Cyber Daming

Chapter 335 Disaster (Thank you to the Silver Alliance of the red God of Wealth!)

The bear-like figure poured into the room, but there was no shaking of the ground as Li Jun expected.

Every step that Huang Shilie took was silent. He walked like a cat with the body of a tiger and a bear. The physical control ability he displayed made Li Jun secretly shocked.

At this moment, the second cigarette in Su Ce's fingers had been burned out. He pinched the butt of the cigarette that was about to go out and refilled himself with another.

Just as the Yanren maid brought the newly added rice, Li Jun buried his head in eating the rice without saying a word.

"Junior Huang Lie has met Senior Su."

The burly man stopped in front of the table and clasped his fists, greeting Su Ce with Ming etiquette.

White smoke swirled and rose, hiding Su Ce's face in it.

The not-so-strong figure leaned forward, his arm holding the smoke resting on his knees, and his palm slightly raised toward Huang Shilie.

"This is Qianhu Office, you should address me by my official title."

This behavior made Li Jun think of an old friend for no reason.

Jiulong Street, Chengdu Prefecture, Mushui Pao Ge is the helmsman, Zhao Ding.

The solemn expression on Huang Shilie's face remained unchanged, "Huang Shilie, a common man, has met the governor."

"Wrong again, I am just a Qianhu in the criminal district now."

Li Jun, who was grabbing rice at the side, suddenly widened his eyes.

Sure enough, none of the decent people in this era are simple.

But after a second thought, Li Jun understood.

How could it be possible that the three powerful masters of the martial arts sect were just a member of Qianhu in the criminal district?

Even during the period of Emperor Longwu when the power of Jinyiwei was at its peak, it was not so exaggerated that one military leader could be responsible for thousands of households.

Even the governor was a bit inappropriate.

There may be many stories about this old man Su.

"I was negligent. I wonder what orders you have for me, Master Qianhu, when you summon me this time?"

Huang Shilie, who had been 'wrong' twice in a row, still looked calm and could not see the slightest disturbance. "Lack of money or supplies? As long as you say a word, Huangshi Group will immediately provide it with both hands."

"It's pretty good."

Su Ce was quite satisfied with his attitude and nodded: "But you have to pay the money today, and you have to give the goods today. But before bleeding your blood, I have one more question to ask you."

"Excuse me, my lord."

"Your Huangshi Group so blatantly robbed and killed a member of the Imperial Guard, and you did it while I was holding a review meeting. What does this mean?"

Su Ce rolled the cigarette butt back and forth with three fingers, and a pair of extremely cold eyes emerged from the escaping smoke.

"Just after New Year's Day, you gave me such a 'big gift'. Why, do your Huangshi family want to take the lead in restoring the country?"

The old man actually raised the issue directly in front of Li Jun, the sufferer, without leaving any bottom line for Huang Shilie to retreat.

"The sun and the moon shine on the borders of the country. Under the dragon flag, we are all the people of the empire. It is their blessing that the hundreds of millions of people in the Japanese area can bathe in the favor of the empire. Why do they need to restore the country? No one has the ability to restore the country. .”

Huang Shilie was silent for a moment, and then said in a deep voice: "Recently, there have been a lot of rumors deliberately targeting our four major companies. Mr. Qianhu, have you misunderstood?"

"Since you don't want to rebel, then explain to me, what does Xia Hu want to do in the wild world? Explain, who the hell gave you the courage to dare to touch me?!"

A cigarette butt popped out from his fingertips, drawing an orange line of fire in the air and hitting Huang Shilie's feet.

The fire points were scattered in all directions and extinguished in an instant.

"This matter has nothing to do with villains."

Huang Shilie's head dropped slightly, and his hands clasped in front of his chest remained motionless.

There is no undercurrent of anger, no hidden front.

Li Jun looked at the other person carefully, trying to see any uneasy restlessness in that rough face.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard he looked, Huang Shilie's whole person was always like a calm lake without any ripples.

"Others may not understand the actual situation of the Huangshi Group, but you, Mr. Qianhu, know it clearly. My so-called 'proprietor' is just a puppet who was pushed to the stage."

"Don't be so anxious to push yourself all the way."

Su Ce sneered and said, "According to the information I have, Huangshi Xiahu is your confidant. How dare he do this without your order?"

"He's truly my confidant."

Huang Shilie did not avoid this point, but the next sentence changed the subject, "But he is also someone else's disciple."

"You mean, the order to intercept and kill Yan Jun came from Huang Tianmen?"

Huang Tianmen?

Is there a martial arts sect hidden within the Huangshi Group?

Li Jun, whose ears were pricked at the side, heard this and couldn't help but pause when he put the chopsticks in his mouth. A piece of meat was swallowed directly into his stomach without chewing.

The Huangshi Group has inherited the martial order of the empire's local sect, which is an almost public matter among the Jinyi Guards.

But he didn't expect that the truth was not just as simple as inheritance, but that there was a real sect controlling the group behind the scenes.

Don't Daoxu and Foxu know about this? Otherwise, how could we tolerate the existence of Huang Tianmen?

Or is Ruxu deliberately leaving roots behind to provide eye drops for the other two families?

A series of doubts popped into Li Jun's mind. His mouth was chewing in vain, and for a while it tasted like chewing wax.

Huang Shilie didn't say anything and responded to Su Ce's question with silence.

"Most of the entire sect's martial arts died after the 'World's Division of Martial Arts'."

Su Ce continued to take out a cigarette and held it in the corner of his mouth. He held the cigarette butt between his thumb and index finger and gently rubbed it before lighting it.

"Some of the remaining people have become curiosity toys raised by others, and some have become sliced ​​specimens in other people's research laboratories. Some are hiding in dark corners and lingering, for fear of being discovered."

Su Ce laughed at himself, "There are some people like me who voluntarily became hawks and dogs in order to save their lives. However, they were also thrown out of the empire and became rootless people. Nowadays, no one in the entire sect's martial arts is alive. More. So out of sympathy for the same order, I haven't touched Huang Tianmen."

"Explain to me, if that old dog Huang Qinlong doesn't lie down on you and suck blood, what does he want to do?"

"He wanted to live."

Three words full of profound meaning came out of Huang Shilie's mouth.

"Since he wants to live, if he didn't go to Fo Xu to get back his dug-out organs, why would he arrest Lord Yan?"

Without waiting for Huang Shilie's answer, Su Ce thought to himself and said, "He thinks that the genes of Duxing Wuxu can repair his injuries, and wants to arrest people and slice them up? Which farmer gave him such a stupid trick?"

Li Jun, who was holding the rice bowl, had a stunned expression, and unconcealable anger spread in his eyes.

"The teacher's injury will not last long. A person who is about to drown will choose to hold on tightly even if a straw floats in front of his eyes. But what the teacher did this time is indeed over the line."

As soon as he finished speaking, Huang Shilie's upper body suddenly sank, with the waistline as the middle section, almost bending in half.

"There is an old saying in the empire, once a teacher, always a father. A father's debt is repaid by his son, and I am willing to atone for my teacher's actions."

"Stop playing these old tricks here."

Su Ce said in a disdainful tone: "You put all the blame on Huang Qinlong in just a few words. If I kill you again, wouldn't it be false accusation against a good citizen?"

"I did it willingly, and no one can blame you Qianhu."

Huang Shilie, who was bent over, knelt on the ground and placed his hands on his thighs.

Only in this posture did he dare to raise his head and look at Su Ce's level.

"We should let the Confucian scholars in Zhufu in the court see what kind of effect the enlightenment policy they implement has. Wu Xusi has actually learned the dirty minds of these Confucians."

"I have a pure heart as a villain, I hope you can understand it."

"A child's heart or a wolf's ambition, you and I know it well. If the drama is overdone, it will become a bit boring."

Su Ce said coldly: "I don't care whether the person who wants to kill Yan Jun is Huang Tianmen or you. Huangshi Xiahu is from the Huangshi Group, so you can't run away. I asked you to come today because I gave you two Path options.”

"The common people are all ears." Huang Shilie's attitude remained correct.

"The first way is to get up and go back now. Let Huang Qinlong lead his crippled brothers and sisters to stand up from their chairs. Those who should hold knives will take knives, and those who should hold guns will take guns. I will prepare it for you all night. time.

Su Ce's face was full of murderous intent, "When the sun rises tomorrow, I will lead the entire Japanese Guards, starting from the Edo City below, to cleanse all the forces of your Huangshi Group. I will kill every one I see!"

"Article 2"

"The villain chooses the second option!"

Huang Shilie's answer was so decisive that it made Li Jun ashamed.

"Why don't you listen?" Su Ce couldn't help laughing and looked at the other party with interest.

Huang Shilie said seriously: "The villain has already understood what the adults mean."

"Then it seems that I have played into your hands? I am indeed Huang Qinlong's disciple. Master and disciple are really of the same blood."

Su Ce laughed loudly, not hiding the sarcasm on his face, "Since you had already planned it, why did you have to perform those dramas just now?"

"I always have to understand your thoughts, sir, before I dare to express my opinion. If there is any conflict with you, sir, I can correct it." Huang Shilie replied with the same smile.

Appearance is like steel, speech is like water.

A burly warrior who seemed to be splashing with blood at the slightest disagreement, but the city was bottomless.

Su Ce turned to look at Li Jun. As soon as their eyes met, the latter immediately nodded lightly.

"I will give you a piece of Huang Tianmen to make amends. Is that enough to relieve your anger?"

"not enough!"

Li Jun wiped the remaining rice grains from the corner of his mouth and slammed the half-empty rice bowl on the table.

"Did you hear that?"

Su Ce half-smiled but said, "The master of suffering won't agree."

Huang Shilie put his left hand into Yu Zhi's sleeve and took out a palm-sized box.

"Sixth-grade internal strength, Chonglou Jue. This is what I prepared for myself back then, and it is considered top-notch among the sixth-grade internal strength."

Huang Shilie emphasized his tone, "The key is that this martial arts has nothing to do with the Huang Tianmen system, so there is no need to worry about the risk of losing control."

"Xia Hu almost killed me in the wild world. Now you just want to wipe it out with this little thing. Who are you going to send away?"

Li Jun squinted his eyes, raised his voice, and vividly embodied the four words "fox pretends to be a tiger's power".

I don't know if it's because the food in front of me still smells good, or because of other reasons, but there are only two words in Li Jun's mind at this moment, it's so delicious.

"The more advanced martial arts injectors are all in the hands of Huang Tianmen, and they have all been manipulated by Huang Qinlong. I believe Master Qianhu, you don't want to see me fooling you with those defective products, right?"

Huang Shilie's eyes did not fall on Li Jun for a moment. He looked at Su Ce from beginning to end.

"The master teaches the skills and keeps a secret. The decline of the sect's martial arts is not without reason."

Su Ce seemed to agree with what the other party said and did not continue to imply that Li Jun was blackmailing Huang Shilie.

Li Jun licked his lips with unfinished meaning. He wanted to say something, if he couldn't get the injector, he could still get the treasure money.

There is no shortage for thousands of households, but there is a shortage for hundreds of households!

But these thoughts can only pass through the mind.

For Li Jun, the top priority is to deal with Huang Tianmen, who covets him and wants to slice him into pieces.

"I will give you one month to send Huang Qinlong's brain to Qianhu Station. If the time passes, then everyone will have to take the first route."


Huang Shilie folded his hands on his abdomen, but lifted his kneeling body up, bowed to Su Ce again, stepped back five steps, then turned and walked out the door.

Just when he was about to squeeze out of the general door, an old roar came from behind very suddenly.

"Huang Shilie!"

Xiong Ling paused, and Huang Shilie suddenly looked back.

The eagle looked at the wolf, and a face full of ferociousness crashed into Li Jun's eyes.

At this moment, the murderous aura soaring to the sky almost engulfed Li Jun, and the scream of genetic fear was enough to tear his eardrums.

Seeing that Su Ce had no follow-up words, Huang Shilie left silently.

When his figure completely disappeared from sight, Li Jun rushed out of the water like a drowning man, gasping for air.

"What did you see?"

Li Jun said word by word, "Disaster."

"Since you know he is a disaster, aren't you curious why I don't just kill him?" Su Ce asked with a smile.

Li Jun was silent for a long time, then picked up the bowl that had just been overturned on the table and drove the scattered rice grains back into the bowl one by one.

"The food must be eaten one bite at a time, and the people must be killed one by one!"

"It's a bit enlightening."

A hearty smile appeared on Su Ce's old face, "But you're only half right."

"What's the other half?"

"This person is not easy to kill. A sect Wu Xusi who is in his prime. Although he is a 'ripened' freak, if he doesn't want to fight to the death, even I may not be able to kill him."

Su Ce put out the cigarette butt and said calmly: "My genes are old. So Huang Shilie, I leave it to you to kill!"

At the same time, in front of the household.

"Qianhu's attitude has been very clear. Now that you are so close to me, Zhenjun, aren't you afraid of being implicated?"

Prince Ming stopped and looked at Yu Canghai who was following him.

Yu Canghai replied softly: "Prince Ming, you know the reason very well, why bother asking again?"

"Are you really determined to fight to the death?"

"Now I only regret that I didn't take the risk to enter Chongqing Mansion and kill him, which is why we are now in a situation where tigers are infested."

Yu Canghai's face was full of anger, and the sword in his sleeves was ringing.

Prince Ming smiled slightly, "Yan Jun may be a tiger, but he will never be a problem. Why should you and I join forces and worry that we can't solve him?"

"As long as Prince Ming can help me avenge my murder, Osaka City will follow your lead from now on."

King Ming didn't answer, he just laughed loudly and took the lead to walk into the wind and snow.

After the two figures disappeared, the Jiaomu Jiao slowly appeared.

He stared blankly at the howling snow outside the door, with a blank expression on his face.

Snowflakes are falling and the north wind is blowing.

Heavy snow covered the city, leaving it completely white.

Wen Xi was very sorry, but he could only update a chapter of 4,000 words when his natal Red God of Wealth, Hong Da, rewarded the Silver Alliance. (I felt that I couldn’t explain it, so I cried bitterly.)

Because I am facing the year-end inspection recently, I have very little time to code. Please forgive me, helmsmen.

However, after the 20th, Wenxi will enter the extra update state and work hard to update!

Finally, thank you again to the Hongda Silver Alliance!

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