cheng said anxiously: "The Lu family also knows that the impact of this incident is very bad, so they have made very sincere conditions for this. As long as you"

Su Ce directly raised his hand to interrupt the other party's words, "I know that someone from the Lu family holds a high position in Beizhen Fusi, and I also know that they have recently become in-laws with the Lu family, a first-class family in Liaodong, and have an incredibly thick thigh. Without these conditions, Lu Chengjiang would not dare to be so bold."

"Since you know all this, why bother using Mantis as a chariot? It's just to give the dead some dignity, and in return you get countless real benefits!" Yan Cheng persuaded him earnestly.

"Decent. These two words carry a lot of weight."

Su Ce looked up at the snowy night. Snowflakes fell on his furrowed face and in his hot eyes.

He exhaled a puff of white mist from his mouth and said softly:

"Just for these two words, we, the guards in the prison area, threw our lives and blood without hesitation, not only keeping an eye on the open guns coming from the front, but also guarding against the hidden arrows coming from behind. But even so, In the end, many robes did not get what could be called a 'dignified' ending."

Su Ce paused for a long time, then slowly lowered his eyes and shook his head at Yan Cheng.

"I have been a guard for thousands of households in the Japanese area for so many years. I don't have any great skills. I just collected the bones of thousands of people who died in a foreign land. All the dignity I can give is left to them, and will only be left to them."

"If you do this, life in the Japanese residential area will be even more difficult in the future. Why bother?"

Yan Cheng couldn't understand why Su Ce clung to this illusory 'respect' and 'dignity'.

In his opinion, these things are the pursuits of those who are high and powerful. For these precarious Jinyiwei, as long as the benefits they get can make their lives easier, isn't that okay?

"Yan Cheng, I talk so much nonsense to you because you are different from those well-dressed beasts under the steps. Although your Gaoli District has not handled any major cases in recent years, at least the boys under your command have not lost their lives for no reason. .So, don’t let me look down on you.”

Yan Cheng sighed and didn't say another word.

"The last sentence, please help me bring it to the Lu family. Tell them that I will bury Lu Chengjiang's bones in front of the Qianhusuo, where they will be trampled on and reviled by others. If they want revenge, I, Su Ce, will be here The Japanese area is waiting for them."

"But if I hear that any of the Jinyiwei families who died in the line of duty in the Japanese area have been wronged by the Lu family in Liaodong, then I will definitely go find them. The distance between the Japanese area and Liaodong is not that far!"

Su Ce took a step forward and continued to go up the stairs.

This time, Yan Cheng did not continue to follow, but stood on the spot, looking at the slightly stooped back with a complicated expression.

The steps of Fusi in Beizhen are very long, and both sides are lined with royal guards standing with their swords in hand.

When Su Ce stepped onto the last step, the group of men who had been standing in the heavy snow for an unknown length of time stepped closer together and drew their swords out of their sheaths at the same time!


The sharp sound of the shaking knife continued into pieces, followed closely by the sonorous sound of mechanical deformation.

A handle of embroidered spring knives turned into a large black umbrella, and an umbrella bridge was built in front of Fusi Gate in Beizhen to protect against wind and snow.

Su Ce was unmoved by the scene in front of him and continued to walk towards the strict door that was slowly opening, his steps steady and unhurried.

Wherever they passed, the men in uniform holding umbrellas spontaneously bowed their heads in greeting.

"Su Ce, a thousand households of the Jinyi Guards in the Japanese Min District of the Ming Dynasty, has arrived!"

"Su Ce, a member of Qianhu of Jinyiwei in the Japanese area of ​​the Ming Dynasty, has arrived!".

The voices of reports gradually rose up, each one drowning out the other.

Until the end, there was even more howling wind and snow!

Yan Cheng, who was standing on the steps, raised his head and looked at this scene. He was silent for a long time and clasped his fists in silence.

At the same time, at the Sento House located in Edo Castle.

"The Inuyama Castle Office solved the Honghu case and eradicated the traitor Lu Chengjiang. Both achievements will be considered. After being reported to Beizhen Fusi for approval, he will be rewarded according to regulations!"

"The Ghost King of Hundred Households Dahan was wronged and humiliated and seriously injured. He stayed at the headquarters of the Thousand Households Institute to repair his body and regain his energy. After all his injuries have recovered, he will take over the position of deputy Qianhu House of the Thousand Households Institute!"

Qian Fengting looked at the order projected into his eyes from the empire thousands of miles away, and said loudly: "Su Ce has an order from Jin Yiwei Qianhu in the Japanese Min District. Li Jun, the small flag of the Hundred Houses in Inushan City, has made meritorious service in killing the enemy. Merit Outstanding, specially promoted to the position of 100 households, in charge of the Imperial Guard of Inuyama City!"

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