Cyber Daming

Chapter 411 Passing the torch from generation to generation

Deep inside the Rende Capital Building.

The red-painted torii gate standing in front of the steps was crowded with densely packed figures of Tokugawa family members, and the heads of the dark people had the same look of fear.


The fire dragon burst out of the water and hit the wall with a deafening explosion. The ground beneath his feet shook uncontrollably. Thick smoke billowed out in the heavy rain outside the transparent wall. The increasingly intense fire started to rise from the bottom of the building.

The noisy sounds of swords, guns, and shouts of death were getting closer and closer, and became clearer and clearer, but these men wearing black feathers and wearing clover badges on their chests did not dare to move at all.

All the reasons stem from the hunched and thin figure standing alone in front of them at this moment.

There are thousands of Jinyi guards in the Japanese area, Su Ce.

"Take the lives of these family members to delay time? Tokugawa Hiroshi, it seems that you are really crazy."

Su Ce took off the fire that kept flickering in the corner of his mouth and dusted off the ashes.

But just this tiny movement caused an uneasy commotion in front of him.

Suddenly, a trembling muzzle rose, and the shaking blade reflected streaks of chaotic cold light.

"Master Qianhu, you have misunderstood. They have no qualifications and no ability to stop you."

An old man floated down from the depths of the steps, "Put down all your weapons, don't make fearless sacrifices."

The latter words were spoken to the members of the Tokugawa family gathered at the foot of the steps.

But Tokugawa Hiroshi's words of comfort seemed to arouse the little courage left in these men's bones. Suddenly, their pupils were filled with blood, they glared at Su Ce, and they let out shrill and unpleasant roars in their throats!

Like a group of bloodthirsty beasts on the verge of despair, they roared and swore to defend their master to the death.

"Sacrifice? Does a group of rebels deserve this word?"

Su Ce sneered and pressed down the palm holding the cigarette butt slightly, "Why are you yelling? Shut your mouth, please."

The skinny old man's seemingly amusing move was just like the words of the man in the Taoist sequence, and the roars one after another stopped abruptly at this moment.

The overwhelming fear crawled out from the depths of their genes and wrapped around the hearts of these men like poisonous snakes. No matter how hard they struggled, they could no longer make a sound.

The hero pressed his hands, and the bystanders were silent.

Boom, boom, boom.

Countless knees hit the hard ground with dull sounds, and hundreds of figures fell to their knees.

These men, who were willing to die for their family just a moment ago, now have only one thought in their hearts: kneel down and beg for their lives.

Among them are military order, agricultural order, and even a very small number of Confucian order who were deliberately cultivated because of the New Donglin Party's propaganda of 'education' policy. There is also a shortage of mid-sequencers who have reached the sixth or fifth level of the sequence.

But now, they are not even qualified to stand in front of Su Ce.

The mechanical body lost control, the mechanical heart stopped suddenly, and the brain orifice also stopped functioning.

The crazy and trembling genes made a shrill scream in their minds, conveying a true and extremely strong meaning: Kneel down, kneel down, kneel down.

"Master Wu Sanxiong is not a worldly emperor, but he is the master of genes. The first time I saw you take action was on the day the Japanese region fell. You broke into the palace and nailed the then Emperor to the throne with a knife. I didn't expect that. The second time I saw you take action with my own eyes, it was actually for me."

Tokugawa Hiroshi said word by word: "I am proud of you."

Su Ce turned his head and used the extinguished cigarette butt to refill himself, and walked forward slowly.

"You didn't expect that there are so many things going on. Have you ever thought about being stabbed in the back by others?"

As soon as the footsteps came, the figure kneeling in front put his forehead to the ground and knelt to get out of the way.

Among the crowd that was so dense that it was impossible to get down, a wide road was cut like a knife, leading all the way to the scarlet torii gate and the shrine hidden at the end of the steps.

"Man has a thousand calculations, but God only has one calculation. I, Tokugawa Hiroshi, still failed to calculate people's hearts after all."

There was an unspeakable bitterness in Tokugawa Hiroshi's voice.

"But you are also a person. It's rare that you can do so many things under my nose."

Su Ce stepped onto the stone steps built in the building, and with a flick of his finger, the huge ancient Japanese-style torii collapsed.

Perhaps because it had been standing here for many years, a large amount of dust accumulated on the torii gate. When it collapsed, a puff of dust and smoke was immediately set off, swallowing up the Tokugawa family members who knelt on the ground and were heartbroken.

"Do you really know nothing about these things?"

Su Ce said calmly: "It doesn't matter whether you know it or not, but I didn't expect you to have the guts to target my Qianhu Office."

"To survive in a desperate situation, just break your arm to protect yourself."

Tokugawa Hiroshi smiled bitterly and said: "These disciples below have nothing to do with Honghu, and they don't know what I am doing secretly. For the sake of me doing a lot of things for Jinyiwei over the years, can you give them a A way to survive?"

"Okay, as long as they can escape from Edo City today, I will spare their lives."

"That's enough. I'd like to thank Mr. Qianhu on their behalf."

Tokugawa Hiroshi's voice paused for a moment and then continued: "The new policy implemented by the New Donglin Party this time is digging the graves of 20 million Japanese people."

Su Ce climbed up the steps and sneered: "From the day the Japanese area was conquered, this outcome has been destined. The difference is just sooner or later. How come you can't understand this even if you have lived until now?"

"But at the beginning of the 'enlightenment', they had promised that the Japanese area would be separated from the category of criminal areas and included in the administrative divisions of the empire, so that the people of the Japanese area would truly become subjects of the empire and no longer be inferior to others!"

"Do you believe what those people say?"

Su Ce said indifferently: "The Ming Empire has two capitals and thirteen provinces. This is a rule that has been set since Emperor Taizu. It is the mountains and rivers of the Ming Dynasty and the foundation of the Ming people. Which high-ranking official of the New Donglin Party, Confucian Preface Which family has the guts to bring the Japanese area in?"

"Since they broke their word, why do you still help them guard the Japanese area?"

Tokugawa Hiroshi's voice suddenly became passionate: "The cunning rabbit dies and the running dogs are cooked. The flying birds are gone and the good bows are hidden. Once the New Deal is fully implemented, you and your Jin Yiwei will be the biggest hidden danger to the stability of the Japanese area and the conspiracy of the New Donglin Party." The biggest goal. Only when you die can their civil and martial arts be truly complete!"

The old but powerful voice echoed in this empty floor, going around and around, deafening.

Su Ce raised his hand and scratched his ears, and sneered: "Put away your little tricks and try to win over me. You still owe me some heat."

"Whether it's due to deception or just speaking from the bottom of my heart, I know it, and you Su Qianhu also knows it!"

Tokugawa Hiroshi said loudly: "It has only been a few decades since the world was divided into military forces. Now Wu Xuhu is still alive. Unless you are completely eradicated, the three religions will be uneasy. Instead of sitting back and waiting for death, you might as well give it a go, Tokugawa Hong is willing to lead your horse and put it on the pedal for you!"

Su Ce kept walking, "It's interesting, keep talking."

"As long as you are willing to join hands with me and have Gao Tianyuan as your protection, neither the Yin Yangxu in Qintian Prison nor the gods in Baiyu Jing can track us. In ten years at most, I can be in the Japanese area ten The city has cultivated a large number of people who carry the martial arts gene of the sect, and will reproduce the glory of the Liaodong martial arts leader who shocked the imperial court. By then, even the three religions today will have no choice but to bow their heads and grovel!"


Su Ce looked contemptuous: "Who are you, Gao Tianyuan? How many people can you cover up? As long as the empire spreads Huangliang Dreamland over, no living person can escape their surveillance! Even if you let go of this, it won't matter. Now that the sect's martial arts has been eliminated, it is irreversible. Where can you go to cultivate it? How can the three religions give you a chance?"

"Your worries are nothing to worry about. Not within five years, and maybe it won't take that long. As long as the New Deal ends and the leadership of the New Donglin Party changes from old to new, the three religions and nine streams will inevitably be reshuffled. Card!"

Tokugawa Hiroshi's voice was full of fanaticism: "By then they will have no time to take care of the Japanese area, and we will have enough time and space to plan and develop!"

"Then what do you want me to do? Be the emperor for you Japanese pirates?"

At this time, Su Ce had stepped onto the last step and looked up at the towering gate, looking at the plaque with the four blood-red characters "Mountains and Rivers Resurrected" written on it.

"You still want to restore the country? Tokugawa Hiroshi, you, an old Japanese pirate, are really sitting in a well watching the sky, your evil intentions are not dead!"

"It seems that Su Ce, you have lost your courage and your backbone has been completely trampled by the three religions. Since you are not willing to go with me, then I will try today to see what it means to be a master of the three martial arts!"

In front of the solemn and solemn shrine, the silver-haired Tokugawa Hiroshi suddenly stood up from his kneeling position and opened his eyes angrily!

At the same time, from the ukiyo-e painting that occupied the entire wall behind him, there were bursts of seemingly substantive shouts of killing. Every Japanese soldier who was fighting a bloody battle with the Ming Dynasty troops wearing Mingguang armor turned their heads and stared at this moment.

Every pair of eyes was like a living creature, their eyes were hot and burning, revealing pure hatred and desire for revenge, staring straight at Su Ce's figure.

Suddenly, a Japanese soldier no bigger than a fist jumped out of the painting. Behind him was a flag with a clover printed on it. He held a spear and cursed loudly at Su Ce in Japanese.

The canvas shook like a curtain of water, and the Japanese soldiers jumped out one after another, gathering around Tokugawa Hiroshi in the blink of an eye.

Not only that, those members of the Tokugawa family who should have fled, their eyes were red and their pupils were dilated. They actually suppressed the fear in their genes and surged up the stairs like a tide.

"Mo Xu's heavenly puppet? Or Nong Xu's dwarf soldier?"

The sarcasm on Su Ce's lips did not diminish at all: "It's so fancy, do you think you can compete with me with these useless things?"

Tokugawa Hiroshi looked crazy: "I have to give it a try anyway. Am I just waiting for you, Su Ce, to kill me?"

"Want to try?"

Su Ce took off the cigarette butt from the corner of his mouth and flicked it, "Then I'll let you die peacefully!"

The cigarette butt fell to the ground, splashing with sparks.

Su Ce pressed his knees down, and there was a loud rumble, and the steps under his feet collapsed like a landslide.

The glass curtain walls in the distance were all shattered, and suddenly the pouring wind and rain poured in from outside the building, as if there was a drizzling rainstorm in this building!

Tokugawa Hiroshi had no time to make any move, and a pair of fiery eyes suddenly pressed in front of him.


That important Japanese-style shrine exploded into pieces all over the sky.

A stream of flames soared into the sky from the ruins, carrying the cold wind blowing in from outside the building, and turned into a tornado of flames, scattering all the miniature soldiers who had lost control and stood frozen on the spot.

At the foot of the collapsed steps, the Tokugawa men clutching their weapons broke away from the state of 'fighting and closing' and stared at the noisy light and shadow in the distance with horrified faces.


A samurai sword slipped from someone's hand and hit the ground full of dirt and rocks.

Like a chain reaction, swords and guns fell to the ground one after another, making a clanging sound.

"You didn't even know how to raise a group of dogs. You had to beg for mercy in order to find a chance to breed them. As a result, as soon as the hypnosis wore off, not a single one of them was left. Hiroshi Tokugawa, you are such a failure."

Beside the increasingly fierce fire tornado, Su Ce raised his eyes and looked at Tokugawa Hiroshi, who was lifted up by one arm.

Scarlet blood gurgled from Tokugawa Hiroshi's cochlea, and the blood vessels around his eyelids swelled and burst. He blinked laboriously, trying to condense his dilated pupils.

Zongheng Sequence Four, but in the blink of an eye, they were defeated and killed.

Tokugawa Hiroshi's white hair was burnt to gray-black by the fire, his throat rolled, and his lips parted. But just when he was about to make a sound, several nerve bundles sprang out of the Impermanence Book ring in Su Ce's hand, aiming at him. His eye sockets were pierced.

Unlike other prisoners who faced imprisonment in the past, Tokugawa Hiroshi did not react too violently. Only the blood and tears falling from the corners of his eyes proved that his body was suffering from the pain of consciousness extraction that ordinary people could not imagine.

"Su Suce."

Tokugawa Hiroshi spoke tremblingly, his bloodshot eyes trying to move downward just to see the same skinny and old face.

"Sooner or later you will rebel. They will not let you go."

"You are not the first Zonghengxu to die in my hands, and you are not the first person to say such things to me."

Su Ce's face was calm, his eyes were as calm as a flat lake, without any ripples in sight.

The threads of the Impermanence Book continued to penetrate deep into Tokugawa Hiroshi's flesh and blood, and the severe marrow-eating pain that followed made him unable to suppress the twitching of his body any longer.

"When you go to prison, I will have plenty of time to listen to what you have to say."

"You don't have time. The three religions have noticed the signs of the rise of Duxing Wuxu, and they will not give you a chance to revive. The fire you cherish will only be extinguished in their hands!"

Tokugawa Hiroshi laughed loudly, "The fires are coming one after another, I have no chance, and you Su Ce have no chance either!"


Tokugawa Hiroshi's head shattered into pieces, and the nerve bundles that penetrated into his flesh and blood were thrown out. He twisted unwillingly for a moment before retracting into the Impermanence Book ring between Su Ce's fingers.

In order to avoid being sent to prison, Tokugawa Hiroshi chose to commit suicide.

Su Ce threw away the still twitching body in his hand and wiped the blood splattered on his face with the back of his hand.

"Opportunity? After spending my whole life as a martial artist, why should I let others give me a chance?"

Su Ce's eyes were cold, his hands were behind his back, and he turned to look at the noisy wind and rain outside the building, "Whoever puts out my fire will be killed by me!"


A thunder exploded, and a cold light illuminated the building swallowed by darkness.

The bullet embedded in the skull, the flying fish suit stained with blood, the Xiuchun knife cracked into the body of the machine

The Jin Yiwei with hideous faces, the Tokugawa tribesmen fleeing in haste.

"If you give up resistance, you will lose your life! If you persist in your stubbornness, you will be thrown into prison forever!"

The bloody battle that broke out in this building was all illuminated at this moment, and the deafening roar filled the sky and the earth.

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