Cyber Daming

Chapter 397 Prison torture

There is a stone-carved corridor full of pre-Ming Dynasty style, dimly lit, with countless symmetrical rooms on the left and right sides. The doors are all carved with a green-faced, fanged, ferocious creature that looks like a tiger's head.


Halfway up the large wall between the door and the door, there are sacrificial shrines embedded in the wall, which enshrine three statues of gods.

In the middle sits the prison god who looks like an old man, with a smile on his face and a kind expression.

Crouching next to him were two ferocious and terrifying imps, their blood-stained eyes widened angrily, and their gaze kept moving along with Fan Wujiu's footsteps until his figure was out of sight. His eyes were still squeezed into the corners of his eyes, and he chased after him relentlessly. He, the picture is extremely scary.

This is the imperial prison of Inuyama Castle's Jinyiwei.

As for why it was built like this, Fan Wujiu didn't know the reason.

He only knew that this place had looked like this since the day he became a Jin Yiwei, and it had never changed over the years.

Fan Wu Jiu strolled among them, with only the sound of his own footsteps echoing in his ears. He looked up and saw that there was not a masonry wall above his head, but a shrouding black mist, and he couldn't see anything.

However, Fan Wujiu knew clearly that above the black mist was not nothingness, but the imperial prison of Qianhu Station in the Japanese area.

Further up are the thousand-household offices in the two capitals and thirteen provinces of the empire, and the highest point is the imperial prison belonging to Beizhen Fusi.

One level after another overlaps upwards, and the superior prison can transfer prisoners from top to bottom.

As for the prisons of other hundreds of households, they are parallel to the stone corridor where he is located, and are not connected to each other.

Fan Wujiu kept walking, moving forward, and finally stopped at the deepest part of the corridor.

There was only one cell left here. Fan Wujiu pointed the hilt of the embroidered spring knife at his waist at the beast on the door. The beast opened its mouth and spat out a piece of black characters.

Name: Shuicun Wudou

Birthplace: Japanese pirate area of ​​Ming Dynasty

Sequence level: Martial Order of the Martial Arts Five Military Heads

Time of imprisonment: March 1, 12th year of Jiaqi

Reason for imprisonment: Participating in conspiracy

Guilty period: Undetermined.

The arrester: Yan Jun (current), one hundred households in Inushan City, a Japanese pirate area in the Ming Dynasty.

"Brother Jun was really quick in his actions. It took only a short time to capture the person."

Fan Wu Jiu sighed in his heart, raised his hand and pushed the door open.

The cell was pitch black, with neither the sky nor the ground, like a chaotic void.

Suddenly, a black shadow jumped out from nowhere, as fast as lightning, aimed at Fan Wujiu and pounced on him.

Fan Wujiu looked contemptuous, smiled coldly, raised his foot, aimed at the attacking Shuicun Wudou, and kicked him out.

Mizumura Goto, who had been able to compete with Li Jun in the Samurai Town, seemed powerless to fight back in front of Fan Wujiu, and was kicked backwards.

Mizumura Goto seemed to be immersed in invisible sea water. No matter how hard he struggled, he could not stop his retreating figure.

This was not the only weird thing. Mizumura Goto could clearly feel that he was retreating, and the pain and strength coming from his chest, middle and legs could also prove this.

But the void around him never changed at all, and even the figure of the Jin Yiwei in front of him did not shrink as usual.

This feeling of confusion is bizarre and extremely frustrating.

"Don't waste your efforts. I can't do it outside, but you can't do it here. I haven't heard of any Jin Yiwei being beaten by a prisoner in prison, and escaping from prison is even more impossible."

As the Jin Yiwei in front of him raised his hand, Mizumura Goto felt that the sense of confusion that enveloped him suddenly disappeared.

Then his vision blurred, and he was already in a cell in the traditional sense.

The body was tied to a stained execution platform, and old torches were stuck on the surrounding walls. The dim yellow light burned people's hearts, and a strong and disgusting smell of blood rushed straight into the nose.

"Let me introduce myself. I am Fan Wujiu, the commander-in-chief of the Jinyiwei Division 1 of Inushan City. The person who caught you here, Lord Yan, is my immediate superior."

Fan Wujiu, who was dressed in a flying fish suit, slowly walked forward. With a push of his right thumb, the embroidered spring knife on his waist popped out with a clang.

"I don't need to say more about what kind of place this is, right? Entering the prison means that you are dead in reality. But if everyone can cooperate happily in the future, we can also release you from the prison and find you a A good body will allow you to live again."

Fan Wujiu stood beside Xingtai and chuckled: "How about it? Think about it?"

Mizumura Gotou narrowed his eyes and remained silent.

"Don't say anything? That's right. People who just come in usually have such a tough look and don't pay attention to us Jin Yiwei at all."

Fan Wujiu was not surprised by Shuicun Wudou's reaction, and said to himself: "Gong Qinghong, you should have heard of this name, right? He is also from Honghu, and he used to follow King Ping'an and committed many crimes. Now, He'll be locked up in the cell next to you."

"He was very hard-boned when he came in. Even though I said nothing, he didn't cooperate. There's nothing I can do about it. Although he is a prisoner, we Jin Yiwei can't just kill people casually. This is against the rules."

Fan Wujiu smiled brightly, pinched his fingers and said: "So I can only adjust the time in his cell a little bit, not much, just one day outside for a year. Do the math, by now he should have been He has been imprisoned for almost two to three hundred years."

"Before I came to you, I went to see him."

Fan Wujiu grinned: "Guess what? He's gone crazy, crying and asking me to kill him. You are the martial preceptor of the sect and have a strong will. You should be able to last longer than him, right?"


Shuicun Wudou closed his eyes expressionlessly, seemingly not caring about Fan Wujiu's threat, but his eyelids kept trembling.


The Xiuchun Sword came out of its sheath, and the blade touched Mizumura Goto's skin, and a real cold feeling surged into his heart.

The tightly closed eyes couldn't help but open a gap, and they saw the Jin Yiwei slashing with a knife.


Wu Wu Rongshou's tempered skin was now as fragile as paper. Fan Wu Jiu easily cut open Shuicun Wu Dou's belly. He very calmly stretched his hand in and casually grasped a hot and humid organ that was still squirming.


Mizumura's eyes were about to burst, his body was twitching wildly, and the unspeakable pain that could not be described in words kept washing over his spirit.

Fan Wu Jiu slowly cut off some organs, then smashed a few fingers, and then peeled off half of the skin on his legs.

By the time he stopped, Mizumura Goto's body was already soaked, as if he had been fished out of the water, and his upper and lower lips were bitten to pieces by his teeth.

However, except for the initial scream, Mizumura Goto did not make any other noise during the entire execution.

Obviously, Fan Wujiu's tricks were not enough to make him submissive.

Fan Wujiu didn't seem to have any hope that these traditional criminal laws could open the opponent's mouth. He was not so much extracting a confession as reminiscing about his skills.

"These traditional crafts have not been used for too long, and they are still a bit rusty."

Fan Wu Jiu picked up a piece of human skin and looked at it carefully. There were some imperceptible gaps on the edge. It must have been accidentally left behind when peeling.

"The warm-up activity is over, and we have officially gotten to know each other. How about taking a break and chatting for a few words before continuing with the rest of the process?"

"Nothing to say, just kill as you please!"

Mizumura Goto's voice was hoarse and scary.

"As expected of Wu Xu, he is quite tough."

Fan Wujiu laughed loudly, raised his hand and waved, the torture chamber in front of him disappeared, and the scene changed into a quiet and elegant mansion.

The corridors are connected with each other, facing the pool in front, and the water in the building corresponds to each other, making people feel peaceful and leisurely. Outside the open door is a traditional street common in Japanese areas, where Japanese people wearing various colors of kimono and haori are walking.

Although the shop signs on both sides also use the characters of the Ming Dynasty, the word order and usage are different from those in today's Japanese areas.

It is not difficult to see that this should be the scene before the Japanese country became a Japanese civilian area.

Compared with the smelly and silent torture chamber before, the current environment is much better.

But Mizumura Goto's eyes tightened into needle-like shapes for no reason, and a trace of panic appeared on his tense face.

"Does it sound a bit familiar? That's right, it's all constructed based on what you remember about 'hometown'."

Fan Wujiu crossed his shoulders and leaned on the gate of the house: "As long as a prisoner enters the imperial prison, many of the contents that are not deeply hidden in your mind will be exposed to us, such as what is happening now. Others are more hidden. If it’s more serious, you have to say it yourself.”

Fan Wujiu did not hide anything, and told Shuicun Wudou everything about the world in front of him.

"Since it's something that's not deep in my mind, do you think I'll care?"

At this moment, Mizumura Goto didn't have any injuries on his body. He was wearing a black haori hakama with a pattern underneath. He was standing on the steps in front of the door with a sneer on his face.

"I don't care, just take a look first and then talk."

As soon as Fan Wujiu finished speaking, the crowd passing by the door suddenly began to speed up like a surveillance screen, and stopped abruptly after a moment.

An old Japanese man with white beard and hair appeared in front of the house. He was stooped and holding a cane. He was trembling even when he stood.

He seemed to be a little uncomfortable with the environment he was in. He paced around for a moment at a loss, and then slowly raised his head to look at Mizumura Goto with a pale face.

"Are you... Xiao Wudou?!"

A look of surprise appeared on the old man's ravaged face, and he even spoke a little faster: "Didn't you go to the Mingren Criminal Area? When did you come back?"

"Listen, these remnants of the Japanese country are still thinking day and night that they can be the victor. They are really stubborn."

Fan Wujiu's lips did not move, but his sarcastic words clearly reached Shuicun Wudou's ears.

"Xiao Wudou, don't you recognize me? I am your uncle Nakamura."

The old man moved closer and gently tapped Mizumura Itou's calf with his crutch: "You brat, do you dare to ignore your elders when you become an official in the Akito District?! Let me tell you, even if you are a hundred Akito slaves His master is also the naughty little Wudou in my eyes!"

Shuicun Wudou pursed his lips and said nothing, staring directly at Fan Wujiu, his fists clenching loudly.

"I advise you to talk to him. This old man is not a figment of your mind."

Fan Wujiu smiled and said, "It took me a lot of effort to get his fragile consciousness into prison."

It's not an illusion, it's a real person

Mizumura Goto's heart suddenly skipped a beat, and cold words burst out from his clenched teeth: "My affairs have nothing to do with them, killing innocent people indiscriminately, is this the style of your Jin Yiwei?"

"It's not your turn to point out how Jin Yiwei should do things."

Fan Wujiu said scornfully: "Besides, it is clearly written in the Ming law that the seven clans will be implicated in the rebellion. He is not the only one who deserves to die!"

"Xiao Wudou, why don't you say anything? Have you really forgotten me, Uncle Nakamura?!"

The old man's beard was trembling, and he was extremely angry at the indifference of Shuicun Wudou. "Come, follow me home. I want to listen carefully to how you have dealt with those Ming Gou who are persistent in their evil intentions and want to rebel in recent years!"

The shriveled palm with only a thin skin covered Mizumura Goto's fist. At the moment of contact, Mizumura Goto felt as if he was electrocuted, his whole body trembled, and he subconsciously wanted to throw away the old man's hand.

But he was horrified to find that he couldn't move at all at this moment, he couldn't even close his eyes, only his lips could still move.

The old man in Nakamura was still chattering, and more and more people gathered around the door of the house. In the blink of an eye, there were dozens of people. These people seemed to know Mizumura Wudou, and warm greetings came one after another.

The sadness in Mizumura Goto's eyes is getting stronger and stronger. The people in front of him include his neighbors when he was a boy, as well as the friends he made while lurking around the Japanese pirates after he became a Honghu.

In his memory, many people here still live in the Japanese area in reality, but now they appear here.

The meaning behind it is self-evident.

The only good thing is that there are no relatives here who are related to him by blood.

"There will be."

Fan Wujiu seemed to be able to penetrate people's hearts and directly revealed the thoughts in Shuicun Wudou's mind.

"Although you have hidden those people quite deep, we can't dig them out directly. But don't forget what our Jinyiwei does. The slightest clue is enough for us to find them. They should be on the road now, otherwise Soon we will send you in to keep you company.”

"Fan Wujiu!"

A sudden shrill roar echoed across this long street, frightening the crowd gathered in front of the house to freeze in place.

At the same time, Mizumura Goto's roar seemed to lift the fog that shrouded the minds of these people. The confusion in their eyes faded away, replaced by strong uneasiness and panic.

"Where is this place? Don't I work in Lu's workshop in Kanazawa City?"

"Wudou, where is this? Why do I appear here?!"

"Five buckets."

Fan Wujiu's words were still clear amid the chaos of people's voices: "You dare to be a swan, and you still care about these family and friends? From the first day when you prepared to rebel, didn't you think that you would end up like today? Yes. Isn’t that a little too naive?”

"Xiao Wudou, did you commit something in Mingren District?"

The old man named Nakamura seemed to notice the subtlety between the two. He stretched out his hand to grab the corner of Mizumura Goto's clothes and said in a low voice: "Go quickly, I will help you stop this person. Don't worry, I am older, he You can’t do anything to me.”

Fan Wujiu raised his eyebrows, glanced at the old man Nakamura, and continued: "You Honghu regard ordinary people who don't fit in the order as cannon fodder. Naturally, we Jin Yiwei are not good men and women."

"I can tell you that these people are just the tip of the iceberg of those involved in the 'Edo Rebellion' case. The list sent to us by the Senhu Office contains thousands of people. Whether they are people you know or those you know, All those who have been forgotten will die because of you!"

Mizumura Goto's lips trembled, and the light in his eyes dimmed.

Fan Wujiu saw all the changes in the expression on his face, and his tone became softer: "Shui Cun Wu Dou, you are the sect's martial arts preceptor, and the blood in your body is hot. I also believe that you still have a breath of blood, and you don't want your own The matter involves others. If you confess now, I can make the decision to release them all from prison, and there will be no further arrests."

"How do you believe you're telling the truth?"

"I, Fan Wujiu, don't like to lie to people, and you have no other choice."

Fan Wu Jiu said indifferently: "Actually, it doesn't matter if you don't tell us. We can also know the answers we want from other people. Otherwise, how do you think you and Chu Ke's hiding place was exposed?"

Mizumura Goto took a deep breath through his mouth, "Did Huaiguo betray us?"

"He reacts faster and is smarter than you. Now he is Jin Yiwei's informant, so he doesn't have to go to jail and suffer all these hardships."

Mizumura Goto's face was filled with deep-seated hatred: "Honghu will never let him go!"

"Who knew it was him?"

Fan Wujiu sneered: "And even if you know, what can you do? There are so many mountains in Honghuli, and the intrigues between the kings are no less than those against our Jin Yiwei."

"And now that Chuke is dead and you are in prison, who will provoke us for the sake of two exposed Honghu? Your leader Kamakura?"

"Use your own brain and think about it carefully. Since the arrest operation was ordered by Qianhu, has your King of Kamakura ever shown up or contacted you? No one knows where he is hiding now. Maybe they have left the Japanese area, but not necessarily. He has become a worthless dog."

"Isn't your target Kamakura?"

Shuicun Wudou heard the hidden meaning of Fan Wujiu's words and remained silent for a long time: "Then what do you want to know?"

"I want to know why Huang Shilie trained you, a person with a foreign surname, to be the leader of the sect's martial arts, and then placed you among Honghu?"

Fan Wujiu blinked, with a faint smile on his lips: "This should be the deepest secret buried in your heart, right? Spring Dragon in the Desolate World."

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