Cyber Daming

Chapter 38 Songpan Wei

Even though it was late at night and early in the morning, the main road in Kesongpanwei was still bustling with people and brightly lit.

A dilapidated off-road vehicle walked along the main road and finally stopped in front of the only bar in Songpanwei.

In the eyes of countless coveting eyes, several muffled sounds of impact suddenly came from the carriage full of craters.

The twisted and deformed cab door bounced a few times but still couldn't be opened, and was finally kicked down with a clang.

After seeing a young man in black getting out of the car with a straight back, the pedestrians who were standing around immediately let out an inexplicable sigh and looked away.

Occasionally, there were a few greedy eyes. After seeing the horrific scars on the car, they gave up the idea of ​​​​stepping forward to stir up trouble.

Li Jun raised his eyes and looked around. The Songpanwei in front of him was more like a large market town than a city.

Judging from what he learned while driving into the city, the area here is probably not much different from the Chicken and Goose District.

But the technology is even more backward, the security is more chaotic, and there are many 'local specialties' that have never been heard of or seen before.

Under the eaves of the shops, there were groups of people sitting cross-legged, making dharma seals with their hands, eyes closed, meditating in the street, with happy and peaceful expressions on their faces.

In the streets and alleys, there are walkers walking barefoot holding prayer wheels, with the sound of Sanskrit chants playing repeatedly on their bodies.

In a dark corner, a young man knelt down with his hands clasped piously, letting others shave his scalp on the street where there were no surgical conditions, and then implanted two rows of brain-computer interfaces like ring scars to complete the shave.

When we came to Songpanwei's most prosperous main road, there were all foreign businessmen dressed similarly to Li Jun, enjoying themselves, drinking and having fun.

This kind of split picture where desire and belief coexist, but are clearly distinct, gives people an extremely strong visual impact.

Li Jun took a deep breath, emptied his mind of strange thoughts, and looked up at the original neon sign above his head.

Qudeng means ‘Buddha’ in Fan language.

Li Jun raised his hand to shave his eyebrows and stepped in.

At the same time, the body of the black SUV suddenly shuddered a few times, and the battered suspension was finally completely scrapped. A cloud of black smoke floated from under the engine hood, and the warhead embedded in the body fell to the ground.

This movement startled some of the sneaky figures that were slowly approaching, and they all turned around and ran away.

When Li Jun pushed open the door of the bar, his brain that had just regained his composure was once again shocked by the scene in front of him.

Hundreds of people were crammed into a small, dark space, and all the drinkers were almost shoulder to shoulder.

This is the kind of crowding that makes it almost impossible to turn around, but it still can't stop them from venting their desires with the most primitive movements.

The smell mixed with alcohol constantly stimulated Li Jun's nerves.

In the corner of the bar, there are still many people who don't know whether they are alive or dead. Data cables with no discernible original color hang from the ceiling and are plugged into the brain-computer interfaces on the backs of their necks.

There was a billing instrument hanging next to each data cable, and the amount of money jumping on it made Li Jun's eyes twitch.

Li Jun raised his hand to wave away the thick smoke in front of him that was almost suffocating, and squeezed through the crowd to the bar.

"Highland barley, liquor, or Western wheat drink?"

Standing behind the bar is a slender young man wearing a suit imported from the West.

Li Jun knocked on the bar with his finger, "The liquor should be strong enough."

Looking at the hand covered with blood and scabs, the man behind the bar shrugged and took out an earthen altar and pushed it in front of Li Jun.

Li Jun opened the mud seal and poured the slightly turbid wine into his hands to wash away the blood. The strong smell of wine made him finally dare to let go of his held breath and take a breath.

The man noticed Li Jun's actions, thoughtfully handed over a piece of white cloth, and asked with a smile: "Which company does your husband work for?"

Li Jun slowly wiped the remaining wine on his hands and said without raising his head: "Is it so obvious?"

"If you're not from a big company, you can't bear to waste such good wine." The man shrugged his shoulders and looked up and down, "And your outfit, tsk tsk, is valuable."

Li Jun smiled slightly, flipped his wrist, and pressed a card with the words "Rishengchang Bank" on the table.

"My boss's surname is Gu, and he asked me to give this thank you fee to boss Jin Lishengjin."

Hearing this, the smile on the man's face became even more enthusiastic. He pressed the card very quickly, opened a gap in his palm and swallowed the bank note. Then he took out another jar of wine from under the bar and put it in. In front of Li Jun.

"It turns out he's from Boss Gu, so he's an honored guest! What do you call me, brother?"

"Li Jun."

"It turns out to be Brother Li. The jar of wine just now is just perfect for my brother to wash his hands with. Don't worry, this jar is absolutely authentic Mingjiu. Just think of me as my brother."

Li Jun pushed the wine jar aside and said calmly: "You can drink wine at any time. Boss Jin should talk to me about the business first."

"Of course, of course."

Jin Lisheng was not angry. He looked around and said in a low voice: "The treasure that Boss Gu wants is now in the hands of Bodhi Company."

"Bodhi." Li Jun pondered for a moment, then narrowed his eyes and asked, "Is it a Buddhist company?"

"Brother Li, you guessed it right. The boss of the Bodhi Company, Mucuo, is a lay disciple of the Buddhist lineage, the Eighth Buddha Bhikkhu."

Jin Lisheng rejoiced: "Fortunately, Brother Li arrived tonight. If he had arrived a few hours later, by the time dawn came, the edict would not be in Songpan Wei."

Li Jun was stunned, "What do you mean?"

"I just got the news yesterday. Mucuo's master asked him to send the edict back to Bailong Temple tomorrow. That place has exceeded the scope of Shu, and no one except Buddhists dare to enter."

Li Jun grasped the key point of Jin Lisheng's words and asked: "So it seems that this business cannot be negotiated?"

"We can't talk about it." Jin Lisheng shook his head and said firmly: "Mucuo will never dare to offend his master, otherwise he will never be able to enter the Yellow Liang Buddha Kingdom of Bailong Temple in his life, and the wisdom root in his body will be lost. How long will it take before it withers?"

The core of the Buddhist sequence is the root of wisdom.

This root of wisdom is not some ability to perceive the truth described in Buddhist scriptures, but an artificial implant that actually exists in the body of a Buddhist follower.

The wisdom root is usually implanted between the eyebrows, and its external appearance is a red cinnabar mark.

The function can also be understood as a chip with identification function, which is the only key to enter the Huangliang Buddhist Kingdom of its genre.

If you lose your wisdom root, it means you have lost the possibility of continued promotion.

This information was all seen by Li Jun in the database of the Security Department. This is the benefit of relying on a big company. If you were in Pao Gehui, you would have no way of understanding this.

Jin Lisheng opened the jar of real wine, filled a cup for Li Jun, who had a slightly gloomy face, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, it's just a small local company. Isn't it easy for you in front of me, brother?"

"Then I'll borrow Boss Jin's good words."

Li Jun raised his glass and drank it all in one gulp, then stood up and walked out of the bar.

At this time, there are still three hours left before dawn.

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