Cyber Daming

Chapter 357 Shield Mountain Chisel Formation Thunder Dragon (two in one)

The flames ejected by the 'Suzaku' burned the snow spots, and the gunfire exploded by the 'Beiwei' tore the flesh and blood.


Fan Wujiu raised his gun and smashed a childish face with a crazy expression. He waved his hand to open the bullet shells that were ejected in the smoke, twisted the gun body, and shot several shotshells into the gun chamber with his backhand.

Under the round helmet of the Jin Yiwei, a pair of eyes overflowed with murderous intent, glaring in all directions.

The green torrent was already approaching the city, and the blazing red light shook the building where the western suburbs residence was crumbling, and it collapsed in an instant.

It is still too difficult to withstand the impact of more than a thousand people with less than fifty people.

Even if most of the Jinyi Guards in Inuyama City are followers who have entered the sequence, compared with these students from the Confucius Temple, they have an absolute advantage in the sequence in terms of physical strength.

But these students are not powerless lambs waiting to be slaughtered, but thugs armed with thermal energy weapons that only the private armies of Confucian elites can equip.

With this level of intensive shooting, even Fan Wujiu, who is now the sixth soldier, dare not attack rashly, let alone the other Jin Yiwei.

"Boss, brothers can't hold on any longer!"

Yasha, who was moved from the rooftop to guard the main gate of the house, roared angrily during the point-to-point communication with Fan Wujiu.

"How are the casualties now?" Fan Wujiu's voice was filled with coldness.

"Seventeen were slightly injured, eight were seriously injured, and five were killed in the line of duty."

Without thinking, Yasha blurted out: "The number of people who can still hold a gun has been reduced by a quarter!"

"Oh shit."

Fan Wujiu gritted his teeth and stared at the figure standing on the building of Confucius Temple against the sea of ​​blue and red.

Songshan still stood on the top of the house, looking at the decaying battlefield with an indifferent expression.

Fan Wujiu knew very well in his heart that it was definitely beyond human power to 'kill' so many puppets who were fearless of death at once.

At least among the Honghu he has come into contact with, he has never met anyone with such strength.

Therefore, there must be a Huangliang host hidden in the Confucius Temple, which is used to control the brain-intelligent orifices that have just been implanted in the bodies of these students.

In order for them to regain their sanity and eliminate the crisis that destroyed Xijiao House, they must destroy the hidden Huangliang host!

Fan Wujiu sniffed the acrid gun smoke, and his mechanical mind, which could have been freely controlled, became restless at this moment.

"Xiao Bai, Lao Chen, why the hell don't you do anything?! If you don't hurry up, this bait of mine will be eaten by someone!"

Before the mood settled, sudden changes occurred.

boom! boom!

Two deafening explosions sounded one after another, and the flames set off illuminated Fan Wujiu's dark eyes!

The green wave rushing forward also fell into a moment of stillness at this moment. A pair of empty eyes embedded in the fanatical face turned its head at the same time as Matsuyama's rubbing clone, looking at the direction of the explosion.

"It's really troublesome."

The strategizing demeanor in Matsuyama's body faded away, replaced by a strong anger leaching from his facial features.


At this moment, the mechanical heart that had been unable to hold back for a long time could finally beat wildly, and dazzling red light shot out from Fan Wujiu's mechanical eyes.

He clenched his left fist and shook it. With a clear clang, a shield that could cover half of his body bounced in front of his fist.

The four corners of the thin shield are carved with clean mountain patterns, and the word "Yue" is written with strong strokes in the center.

It is the 'Wumu' series of individual defense equipment that comes from the same family as the 'Beiwei' division, but is several times more expensive!

"Kui Niu, the time has come!"

Fan Wujiu said coldly to himself, sprinted forward, and jumped down from the eaves of his house, his momentum was extremely powerful.

Where he settled, there were crowds of people, and the red light accumulated in the muzzle of Suzaku's gun was frightening.

boom! boom! boom!

Fan Wujiu, who was in mid-air, poured out all the bullets in the barrel of his gun in one breath, clearing a bloody blank land beneath him.

The moment he landed, he threw away his gun and replaced it with a knife, turned around on his heels, and shed a round cold light.


When a tiger enters a flock of sheep, the cold light falls and the blood shines. The thrown head leaves behind a circle of headless remains.

Fan Wujiu held up his shield to block the red light coming from Lengzi, and looked back at the dilapidated residence building behind him.

The group of Jinyi guards led by Yasha were dumbfounded at this moment, staring blankly at the bloody god of death.

"Why the hell are you still standing there? Follow me and charge!"

The stunned people seemed to be awakened at this moment. There was no hesitation or hesitation. A terrifying light burst out from a pair of eyes, and each 'Wu Mu' shield stood up solemnly.

Less than thirty men in uniform built a triangular shield wall side by side, covered their swords behind them, held their guns in their hands, and rolled towards the blue wave with no end in sight!

At the same time, a burst of gunfire as dense as a torrential rain suddenly exploded from both sides, extremely violent, as if the shooter had finally vented his suppressed anger.

Kui Niu, who was as burly as a mountain, held a sword and shield, and sneaked into Inuyama City with secrets. The guards of Kanazawa City ran into the group of puppets from the side, and roared ferociously: "Come, enter the Confucius Temple! Kill Matsuyama!"

"If you give up resistance, you will lose your life! If you persist in your stubbornness, you will be thrown into prison forever!"

The roars that were enough to pierce gold and cracked stone were like waves rushing from front to back. The surviving Jin Yiwei all had ferocious faces, veins appeared on the backs of the hands holding the knives, and there was a terrifying murderous intent in their eyes.

"If you give up resistance, you will lose your life! If you persist in your stubbornness, you will be thrown into prison forever!"

Fan Wujiu took the lead, charging at the front like a sharp arrow.

cluster! cluster! cluster! cluster!

These fanatical Honghu puppets did not care about the obstacles in front of them, and they did not hesitate to pull the trigger on Jin Yiwei who crashed into the crowd.

The red beam burned through the thin body and continued to hit Wu Mu's shield hard.

The heat wave surged, and iron flowers bloomed on the shield. The escaping heat energy was decomposed and absorbed by the mountain patterns, and disappeared without a trace.

Li Jun spent a huge amount of the Ministry of Works quota to purchase equipment, which at this moment gave the Inuyama City Jinyiwei a chance to counterattack.

The power of Fan Wujiu's 'Elai' mechanical heart has soared to its peak. When he entered the overclocking state, his mechanical body became thicker and thicker.

Under the bionic skin on the shoulders that was burned to fly ash, there were faintly visible slender muscle veins quietly climbing up the cold mechanical bones.

This mixed state of biology and machinery made Fan Wu Jiu unstoppable, and he plowed a bloody passage of flesh and blood through the sea of ​​people.

What is the order of war, humanoid weapons!

But not everyone can be as brave as him. After the "Shield Mountain" led by Yasha dispersed nearly half of the blue wave in one breath, there was no more energy left to move forward.

At this moment, deep among the enemy group, they were attacked from both sides and had no choice but to change to a more defensive ring formation to resist the beams of light coming from all directions.

And as the distance shortens, the power of 'Suzaku' is also constantly increasing. Under the high frequency of erosion, even Wu Mu Shield cannot resist for a long time.

The shield that was burnt red showed signs of melting. The ensuing red light penetrated both the man and the shield, burning a Jin Yiwei into a charred corpse!


Fan Wujiu, who was rushing forward, looked back and saw this scene, his eyes were splitting.

"Boss, just go ahead and we'll hold you back from behind!"

Yasha's left hand holding the shield was already covered in molten iron, but he grinned at Fan Wujiu, raised his thumb with his right hand holding the sword, and slashed his neck hard!

"Cut that swan beast down!"

Only by killing Songshan and destroying the Huangliang host can we break the current predicament and turn defeat into victory!

Fan Wujiu understands this, Yaksha understands this, and all the Jin Yiwei who participate in the battle also understand it!

On the thin line between life and death, there is no room for tweaking.

Fan Wujiu turned his head resolutely and raised his scarlet eyes from behind the shield to look at Songshan, which was no more than ten feet away from him.

The two people's eyes collided in the air, and they both saw the murderous intent dripping in the other's eyes!

"Kui Niu!"

Fan Wujiu shouted angrily, and a figure barged in from the side.

The face of Kui Niu, covered with minced meat, was red at the moment, and its majestic body was wrapped in a suffocating heat wave.

Fan Wujiu didn't need to say more, he already understood it, he took a bow and bent his knees, holding the shield above his head with his left arm.

Fan Wujiu jumped up and stepped heavily on the shield with both feet, both of them exerting force at the same time!

The evil dragon emerges from the abyss and the fierce tiger pounces into the stream.

Fan Wu Jiu was like a cannonball that hit the hot wire, and his embroidered spring knife struck at the green and black fist that was coming towards him!

"You bastard, give me this and die!"

"do you died?"

The izakaya that used to be filled with the aroma of wine and food has now been reduced to rubble by a fire.

"Should he be dead?"

After confirming that the mutilated corpse would finally stop moving, the mandrill threw away the half-broken knife in his hand. His extremely exhausted body could no longer hold on, and he sat down in the blood flowing across the river.

The messy bun covered his face, but he didn't pay any attention to it. He lowered his head and looked at the ground, his eyes filled with the joy of surviving the disaster and the lingering fear.

"Almost, only a little bit."

The mandrill used his remaining right hand to carefully explore his chest. A large piece of the mechanical bone there was missing, and the fracture was sharp, as if it had been broken by someone.

The unprotected mechanical heart was completely exposed to the air. Even the pumping movements were cautious, and a fingerprint could even be seen clearly imprinted on it.

Just now, Matsuyama, who was left with only a headless body, almost pierced his chest with a finger.

As for the head

The mandrill shook off the hair that blocked his sight and turned to look at the figure sitting on a head with angry eyes.

"It was a calculated and unintentional ambush, but so many people died. Even the Moxu formation, which cost half of this year's Ministry of Works quota, was blown into a pile of scrap metal. In the final analysis, fists are the last word. ah."

Xie Bian looked around at the mess on the ground, a wry smile on his pale lips.

"Stop covering it. Although I can't fight with this sequence, I'm not that fragile. It's just that my stomach was torn open, so I won't die."

He lowered his head and looked softly at the woman kneeling in the mud next to him, her snow-white kimono covered in dark smoke.

The woman shook her head stubbornly, still holding on to the huge gap, but at the next moment she could no longer hold back the tears in her eyes and cried loudly.

"Stop crying, I'll help you reopen the izakaya after tonight."

Xie Bian patted her head gently, raised his head and looked north, "Brother Jun, the rest is up to you."

Inuyama Castle, Naka Ward.

The alleyway that has been dismantled into ruins, the word "dark" can no longer be used, is nakedly exposed to the noisy wind and snow.

Chen Qisheng shook off the burning fire on his robe and listened intently to the gunshots coming from the night sky. At this moment, they had become sparse, and there was no longer the violent formation that was as dense as a rainstorm before.

"It seems that Xiao Hei's side is coming to an end."

Chen Qisheng, whose sleeves were broken at the elbow, asked and answered, "Then we should speed up our actions."

Prince Ma, whose chest armor was already damaged, said nothing and rushed forward, the black blades spitting out from his hands covered in red flames.

Sixth grade ink armor, black sword binding flames!

"Tonight, your Inuyama City Imperial Guards are doomed!"

Songshan roared ferociously, and punched out towards Lord Ma with his fists glowing with green and black iron color.


The fists and knives clashed, and there were bursts of clanging sounds.

Prince Ma slashed with his two swords in a cross stroke, splitting open Matsuyama's iron-like fist. Two dark muzzles suddenly appeared on his shoulders, spraying out a stream of dense bullets.

Matsuyama crossed his arms in front of him, and there was a sound of cracking silk behind him. Two more arms stretched out, inserted into the rain of bullets, and broke off the two dazzling gunfire.

"Niubi, hurry up!"

The vertical eye in the helmet was dazzling with red light, the blade was pointing straight at the edge of the fist, blue flames were splashing from the ankle, and the body of steel was fighting against flesh and blood.

Chen Qisheng's hands were clasped together, his five fingers were covered with armor, and his tattered Taoist robe was fluttering and making noise.

"The ancestors of Tao live in the world, and the heavenly soldiers circle the orbit."

A jade talisman hung behind Chen Qisheng's head. The body of the talisman alternated with green light and flicker, like an anchor in the dark wind and snow.

"The five thunders are fierce, the officials of the Han Dynasty are powerful. The thunder is powerful, the mother of lightning is Wenying"

The two knives were held in Lord Ma's hands. The hot flames made Matsuyama's hands crackle. He didn't realize it. The other two arms clenched into fists and smashed down on the red eyes in the helmet.

At the critical moment, Lord Ma decisively abandoned his sword and raised his arms on both sides of his head.


Lord Ma's head-protecting frame was shaken to the point of being smashed, and the sound of twisted steel made his scalp tingle.

"Get away!"

Matsuyama's eyes, covered in ferocious flames, were fixed on the young Daoxu. The ear-piercing scream of genes deep in his body made his whole body tremble involuntarily, and his four arms kept hitting the obstructive ink armor in front of him.

"Chen Qisheng!!!"

Lord Ma roared shrilly.

"Bai Yujing is officially the Immortal Chen Qisheng. With Huangliang's authority, he respectfully invites Taoist Yuqing to give orders to the gods!"

Chen Qisheng's black hair was dancing in the wind. His right hand was folded into a sword and his left hand was folded, and his halberd pointed at the sky.

At this moment, the ferocious-looking Matsuyama with four arms and tiger's mouth opened in anger, trying to grab Mo Jia and use it as a shield to hold it above his head.

Unfortunately, Lord Ma had already guessed that he would have this idea, and suddenly three inches of flames burst out from his chest, pushing him backwards and almost grazing Matsuyama's fingertips.



A ferocious thunder dragon showed its head in the black sea of ​​clouds, swooping down from the sky.

The lightning surged, illuminating the snow-covered city in a pale white light.

The brief moment of light faded away, leaving behind a huge, mist-shrouded pit.

"It's over. I really lost my pants now. I have only been an official immortal for a few days, and now I have to go back to make up for it."

Chen Qisheng looked sad and sorrowful, lying on the ground with his back in big letters, without any trace of the celestial demeanor he had just ordered Thunder.

"Next time, can your thunder-calling ceremony not be so long? Do you know that I was almost beaten to death?"

Prince Ma sat cross-legged on the ground, heartbroken as he looked at his brand-new body that had just been regenerated and was now covered in bruises.

"Master Ma, I haven't had time to pick up girls yet."

"No more, there will be none in the future."

Chen Qisheng was about to cry but had no tears. He suddenly took a deep breath and shouted angrily towards the sky, "Old Li, you must give me the title of Earth Immortal this time, otherwise I will never be done with you!"

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