Cyber Daming

Chapter 317 Quota from the Ministry of Industry (Thanks to the leader of the Red God of Wealth!!)

To the east of Inuyama City, two modified ‘Wuzui’ heavy-duty off-road vehicles were speeding along the non-civilian high-speed post road at extremely fast speeds.

This is the latest off-road tank launched by Shenji Military Industry after Xindan. Its performance is far more powerful than the "Black Yu" from the same family, and its output power is astonishingly high.

The logo on the front of the car is a black gold spear point, and the sound of the engine coming from the simulation components is like the roar of a passionate war horse, tearing the lonely night into pieces.

Drinking in the Wujiang River in winter brings the soul of Chu Ba, and the ghost remains after all the strength to pull up the mountain.

The romance of Akito craftsmen is vividly reflected in this car.

"Compared with this Wuzui, what kind of things did I drive before? This is the fucking thing a man should play with!"

Fan Wujiu, who was in the driving position, almost pressed the accelerator pedal into the fuel tank, enjoying the pleasure of the speed.

"Fan Wujiu, you'd better drive slower for me. Do you know that the cost of building this car plus the cost of modification cost our household nearly a million dollars in total? If you crash it, you'll be in trouble for ten years. You don’t need to receive a salary even if you are old enough!”

Xie Bian, who was sitting in the passenger seat, looked intently at the electronic document in his hand and said without raising his head.

"So expensive? It feels so good to have money!"

Fan Wu Jiu sighed loudly, but the strength under his feet did not relax at all.

He slapped the steering wheel and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Xiaobai, this car will be my little wife from now on. If anyone dares to touch it, I will be in trouble!"

"Don't do this with me. This is a public vehicle owned by the household, not your private property, Fan Wujiu."

Suddenly, a stiff mechanical female voice sounded in the car.

"Warning, the current speed has exceeded one hundred feet per breath. Drivers are asked to reduce their speed and drive with caution." (One breath is calculated in three seconds.)

"Still a mare?!"

Fan Wujiu's eyes were bright, as if he thought of something exciting, and he asked repeatedly: "Xiao Bai, can I change this voice to Lord Ma's? The one who calls you foster father!"

"You two brothers really have a deep relationship."

Xie Bian slowly raised his head, and the pale light from the electronic document screen illuminated the strange expression on his face.

"I don't have any objections, as long as you can withstand Master Ma's 'Zhao Gu'!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Hei, I'm only one step away from Bingliu. By then, it won't be a matter of taking care of me."

As soon as Fan Wujiu finished speaking, Prince Ma's furious voice sounded over the communication in the car.

"You stubborn bastard, you have the guts to say it again! You still want to ride on me, Master Ma, right? Just wait, I will kill you right now!"

In the rearview mirror, the vehicle following behind kept flashing its high and low beams alternately, giving off an air of frustration.

"Come on, old horse, let's see who has better driving skills! I might as well tell you that I used to be the fastest driver in the western suburbs of Hushuo!"

Fan Wujiu laughed loudly and accelerated the speed of the car, which was already close to the threshold, by one minute.

"In front of me, the number one prodigal of the Mo family's weapon spirit, do you deserve to call yourself a fast driver? Master Ma, I will take you down in minutes!"

Prince Ma was also not to be outdone, "Sit back, painted-skinned girl, and watch how I ravage this brat who doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth!"

Chen Qisheng's weak whine sounded in the communication sound: "Master Ma, I'm going to vomit blood again. Please slow down."

"Fuck, don't spit on me!"


Li Jun, who was sitting in the back seat of the car in front, couldn't help but shake his head and smile when he heard the noise in his ears.

He lowered the window, and the swift cold wind blew in with fine snowflakes, blowing his collar and making a sound.

"So far, I have injected a lot of martial arts. The pain caused by the solidification of the Kusuo Suojin is weakened, the physical resistance is solidified by the Fuyuan Whale Armor, the Bajiquan Jin is an explosion of inch strength, the muscles and bones are broken and the bones are broken. The effects of the knife have some overlap, they are all penetrating destruction. The effects of other techniques can generally be classified into these categories."

"All the movement techniques injected so far are solidified with instantaneous explosive power. Currently, my explosive speed can reach forty feet with one breath. I wonder if this movement technique brought by Chen Qisheng will be improved to perfection. Which step?"

Li Jun lowered his eyes and looked at the martial arts injector held in his palm.


The injector was inserted into the neck, and the dark green liquid was injected into the blood vessels, where it decomposed and merged in the surging sea of ​​red blood.


The crisp knocking sound that had not been heard for a long time sounded in Li Jun's ears again.

[Completed the study of Lieque Steps (sixth-grade body technique), and has played the role of Danying for Chuwu (seventh-grade Dzogchen)]

[The pace of listing is increased to the early stage of sixth grade (80/100)]

[Consumption of 220 mastery points will increase the pace of the list to the sixth level of perfection]

[Sequence]: Martial Arts Sequence Six—Zhi Ge

[Martial arts]: Bajiquan (eighth level Dzogchen), split tendons and bone hands (seventh level Dzogchen), eating dragon and tiger (sixth level Dzogchen)

[Shen Dharma]: Lieque Steps (Sixth Grade Dzogchen)

[Physical Training]: Fuyuan Whale Armor (Level 6 Great Perfection)

[Internal Strength]: Jumang Technique (Seventh Grade Dzogchen)

[Mastery Points]: 124 points

Now, Li Jun only needs a sixth-grade internal skill to reach the peak of Zhi Ge and seek rituals to advance to the fifth level of Wu Xu.

"Sixth grade internal strength. I'm afraid it's hard to find this thing."

Li Jun stared at the scene outside the window that was stretched into a blurry band of light, his eyes getting deeper and deeper.

When he was at the residence in the western suburbs, he had already asked Chen Qisheng if there was any way to obtain sixth-grade internal strength.

But Chen Qisheng's answer was disappointing. He admitted that he couldn't remember who had the inventory in the preface. In the mainland of the empire, only the Ministry of War or those first-class clans might have such things.

And the "Liequaiba" he gave to Li Jun was also snatched from a certain Confucian clan by the "Doubu" of the Longhushan Group during a conflict.

The reason why it can be preserved until now is because this thing has no effect on Dao Xu at all.

Even if they were sold for money, others would just think they were fishing.

After all, the bloody history between Dao Xu and Wu Xu is still there. Although he and Chen Qisheng have cooperated several times, their current relationship is not bad.

But this does not mean that all other people in Daoxu can be as free and easy as Chen Qisheng, and can let go of the old hatred between them and Wu Xu.

At this moment, Xie Bi'an, who was sitting in the passenger seat, finally finished processing the official documents in his hand. He caught a glimpse of Li Jun who was deep in thought out of the corner of his eye. He immediately reached out and patted Fan Wujiu, who was still racing, and signaled him to slow down the car.

Xie Bi'an turned his body half sideways and looked behind him, and said softly: "Brother Jun, I just received some news. I'm afraid this Xindan review meeting will not go well."

"What do you mean? Someone is going to target us at the meeting?"

Li Jun was stunned for a moment and came back from his thoughts.

Fan Wujiu interjected from the side: "What you said, Xiaobai, it's like our family has never been targeted before. In the past, when did we not have a conversation with someone at the table and then get beaten under the table?"

"Things are different this year."

Xie Bian explained: "In the past, what we competed for was not to be ranked last among the ten major cities, but this year we no longer have to compete with those old guys to be at the bottom. Instead, we have to compete for the top three, or even win the championship in one fell swoop. !”

"Did our performance last year be so strong? Why don't I have any impression at all?" Fan Wujiu murmured.

“Where are the places that will be targeted?”

Li Jun hit the nail on the head and pointed out the most critical issue straightforwardly.

"The Honghu attack case in the shanty town and the Lu Chengjiang traitor case, can the merits of these two cases be included in last year's assessment?"

Xie Bian replied: "According to past practice, the statistical time node for the previous year's merits starts from the end of the New Year's Review Meeting of the previous year and ends at midnight on the eve of the New Year's Day of the next year. Because usually review meetings It will be held on time on the second day of the New Year."

"But this year's situation is special. Su Qianhu was delayed for a long time in the empire to report his work, which led to the postponement of the meeting. And in a very short period of time after Xindan, our household office handled two more major cases."

Li Jun already understood the key point, "So other household offices may jump out to prevent us from including the achievements of these two cases into last year, thereby lowering our ranking?"

"That's right. After all, there is no explicit stipulation on the statistical deadline. Everyone just follows past practice."

Xie Bi'an said helplessly: "If they insist on setting the deadline at midnight before the New Year's Day, instead of the time when the New Year's Day meeting is held, then we may have to compete for the bottom three heroes again this time!"

"Damn it, it's not easy for me to have a chance to be proud of myself. These idiots are going to play word games with us, right? Why are they so disrespectful to others?" Fan Wujiu cursed angrily.

"The total amount of funds allocated by Beizhen Fusi every year is only a small amount. If you get more, others will get less. Of course, no one can see that others are ranked higher than themselves. What's more, there are hundreds of institutions ranked in the top three. Some other benefits.”

Fan Wujiu was stunned: "What other benefits are there, why don't I know about them?"

Xie Bian said angrily: "Of course you don't know, that's because we haven't been in line for many years. The last time we entered the top three, even the old ghosts were not even hundreds of households."

Li Jun asked in confusion: "Besides funding, what are the other benefits? Priority promotion qualifications, or additional martial arts points?"

"Of course there are all these routine things, but in addition to what you said, brother Jun, there is the most important thing."

Xie Bian's tone became solemn and he said in a deep voice: "Then the quota allocated for the equipment of the Ministry of Industry!"

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