Cyber Daming

Chapter 398 Pioneer

In Quanshan City, Xuanwei Si Yamen.

Xu Zhun crossed the high threshold and walked past the drum with the amplification function. The "Quiet" and "Avoid" signs erected on both sides swept out a red light and passed over him to confirm that his identity was correct. After that, a lion with a brocade tattoo and an angry look slowly lowered its head.

In the main hall, Yang Baize, dressed in a green gown, was already waiting here.

"Mr. Xu, how are things going?"

Xu Zhun cupped his hands and said: "Sir, as of today, a total of four Confucius Temples have been opened in Inushan City, with 6,000 students enrolled. Teachers, accommodation subsidies, teaching equipment, etc. have all been put in place, and the education work has been on the right track. .”

"Has the identity of the teacher been checked?"

"Don't worry, I personally check this point. Anyone with a powerful background will be kicked out by the lower officials. Only low-level followers with clean backgrounds and rich experience will be hired."

Yang Baize nodded with great satisfaction, "Although these people are all old academics who can't bear it and study hard, they are the only ones who dare to leave their hometowns at this time and come from the mainland of the empire to the Japanese areas to teach. So in Regarding remuneration, we must meet their requirements as much as possible, and we must not be stingy with the three melons and two dates."

"Understood. Everyone's salary is at least twice what it was back home, and they are very satisfied with it."

"That's good."

Yang Baize then asked: "How is the progress of the Enlightenment Private School?"

"The enrollment work is going very smoothly, and the people in the city are very cooperative. We don't need too much publicity anymore, they will send their children to school themselves."

Xu Zhun said with a smile: "Now in Inushan City, the popularity of the Han name of the Empire has exceeded 50%, and currently all major enterprises are cooperating with us to promote the Han name Dian Mao simultaneously, plus the Ming Dynasty that the Empire has paved the way for. I believe that in less than ten years, most of the Japanese people will forget their original surnames and only remember the Ming people's names we gave them."

"What about labor export?"

This is the last move among the three axes of Yang Baize's New Deal.

Xu Zhun had already prepared a plan in his mind and answered fluently: "This month, we have exported 5,000 young and middle-aged people to Chongqing, the mainland of the empire. Compared with last month, it is a gratifying increase. But Mr. Pei has come. News, let’s look for some new prefectures, don’t go to them all, Chongqing Prefecture doesn’t need so many labor slaves.”

"If you don't send it to Chongqing Mansion, where else can you send it? Others are not my teachers. We don't have to worry about this. I believe that with the teacher's methods, there will be a way."

Yang Baize never thought about how Pei Xingjian would accommodate so many new young adults. Anyway, he knew that his teacher would definitely be able to handle this situation.

"Are there any problems with funding?"

"This is our most prominent shortcoming at the moment. Although we took over all the industries of Huangshi Group and Black Dragon Capital in Inuyama City, they didn't leave much behind in Inuyama City. We have some really profitable gray industries. We can’t continue to do this. Just relying on the apparent income is still a bit stretched compared to the current expenditure.”

Xu Zhun's face straightened: "Judging from the treasure money we currently have, we can last for a month at most. When the time is up, if there are no other sources of funds, we can only sell off the money under the name of the Xuanwei Division." It’s an asset.”

"Sell it if you have to. Don't put any psychological burden on it. It's a bargain after all, and you won't feel bad if you lose it."

Yang Baize didn't take it seriously, "If everything is sold, how long can it last?"

"If someone takes over, it won't take more than half a year."


Yang Baize flicked his sleeves and said firmly: "It won't even take half a year for the situation in the Japanese area to be settled. By then, money will not be an issue at all."

Xu Zhun's gray eyebrows moved. Although he didn't know why Yang Baize was so confident, he didn't ask.

"Without considering the issue of funding maintenance, it can be said that our new policy in Inuyama City has been implemented very smoothly."

Yang Baize turned around with his hands behind his hands and looked up at the flowing Qinghai red sun pattern behind the main seat in the lobby.

The waves are rolling and the sun is rising and falling.

"What's the progress of other big cities?"

"We are also making progress. However, we are obviously adopting a conservative attitude and are far behind us in terms of intensity. Even Edo Castle, which is the core of the Japanese area, currently only has two Confucius temples, and the number of students enrolled is not even as many as ours. More than half of that.”

Xu Zhun hesitated for a moment, "Obviously, these people are still sitting on the fence, and we are still the most eye-catching bird."

"Then let them watch carefully!"

While Yang Baize was looking forward, his sharp edge was revealed, "And we are not just some outstanding birds, but we are the pioneers who are resisting the rule and breaking new roads!"

Xu Zhun did not comment on Yang Baize's high-spirited words, and asked instead: "I heard that Mr. Li Bufeng, the Japanese Xuanwei envoy, summoned you in Huangliang's dream again?"

"That's right." Yang Baize didn't choose to hide it and answered frankly.

"What are your orders, Mr. Li?"

Yang Baize said lightly: "He also asked us to slow down a little and not be too eager for success."

"Master Li, this is to remind you. The beauty of the forest will be destroyed by the wind. If we always ride on Juechen, the possibility of being attacked from both sides is not small. Those people will not be so calm and wait for us to take the biggest one. Credit. We can’t just focus on the front and not guard what’s behind us.”

What Xu Zhun said was true. He had been in the officialdom of the empire for half his life. Although he had never seen the beautiful scenery above the sea, he had experienced too many undercurrents on the seabed that could swallow up bones.

The word "official" has two mouths. One must be able to speak beautiful articles, and the other must be able to swallow sadness and grievances.

It’s not enough to just take the ‘credit’, the more important point is to learn how to spread your words and leave some food for others.

Eating alone is a taboo in officialdom.

Yang Baize is an out-and-out young talent, with proud and strong bones. This is not a big problem, but if he bites both mouths tightly, he will not be welcomed by others.

The same was true when Pei Xingjian was young. He worked vigorously and resolutely, and his official position soared, and his rank was also promoted very quickly.

However, others may not know it, but Xu Zhun, who has followed Pei Xingjian all his life, knows very well that the hardships Pei Xingjian has suffered far outweigh the merits he has received.

Otherwise, he would not have been driven all the way from the Imperial Court to Jinling, the capital, and then reduced to the Chengdu Mansion, where he was regarded as useless, and would have been looked down upon under the roof of Daoxu.

"I know your worries, Mr. Xu, but we are in a different situation than them. We don't have a powerful person behind us to support us. If we hesitate to look forward and backward because we are worried about being attacked from both sides, we may not even be able to drink a sip of soup in the end."

Yang Baizeying's angry face was full of murderous intent: "If they are really shameless and dare to show their swords behind our backs, then we will deal with them too!"

Seeing his firm attitude, Xu Zhun moved his lips slightly, but remained silent for a while.

"Don't worry, I'm not a fool."

Yang Baize turned around and looked at the old man who still had worries on his brows, and said with a smile: "If it wasn't until the last moment, I wouldn't be willing to pull out the powerful man's beard. Don't worry too much, this is the last chance before the old chief assistant leaves office. His old man has been keeping an eye on his handwriting. These clans should restrain themselves and not be too arrogant."

"You still don't understand the gates."

Xu Zhun shook his head: "Those people are dirty and have no bottom line. I am worried that they are smiling on the outside but using some despicable methods behind their backs."

Yang Baize didn't care at all and laughed loudly: "Are you always worried that they will send someone to kill me?"

"It's not impossible. This is a Japanese area, and there are many examples of imperial officials being killed. It's easy to find a swan or a Japanese pirate to take the blame. And yours"

Xu Zhun looked like he was hesitating to speak. After holding it in for a long time, he sighed: "A gentleman doesn't stand under a dangerous wall."

Yang Baize understood clearly and said calmly: "A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall because he has no strength and cannot hold up the dangerous wall that is about to collapse. My rank is not high, but we are in Inushan City. It’s not like we’re alone.”

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