Cyber Daming

Chapter 318 There is a tiger blocking the road

Allocation amount.

Li Jun frowned slightly, chewing the meaning behind these four words carefully.

"All the equipment of Jinyiwei is agreed upon by the Ministry of War, and then directly manufactured and distributed by the Ministry of Industry. For example, our most commonly used standard Xiuchun Dao, Feiyu Suit, Impermanence Book Ring and some ordinary firearms are all conventional configurations. Appearance As long as the damage is reported upward, it can be replenished.”

"But for some special equipment, you need a quota allocated by the Ministry of Industry before you can apply for purchase. Just having treasure money is not enough."

Xie Bian patted the armrest box and said, "Just like the 'Wuzi' we are riding in now, in addition to paying the cost price of millions of treasure notes, we also have to spend the corresponding Ministry of Industry quota to buy it. Otherwise, this car If you put it on the market, you won’t be able to get it for less than 4 to 5 million yuan.”

"It's the same thing as your special Xiuchun Dao, Brother Jun. It's just that for weapons like this for personal use, the applicant's martial arts points and quota are usually redeemed from the Ministry of Industry."

"According to what you said, Xiaobai, wouldn't this Ministry of Works quota be converted into money after being resold? There are several times the profit in it!"

Fan Wu Jiu was a rare smart person, and he figured out the secret at a glance.

"So some households use this as a way to make money, and it is a channel that is tacitly approved by the entire empire and will not be monitored by the Ming Law."

Xie Bi'an laughed mockingly, "Of course, the current Ming Dynasty law does not have much strong monitoring capabilities. Even the Ministry of Industry has been reduced to a hen that lays golden eggs for various serial companies."

"Don't Qianhu Station know that there are people below who use the quota to purchase equipment and resell it for money?"

"Of course I know, but Qianhusuo can't do anything about it."

Xie Bi'an said helplessly: "The higher-ups also know that the quota from the Ministry of Industry is a coveted item. But on the other hand, the higher the merits of a household office, the stronger the resistance forces in the area under its jurisdiction are. It needs Naturally, the equipment support will be more. For the sake of safety, Qianhu Institute can only divide the annual Ministry of Works quota according to this rule."

"But with the old ghost's character and your abilities, wouldn't Inuyama Castle even be able to enter the top three, if not the first place?"

Li Jun was a little confused. With his understanding of Gui Wangda, he couldn't just sit back and watch these benefits fall into the hands of others every year.

Even if the Inuyama City Imperial Guards don't need so much special high-grade equipment, the demand for treasure money is very large. After all, there are pension rules for the Inuyama City Hundred Households.

"It's not because the old ghost is so stubborn that he doesn't want to see anyone wandering around in his own territory."

Fan Wujiu took over the conversation, lowered the window, grabbed the steering wheel with one hand, and reached out the window with the other hand to grasp the flying snow.

"As far as I know, other households kill some of the violent organizations and rogue warriors and leave some behind. Sometimes they let go of one or two leaders even though they can get rid of them all, just to let the water flow slowly and fatten them up before killing them. .”

"Some are even more daring and deliberately allow the Honghu rebels to develop followers in their jurisdiction, and then catch them after they commit a heinous crime."

The flying snow fell on Fan Wujiu's warm palm, accumulating more and more, and in an instant it was completely white.

"But the old ghost is different. He uproots everyone he meets. Even if he accidentally lets some small characters escape, he will lead people thousands of miles to catch them back and crush them to death."

Fan Wujiu sighed, "In recent years, there have been fewer and fewer fish in our jurisdiction, but the debts we have accumulated have become more and more."

"If someone from the family of those who sacrificed his robe wants to enter the military, he will give him a ninth-grade weapon. If someone wants to enter Confucianism, he will pay for a six-art chip. If he wants to practice Taoism, he will buy talismans and seals. If he wants to learn Buddhism, he will buy a bus ticket. Go back to your homeland and help the unworthy descendants correct their wrong ideas."

He suddenly clenched his fingers, crushed Luoxue into a ball, and threw it out.

"So our Inuyama City Hundred Household Office has fallen into a fucked-up cycle where the harder we work, the poorer we get. But those bastards who live in precarious situations for the people in the area are eating their brains full of fat."

Li Jun was speechless when he heard this.

Raising tigers is a problem, indulgence and banditry are common, but it is rated as the best.

Fishing in dry swamps, protecting a place's safety, only to become a low-ranking person.

The world is paradoxical, nothing more than that.

Li Jun took a long breath and looked up at the roof of the car, "Destroying someone's wealth is like killing their parents."

Xie Bian and Fan Wujiu, who were sitting in front, were silent at the same time.

“But what is our household’s best specialty?”

In this aspect, Fan Wujiu and Li Jun are particularly on the same page.

His eyes suddenly lit up, he laughed ferociously, and said in a Shu accent: "Of course I will kill these turtles!"

"That's right."

Li Jun sneered, "I want to see who dares to jump out of this review meeting."

"Brother Jun, we are all colleagues, we can't kill people." Xie Bian said with the same smile.

The moment he finished speaking, several dazzling light beams suddenly lit up in the snow outside the guardrail of the post road!

The pale bright light clearly illuminated the faces of everyone in the two Wuzui cars.

No one is afraid, there is a look of indifference and solemnity between the eyebrows!


The guardrail on the roadside was shattered by the impact, and four modified tanks roared onto the post road, turning their heads and tails, attaching themselves to Wu Zui from left to right, and speeding in parallel.

boom! boom! boom!

The roar of the engine intertwined with the ups and downs, and the dazzling gun flames exploded in the snowy night!

As if being hit by a heavy hammer, Fan Wujiu's head suddenly tilted inward. The bionic flesh and blood on half of his face was burnt to a crisp, and the remaining blue arcs continued to beat on the exposed mechanical bones.

"Lack of weapons? Women are just playing tricks! Get down, little white man!"

Fan Wujiu roared angrily, picked up a "Beiwei" shotgun with his left hand, and thrust the muzzle directly into the opponent's car!

"Let me show you what gun smoke is and what a man's temperament is!"

boom! boom! boom!

The violent and hot metal bullets rushed through the narrow carriage, creating countless fleeting sparks!


The enemy who resisted the shot from 'Beiwei' did not lose his combat effectiveness. He bent the thick muzzle of the gun directly with a backhand punch.

"Damn, they're still a bunch of quarrels!"

Fan Wujiu cursed secretly, grabbed the embroidered spring knife with a pained expression on his face, and stabbed it directly into the car door!


The sharp blade reached the end of the handle and penetrated the opponent's car door.

Buzz! Wu Hao suddenly increased his speed, grabbing the blade and running forward.

In a burst of ear-piercing screeching sounds, the vehicle approaching from the left was ripped open with a huge gap, scrapped together with its tires, and tilted out of the post road.

On the other side, Li Jun's movements were even more violent.

He just tore off a car door and used it as a shield to withstand the opponent's volley. Then he leaned out and pulled out the enemy from the driving position, held his head and stuffed him directly under the car.

At such a violent speed, even Bingba's mechanical body could only be crushed into scrap metal.

Li Jun threw away the mutilated body, grabbed the edge of the car and turned to look behind him.

I saw Hua Pi, who was responsible for taking care of Chen Qisheng in the back seat, holding the steering wheel with an indifferent expression.

And Lord Ma also stretched his body out of the car, holding the 'light bulb' and continuously spraying inch-long angry flames!

"Brother Jun, there is someone blocking the road ahead!"

"Speed ​​up and hit him directly!" Li Jun's words were full of rage.

Fan Wujiu shouted loudly: "I'm afraid it won't work, these bastards have put a counterattack array on the road to resist the horses!"

Li Jun suddenly turned around and saw that the road ahead, which was covered with heavy snow, had been completely blocked by Juma made of steel.

"Stop! Kill!"

As soon as he heard the words, Fan Wujiu immediately stepped on the brakes. The tires rubbed violently against the ground, making bursts of noise. The burnt smell was particularly pungent in the cold air.

The huge inertia pushed Li Jun's body to fly outward. The moment he landed, his body was already tall and tall. Covered in black armor, he raised a terrifying long knife that could kill a horse with one arm, pointing forward!

The body is covered with ink armor, and the dragon and tiger are coiled around each other!


A terrifying black shadow jumped off the horse from the piled-up recoil formation. Countless flying snow shook up when his feet landed, and fine cracks opened on the ground at the same time.

Xia Hu in the Wild World wears a thick armor imitating the Mingguang Heavy Armor, and holds an evil tiger-headed spear in his right hand.

Stretching forward with one hand, he made a gentle move towards Li Jun!

Thanks to the leader whose real name is Red God of Wealth, there will be more updates tomorrow! !

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