Cyber Daming

Chapter 334 Martial Arts Alone

"If you, Su Qianhu, are just the fifth disciple of the sect, then I will find a way to exchange this life with you no matter what today."

Li Jun let out a long sigh, "It's a pity that you are more than Xu Wu. One Xia Hu in the Wild World can tire me to death, and my liver and lungs haven't recovered yet. There is no need to continue tossing it, right? ?”

"But before I die, there is one more thing I want to ask of you, Senhu-sama."

"Tell me and listen." Su Ce nodded lightly.

"For the sake of helping you deal with King Ming and his gang on this hill today, can you please spare Xie Bian's life? They are not Wu Xu, so there is no need to involve them in the sequence dispute."

"This request is not too much, I can agree to it."

Su Ce said, "But you also have to answer me a question."

"Tell me everything you know."

"Just now in the venue, you targeted Prince Ming and others so forcefully, and even dared to attack Qianhu. Did you see that I wanted to take this opportunity to target them?"

"It was just a guess and a gamble. But after seeing you, I'm sure."

Li Jun was honest, "We are all Wu Xu. If I were a thousand households, I would never tolerate someone below me trying to do something small. Even Prince Ming can live in peace for so many years. I already find it very strange. I can only say that you have a good temper." good."

"When you sit in my position, you will know what it means to be greedy and not honest. People who are capable will naturally have ambitions. If it weren't for Prince Ming and their actions that have crossed the line and affected the cohesion of Jinyiwei in the Japanese area, I I will still choose to let it go.”

Li Jun said disdainfully: "Cut the weeds without eradicating the roots, raising them and killing them at the same time. Is this called being capable?"

"The ones we raised were Japanese people, and the ones who died were also Japanese people. Why don't they count?"

If Qian Fengting were present at this time, he would definitely be shocked by Su Ce's patience.

He was actually like a teacher from the Confucius Temple, who had broken down the teachings and taught them to Li Jun.

"With Gui Wangda and Qiu Long, they abide by the rules and have clear grievances. They only fight with each other. They will kill anyone who jumps out to cause trouble. This is just treating the symptoms and not the root cause."

"In comparison, Prince Ming and the others are indeed too selfish. But their approach is to cut flesh with a blunt knife, which is more beneficial to the empire in the long run."

Su Ce chuckled and said: "If I expel them all from the Jinyiwei and only people like Qiulong and Laogui are left, I am afraid that the Jinyiwei in the Japanese area will have been destroyed along with the four major companies. There may even be people who pass knives behind their backs. And our neighbor Xuanwei Si Yamen."

"That makes sense. Jinyiwei is a murderer's knife. Isn't it a bit redundant to think so much about it?" Li Jun asked.

Su Ce shook his head, "The prosperity of the Ming Empire was created by Wu Xu. Even if the royal family has declined to the extreme, it is not the turn of these criminals to be the straw that breaks the camel's back."

Li Jun was thoughtful, and after a long silence, he suddenly grinned, "But these have nothing to do with me. Now that we have eaten and have classes, sir, why don't you do something?"

The tone on Li Jun's face seemed relaxed, but his body was already tense quietly.

The power is gathering momentum in the flesh and blood, ready to explode.

"Who said I want to touch you?"

Su Ce leaned back, lifted the corners of his clothes, crossed his legs and lit a cigarette for himself.

The white cigarette box with the words "Special Offer for Jinyiwei" was thrown on the table and he looked at Li Jun with a playful expression.

This rhetorical question completely stunned Li Jun, who was about to fight to the death.

"Not all martial arts disciples want to cling to the eliminated path of 'sect'! Back then, when the world was divided into martial arts, I was the only one left to die in my sect, and it was a complete defeat. Whether it works or not, Facts have already proved it. So you have to get out, and you have to give in."

Su Ce sprayed a mist dragon from his nose, "What's more, you are now the Jin Yiwei of the Japanese area, and you are my subordinate Su Ce. In my territory, there is no order dispute, the difference between the old and the new, there are only Ming people and barbarians. What a difference! I can even let Prince Ming become one of the 100 households in Edo City even if he is a Buddhist priest, why can’t I tolerate you as an individual martial priest?"

"I am Su Ce of Hushan Hall, not a loser like Huang Tianmen who can't afford to lose or let go."

These words were like thunder piercing Li Jun's heart, completely tearing away the dark clouds that had enveloped him.

Gene, who had been fearful and uneasy from the moment he entered, finally regained his composure at this moment.

"Since you don't want to fight, how about adding a bowl of rice?"

Li Jun raised his head and picked up the rice bowl in front of him, "I just remembered to fill my stomach, but I didn't taste it."

"You, a bastard who practices martial arts alone, are quite courageous."

Su Ce smiled, raised his hand and snapped his fingers. A Yanren maid walked in quietly and took the empty bowl from Li Jun's hand.

"That's nothing more than your openness!"

Li Jun cupped his fists and complimented, then asked curiously: "Sir, what do you mean by the solo martial arts order?"

"It is the sect's practice to form a group and form a group, passing on from master to disciple. Individuals walking alone and developing freely are the characteristics of your new path."

Su Ce seemed to have expected that Li Jun would ask this question, "The difference between the two is not only in rituals, but also in terms of development methods."

"I still don't quite understand." Li Jun frowned.

"The martial arts system of the sect has been locked since the first internal skill learned at the beginning."

Su Ce looked far away and drew a circle in the air with his right hand: "We can only develop in this circle. Whatever the master knows, the apprentice can also know."

"In the martial arts order of the sect at that time, there was a popular saying. The so-called 'martial arts gene', the word 'base' represents the internal martial arts of the sect to which it belongs, and the foundation and talent that are valued when selecting disciples are the harmony and The suitability of this internal skill.”

"And the word 'cause' in it represents the restrictions and ties of the sect. When one is prosperous, everyone will be prosperous, and when one is harmed, everyone will be harmed."

When Su Ce said this, Li Jun could already hear something about it.

The path he took did not have a definite route like the martial arts order of the sect. Instead, whatever martial arts he got was injected into him, and he used it completely as he caught it. It didn't seem to have anything to do with internal strength.

In fact, Li Jun had already guessed this.

When he was in Chengdu Mansion, Crow Duoduo once mentioned to him the concept of 'same attributes'.

However, during the subsequent promotion, Li Jun found that this concept was wrong, or it was not in line with his situation.

Eighth-level boxing, dividing tendons and bone hands, Ju Mang technique.

These martial arts are all about developing the potential of the human body and have no attributes at all.

Besides, metal, wood, water, fire, earth, heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys are all present in the original body, so why do they need to be separated?

At that time, Li Jun only speculated that the so-called 'attributes' might be a distinction made by Wu Xu's predecessors to distinguish genetic compatibility.

But now it seems that even this guess is wrong.

There are no restrictions on individual martial arts at all!

As long as you have enough potential, you can learn anything and use anything!

"Baji is an explosion, splitting tendons is penetration, eating dragons and tigers is amplification, Jumangshu is recovery, Fuyuan Whale Armor is a hardening of the body surface, and Lieqi pace is a nerve reflex."

Su Ce is very familiar with the martial arts that Li Jun has mastered now. "All the skills are just superficial. The instincts they bring you are the real strength. The so-called Chengshu also refers to the instincts trained in this martial arts." Totally aroused.”

"The word 'cause' in genes is a restriction for the sect's martial arts, but it is a liberation for you, liberating the general trend imprisoned in the human body. This is what makes your independent martial arts so tyrannical!"

"Following the rules is what the sect's martial arts order does. You are a lone martial artist, what rules do you follow?"

Enlightenment, enlightenment.

Clear the clouds and see the fog, and finally you will see the light.

The tide came from the Qiantang River, and today I know who I am.

It was only at this moment that Li Jun finally understood the path he was taking and what it means to practice martial arts alone!

The lone traveler is either a beast or a god!

"An ordinary person develops genes for the first time, is promoted to be a warrior, and then works as an ox and horse for the master. By luck, he is appreciated and taught the subsequent martial arts, and then he can become a martial arts disciple."

"After that, I have to study hard and practice hard to become a master. Only after enduring hardships can I be able to take charge of a sect and become the master of the sect."

"After that, he climbed to the top of the army in bloody battles, and became the martial leader through hard training. In the last step, he can be promoted to the third martial artist like me and become the hero of the sequence!"

Su Ce looked a little sad and sighed: "The hardships cannot be described in just a few words."

"But for you, you have directly crossed many of the steps and made rapid progress. This is a talent for you, but it is unfair for others. So this is why Buddhism and Taoism will not let you go. Wu Xu’s sect path will also kill you.”

"If you don't want to become a slice of other people's research, you'd better be promoted quickly."

Li Jun exhaled a breath of turbid air and saw that the cigarette between Su Ce's fingers had burned out. He immediately grabbed the cigarette case on the table and diligently refilled one for the old man.

"I also want to be promoted, but now the door lock has been clicked, but the rituals have not been settled yet."

Su Ce raised his eyelids and saw through Li Jun's inner plan.

"I'm just a sect martial arts preceptor. What I just told you was just what I heard from others. How do I know your rituals? You'd better find out for yourself."

Li Jun was about to continue speaking, but was interrupted directly by Su Ce.

"We'll talk about the rest later. Guests have arrived."

When Li Jun heard this, he turned around in shock and saw an extremely tall figure squeezing in from the door.

The nose of a lion is like the mouth of a tiger, and the eyebrows are like a dragon.

This face is known to every Japanese guard, even the lowest level warrior.

It is the owner of Huangshi Group, Huangshi Lie!

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