Cyber Daming

Chapter 37: Gun Bandits and Prosthetic Bandits

The night was cloudless and the moon was full.

On the vast but extremely desolate high plain to the west of Chengdu Prefecture, a black off-road vehicle was speeding along the post road.

The superior streamlines of the car body minimize the violent wind resistance on the high plains. Together with the strong power bursting out from the engine, it looks like a running panther under the black night sky.

Elegant and charming, yet wild.

At this time, in a dark place where the moonlight could not reach, a lean man with deep facial features and obvious Asian features was listening to the sound of the engine in the wind.

"This voice sounds like someone from the Shuntian Prefecture Shenji Military Industrial Group? What a nice car. It seems like the nobles from Chengdu Prefecture are here to give money again."

The man slowly removed the greedy smile on his face, took a deep breath, and then slowly loosened a gap in the thermal insulation blanket wrapped tightly around his body, and stretched out a rough barrel of a gun outside the blanket.

For such an extremely simple movement, the man did it extremely slowly, and sometimes even paused for an inexplicable long time.

His cautious demeanor was like countless wild beasts lurking in the darkness around him. If he made the slightest sound, he would be cut into pieces immediately.

By the time he put the car body into the scope, the black car was already three hundred meters away.

This is the most confident shooting distance for a man.

At this distance, he didn't even need the assistance of a scope to achieve perfect shots.

But despite this, the man still had no intention of shooting, and he didn't even put his right index finger on the trigger.

He was waiting for hunters like him to take the first step and test the quality of this fat sheep.

This post road is the only fast passage between Chengdu Prefecture and Songpanwei. There has always been no shortage of ruthless gun robbers and prosthetic thieves making a fortune here.

Even those big groups in Chengdu Prefecture only dare to pass here if they are in groups.

If this black horse dares to appear here alone, there are only two possibilities:

Either a newborn calf or a man-eating tiger.

But no matter which type of owner this black car belongs to, he is destined not to enter Songpanwei today!

"How can you bear it today?" the man said to himself.

As soon as he thought about it, a bright gunfire suddenly appeared in a field of grass a hundred meters in front of him, and then a deafening gunshot pierced the silent night sky!

"He actually has a mimic device, no wonder I didn't find him!"

The man's vest was soaked with cold sweat in an instant. While cursing in his heart, he looked towards the black carriage.

In his sight, the windshield of the driver's seat of the black car was cracked like a spider web, but there was no sign of it being broken.

It’s fucking bulletproof glass!

boom! boom! boom!

The gunman who fired first also discovered this situation and immediately continued to shoot again. The hot bullets continued to gouge into the windshield, almost always hitting the same spot, and the cracks they blasted out became deeper and deeper.


The engine of the black car suddenly roared, and the body of the car suddenly rushed forward, like a crazy beast, rushing towards the direction of the gunfire.

The huge sense of oppression made the lurking gunman finally couldn't help but jump up, lowered his body to the point where he was almost on all fours, and fled sideways in the direction of the off-road vehicle.


An extremely violent gunshot sounded, and the gunman's body seemed to have been hit by a cannonball. A large amount of blood mist exploded in his chest and he flew forward.

Xifan saw clearly with his scope that there was a large hole in the chest of the gunman's body that was transparent from front to back. The upper body was almost cut in two, and the broken organs slipped out of the gap.

The dead can no longer die.

But the speed of the black car still did not slow down at all, roaring and running over the gunman's body!

Click! The sound of crushing was clearly audible in the night sky.

The car owner's ruthless behavior almost instantly angered all the hunters lurking on the plain.

For a moment, bullets came like a torrential rain, and the black horse's sturdy body was instantly chewed out with countless holes. The bulletproof windshield was also shaken by the huge impact.

"It's over. The car was beaten like this. There's no profit this time."

The Xifan man felt sorry in his heart, and at the same time he was secretly stunned by the car owner's ruthlessness, "Who is this guy from? How can he be more ruthless than me?"


The off-road vehicle suddenly stopped, and then the driver's door was kicked open, and a figure rushed out.

At the same time, several stones scattered not far around the figure suddenly started to move!

The three muscular gangsters took off their disguises and stood up. The mechanical prostheses installed on their arms reflected the cold light in the moonlight, reflecting the bloodthirsty smiles on their faces.

This group of extremely tough prosthetic thieves didn't care about the stray bullets flying around them, they raised their weapons and charged forward with a roar.


In the gap between the gunfire, there was a clear and high-pitched sound of a knife!

The Xifan man didn't even see what was happening, but he found that the three prosthetic thieves suddenly stopped on the spot, and the weapons in their hands fell to the ground.

Then the throat became like an open water pipe, and blood surged out.

The prosthetic thieves, who were known for their strength in close combat, had their throats slit in an instant!

The scene in front of them shocked many gunmen hiding in the dark. Even the intensive gunfire stopped abruptly at this moment.

It turned out that the owner of this black car was not a fat sheep that strayed into a pack of wolves, but a real tiger!

boom! boom! boom!

After a brief silence, gunfire rang out again.

However, the gunfire this time was much sparser than before, and it seemed that many people had chosen to evacuate quietly.

Such a thin rain of bullets could not pose any danger to the figure. The figure suddenly flickered and then disappeared from the spot.

The speed was so fast that even Xifan Hanzi, who had always maintained a locked state, lost his target.

For a moment, the high plain fell into deathly silence, and even the rustling sounds of insects disappeared.

"Ah!" A scream suddenly sounded, which was particularly permeable in the silence.

A shooter has been located!

The screams came one after another, and the distance between each place was not close, at least more than 100 meters.

This means that the black car owner's running speed is extremely terrifying, and he can accurately find the location of the gunman who just fired.

Even prosthetic thieves will be instantly killed if they get close to them. Gun thieves like them will only die faster.

Cold sweat broke out on Xifan's forehead. He no longer dared to use the scope to search for the opponent's position. He retracted the muzzle of the gun, wrapped the thermal insulation blanket tightly, and slowly wriggled backwards like a bug.

When they were far enough away, the Xifan man who was lying on the ground finally dared to stand up and ran wildly for a moment.


Suddenly there was a dull sound in the air, and a tracer bullet fired by someone unknown was slowly rising into the sky.

The Xifan man who was running wildly stopped unexpectedly and turned back to look at the bright area.

In the fading light, a young man with black hair stood there, tall and straight, with cold eyes.

The blood-stained long knife in his hand is extremely eye-catching!

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