Cyber Daming

Chapter 410 The method of stinging officials


A cold word interrupted Mo Qijing.

I saw Zhao Qingxia slowly raising his head, his angular face covered with frost.

"After you've said it, don't say it again. Otherwise, you and I will no longer be brothers."

After saying these strong words, Zhao Qingxia ignored the widened whale eyes and walked toward the end of the passage.

"Hey, why can't you understand what good people say? Who really cares about you, can't you tell? People are so far apart from each other, who is still talking about loyalty outside? Nowadays, it's all about interests and money. Do you understand? Hey, did you hear what I said? Damn it, your virtue deserves to be deceived."

Zhao Qingxia walked all the way to the end of the passage. In front of him was a long masonry platform. Under the platform was a huge abyss with a radius of hundreds of feet.

If someone looks down at this moment, they can see that there are many protruding platforms in the abyss that serve as stops for sedan elevators. Each station represents an independent team or studio of Juzitang.

And in this abyss, it is not completely dark, but filled with densely packed light green light spots that beat regularly, like countless fireflies inhabiting the walls of the abyss.

This is a host of yellow beams embedded in the mountain, spreading all the way to the very depths of the ground.

Artifact Forum, Minggui Realm, FeiGongyuan R\u0026D Center, LiBengLeHai Exchange Platform.

This is the basis for the various permanent yellow beam dreams owned by Mo Xu in the northern territory of the empire.

"No, where's the elevator back to the ground?"

Zhao Qingxia looked at the empty platform in front of her, her face turned pale, and she cursed bitterly: "Mo Qi Whale, you bastard!"

"hold head high!"

A huge whale cry came from the abyss, and Zhao Qingxia clearly felt the ground under his feet shaking slightly. Amidst the increasingly clear metallic clang, a swift and violent wind spurted out, and two bright green lights flashed in the darkness, as if some huge monster was gradually approaching.

A kind of pressure originating from the depths of his genes tightly gripped the fear in his heart, making Zhao Qingxia almost unable to help but run away.

"If you do this again, I will smash your head sooner or later!"

Zhao Qingxia tightly grasped the bulge on the wall beside him to prevent himself from being swept into the abyss by this evil wind.

A huge whale-like creature 'leap' out of the darkness at the bottom of the abyss!

The head is round, the mouth is wide, and the teeth are as sharp as a knife. The body is about twenty feet long and covered with layers of thick metal armor. The pair of fins are swinging and the strong wind is blowing. It actually treats the abyss as sea water and swims freely.

There is a fish in the North Ming Dynasty, and its name is Kun!

Mo Qiying Whale, Mo Xu Ranger, a Mo Xusi who abandoned flesh and blood and used weapons as his body.

"It seems you still need me to give you a ride, senior brother. Come on, junior brother."

The Moqi Whale opened and closed its huge mouth, and its sharp teeth rubbed against each other, making a clanging sound.

Zhao Qingxia had no choice but to step on the shark's fins, jump up and jump onto the back of the Moqi Whale.

Zhao Qingxia noticed that at the point where he landed, a dent appeared in the armor plate on the back of Moqi Whale. The width was just right for a person to sit down. The edge of the armor plate was also deliberately smoothed, and even used Wrapped in leather,

No need to think too much, this must have been specially prepared for him by Mo Qijing.

Most of the depression in Zhao Qingxia's heart disappeared at this moment. Before he could speak, he heard a deafening whale song. The armor plates around him slowly closed up, and his body was cleverly embedded in the armor plates. There was no need to worry about anything. Risk of falling.

The Black Riding Whale raised its body, swung its fins, and swam into the air in the abyss.

"Senior brother, I know you are doing it for my own good."

The wind roared, and Zhao Qingxia could hardly open his mouth. He shouted: "But I have never regarded Lord Ma as my slave, and he should not be anyone's slave. He is my brother, and so is Li Jun. ! If there’s any trouble, I’ll be there!”

"I'm just busy doing research, and I'm following me. Ahhhh!"

The huge flying figure of the Moqi Whale suddenly stopped, swung its head and tail, and directly threw Zhao Qingxia on its back, landing on the highest platform without hesitation.

Zhao Qingxia rolled directly into the tunnel connecting the ground like a gourd rolling on the ground.

"You are so stupid. How can you survive in this world with a brain like this?"

The Black Riding Whale swung its tail to change direction and swam towards the bottomless darkness.

"But forget it, bad rules are bad rules. Who made me just a junior brother? If something happens to you, who will lend me money in the future?"

Zhao Qingxia walked quickly through the crowds. This market town, which could not be found on any map of the Ming Empire, was still bustling even late at night.

As he walked along, in addition to the boiling voices of people, there were all kinds of crackling sounds of iron, and the air that passed into his nose seemed to be filled with a strong smell of metal rust, mixed with all kinds of weird odors.

The buildings on the left and right are quite old-fashioned in style, like the stilted buildings popular in the southern part of the empire, except that they are not supported by wood, but by thick steel feet.

The eastern branch of Juzitang is a moving city hidden deep in the majestic mountains. It is also an organ city recorded in various ancient books of the pre-Ming Dynasty.

Zhao Qingxia ran all the way and finally saw Zou Sijiu with a dull face in a pavilion with a 'dream catching pavilion' on the edge of the town.

"Sorry, outsiders can only stay in the corresponding restricted area when entering Juzi Hall. This is also to prevent you from sneaking into their dreams."

The moment Zhao Qingxia stepped into the pavilion, Zou Sijiu's lonely eyes finally regained some sparkle.

"What a fucking bully. With our relationship, I can be considered a guest after all, right? Those hypocrites in Ruxu all know that friends come from far away, and they are very happy. How come I'm here, and they guard me like a thief? Woke up?"

Zou Sijiu cursed angrily: "Furthermore, Master Zou, am I the kind of person who enters dreams at will? Besides, why should I enter the dreams of these blacksmiths? Learn to blacksmith, or learn to swing a hammer?!"

Zhao Qingxia pointed her finger at her lips and said "shush", signaling Zou Sijiu with her eyes.

Zou Sijiu shivered all over and said with a smile: "You must be locked up as you should."

"This is what Brother Jun wants."

Zhao Qingxia handed the box he was carrying to Zou Sijiu: "Fifth level martial arts, stinging official technique!"


After getting the thing, Zou Sijiu, who felt like a light on his back, didn't want to stay here any longer, turned around and walked out of the pavilion.

Zhao Qingxia stood in the pavilion and stared at Zou Sijiu's back, slightly dazed. Suddenly, he found an electronic slip on the stone table in the pavilion.

On the shimmering screen was an open document: the Exchange List of the Ministry of Industry of the Ming Empire.

"Brother Zou." Zhao Qingxia called out.

Zou Sijiu stood beside the stone steps going down the mountain and waved his hand without looking back.

"Brother Jun asked me to tell you that although he doesn't have much money, he still has some savings. He lets you choose whatever you like. Don't think about not spending it. He has already paid for it in advance. The 50 million quota is given to the Ministry of Industry, and you can’t get it back even if you don’t choose.”

"And if the quota is not enough, he will cut it for you and help you make money!"

Thunder roared and rain poured down.

The rain in early spring was particularly fierce, falling from the gloomy sky with a tragic aura, ferociously smashing all the advertising projections that dared to float in the air, and finally fell hard on the stern faces filled with murderous intent.

The long knife was unsheathed and the gun was loaded.

Everyone was silent, standing shoulder to shoulder, waiting for the figure standing under the black umbrella to give orders.

The umbrella was slightly tilted, and Ghost King Da raised his eyes and stared at the highest point of the building in front of him, staring intently at the row of permanent slogans that read "The Empire is benevolent and will protect our Japanese people."

"Protect my Japanese people? Protect your mother's head!"

Ghost King Da waved his hand like a falling knife and said in a serious tone: "Come in, anyone who dares not to surrender will be shot to death!"

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