Cyber Daming

Chapter 520 Passing the test

"Han, do you want to take credit or disobey orders?!"

Zou Sijiu's disguised 'Qin Ge' now showed a change of strength from the past, but in Han Xiang's eyes, it was just a man who was greedy for life and afraid of death, trying his best to find a high-sounding reason so that his escape from the battle could be justified. .

That's all.

Originally, Han Xiang was prepared to save some face for the other party, but since this loser was so ignorant, there was no need for him to continue to tolerate it.

"Qin Ge, what achievements do you have that are worthy of my ninth room? What qualifications do you have to question my disobedience?"

Han Xiang no longer looked at the spear inserted into the ground, turned around and stalked towards Zou Sijiu.

Behind him, investigators belonging to Room 9 gathered around him, looking unkind.

On the other hand, Zou Sijiu's subordinates looked away. Although they did not turn around and run away, they did not have the courage to wave the flag to support their boss.

"Sir Ronglu made it very clear that you and I will complete this mission together! This information belongs to me, and the reason why I informed you to come here is because of my face, and I want to cooperate with you sincerely regardless of past grudges. Are you going to drive me away now?"

Zou Sijiu was surrounded by the members of the Ninth Chamber. A trace of fear and shame flashed across his face. He held his neck and shouted: "Isn't this stealing credit? Isn't this disobedience?"

"You don't need to bring out your name to suppress me. If you don't understand why your lord asked me, Room 9, to participate in this task this time, I can tell you now, because you guys from Room 10 are unreliable!"

Han Xiang clearly saw the strange look that flashed on Zou Sijiu's face, and the disdain in his eyes became more obvious, and he poked Zou Sijiu's chest with a finger.

"If you have any dissatisfaction, you can report it to the adults at any time. As long as the adults speak, I will immediately lead people to withdraw from this mission and let your tenth room take over entirely."

"However," Han Xiang paused, a scornful sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Do you dare? Or is Mr. Qin, who was forced to kneel down and beg for mercy by those traitors a year ago, ready to change his past and change his mind and become a new man?"

Han Xiang's words were not only a slap in the face but also a shortcoming.

If the real Qin Ge heard this, he would probably fall out with him on the spot, not to mention that the current 'Qin Ge' was Zou Sijiu.

When has Mr. Zou ever suffered such a loss?

Under the shocked gazes of everyone in the tenth room, Zou Sijiu slapped Han Xiang's hand away, took a step forward, and looked directly at Han Xiang without fear with a pair of bloodshot eyes.

"Han Xiang, don't think you are so arrogant after handling a few cases. If you are really capable, why didn't you catch all the traitors in the Intermediate Court?"

"It is only a matter of time that the Intermediate Court is cleared. But since you have spoken now, I will tell you clearly that your tenth office does not need to intervene in Wang Qi's case. Our ninth office will shoulder the full responsibility."

"Han Xiang, please don't bully others too much. Do you still have Master Rong and Elder Liu in your eyes?!"

"There's no need to pretend to be powerful here. If I say you can't interfere, you can't interfere!"

"I now suspect that you are simply out for your own selfish interests and want to achieve success and rise to power, so you intend to deliberately stir up the situation and ignore the interests of the entire Jianai Institute and even the entire Intermediate Court!"

"Being greedy for life and afraid of death, Li Jun is a Wu Xu gangster and has no sense at all. How do you know that he will not turn his gun on us next time?"

"The facts are right in front of us. The target of his revenge is clearly Ruxu. It is in our best interest to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight!"

"It is really beneficial to join forces with the Liu family to kill him!"

"You and I have no distinction between master and slave in this case. Why do you make decisions alone?"

"Just because I am Mo Si, and you, Qin Ge, are just Mo Wu who relies on flattery to get to the top!"

"It's about the level of the sequence, right? I'll leave it here today. If you, Han Xiang, want to take the credit and disobey me, you have to kill me now."

"Threaten me? Someone come!"

"Let me see who the hell dares to move today?!"

The voices of the two people arguing became louder and louder, and the atmosphere became tense.

"Qin Ge, it's you who should see the situation clearly."

Han Xiang sneered: "Believe it or not, even if I kill you now, no one would dare to say it was me?"

When Zou Sijiu heard the words, he looked around and saw that all the faces around him were people from the ninth room.

But his subordinates were squeezed out of the crowd, all with wilted heads and brains, and they didn't even dare to speak out.

"One soldier is a raging soldier, and a raging group of generals is a den. If you want to compete with me, go back and learn how to lead people first."

Zou Sijiu's face was ashen, and he retreated steadily under Han Xiang's gaze.


Zou Sijiu turned around angrily and pushed away the members of the Ninth Chamber who were blocking the way.

A group of subordinates who were on tenterhooks, fearing that their master would be impulsive and rashly attack a stone with force, secretly breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly followed Zou Sijiu.

"Han Xiang, I'm not afraid of you today, but I don't want the internal strife that arises out of Jian Ai to spread and cause ridicule.

Zou Sijiu, who was walking to the door, suddenly turned around and said angrily in a deep voice: "But every word you said today, I will tell Master Rong truthfully. You will be able to tell who is loyal and who is traitor when the time comes."


Han Xiang didn't pay attention to Zou Sijiu's threat at all. He snorted coldly and then focused all his thoughts on the scene.

How to get the Jinling Liu family to work together with our own side, so that these self-proclaimed smart scholars can take the initiative to put their necks under Li Jun's sword and consume each other's strength for themselves.

This is the top priority right now!

Somewhere in the dreamland of yellow beams, heaven and earth melt all things into silver.

A study room sits alone in the sky full of goose feathers and heavy snow.

The link entry point of the dream was set a mile away. The snow on his ankles made Gu Xi feel heavy every time he raised his feet.

By the time he walked to the study, his clothes had already been soaked through by the melted snow.

The door opened without any wind, and a warm feeling hit my face.

Liu Tu was already waiting inside, looking at Gu Xi with a smile.

"Why did you get yourself into such a mess? Can't you just use your authority to move yourself directly to the door?"

"This is your dream. You didn't say anything, so I won't use it indiscriminately."

Gu Xi stood respectfully at the door and only crossed the threshold after getting Liu Tu's permission.

"You are an honest person."

Liu Tu sighed, then smiled: "But this dreamland is not mine, I am just a guest here."

As soon as he finished speaking, the burning charcoal fire suddenly filled up in the copper basins piled in the four corners of the room, responding to Liu Tu's words as if there was some intelligence.

"Are there any outsiders?"

Gu Xi's heart trembled, and she subconsciously looked around.

"You and I are now in the body of the dream owner."

Liu Tu seemed to have guessed Gu Xi's thoughts and explained with a smile: "This study is the owner of this Huangliang Dreamland."

Gu Xi exclaimed in shock: "Is this study room filled with people?"

"This is the charm of dreams. You can be whatever you want to be. If I want her to be a study that neither cries nor laughs, then she will stay in this snowy world all her life, waiting for me to occasionally Pushed through the door."

Liu Tu chuckled and said, "Until her body dies in reality, the charcoal fire here will be extinguished, and the heavy snow outside will stop. This golden house in the book will dissipate."

In the dream, there is a house of gold.

Feed people, guide them to indulge in dreams forever, and build an absolutely secret and safe place.

Gu Xi had only heard about this kind of thing in the past, but she never thought that one day she would be able to experience it for herself.

"Do you think I'm a little cruel?"

Liu Tu looked at the silent Gu Xi and said calmly: "But I can't help but do this because I am within the Liu clan."

"Your Excellency, you are overly worried. Thousands of people's lives are tied to you. It only costs one life to ensure privacy and safety. It's worth it."

Gu Xi smiled and said, "I only have envy in my heart, not disrespect."

"Since you like it, I will give you ten golden houses afterwards."

Liu Tu also laughed when he heard this.

"Thank you, sir."

Gu Xi bowed her hands, sat in the chair opposite Liu Tu, and then revealed the news that the other party was most concerned about.

"Boss Yan asked me to bring you a message. The things he promised to his friends have been settled."

"Good! What a good death!"

Liu Tu was immediately overjoyed, clapped his hands and smiled: "Zheng Jizhi, this old cunning guy, not only manages various properties under his name for Liu Dian, but has also been secretly helping Liu Dian to make connections. In the past two years, he has been even more audacious and dared to take action. It's really a shame that it reached into my staff! Now this troublesome fly has finally disappeared, what a joy, what a joy!"

Gu Xi lowered her eyes and said softly: "Boss Yan also asked me to ask you, when will the things you promised your friend be done? Also, he said that if you can't do it, then he will treat you like this A friend did it very well.”

When Liu Tu heard this, the smile on his face slowly faded, and he looked at Gu Xi quietly with his gloomy eyes.

The wind and snow howled outside, but there was silence inside.

Only the crackling sound of the flames in the copper basin beating on the silver charcoal was particularly clear.

"Such words are indeed what these reckless men of Wu Xu would say."

After a long while, Liu Tu finally asked: "Gu Xi, when did you become an official?"

"last year."

Gu Xi answered truthfully: "At that time, Pei Xingjian, the former magistrate of Chengdu County, was ordered to be promoted to the post of magistrate of Chongqing Prefecture, and I took over his vacancy."

"Chengdu County is the territory of Daoxu Qingcheng Mountain."

Liu Tu raised his head half-way, closed his eyes and thought for a moment, then said: "If it was before, this could be considered a good job to make money, but now the situation is different."

"It feels like sitting on pins and needles, like a light on my back."

"It seems that you are very aware of the dangers you may face next?"

Liu Tu nodded: "I remember that the current head of the Gu family is Mr. Gu Zhiwei, who just joined the Ministry of Industry not long ago, right? What does he think? I'm afraid he won't be willing to transfer you back to Jinling like this, right?"

"Your Excellency is wise." Gu Xi's face looked slightly defeated.

"It's not that I'm wise, but the Gu family now clearly regards you as the only bargaining chip to bet on the New Deal. How could they give up so easily?"

"It is precisely because of encountering such difficulties that I become a pawn for others."

Liu Tu understood and asked with a smile: "Don't you want to die?"

"Of course not."

"So you want to borrow someone else's help to get through this?"

"The villain has no choice but to do it. Confucianism is driven by force, officials are coerced by bandits, it is a shame and a great humiliation!"

"But if you do this, even if you can get away with it, there will be more difficult levels waiting for you later."

Gu Xi remained silent, his expression becoming more and more bleak.

"But even if the test is difficult, it must be passed after all. Gu Xi, I am actually very optimistic about you."

"Please help me, sir."

Gu Xi's body slipped from the seat, and her knees hit the ground with a thud.

"If I didn't want to help you, I wouldn't be telling you this, so get up and talk."

Liu Tu reached out and helped Gu Xi, who was kneeling on the ground, up.

"But how to save him and to what extent he should be saved, the key is still up to you."

Gu Xi's lowered head had a complex expression on his face, and a hint of fatigue suddenly rose in his heart.

Li Jun, Liu Tu, Gu Zhiwei, none of these people seem to be simple fools.

Even Li Jun, who is Wu Xu, seems to be a cunning evil man with deep intentions.

"So my lord, what you are saying is that I want to save myself?"

Liu Tu smiled and said, "You have now completed the first step of self-rescue."

"Then how should I go next, please sir"

"Gu Xi, you forgot again. You were saving yourself."

Liu Tu interrupted him: "So you have to decide for yourself what to do next."

Hearing this, Gu Xi fell into deep thought.

Now Liu Dian's right-hand man in Jinling City, Zheng Jizhi, has been cut off.

This incident will definitely cause quite a shock within the clan group headed by Liu clan, even if Liu Tu chooses to stay put in order to avoid suspicion.

Liu Dian must also return to Jinling to appease people's hearts, stabilize his connections, and find a spokesperson for himself again.

We even have to find a way to solve the hidden danger of Li Jun, otherwise we will not be able to give an explanation to those who choose to support him.

But how will things develop after Liu Dian returns?

Gu Xi could almost guess that Li Jun would never end his 'friend' relationship with Liu Tu just like this. Even if he wanted to, Liu Tu would not agree.

Therefore, Li Jun will definitely ask Liu Tu to provide him with various information about Liu Dian, and even work together to dig out a trap that can kill Liu Dian.

And when Liu Dian dies, it will be his turn to be cooked by his lackeys.

Therefore, if you want to save yourself, your only chance will only appear when digging a hole.

The way to save yourself is to dig the hole big enough and deep enough.

While being able to bury a direct descendant of a first-class family, he also had to be able to bury an extremely ferocious dragon crossing the river.

"Don't worry about the journey of thousands of miles, the wind will come when it comes."

Liu Tu watched the expression on Gu Xi's face change from depressed to calm, then ferocious, and then to calm at this moment, and understood that the other party already knew what to do.

"Gu Xi, you are a smart man, courageous and courageous, but you are suffering from the fact that you do not have a family that can support you and an opportunity to get ahead. But now the breeze has begun. As long as you can overcome the difficulties in front of you, the wind is waiting for you. Get up and skyrocket."

Gu Xi's body tensed up instantly, and she clasped her hands on the armrests of the seat. Veins popped up on the backs of her hands. A complex expression flashed across her dazed face, and she murmured to herself in a low voice.

"When the wind blows, cross the border and kill!"

"On a windy day, carps leap over the dragon gate."

Liu Tu said with a smile and narrowed his eyes.

"The wind is picking up."

Jinling North City, at the foot of Lion Rock.

Li Jun looked at the ink-colored dome, and the rows of tall buildings were like a forest of swords soaring into the sky. Thick dark clouds were pouring down, as if they were going to crush the world.

Heavy rain is coming.

After leaving Zheng Jizhi's obscene banquet, Li Jun did not go far, but stayed not far away from it.

Although Zou Sijiu is now Zhou Die of Yin Yang Sizhuang, reality is not Huang Liang's dream after all. If he fails to play with fire, he may not be able to escape from the hands of Mo Xu named Han Xiang.

jingle jingle jingle

A clear bell rang from the antique crown watch shop on the roadside, and the long hand of the timer jumped to the word "Xu Shi".

The signboards of the surrounding shops lit up at the same time, and auspicious projections of various forms floated out, flapping and rolling in the rising damp cold wind, attracting customers on behalf of the shop owners.

The casual workers hurriedly swarmed out from the tall buildings and hurried back to their homes.

To them, it was just an ordinary summer rainstorm.

But Li Jun knew that the storm that was coming was not just in the sky above his head, but also in the entire six ministries of Jinling City and the families to which those officials belonged.

Li Jun lowered his head and put on his round hat like a hat, and stepped into the crowd.

This was the time he had agreed with Zou Sijiu. When Xu Shi arrives, if Zou Sijiu does not ask for help, it means that the warm-up drama has been successfully completed.

Next, we have to wait for the right time for him to turn from being a guest to being a guest and turn from a traitor to a loyal one.

"The Liu brothers and I, Zou Sijiu and Zhongyuan Mo Xu, as well as Prince Ma and the group of ghosts who can't see clearly the enemies and friends, all three plays started at the same time. It was really lively."

Li Jun sighed helplessly: "But it's really troublesome. If I'm in Xu San now and it's so troublesome, I can just kick in the door and call my name."

Thinking of this, Li Jun began to figure out the current sequence and rituals.

When he was in the Japanese area, he was gifted with Zhenlu Court martial arts by Su Ce through his 'Taotie' ability, and was successfully promoted to the fourth rank master.

But after killing Batu, Lu Yuzhang and a Jianai Institute investigation team, apart from the fact that his mastery points surged from 194 to nearly 500, Li Jun still had no idea what his next step should be.

He even felt that he hadn't even fully understood the word 'salary master'. Although he didn't know what else was hidden in his genes, it couldn't just be that his punches and kicks were getting heavier and his life was getting tougher. ?

As for the more distant solo Xusan ritual, Li Jun didn't think much about it.

“The food must be eaten one bite at a time, and the road must be walked step by step.”

At this moment, Li Jun, who was walking among the crowd, suddenly turned around and turned into a wine shop that had just opened.

Hero seat.

The interior decoration of the wine shop is not luxurious, and is even a bit rough and crude. At first glance, I am afraid that only the name of the shop is somewhat interesting.

"It's a coincidence that you're here as soon as the door opens. What would you like to drink? Or play something?"

The shopkeeper greeted him enthusiastically, "Don't think I'm small here, but I have them all, real and fake, big and small, soft and hard."

Although the sparrow is small, I didn't expect it to be a hidden dragon or a crouching tiger? !

Li Jun raised his eyebrows. If it was normal, he would ask the shopkeeper to take out the things and take a look.

Unfortunately today is not the time.

"There's no need to play. It's too early today and I'm not interested in looking up. Just have a bottle or two of Mingjiu."

Li Jun chose a seat by the window and sat down, but as soon as he took off the hat on his head, a handsome face came into Li Jun's eyes.

"Let me introduce myself, Shen Li, the fourth martial artist of the sect. I have met Brother Jun."

The uninvited young martial artist cupped his hands and fists at Li Jun with a bright smile on his face.

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