Cyber Daming

Chapter 356 Don’t want to be a swan

"The ships leaving the Japanese area have now docked at the Kiso River Pier. Once this last thing is done, you can leave with the Kakutani-gumi."

"Thank you, Matsuyama-sama."

Kakutani, who had disappeared for several days, was now hunched over, walking in the snow with one foot deep and one foot shallow, straightening his collar to block the cold wind coming from his face.

"No need to say thank you, you are also a Honghu now, and these are what you deserve in this transaction."

Matsuyama took a step behind him, his words sounded soft, but the eyes in his eyes were extremely cold, without any hint of a smile.

Kakutani didn't seem to notice anything strange behind him. He didn't stop or look back.

"Sir Matsuyama, I have always had a question in my heart. Now that I am about to leave the Japanese area, I want to know the answer."

"Just ask."

Kakutani raised his head and exhaled a breath of white air, staring at the almost endless snowy night street under his feet, his eyes were in a trance, densely covered with confusion.

"Tell me, what exactly is a swan?"

This problem obviously exceeded Matsuyama's expectations.

"Why would you ask this?"

"I just want to know what I should fight for after becoming Honghu."

Kakutani smiled slightly, "Even if you are traveling far away, you should always have a goal."

"Honghu, it's fair."

After he was silent for a moment, he said solemnly: "Princes, generals, and ministers would rather have their own kind. In the eyes of Honghu, there is no hierarchy, and there is no gap between rich and poor. We are all wings on the wings of Honghu, and we are all facing the wind. , hitting the rain."

A contemptuous smile appeared on Kakutani's face with his back to Matsuyama.

"Really? Is this the truth?"

"This is the truth."

"That's really desirable."

After Kakutani sighed, he said nothing again.

For the rest of the journey, there was no other conversation between the two, and they walked forward in silence.

Finally, he stopped in front of the izakaya with peach charms hanging under the eaves.

The cold wind gathered the flying snow, and the peach charms kept swinging.

"I didn't expect that at this time, the Inuyama City Second Division Chief Flag would still have the leisure to drink here."

Matsuyama shook his head and smiled: "It's true that you will die under the peonies, and you will be charming even if you are a ghost."

"Maybe he hasn't thought until now that he has been betrayed."

As he spoke, Kakutani reached for the handle of the shoji door. As soon as he opened a gap, a passionate voice came out.

"Ah, it's you, welcome."

The shoji door opened, and a bright smile appeared in front of me.

The proprietress, who was wearing a kimono of the same color as Yuki, had her hands folded on her abdomen and warmly welcomed the two of them.

"I'm bothering you again."

With a sincere smile on his face, Kakutani stepped into the store.


At this moment, a violent explosion came from the west, which was the direction of the Confucius Temple.

The woman shuddered, her face suddenly turned pale, and she was stunned to the ground by the sudden loud noise.

"Sir, I'm here."

Kakutani's eyes passed over her shoulder and looked deep into the izakaya.

"Just come."

Xie Bian Damajindao was sitting on a chair, and behind him stood a man with a thin face and arms as long as an ape.

Surprisingly, it is the general flag of Kanazawa City's Second Division of Kinyiwei, Mandrill!

"This should be the third cloned rubbing clone?"

The mandrill held an embroidered spring knife in one hand, looked up and down Matsuyama with squinted eyes, and said sarcastically: "I have always been curious, when people like you are rubbing the agricultural inscriptions of several clones and going for fun, what is the real body? Are you feeling good, or is the rubbing body feeling good?"


A piece of scarlet blood fell on the woman's face, and the pupils in her eyes quickly spread outward at this moment.

In her trembling eyes, an arm pierced Kakutani's chest!

"Why don't you want to be a swan?"

Matsuyama looked at the back figure in front of him with contemptuous eyes as if looking at an insignificant insect.


Kakutani spat out a mouthful of blood that was stuck in his throat, twisted his collapsed collar with trembling fingers, and stood up again.

"Thank you, sir, for taking care of me over the years."

Kakutani's pierced body could no longer bow, so he could only gently move his head to pay respect to Xie Bian.

Xie Bian looked solemn, "Don't worry, as long as I, Xie Bian, die, the Kakutani Group will never be separated."

"Thank you."

Kakutani's dim eyes moved with difficulty to look at the woman who was screaming and staggering backwards.

"Thank you...thank you for the umbrella."

The words fell to the ground, and blood splattered.

Matsuyama's fist holding Kakutani's heart suddenly closed, and fine pieces of meat continued to squeeze out from between his fingers.


Another wave of flames rose into the sky in the direction of the central area.

The extremely exciting music swept through the entire Inuyama Castle wrapped in heavy snow.

In the long street, a large number of guards from Inuyama Castle's second division surrounded the izakaya.

Matsuyama raised his arms and shook off the scarlet on his hand, and sneered: "One named Xu Qi, one named Xu Qi, plus a group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals, just because you want to surround me and kill me?"

"If you were the real person, I would be scared right now."

The mandrill turned his head and spat, stepped in front of Xie Bian, and the embroidered spring knife in his hand jumped out of the scabbard with a clang.

"How powerful can your rubbing clone be?"

"I haven't even finished solving my own troubles, so I came to help others. It seems that your Kanazawa City hasn't been beaten yet."

"Oh it's you?!"

Mandrill's face suddenly turned livid, Xiuchun Dao no longer hesitated, and slashed forward with an evil roar!

Behind him, Xie Bian sat still, spitting out two cold words from his shallow, knife-like lips.

"Get into formation."

In an instant, there was a buzzing sound, and the snow fell like rain.

The red rope hanging the peach charm under the lintel suddenly tightened, broke and fell to the ground with a snap.

"Mo Xu's Gravity Formation?"

Matsuyama's body was bent, his shoulders were like carrying a heavy burden, and his bones were cracking.


The mandrill, which has entered the overclocking state, has a ferocious look on its face, and is already approaching him with a long knife!

In Quanshan City, Xuanwei Si Yamen.

The ground paved with bluestone tiles was already covered with blood.

The four Japanese people all had their heads removed. A large number of broken corpses of the guards were piled up and squeezed together. The scene was horrific.

Half-clothed in scarlet, all the poor families in Kanazawa City slowly breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that no one could get up again.

He looked behind him with complicated eyes at the thin figure sitting under the plaque of 'Zhen Yi'.

From the beginning of this attack to the moment when the crisis has been suspended, the other party's expression has always been calm and calm, without any signs of disturbance.

Qiongqi asked himself that even he couldn't volunteer to act as a bait to fish out all the rebels hiding in the Xuanwei Si Yamen.

He secretly sighed in his heart, if his colleagues in the big city had such courage, I am afraid they would not die in the hands of Honghu so easily.

"The first rubbing clone appeared in the Confucius Temple to fight Fan Wujiu, the second rubbing clone appeared in the back alley of the Central District to slay Chen Qisheng, and the third one went to attack Xie Bi'an."

The white fingertips poked out from the large vermilion sleeves and tapped lightly on the table.

"If Xijiao Husho's inference is correct, the Nongxu Five Spring Emperor who was able to kill the 'Three Corpse Insects' should only have the last remaining body, right?"

The calmness and calmness revealed in Yang Baize's words made Qiongqi subconsciously reply: "That should be the case."

"Then the situation is very clear now. Capture the culprit and the battle is successful!"

Yang Baize stood up and raised his eyes to look at the firelight that reflected half of the city.

"Yan Jun, the rest is up to you."

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