Cyber Daming

Chapter 312 Huang Tianmen

"Jun Yuanjiang, you should understand that this dead end road we have chosen has been destined to be opened up with lives and paved with corpses from the beginning."

Tokugawa Hiroshi turned to look at the livid Toyotomi Enkō, "If we choose to retreat today because of a small sacrifice, then it won't be long before the Ming Empire's new policy turns into an extremely sharp knife and cuts down our four great powers. The head of the family.”

"No one will feel sorry for us or suffer for us, because by that day, they will all have become Mingren."

"I understand all the reasons you said. But even if we finally succeed in opening 'Takamagahara', will we definitely be successful?"

Toyotomi Yuanjiang said in a hoarse voice: "If we fail in the end, not only will the current sacrifice be in vain, but the angry Daoxu will also use flying swords and talismans to plow every inch of the land in the Japanese area and destroy us. All as a sacrifice of computing power, sacrificed to the 'Sanqing'!"

"If that day ever comes."

Tokugawa Hiroshi said one word at a time, "I will lead the entire Tokugawa family's followers and be the first to raise a sword to kill the gods."

"The unyielding morning sun will eventually tear through the darkness, and the desolate world will finally usher in spring."

Akechi Haruhide bowed slowly, "Black Dragon Capital and the Akechi family will always follow your footsteps and remain determined to die without regrets."

Having said this, Toyotomi Enjiang knew very well that no matter what he said, it would be useless.

"I understand, Sanchuan Heavy Industries will obey your arrangements."

He sighed and closed his mouth tightly.

Just like the 'Silent Ape' who re-opened the zipper on his mouth on the wall of the house above his head.

"Although Daoxu has some doubts now, Ruxu has always been in charge of the criminal area. They will not easily enter the criminal area without definite evidence."

Tokugawa Hiroshi said loudly: "So we must seize this last opportunity, bypass the provinces where Daoxu's power is concentrated, and start from Liaodong and Guangxi."

"Actually, Yin Yang Sequence is our best choice at this time. Although their number is sparse, they like to fight on their own, and Huang Liang has centralized authority, which means they have low risks and high returns."

Akechi Haruhide suddenly interrupted and said slowly: "And we, Black Dragon Capital, have mastered the method of reversely locating these 'big rats' from Huang Liang's dream."

As soon as these words came out, not only Toyotomi Enjiang, but also Tokugawa Hiroshi was suddenly startled, and then his face showed surprise.

"That would be great."


At this moment, Toyotomi Enjiang suddenly opened his eyes wide and shouted angrily.

In the doubtful eyes of the other two people, his body flickered and swayed, and he exited this yellow beam dreamland.

"what happened?"

On the top floor of the 'Forge Hall', the headquarters of Mikawa Heavy Industries, located in the Edo Castle Minato District, Toyotomi Enkō's closed eyes suddenly opened and he stood up from a large and luxurious sofa.

"Mr. Chairman, outsiders have invaded the headquarters!" The personal secretary pushed open the door and entered, bowed in front of him, and reported the report urgently.

"Invasion from outsiders?"

Toyotomi Enjiang frowned suddenly, "Do you know what the other party's goal is?"

"It's the Huangliang host where we store the documents. However, the other party didn't succeed. They were discovered by the defense and are now being hunted!"


As soon as the secretary finished speaking, a deafening explosion suddenly sounded.

Violent shaking spread throughout the 'Forging Hall', and a harsh siren sounded together with a red warning light.

Facing the sudden attack, Toyotomi Yuanjiang's expression remained calm.

He put his hands behind his back and walked slowly to a floor-to-ceiling window.

At this time, there was fire surging outside the window, and billowing black smoke floated up from the floors below.

Even through the glass, you can smell a pungent burnt smell, as well as a faint smell of blood mixed in.


There was another explosion, and countless shattered glass fragments fell towards the ground.

A figure suddenly burst out of the thick smoke and jumped down from the middle floor of the 'Forging Hall'.

Amidst the bursts of scolding and shouting, a black shadow quickly approached from a distance, and the sword ripped into the air with terrifying whistling sounds.

I saw the man twisting his body in the air, facing up, reaching forward to grab, and just happened to catch the black flying sword that passed by at high speed.

The dazzling tail flame erupted from the end of the sword's hilt, illuminating a young and handsome face.

Surprisingly, it was Chen Qisheng, the Celestial Master of the Taoist Longhushan Group!

Chen Qisheng, who was dragged away by the flying sword 'Eternal Life', suddenly had a sudden impulse and looked up at the highest point of the 'Forging Hall'.

In the rolling black smoke, he saw a pair of eyes as bright as knives.

Chen Qisheng grinned and raised his favorite greeting gesture towards the other party.

"Toyotomi Yuanjiang, Master Dao, I will come to you again."

He is a Taoist person!

Toyotomi Enjiang, who was standing by the floor-to-ceiling window, saw all this in his eyes.

He did not hesitate, smashing the window in front of him with one punch, and flew down from the 'Forging Hall' that was dozens of feet high.


The buzzing of the mechanical heart instantly overwhelmed the roar of the flying sword.

Chen Qisheng, who was still provoking just now, looked at the terrifying figure approaching quickly behind him, and his face turned pale in an instant, and his soul flew into the sky!

"Your Majesty, Dao Ancestor, why doesn't this old guy respect martial ethics?"

"Mr. Tokugawa, rest assured that the Huangshi Group will resolutely implement your orders. We will start from the Liaodong area and complete the task within the limited time."

"Very good. The people in the Japanese area will always remember the contributions of your Huangshi family!"

After the concise and concise conversation, the projection of the sacred stable slowly dissipated in front of Huang Shilie's eyes.

He cannot colonize the brain-wit orifice and cannot connect to Huangliang's dream, so he can only participate in meetings held in the dream in this way.

The lights came on, illuminating the room filled with weapons and exercise equipment.

Every piece of equipment bears very obvious traces of use, reflecting the diligence and hard work of the owner of this martial arts room.

Huang Shilie's burly body, which was far larger than ordinary people, stood in the middle of the martial arts room, with countless dazzling lights flashing behind him.

They turned out to be 'people' standing motionless with the luster of glass shining all over their bodies.

But if anyone looks closely at this moment, they will be shocked to find that these so-called ‘people’ are actually made up of hundreds of glass slices that are close to each other and overlapped!

Each slice is only half an inch thick, and the extremely small space contains hair, skin, flesh, bones, and even clothing.

The color is bright and lifelike.

There is a small label attached to the first slice of dough.

"North Zhili Daming Mansion, Chaosheng Gate, Wu Jiuquan Gongpu."

"Shandong Dongchang Mansion, Da Yuan Hui, Wu Ba Ran Bohe."

"Shaanxi Xi'an Prefecture, Wushu Boxing Group, Wuqi Jinyu Lei"

These ‘slicing men’ came from various provinces in the empire, and they were all martial arts students from sects!

Huang Shilie slowly turned around and walked among these horrifying 'slicers', his fingertips sliding over each slice in turn.

His slightly narrowed eyes were trembling, and his face showed an expression of great joy.

Only by being among these 'treasures' could he calm down his angry emotions.

"Yasuhiro Tokugawa, you damn old guy. Sooner or later, I'm going to beat you into mincemeat with my fists and eat you bite by bite!"

Huang Shilie's smile became twisted and ferocious.

"Oh, by the way, there is also my beautiful and cute little Qingxiu. I don't know why, every time I think of you, I can't control my desires."

Huang Shilie's eyes were blurred and he said to himself: "Why do I always feel that your purpose is not that simple? Do you really think that the risk of arresting Yin Yangxu is lower? Or do you need it more than Dao Xu? A person of Yin and Yang order?"

"Akechi Haruhide, what do you want?"


A hungry stomach rumble suddenly sounded.

"Every time I think about these complicated issues, I feel very hungry."

Huang Shilie rubbed his belly with one hand, and his steps suddenly stopped.

"Then I'll enjoy you today."

At this moment, standing in front of him was a warrior with a heroic face.

Even though the eyes have been divided into countless slices, the wild wildness within them cannot be concealed.

On the label affixed in a conspicuous position, there is a series of small characters with strong penmanship.

"Guangzhou Prefecture, Guangdong, Wild Wu Xu, Wu Liuhuo Guangzhi."


Huang Shilie flicked one of the slices to pieces with his fingers, and a penetrating light appeared in his eyes.

At the same time, the lights in the martial arts room slowly dimmed.

I could only hear the gusts of wind coming from the open window of the room, and the moonlight moved cautiously in the dark environment, casting a ghostly shadow on the ground.

The creepy sound lasted for about a quarter of an hour.

When the lights came on again, Huang Shilie's face returned to calm, as if the crazy and terrifying person just now was not him.

He stared at the broken glass scattered on the ground and stood silently on the spot. Only the fists hanging by his feet were clenched continuously, and there was a crackling sound of bones.

“The backlash is becoming more and more frequent.”

Huang Shilie exhaled a breath, turned around suddenly and left the martial arts room.

Not long after, his figure appeared in front of a metal door.

As he stepped through the door, a dim corridor appeared in front of him.

There are all kinds of weapons stuck on the left and right sides of the corridor, including swords, guns, swords, halberds, axes, axes, hooks and forks, and so on.

The only thing they have in common is that the blades are covered with black and red blood, giving them a cold and murderous atmosphere.

No one would have imagined that there is such a hidden building in the headquarters of the Aromatic Group in Edo Castle.

It was obviously not the first time for Huang Shilie to come here. He looked calm and strode forward.

Not long after, he had reached the end of the corridor.

Here is a circular platform with five chairs.

Several men and women in black uniforms were sitting among them. The man in the middle had white hair and a beard. A ferocious scar spread from the center of his eyebrows to his chin, and his face was divided into two halves.

Behind the mighty old man is a towering flagpole, with a flag with red stripes and gold background hanging on it, and three characters written on it: Huang Tianmen.

"Disciple Huang Lie, I have met my master and all my uncles."

In front of the platform, Huang Shilie spoke standard imperial mandarin, knelt on his knees, and kowtowed.

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