Cyber Daming

Chapter 469: New and old grudges settled together (End)


The sound is like crying blood, and every word is wailing.

The pillar of fire that burst into the sky in the city also exploded in Huang Shilie's heart.

For the first time, a panicked look appeared on his face.

Many people know the identity of Akechi Haruhide Huang Lianggui.

Huang Shilie also knew in his heart that there was a black hand manipulating behind Akechi Qingxiu.

But he didn't care about any of this.

In the eyes of outsiders, and even within the Huangshi family, he, Huangshi Lie, was a comatose master who was bewitched by beauty and was willing to become a puppet.

That's why after everyone else died tragically, Dongtong, who fell into despair, was so easily controlled by Sang Yan Temple.

But only Huang Shilie himself knew that without the emergence of Mingzhi Qingxiu, he would never have had the courage to persist today under Huang Tianmen's fear.

To him, Akechi Haruhide was both his wife and his mother.

It is his only hope to survive in this world.

Sad and heartbroken, angry and speechless.

Huang Shilie let out a beast-like roar and suddenly looked back in front of him, his eyes without any sign of humanity staring straight at Li Jun.


He pushed forward and stepped forward, allowing the spear that penetrated his body to break out from behind his waist. Amid the splatters of blood, he actually approached Li Jun against the barrel of the spear, with extraordinary violence.

The hairs all over Li Jun's body suddenly stood up, and an unprecedented sense of crisis shot up from his tailbone to the top of his head. Without any hesitation, Li Jun pressed the tail of the gun in his hand, raised his foot and kicked directly towards the body of the gun, trying to use the force to provoke the opponent's body.

But the motionless gun body in his hand made Li Jun suddenly feel as helpless as a mortal carrying a mountain on his shoulders.


Huang Shilie dropped his fist and hit the barrel of the gun. It rose and fell, and two completely opposite violent forces collided wantonly on the barrel of the gun.

There was a crisp cracking sound, and the fifth-grade spear broke directly from it.

Sharp fragments flew between the two of them, tearing through armor and flesh, and piercing into the bodies.

Due to inertia, Li Jun staggered backward uncontrollably, but the violent fist shadow had already invaded his line of sight.

Huang Tian's eight skills, boxing thunder!

Huang Tian’s Eight Skills, the skills that go through the mountains!

Huang Tian’s Eight Skills, the Moon Ax Palm!

Huang Shilie has become a madman. His soaring fist speed makes him look like he has six arms on his back. His attacks are like black clouds rolling over him, destroying strongholds and destroying cities.

He has no other thoughts in his heart but one idea, which is to kill everyone in this city and bury Akechi Haruhide!

And this massacre just for revenge was just the beginning for Li Jun.

The scream of genes, the wild sound of suona, the thunder of heart, and the roar of blood.

At this moment, Li Jun's ears were filled with all kinds of sounds, including excitement, madness, restlessness, and fanaticism. But there was no fear, so naturally there was no escape!

Between life and death, there are no more plots and plots, nor are there any benefits or disadvantages related to grudges.

Only Ling Xing can face the sect head-on, Wu Xu versus Wu Xu!

The flames in Li Jun's eyes burned with the armor on his body, and the fierceness of walking alone was boiling in the sky at this moment. He saw the sole of his right foot violently kicking the ground, forcibly stopping his body from staggering backward, bowing his back slightly, and pulling away from his opponent. posture.

The roar of thunder is against the eight poles, the moon ax is against the tendons, and it cuts through mountains and seas to see the dragon take off its armor!

The Nine-level Hidden Official controls the dragon and tiger, and fights against Huang Tianmen's martial arts gray dog!

The internal organs in the two bodies are stored separately and boiled with blood, giving an insight into the internal power of the five gods fighting Huang Tian.

Tigers and leopards bite, dragons and tigers entangle!

Gene's tit-for-tat confrontation made both Li Jun and Huang Shilie choose the most direct way of fighting, standing opposite each other and letting go of each other.

At this time, in their minds, there is no such thing as killing the enemy by one thousand and injuring oneself by eight hundred. As long as the enemy is dead, you can win two hundred!

Brutal and rough fist to punch, naked and violent blood.

The confrontation lasted only a moment. The two had already exchanged hundreds of punches, and all the spilled blood was swallowed up by the cracked earth.

Above the head, the bright moon hid the clouds, and the stars gathered their light. They could no longer bear to look at it, or they did not dare to look at this tragic fight anymore.

On the pitch-black Tianbao Mountain, the blood boiling sounds of war suddenly stopped, followed by an extremely dull sound.


Li Jun's body was thrown high into the air, blood flowed from his mouth and nose, and his upper body armor was in pieces.

The rapid sound of wind sounded behind him. It was Lord Ma controlling the few still functioning parts to spray out turbulent airflow, trying his best to alleviate the huge impact on his body.

Li Jun fell heavily to the ground, and his back plowed a deep ravine on the mountain ground. He couldn't stop until he smashed a huge rock into rubble.

The outstretched hands were shaking uncontrollably, and the twisted fist edge was already a piece of white bones, with fragments of armor that had been beaten into powder inlaid in the diffuse cracks.

Li Junqi sat on the ground, his head lowered, and a mouthful of blood that he couldn't swallow spurted out in front of him.

"It fucking hurts!"

The red eyes were still between Wu Fu's brows, but the light emanating from them had become extremely dim, and Lord Ma's voice slowly came out, trembling with pain.

"Hey, Lao Li, are you dead? If you were dead, Master Ma, I would surrender."

After a moment of silence, a weak laugh sounded: "Old Ma, are you so loyal and righteous?"

Hearing this familiar voice, Lord Ma's heart finally fell to the ground. He joked and said: "Walking in the world, it is true to be able to bend and stretch. You are a bit young. Besides, Lord Ma, even if I am going to die in this life, Then you will only die from the resentment and hatred of thousands of beautiful women who beg me for help. How can you die from this invisible and intangible loyalty in the world?"

"So, you can't die today?"

"Needless to say, it's necessary!"

"Ha ha."

The smile on Li Jun's face was immediately replaced by a suppressed groan.

The severe pain surging in his five internal organs made the dragon and tiger essence flowing between his mouth and nose become extremely thin. His breathing also became hot and hot, and every time he swallowed, his muscles could not help but convulse.

The long-term use of various explosive martial arts has brought Li Jun's body to its limit.

Li Jun raised his hand and touched the tattered clothes on his chest. In the lining pocket, there was once an object similar to a safety lock.

Able to withstand sequence four's fatal blow.

This was the money Chen Qisheng gave him to buy his life, and it was completely shattered into powder at this moment.

Just now, when Huang Shilie's last punch landed on Li Jun's heart, it was Lord Ma who activated the Taoist weapon at the critical moment and successfully saved Li Jun's life.

"Since we can't die, let's not die today."

A hoarse laugh sounded in the red eyes: "It's time to end it. Master Ma, my women are still waiting for food in the ghost realm!"


With his five fingers inserted into the ground, Li Jun stood up unsteadily on his knees.

Ten feet away, Huang Shilie stood quietly. It was not that he was so arrogant that he didn't bother to chase the bandits, but that he couldn't.

The wound on the abdomen pierced by a spear was bleeding profusely. The tattoos of ghosts and gods that once covered the body had been eliminated with the melted skin, and were replaced by dense and clear fist marks.

It was precisely because his 'ghost body' was destroyed in the Buddhist Kingdom that he lost his physical advantage in the standing attack and was also seriously injured.

Although the oil is not exhausted, it has reached the end of its strength.

Looking at Li Jun who stood up again, Huang Shilie did not wonder why the other party was not dead. There was only the still boiling animal nature in his empty eyes.

The corners of his mouth moved, revealing his blood-stained teeth to Li Jun.

Once upon a time, Akechi Haruhide was the collar around Huang Shilie's neck, and it was also the pillar that maintained his will.

Now, the ghosts of Huangliang, which others dismiss with disdain, have vanished into ashes, and Huang Shilie, who once was a 'human', has also ceased to exist.

All that was left was a bloodthirsty beast.

The moment the two people's eyes collided, their figures disappeared on the spot at the same time!

boom! boom! boom!

A series of piercing sonic booms sounded in different directions, and the strong wind blew the gravel on the ground rolling everywhere.

The two figures chased each other and collided back and forth, but one of them was obviously much slower.

The wind stopped and the figure appeared.

Li Jun's fists were tightly clenched in Huang Shilie's palms. He was obviously at a disadvantage during the struggle. The bones of his wrists were cracking straight and turned upwards, reaching the point of being broken!

At this moment when his body was about to die, Li Jun's blood-stained face suddenly turned red, and the heartbeat in his chest suddenly surged, as if the heart of the weapon in military order entered overclocking.

The method of stinging officials, 100%!

All the physical pain and mental exhaustion disappeared at this moment.

The pupils in Li Jun's eyes suddenly expanded, and he was so excited that he couldn't help laughing.

He flipped his wrist and broke free from the grasp of Huang Shilie's ten fingers. His palm slid up against the opponent's arm and directly clasped the back of Huang Shilie's head. He pressed down with force, and at the same time he stood up, raised his knees, and struck the bell. It hit Huang Shilie hard on the face.

There was no right to scream, only the horrifying sound of bones collapsing and shattering spread in the air.

Huang Shilie's burly body was thrown backward, but his retreating steps stopped abruptly.

At some point, Li Jun lifted his left foot and stepped on it!

There was no room to breathe, and it was still a close-quarters battle.


Li Jun buckled his wrist and broke off one of his right arms. The broken muscles made a crackling sound like the breaking of a bowstring. He kept moving and moved his elbow across the square inch to hit Huang Shilie's head, which was beyond recognition.

The terrifying fear of death made Huang Shilie incredibly get rid of the strong dizziness caused by the knee collision. He bowed his head and stepped aside from the elbow strike while making a fist with his left hand and hitting Li Jun's abdomen.


A mouthful of hot blood sprayed on Huang Shilie's face, and in his red eyes, he saw a face that was still grinning.

They are both beasts who have forgotten the feeling of pain, and each other's fangs have bitten into each other's flesh.

Li Jun's hands were like iron pliers, tightly clasping the fist that was stuck in his abdomen, moving it down at a very fast speed, and then pushing it up again, destroying Huang Shilie's remaining left arm and kicking him away. go out.


Li Jun bent down and ran to catch up. The incomplete ink armor on his body, which had become a burden, broke away on its own, and crashed into the smoke and dust with a clang. He reached out and grabbed the half-broken spear stuck on the ground, and the sharp edge went straight to the center of Huang Shilie's eyebrows.

A bit of cold light instantly magnified in his field of vision, and Huang Shilie, who had lost his arms, could only reluctantly turn sideways and use his shoulders to meet his opponent's sharp edge.


The spear penetrated the flesh, but it was not as powerful as before. It was stuck in the bone and it was difficult to advance.

Li Jun's vision began to become blurry, and the backlash of fully using the Hiding Officer Technique had begun to appear, and there was not much time left for him.


Huang Shilie seemed to be aware of the weakening of his opponent's momentum. A shrill roar burst out from his throat, and he raised his foot and went straight to Li Jun's heart!



The two exchanged kicks and flew backwards to both sides at the same time.

The broken gun rubbed against the bones and was pulled out, bringing out a splattering fountain of blood and spinning around.

Li Jun clenched his teeth, resisting the waves of weakness, twisted his waist, and took another step to attack the moment he landed.

See the dragon and take off your armor!

There was no longer any dodge to block him, nor was there any ferocious counterattack that followed. This punch landed heavily on Huang Shilie's heart.

The sound of fists clashing was like the last drum beat at the end of the song.

The lingering sound spread, but the desolation could not be concealed amidst the heroism.

"you win"

The animal nature in Huang Shilie's eyes had faded, and in his final flashback, he rediscovered his identity as a human being.

Although the collapse in his heart was horrifying, he still stood upright, his angry eyes still as unruly as ever.

"But I didn't lose to you, but to that old dog Huang Qinlong. If he really regarded me as his apprentice, then it won't be you who fights against me here today, but him. Hero Su Ce, do you believe it?"

Li Jun remained silent and stared at the other person calmly.

"How could I say such nonsense as a coward?"

Huang Shilie shook his head and laughed: "It seems that living is really a boring thing. I've had enough of this fucking world. If you still have the strength, just punch me again and send me on my way as soon as possible!"

Veins popped up in Huang Shilie's neck, and he roared in a ferocious voice: "Come on!"

Li Jun did not punch again, but slowly exhaled a mouthful of bloody hot breath.

It’s not that I can’t bear it, it’s that I don’t use it.

The flashback disappeared very quickly, and the light in Huang Shilie's eyes seemed to be drained out in an instant, and his lips moved, making a sound as thin as a mosquito's groan.

"If there are any remains of her body, please help me find a cherry blossom tree to bury her in."

When he saw Li Jun's head moving up and down slightly, Huang Shilie showed an expression of relief. His broken body slowly sank, and his bent knees hit the ground.

"Thank you."

Huang Shilie's head dropped weakly, and his slumped kneeling body fell forward. However, the moment his forehead was about to hit the ground, he was caught by a hand.

Da da.

Drops of blood dripped down between Li Jun's fingers, smashing the dust floating in the air into the soil.

The dust has settled.

He gently laid down Huang Shilie's body and closed his withered eyes.

After doing all this, Li Jun sat cross-legged next to the corpse, his eyes closed tightly, as if he was sleeping soundly.

At this moment, the fighting in the human world has stopped, and the moonlight finally dares to peek out of the clouds, illuminating the silent mountain peaks and scattered gravels all over the ground.

The night wind passed through the torn trees, making a shrill sound like the howling of mountain ghosts.

Someone died, someone cried.

After an unknown amount of time, a red light slowly lit up on the ink armor helmet that fell in the distance.

Lord Ma controlled his body and raised his eyes, but was shocked to see Li Jun sitting cross-legged on the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

And behind him, squatting was a huge black shadow!

"Who the hell are you? Stay away from my brother Ma Ye! If you fucking dare to hurt him, believe it or not, Ma Ye, I will give you a stick and three eyes and send you to heaven?!"

"Why do these words of yours sound so familiar to me? What the hell? Doesn't it feel so good?"

The mountain-like black shadow slowly approached, and through the moonlight, Lord Ma finally saw the figure of the other party clearly.

A huge ink armor with extremely domineering arrogance!

"Who am I? You can call me Lord Chi."

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