Cyber Daming

Chapter 468: New and old grudges settled together (5)

When Toyotomi entered the government office from far away, the wriggling black gap on the faceless head fell into a brief calm, but it did not last long, and finally slowly evoked a subtle arc.

"We meet again, Toyotomi!"

"Yes, we meet again."

Toyotomi Enjiang's voice was very soft, and the depression in his heart made him feel that it was so difficult to speak for the first time.

Although he had already guessed this result, when he actually saw this scene with his own eyes and heard the familiar voice again, Toyotomi Yuanjiang still felt absurd and bitter.

Toyotomi Enjiang laughed full of self-deprecation, but such a simple action made Tokugawa Hiroshi feel chills all over his body, and he was secretly on guard.

Based on his understanding of Toyotomi's far frontier, he might have to face a violent storm of attacks and fight to the death.

But to Tokugawa Hiroshi's expectation, the old friend in front of him did not do any radical behavior, not even an angry question. He just put his hands on his knees and sat quietly on his knees outside the government office lobby.

he's changed.

This thought suddenly popped into Tokugawa Hiroshi's mind, and his tense mind relaxed a little.

It seems that these recent events have changed the other party's mind to a certain extent. No matter which aspect it is, at least it seems that Toyotomi Yuanjiang's hatred for him is not too strong now.

Perhaps as long as he can give him the answer he wants, he can regain this once most powerful right-hand man.

As for the answer, it couldn't be simpler for me.

Tokugawa Hiroshi slightly clumsily manipulated the carved talisman underneath him, deliberately letting his current body fall into the chair, swaying from side to side, and almost falling to the ground.

He opened two slits that couldn't be called 'eyes', but at the moment when he was about to speak, he felt that the situation in front of him was inexplicably familiar, but he couldn't remember when he had seen it before.

At this moment of hesitation, Toyotomi Enjiang, who was kneeling on the ground, spoke first.

"For so many years, I have always regarded you as my teacher. No matter how many things you hide from me, I have never wavered in my loyalty to you and followed your lead. When I learned that Jin Yiwei had taken action against you, I once felt guilty because of myself. The rescue is slow and unable to forgive itself.”

"You don't have to blame yourself for this. Su Ce has already had murderous intentions, and I am destined to die. If you had taken action rashly, it would have only cost you another life."

Toyotomi Enjiang turned a deaf ear to Tokugawa Hiroshi's consolation, and still said calmly: "When the Kinyiwei announced that they would wipe out you in the name of Honghu's rebellion, I still firmly believed that you were framed and betrayed by that woman Akechi Haruhide. So. I did not hesitate to make the decision I hated the most."


"I once again bowed my knees to Akito, begged for mercy, and personally offered the Mikawa Heavy Industries that I have been running my whole life, just to get a chance to avenge you."

Toyotomi Enjiang's voice was deep, his facial features were ferocious and twisted, and his angry eyes were mixed with unbearable sadness.

"Tokugawa Hiroshi, why didn't you really die?"

"Because I can't die yet."

Tokugawa Hiroshi answered without hesitation: "I can't just watch our unfinished business die in the hands of two traitors."

"But you personally supported these two traitors!"

Tokugawa Hiroshi wanted to pretend to close his eyes in pain, but suddenly remembered that in his current state, he could not express such emotions through his expression. He could only say in a helpless tone: "The reasons here are very complicated. I will explain it in the future." I'll tell you slowly."

"Today, now!"

Toyotomi Yuanjiang looked firm and his attitude was very tough.

"Whether it's the Taoists or the Jin Yiwei, no one dares to come near here today. You and I have enough time."

Although Tokugawa Hiroshi didn't know where his confidence came from, it was obvious that if he wanted to pass the current level, he had to solve some doubts in Toyotomi Enkō's mind.

"Akechi Qingxiu's real body is a yellow beam ghost. You should have known this for a long time. But in fact, she was not customized and trained by Huang Shilie himself. It is impossible for such a yellow beam ghost to have the ability to seize the real body. 'Akechi Haruhide' took its place in silence."

Tokugawa Hiroshi emphasized: "She is a gift specially given to Huang Shiretsu, or she is an experimental subject."

"who is it?"

"I don't know. I know that he is an important figure in the Yin and Yang order from the East Palace."

Toyotomi Yuanjiang did not dwell on the identity of this so-called 'big shot', but asked directly: "Since you know the other party's ulterior motives, why didn't you deal with the yellow ghost as soon as possible, and instead allowed her to confuse Huang Shilie and even control her? The entire Akechi family?”

Tokugawa Hiroshi obviously didn't like such in-depth questioning, especially when the person asking the question was a follower who once obeyed his words.

"The Mingzhi family is originally a member of the Yin-Yang order. This is an internal matter of other people's order. We have no right to interfere. And if we get involved, the next ones to be taken away may be you and me!"

His enunciation was deliberately heavy, hinting at the dangers of Toyotomi's far frontier.

"There's one more thing you didn't say."

Toyotomi Yuanjiang said slowly: "Huang Shilie is a medicinal material carefully cultivated by Huang Tianmen to heal his own injuries. Sooner or later, his internal organs will be removed. Such a fate that cannot escape makes his mind become deformed and twisted. Bloodthirsty and desperate.”

"And the appearance of this yellow-liang ghost just happened to be able to support his feelings. It was equivalent to putting a collar on Huang Shilie, a wild and untamable beast. From then on, he had a fatal weakness that could be easily controlled. This is for This is a great thing for you.”

Hit the nail on the head and penetrate deeply.

Tokugawa Hiroshi was noncommittal and said with a smile: "Toyotomi, you have really changed."

"Has it changed?"

Toyotomi Enjiang shook his head and continued to ask: "What about Honghu Kamakura?"

"An empty shell, controlled by three families except you in turn. Responsible for handling some minor troubles, and at the same time used to divert the attention of Jinyiwei and Xuanweisi."

Tokugawa Hiroshi paused and added: "I didn't tell you this to protect you. Your personality is not suitable for such a thing."

"So Gao Tianyuan is also an empty shell? Or is it just a bargaining chip for you to use?"

There was no emotion or anger in Toyotomi Enjiang's voice.

"Gao Tianyuan is real, but it is not used to obscure the empire's sight, but to detonate the conflict between Daoxu and Ruxu, thereby disrupting the situation in the entire Japanese area. Only by causing chaos can we have a chance!"


Toyotomi Yuanjiang laughed at himself. Without the enthusiasm that blinded his mind in the past, he could see everything extremely clearly at this moment, and he was also extremely desperate.

"We are just ants that can be crushed by others with a snap of their fingers. Even if these two tigers and leopards fight until they are dying, we still can't cross the river of blood they shed. How can we be qualified to bite flesh and blood?"

"Although we are ants, we have an absolute numerical advantage. This is the greatest value of the Japanese area. No matter who wins or loses in the end, the Japanese area will completely get rid of the control of Ruxu's family. In the end, they need to pass Let’s control the millions of people in Japan, so that we can have room and room for mediation!”

"That's just a puppet."

"That's also revival! At least we have taken the first step and are no longer pigs and dogs that can be slaughtered at will in the hands of Xin Donglin!"

Different from the calmness of Toyotomi's far frontier, Tokugawa Hiroshi's voice was full of fiery high spirits.

"If things go well, I will arrange for you to switch sequences and join one of them, cultivating our own strength from within."

Tokugawa Hiroshi said excitedly: "In the vast territory of the empire, the Japanese area is only a small and insignificant area after all. Although it seems to be the focus of the storm now, such short-term attention will fade sooner or later. Wait for their attention By moving to other more important places, we will have enough time to develop and grow. When a crucial turning point occurs, we can take advantage of the trend and rise up to realize the true rejuvenation of the Japanese country!"

"But the implementation of the New Deal will make the Japanese slowly forget their roots. When the turning point you mentioned comes, will we still be us?"

Toyotomi Yuanjiang said painfully: "You once said that the road we chose was destined to be opened up with lives and paved with corpses from the beginning. I have never been afraid of these, even if it makes me kneel in the bright light again. I can also endure being under human feet. But when they have completely forgotten about Japan, what’s the point of doing all this?"

"The New Deal only lost some humble and ignorant people. If it doesn't take a few generations to change, we can lead them to find themselves again."

Tokugawa Hiroshi's voice suddenly distorted and trembled, and then stopped abruptly.

The cracks on that weird face were still opening and closing, but what came out was Akechi Haruhide's anxious and anxious voice: "Toyotomi Enji, he is only telling you this to delay time, and he wants to devour me completely! Tokugawa Hongzhi has been lying to you from the beginning to the end, and he is still trying to trick you! Take action quickly, this is the only chance to kill him and avenge yourself!"


Another crack appeared on the 'mouth', and Tokugawa Hiroshi's sinister words sounded.

"Huang Lianggui, you want to use Toyotomi's hand to regain the dominance, right? You are not human after all, and you don't understand the emotions and trust between people. Toyotomi and I have been together for decades, what do you think? Will he believe you?"

The 'mouth' below retorted: "Trust? He is just a tool in your eyes. A loyal dog. When have you ever given him trust?"

The 'mouth' above spoke righteously: "Concealment is not deception, but another form of absolute trust. The only thing I did wrong was to underestimate your ambition, which is why the situation has deteriorated to this point!"

The conflicting dialogue unfolded in the same body, but Toyotomi Enjiang, who was the focus of the dialogue, remained indifferent.

The only change was that his back was no longer as straight as before, but instead bent like an old man.

"Toyotomi Yuanjiang, don't forget, he is a Zonghengxu person."

The sharp female voice screamed out the last words before disappearing again.

As if in an invisible struggle for authority, Tokugawa Hiroshi once again gained the upper hand and regained control of this body.

"They are not humble and ignorant people." Old Toyotomi said in a calm and persistent tone.

"Yes or no, I have no intention of arguing with you. But you have to understand that this road is destined to be full of bones. The death of ten thousand people is just a number, and the death of one hundred thousand people and millions of people is just a number. Such an ending We can't change it at all!"

Perhaps because the seizure of authority has come to an end, Tokugawa Hiroshi's fear of Toyotomi's far territory has also subsided, and his words are no longer as soft as before and have become tougher.

"Have you ever thought they would?"

"Then when the Japanese country was destroyed, were they willing?"

Tokugawa Hiroshi's voice became more and more impatient: "The reason why we can become followers and they can't is because our genes have destined us to choose how to survive for them. This is our responsibility! Don't you still see this? through?"

Toyotomi Enjiang sat there quietly on his knees and responded with silence.

Tokugawa Hiroshi was even more irritated by his silence: "You want to know the truth, now I have told you all the truth. If you believe it, we will still be in the same boat from now on. If you think that crazy yellow ghost said You're right, if you think I'm still trying to trick you, then you can do it!"

"The unyielding morning sun will eventually tear through the darkness, and the desolate world will finally usher in spring! Toyotomi Yuanjiang, have you forgotten the vows we made?!"

"I haven't forgotten, never. But I really can't understand people's hearts."

There was a strong bitterness in Toyotomi Enjiang's voice: "Their lives should no longer be held hostage by people like you and me. Sir, we have already lost, let's admit defeat."

"You have no right to say the word 'admit defeat' to me!"

Tokugawa Hiroshi roared: "Back then, you surrendered to Akito's guns and were willing to be their lackeys. You thought you were protecting them, but did you know that they wanted to eat your flesh and drink your blood? ! It was me who saved you, and I gave you the chance to wash away your shame! After so many years of struggling, there is hope now, but you tell me to admit defeat? What qualifications do you have?!"


The buzzing sound of the mechanical heart and the activation sound of the talisman sounded at the same time, and the negotiation that could not reach an agreement evolved into a bone-chilling murderous intention.

"None of us are qualified, because you and I are both selfish people. You are doing it for your own greed. I am doing it for my own reputation. We are equally unforgivable."

A free and easy smile appeared on Toyotomi Yuanjiang's half-face, "I don't want to worry about deception and fooling anymore. If you think you saved my life, then I will give it back to you now. Mr. Tokugawa , this time, I, a fool, will lead you back."

The tattered feather braid was opened, and in the originally empty hole, a red heart was beating rapidly.

This is the mechanical heart that Toyotomi Yuanjiang acquired in exchange for the entire Mikawa Heavy Industries and the Toyotomi family.

A top-notch fourth-level human heart that is not good at fighting but is powerful enough to destroy a city.

Divine Lord Lu Xun!

Horrified howls rang in Tokugawa Hiroshi's ears, and his genetic instinct urged him to escape.

Tide-like fear flooded Tokugawa Hiroshi's mind, and Akechi Haruhide, who should have no room for improvement, took the opportunity to show up.

"Kill him quickly, kill him quickly!"

"Shut up!"

Tokugawa Hiroshi roared, and beside him, a talisman screamed and shot towards Toyotomi's far territory.

"Cowardly and stupid waste, you will always be the sinner of the Japanese people!!"


Toyotomi Enjiang inserted his single arm into the heart of the weapon, tore most of it apart, and threw it forward.

The flying talisman fell to the ground suddenly, trembling, as if it were encountering a natural enemy in front of the crimson object that was a mixture of weapons and flesh.

Lava-like lines spread all over his body, burning all his flesh and blood into fly ash, and the old man who was reduced to a flaming skeleton laughed loudly.

"Our death should not harm innocent people anymore."

Looking at the increasingly dazzling red light in front of him, Tokugawa Hiroshi stopped shouting frantically.

Until this moment, he finally understood why he felt that the scene of Toyotomi Enjiang kneeling outside the door was very familiar.

On the day when the Japanese kingdom fell, the other party was kneeling at the steps outside the shrine like this, with a desolate look on his face.

Sitting high on the throne, he solemnly promised Toyotomi Yuanjiang that he would bring him back to his country.


"That uncle should be dead now, right?"

Xia Zi swallowed nervously and carefully spied on the quiet Xuanwei Si Yamen not far away. There were no traces of the ferocious officials and guards.

In the past, this was a restricted area that she would not dare approach.

But today, she decided to fight for future glory and wealth.

Natsuko lowered her head and bit the pipe at her wrist and took a deep breath. The hot wine burned into her lungs, and the special medicine mixed in it amplified the few courage in her heart to the extreme.

She stepped up the high steps step by step, stepping on her feet like a cat. The initial timidity and caution dissipated after a few steps. Xia Zi held her head high, her steps were free and easy, and her brows were full of joy that could not be concealed.

It seemed like a huge fortune was waiting for her at the end of the steps.


The moment she climbed the last step, Natsuko did see the light.

But it is not the golden color that symbolizes wealth, but an extremely dazzling red light.

boom! ! !

On Tianbao Mountain, Huang Shilie, who was covered in blood, grasped the tip of the violent spear with his bare hands. Suddenly, Huang Shilie had a sudden impulse, ignoring the violent Li Jun in front of him, and suddenly turned his head and looked down the mountain.

In mid-air, Concubine Yuan Ming, who had run out of oil and lamp, finally waited for this opportunity, and passed out completely after leaving the Buddhist Kingdom.

The heavy rain no longer existed, and the hot night wind blew against his face.

The fierce tiger's eyes were filled with scarlet as he stared at the rising angry flames in the city.



The tip of the spear tore through the shackles of his hand and stabbed into his abdomen!

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