Cyber Daming

Chapter 313 Huang Qinlong

Huangshi Group Headquarters, in front of Huangtian Gate.

Huang Shilie, who calls himself 'Huang Lie', is now kneeling on the ground, his waist straight and his muscles tense, like a tiger ready to pounce.

He slowly took off the black feather fabric on his body, revealing the plain clothes underneath.

This scene is quite ironic.

No one would have thought that the proprietor of the Huangshi Group, one of the four major companies in the Japanese area, would actually have Japanese skin and bones.

"In a blink of an eye, it's winter again, and we old guys have survived another year."

The old man sitting in the middle sighed, and the light in his eyes revealed an unspeakable sense of vicissitudes of life.

"When I first came here many years ago, it was not called the Japanese People's District. I still remember it very clearly. It was also snowing heavily that day, and palm-sized snowflakes jumped in along the gaps in my collar. . The wind was wet and cold, like a knife scraping a bone, and the blood flowing out of the wound was immediately frozen."

The old man recalled the unforgettable painful memories of the past, but a faint smile appeared on his face.

He lowered his eyes and looked at Huang Shilie who was kneeling in front of him, and said with a smile: "Fortunately, your Huangshi family came to help us at that time and helped us avoid the pursuit of those bald donkeys, otherwise Huang Tianmen would have been wiped out long ago. The Shi family is our benefactor to Huang Tianmen!"

Huang Shilie had heard similar words countless times.

Ever since he was found to possess the martial arts gene, entered the Huangtian Clan, and became a disciple of the martial arts master named Huang Qinlong, he had often heard such words of gratitude.

Even now that he has become the leader of the entire Huangshi family, these rhetorics have not changed.

To this day, Huang Shilie's heart has long been calm. There is only endless boredom and resentment suppressed deep in his heart.

Huang Shilie grabbed the ground with his head, and the clothes on his body creaked loudly due to the bulging muscles.

"Master, don't say that. Without you, there would be no Huang Lie. Without Huang Tianmen, there would be no Huangshi Group."

His face was almost touching the ground, and his fleshy features were filled with an aura of hostility.

But the words that came out of Huang Shilie's mouth were filled with gratitude and sincerity, making it impossible to hear the slightest bit of resentment.

Huang Qinlong, who was sitting high at the head, did not doubt that he was there. He accepted the other party's bows in a grand manner, smiled with satisfaction, and then slowly stood up from his seat.

As he stood up, two fist-thick life-support wires were exposed behind him.

One is inserted into the spine behind Huang Qinlong's back, and the other is connected to the tailbone.

The two wire harnesses moved up and down, and liquid flowed in from above. It was clearly visible after entering the body, and it squirmed like insects under the skin. Finally, after washing the whole body, it is discharged from the tailbone position.

After such a cycle, the wrinkles on Huang Qinlong's body surface were obviously smoothed a little, and the skin also exuded a light luster, and the heavy twilight aura also dissipated a little.

But the strange thing is that this state of returning to youth only seems to last for a very short moment, and soon it declines again.

As soon as anger arises, death comes again.

The old man is in this cycle of life and death, constantly going back and forth.

"Over the years, on the one hand, you have to develop business for the Huangshi family, and on the other hand, you have to work hard to save the lives of us old immortals. You can be considered loyal and righteous. I, Huang Qinlong, have killed many people in my life. , and saved many people. But now that I am about to be buried, in retrospect, the most right thing I did was to accept you as my apprentice."

"Master is so complimentary. This is what I should do."

"I'm not saying this to make you grateful."

Huang Qinlong waved his hand, "But I want to tell you that we old guys can't continue to drag you down anymore."

Huang Shilie suddenly raised his head, clasped his fists and said in a deep voice: "Master, I have never had such a rebellious thought."

"Huang Lie, please listen to me first."

Huang Qinlong stretched out his hand to signal that the other party should not be anxious: "Now that you have been promoted to the Fourth Martial Arts Order, at this stage, I have nothing to teach you. No reward for no merit, this is the principle of being a minister, and in fact it is also The principle of being a teacher. He is as sharp as a knife and specializes in cutting favors. It is time for us to leave."

Huang Shilie's eyes couldn't help but tighten. The things he had been thinking about were so easily placed in front of him at this moment.

This not only left him without any joy, but also made him feel deeply uneasy.

"Where are you going?"

Huang Shilie was silent for a moment and asked softly.

"Of course I want to go back to the mainland of the empire and see those Taoist and Buddhist figures who personally drove us here. See if they have ascended on cranes and become Buddhas and ancestors!"

Huang Qinlong's eyes shone brightly, and he exuded a frightening domineering aura.

"If they haven't had time to attain enlightenment, then we, as old friends, will naturally help them!"

The old man raised his eyes and looked around, and a voice of agreement immediately sounded.

"It is my duty as Huang Tianmen to help them achieve enlightenment."

"I have been enduring this for many years, and finally it's today!"

"Old nun Cihang!"

Wu Xu, the only woman in the field, had a hoarse voice and whispered in a dark voice: "I will make you the lowest concubine, and you will sink under the seats of those monks forever in the Huangliang Buddha Kingdom!"

"We have stayed here long enough, and we have forgotten what our homeland looks like. I'm afraid if I wait any longer, I will forget how to hold a knife and how to punch."

"Do we have to leave? Master."

"It is imperative!"

Huang Qinlong looked at the face with sincere emotions and said softly: "But before leaving, I have one more thing I need to ask you to do."

Finally the fox's tail is revealed.

Huang Shilie's gloomy heart finally became clearer, and he said solemnly: "There is no need to ask for invitations between master and disciple. The master has a destiny, and Huang Lie will do his best to fulfill it!"

"Huang Lie, do you still remember the gift that my master gave you when you were just a kid?"

Huang Qinlong did not tell the whole story directly, but instead raised a question.

"of course I remember."

When Huang Shilie heard this, he subconsciously licked his red lips.

"The Wu Liu named Huo Guangzhi was the first wild martial artist Wei Shi met. When Wei Shi met him at that time, his strength was already that of Da Cheng Wu Wu, but he still almost failed to defeat him. Even in the end He was still seriously injured, so he was killed and sliced ​​into pieces for collection."

Huang Qinlong's eyes were empty, and there were lights and shadows flowing in his eyes, as if the past scenes were reappearing in his mind.

"These wild martial arts, to put it bluntly, are actually evil geniuses whose entire martial arts genes are so powerful that they are almost completely dominant."

"They appeared after the 'Dividing of Martial Arts in the World', when the sects were withering away. They did not need a nested system of martial arts, nor did they need the experience and guidance of their seniors. They only needed some scattered martial arts injectors to be promoted. He has reached an extremely high level, and his cultivation speed is shockingly fast.”

"The most important thing is that their rituals are different from ours."

Hearing this, Huangshi Lie's body suddenly shook, and his face could no longer maintain his composure.

Huang Qinlong couldn't help but smile bitterly when he saw this scene.

When I first learned this from Daoxu's mouth, my reaction was exactly the same as the other person's.

Huang Qinlong paused for a moment and continued: "The so-called 'wild' word is just the jealousy that our sect system breeds out of envy. It is the anger of the incompetent."

"In the words of Daoxu's magicians, they are the real martial arts orders that emerged after the 'World's Division of Martial Arts'. Those of us who follow the sect system are redundant garbage abandoned by genes."

"The birth of the martial arts injector was originally a selfless sacrifice made by the sect Wu Xu for the re-emergence of the entire sequence. But now it seems that these sacrifices have become someone else's wedding dress."

"If 'wild' becomes the mainstream of martial arts, the sect system that has been passed down for thousands of years will completely disappear. At that time, people like us will only be reduced to providers of injectors and imprisoned. Just like the three religions today That way."

"Even if Wild Martial Arts doesn't do this, I'm afraid we will become life-and-death enemies due to the conflicting rituals. Zongheng and Wangdao are living examples."

Huang Qinlong's voice was like the low tone of an ancient bell, constantly echoing in this dark room.

"They are our real enemies! In the face of our enemies, I will not sit still and wait for death. Your thoughts should be the same as mine!"

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