Cyber Daming

Chapter 521: Humans Don’t Learn from Gods

The man named Shen Li in front of him was tall and straight, but his appearance was not outstanding. With his messy hair, he looked a bit sloppy and unkempt.

Only his piercing eyes were quite eye-catching. Coupled with that cynical smile and the blood marks on his clasped hands, his whole body exuded the aura of a rough man who had wandered into the streets.

"How did you keep up with me?" Li Jun asked with a chuckle.

"You are not a family, you don't enter the same house. You can tell at a glance whether they are one of our Wu Xu family members."

Shen Li turned around and thanked the shopkeeper who served him the wine. He filled up a glass for Li Jun in a polite manner, then picked up another bottle and swallowed half of it in one breath.

"Actually, we have reached this stage."

Shen Li breathed out a breath of alcohol with a comfortable face, pointed at the hat shaped like a hat that Li Jun put at hand, and said with a smile: "This kind of low-grade Mo Xu creation is no longer very effective. Each family has its own way to see through it. Just like me, As soon as I saw this tall and heroic figure and the unrestrained flag, I knew you were my brother Jun, so I followed you immediately. "

The bamboo hat Li Jun has on hand is an instrument made by craftsman Mo Xu. Its function is similar to the yin and yang Nuo noodles that Li Jun used before.

Although it is only fifth grade, it is already the best that Liang Huo can provide.

Li Jun didn't expect it to be of much use, but it was just used to avoid unnecessary trouble.

"From what you said, you are familiar with me?"

Li Jun looked at the man opposite him with interest, who kept calling him "brother" and called him "brother" in a particularly affectionate manner.

"Of course I'm familiar with it. He started out as a gangster named Hun Shui Pao in Chengdu County. He single-handedly fought his way through Qingcheng Mountain, turned the entire Chongqing government upside down, and stabbed to death an imperial vassal. You killed Batu, one of the proprietors of the Six Tao Group. With this kind of achievement, who can compare with you among the current sect’s martial arts?”

Shen Li was very familiar with Li Jun's past experiences and said with admiration: "As far as I know, Brother Jun, you are now the only Preface Four in the Solitary Martial Arts Preface, a genuine Solitary Miao. If things continue like this, as long as Brother Jun you don't get caught halfway. If you kill him and get promoted to Preface 2, or even just Preface 3, you will really become the leader of our Wu Xu, and those old guys are nothing compared to you."

Shen Li's quackish words made Li Jun feel like he was back in Jiulong Street, Chengdu County for no reason.

Li Jun smiled and asked, "Have you ever been around before?"

"When I was young, I overestimated my ability and lived in Tianjin Wei with a group of brothers who also didn't want to be slaves."

"Then why did you join the Wu Xu sect?"

"When it comes to this, it's a blessing and a curse."

Shen Li took a sip of wine and said with a smile: "Once I led someone to rob the youngest son of a third-class family. I originally planned to rob other people's wealth to support my own poverty, and also taught this bastard who did all kinds of evil things a lesson. My original intention was not to Killing people. But that kid was ignorant, he was always spouting shit, and he was so angry. I was young and energetic at the time, so I couldn't hold it back and he still didn't shut up. The only way I could do it was to keep chopping, but as I kept chopping, the person would be dead."

"Then you ran away?" Li Jun drank a full drink.

As soon as the empty glass was placed on the table, Shen Li filled it with the wine bottle, and Li Jun tapped the table with two fingers to express his gratitude.

"If you don't run, you will die."

Shen Li said 'hey' and cursed: "Originally speaking, it stands to reason that giving birth to a son is as easy as eating and drinking water, so there is no need to be so angry. In the end, the clan leader was just fucking taken away. Like a dry road, he led people to attack me everywhere, forcing me to almost jump into the sea to feed the fish. Then, Brother Jun, guess what? "

Li Jun was very cooperative and asked: "How do you say it?"

"After many inquiries, I found out that the boy was not his son, but the son of a second-class old man and his wife!"

Shen Li was beaming with joy and laughed: "I asked why that old bastard insisted on beating me to death as if he was crazy. It turns out that he has lost the capital to be brothers with others and can no longer have relatives. After so many years, Bearing the humiliation and bearing the burden is all in vain!”

"You are ruining people's wealth"

Li Jun smiled and picked up the wine glass.

"That's murderous parents."

Shen Li nodded and picked up the wine bottle.

"You were forced to flee, and you don't regret it?"

"I don't regret it. If I put it on you, brother, would you regret it?"

"I will regret not killing his father."

"So I went back to Tianjin Wei later."

"Family reunion?"

"Father and son reunited!"


The two spoke in unison, looked at each other, laughed, and at the same time swallowed a large mouthful of hot sake.

Li Jun suddenly said: "Actually, just now, I was thinking about whether I should go to you to inquire about something, but then I turned around and you came to the door."

Shen Li blinked: "Is it about the sequence? Brother, just ask, little brother, I will tell you everything."

"no the same."

Li Jun leaned back in his chair, shook his head and said, "I'm looking for you because I want you to squat and talk, so that you don't have to owe favors or pay."

When Shen Li heard this, the expression on his face suddenly froze, and he forced a smile and said: "Actually, I can sit down and talk without taking any benefits. We are all a family, there is no need to fight with fists and kicks at every turn, right? And you have seen it, Brother Jun, my His attitude is much better than that brat Jiang Wei.”

"So instead of squatting, you're sitting."

Li Jun smiled and said, "Tell me, what do you want from me?"

"I want to say that today was just a chance encounter. Do you believe it, brother?" Shen Li had a flattering smile on his face.

"What do you think? Jinling City is not small."

"Actually, I also think it's nonsense."

Shen Li cleared his throat and then said with a serious face: "Actually, little brother, I just had a fight with someone on Lion Mountain and snatched someone back from Guanyun Temple under Maoshan."



Shen Li's expression turned cold and he said calmly: "A sect named Wu Xusi is planning to dedicate his body to the Maoshan Yellow Turban warriors in exchange for a chance to jump to the sequence."

Among the Dao Order, the most outstanding force is the "Four Mountains and One Palace".

Li Jun has dealt with most of them, but he has no dealings with Maoshan.

Li Jun asked in confusion: "Why not kill, but rob?"

"If you take it back and extract it as an injector, it's considered waste recycling."

Shen Li had a calm expression on his face, and it could be seen that this was probably not the first time he had done this kind of thing.

"You broke into the mountain gate and arrested someone. If you don't hurry up and run away, do you still have time to sit here and drink with me?"

"I also want to run away, but it's a pity that the matter is not finished yet."

Shen Li sighed: "We still have one person in Liu Clan's hands."

"Also a traitor?"

"It's a brother."

At this point, Shen Li's purpose was already clear.

Shen Li said solemnly: "The result of being caught by a powerful family is nothing more than being brainwashed, and then being stamped with a Confucian order. In the end, he is completely reduced to a loyal dog and a dead man, allowed to be driven by others, and ends up in a fate worse than death. So. We at Tianque will never give up on him, so even if we can't save him in the end, we have to let him go a little easier."

"Tianque? Are you from the same family as him?"

"That's not true. Times have changed now. If the martial arts of each sect does not make some changes and continues to sweep away the snow, let alone regaining its former position, it will only be a matter of time before they are driven out and killed. So each sect has its own sect. We gathered together to keep warm, put our three melons and two dates together, and learned the ways of the three religions to form an organization.”

Shen Li scratched his head and said with a smile: "Actually, I don't think this name is very good, but the name is just a code name, so it's not important."

Li Jun said slowly: "So you are looking for me because you want me to help you save people?"

"That's right, but I, Shen Li, am not that shameless villain, and I won't embarrass you, Brother Jun, with some bullshit righteousness."

Shen Li patted his chest: "We brothers open the skylight and speak out. If you can help us, we will help you. If we can succeed, we will succeed. If not, we will pull you down."

"What are you doing for me?" Li Jun asked with a smile.

"Two things, choose one."

Shen Li's eyes lit up and he held out two fingers: "Either we help you fight with those blacksmiths and overthrow their central branch. Or I tell you the content of the rituals for promotion to the third order, which is just a sect martial arts. I don’t know if it’s of any reference value to Brother Jun.”

Shen Li paused and said with a smile: "As for the information about Xu Si that you want to ask about Brother Jun, it's not worth anything, so just treat it as a free supplement."

"Then tell me about the free ones first."

Li Jun sat upright and looked like he was listening carefully.

Shen Li was stunned when he saw this. He obviously didn't expect Li Jun to be so rude. He smacked his lips several times and then said, "Brother Jun, you are walking on this road now. You have always been crossing the river by feeling the stones." , so after becoming the fourth, you will definitely be a little confused and feel like nothing has changed, right?”

"That's right."

"This is normal. I felt the same way at the beginning, as if my mother had been deceived."

Shen Li reached out and dipped his wine glass, wrote the words "four" and "five" vertically on the table, and drew a horizontal line in the middle.

"From five to four, it is actually a big threshold for any family of the three religions and nine streams. Some shameless people like to brag about the sequence saying that this is the natural chasm of the gods and gods, and it is the dragon gate of heaven. As long as you cross it, you will be human. God is separated. To put it bluntly, after reaching this point, the genes have changed. "


Li Jun frowned slightly and asked in confusion: "What kind of change?"

“From giving to giving.”

Shen Li knew that Li Jun came from a wild background and had to rely on his own deep and shallow steps to find a path, so he took everything he knew apart and crushed it into pieces, and explained it very carefully.

"In the past, after our martial arts order was broken and promoted, the awakened genes seemed to only allow us to learn higher-level martial arts. Besides, people are still people, and fists are still fists. In addition to hitting people a little more painful than before, it seems There are no other changes. Unlike other sequences, one is playing with a sword, the other is dreaming, the other is drawing a seal, and the other is praying to the ancestors. "

Perhaps because he had just had an affair with the people from Maoshan, Shen Li's words were full of resentment towards Dao Xu.

"Actually, this is not because our Wu Xu is worse than others, but because our awakened genes are so hungry that our hands and feet are soft and we have no energy to do any fancy things. We have to eat when we are hungry. This is a big deal. No one can change it, it’s time for us to feed it, this is the change from getting to asking.”

"But what you eat and how you eat it all depends on it."

Shen Li paused deliberately and looked at Li Jun with expectant eyes, as if waiting for him to answer.

"What's the point? Just tell me." Li Jun held the words in his hands before they fell to the ground.

Shen Li smiled with satisfaction, and then said: "Martial Arts, this thing should be familiar to you, Brother Jun, right?"

Li Jun is certainly no stranger to martial arts skills.

After Wu Xu cultivates a martial arts to the limit, and after entering the Great Perfection, skills will be transformed into instincts, no longer needing to be used deliberately, and the movements can be trusted at his fingertips.

In addition, the martial arts of Chengshu will also produce some special changes.

What Li Jun felt most clearly was the evil aura of the battle formation that could corrode machinery in the former Polu Sword.

But in the subsequent process of improving the sequence, Li Jun seemed to never feel the specialness of this martial arts skill again. It seemed that the martial arts he injected had lost this ability.

Even now that he is in the fourth level of Dzogchen, there is no sign of his success.

Li Jun once thought that this was also the difference between sects and solos, but now it seems that there may be reasons that he doesn't know.

"The skills formed by Dzogchen Martial Arts are the food of Wu Xu Gene. However, Gene's grandson is somewhat conscientious. He knows that we were still weak before Xu Si, so he has been holding back and not daring to speak."

Shen Li said: "But when you cross this threshold, it will start to bite, so you have just entered the fourth martial arts sequence, and you can't feel any changes."

"You mean, after becoming the fourth person, genes will start to eat up the ability to learn martial arts?" Li Jun pondered the meaning of the other party's words.


"What about before the fourth chapter?"

"This grandson has a conscience and won't eat it."

Shen Li was a little confused. He felt that he could explain it in a simple way. Even if he was unhappy, he was at least very clear about it. He didn't know why Li Jun would ask this.

"is it possible"

Li Jun frowned and asked: "Before the fourth chapter, or even starting from the eighth chapter, were you eaten?"

"Whose genes are so ignorant of rules? Are you going to eat them alive?"

Shen Li blurted out subconsciously. After saying this, he suddenly woke up and said with a smile: "Brother Jun, you may be different from us. You are a loner, while we are a sect."

You were eaten in the eighth chapter. Did you use fists and kicks to fight with others?

What a fucking monster? !

"Go on."

Shen Li licked himself a little dry, and the expression on his face became respectful unconsciously, and continued: "Of course, Gene's grandson is not a master who just eats and does nothing. He knows what courtesy means, if you can When you feed it, it will feed you some good things, so it also has a lot of meaning.”

"For example, if you want to run faster in the future, then add more skills such as body skills. If you feel that you feel safe and rough-skinned, then use physical training. If you want to defeat all magic with one force, , there’s no need to say that it’s just a direct attack. In addition to being easy to die, it’s basically a matter of catching whoever you want.”

Shen Li smiled and said: "Brother Jun, if you are like me and like to target insidious guys like Fo Xu and Yin Yang, then risk your life to feed your inner strength. Anyway, until now, I have never met Fo Xu who can pull me into Buddha. Country. Even if you go in, whoever sits on the high platform with his legs crossed and performs mudra, or who kneels under the platform and calls for the Buddha to appear, it’s still a matter of course.”

"The feeding methods are different, and the results are of course different. That's why there are sects in the martial arts order. And if you focus on practicing a certain type of Kung Fu at the beginning, you will be able to feed it more easily in the future. After all, you are practicing a great martial art. Learning is not easy.”

"But after all, it boils down to one sentence. Today's martial arts are just skills left by the predecessors to drive and use genes. In the end, they have to come from genes and go to genes. You feed your own genes and choose them by yourself. You have to choose your own path. So in the past, Wu Si could establish a sect and recruit his own disciples."

Li Jun looked thoughtful and said nothing.

Shen Li was not in a hurry and just drank by himself.

"Shen Li, why do I feel that the process of feeding genes is like purifying, or creating martial arts? In the end, people are still people, and fists are still fists?"

It wasn't until Shen Li drank all his bottle of wine that Li Jun finally came to his senses and spoke.

"Purity means fucking fierceness, and fierceness is their purity. We Wu Xu are humans, why should we learn to be gods?"

Shen Li said matter-of-factly: "Those three-headed, six-armed flying swords and magic weapons are used by other sequences to scare people. Those rubbish like Soldiers have a lump in their stomachs and want to blow up their thorns with us. It's just a fucking death wish. As long as the fist is big enough, no matter whether it's flying in the sky or running on the ground, whether it's in a dream or in this world, you have to kneel down for us. If you move a little slower, you have to take a look at your head. Kick!"

"But, human energy is limited, and so is the appetite of genes. Generally speaking, if you feed a person with seven or eight martial arts skills, if the genes are half full, they can be considered the peak of the fourth martial arts. You must start preparing to break the lock. Preface to the Jin Dynasty."

Shen Li suddenly gritted his teeth when he said this, because the rest of the content was not free.

"What if we feed them all?"

Li Jun did not follow the trend to ask about his Jin Xu as Shen Li worried, but asked a question that Shen Li had never considered.


Shen Li rubbed his chin and said in confusion: "No one would do this. Although it is indeed true to say that tall buildings are built on the ground, what's the point of laying a fucking foundation after working hard all your life?"


Before Li Jun finished speaking, he was interrupted by a greeting.


The store door was pushed open, and the person who stepped in was an acquaintance of Li Jun's.

"It's you?!"

Wang Qi also saw Li Jun sitting by the window. His face no longer had the fear when he first met him, and there was even a hint of excitement that Li Jun couldn't understand.

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