Cyber Daming

Chapter 540 Ranger

"The culprit, Liu Xianzhou, has now been brought to justice, but his death alone cannot repay the mistakes made by the craftsmen of Zhongyuan Mo Xu over the years. Moreover, now Zhongyuan has become seriously ill and the disease is difficult to cure. The contradiction between the craftsman and the hero has continued again. It’s hard to reconcile.”

'Mo Guhuang' said loudly: "Therefore, in the name of Mo Xu, the dean of the Central Branch, I hereby announce that from today on, the Central Court will be taken over by the Minggui Warriors. Peng Ze, Shu Ye and myself will Unconditionally accept the investigation and ruling of the Akuki Samurai Order."

"Is it useful for you to do this?"

Outside the crowd, Zou Sijiu stood next to Shen Li and asked in a low voice.

It’s not surprising that Zou Sijiu would ask this question. You must know that the Central Branch is the first of the five Moxu academies. Including this academy and other state capitals in Southern Zhili, it has more than 3,000 Moxu craftsmen. .

The current situation is just that the Minggui Warriors and Tianque Liyingwai cooperated and relied on a calculated and unintentional surprise attack to behead the members of the Elders Council and briefly control the situation.

But it is simply unrealistic to think of disintegrating the entire middle courtyard and letting Ming Gui stand up and take charge.

Not to mention that there is a towering tree standing behind the Zhongyuan. I am afraid that it won't be long before the craftsmen of the Zhongyuan scattered all over the country will come in and take revenge with the support of Ruxu.

"It's definitely useless, but it's just to buy some time to steal these blacksmiths' wealth."

Shen Li had a wicked smile on his face: "What's more, it can also disgust the aloof Zhang Shoufu. This is the most important thing."

Zou Sijiu felt relieved when he saw that Shen Li did not make him faint.

"When did you, Tianque, infiltrate the Central Court like this? It's so hidden."

Zou Sijiu returned to his usual cynical appearance, pouting at 'Mo Guhuang' who was still making passionate statements and confessing his crimes, and asked jokingly.

"When you say that, it's a bit disrespectful."

Shen Li rolled his eyes and said proudly: "We don't bother to play the trick of undercover jumping back. This is a live show. And you think Zhang Fengyue is a fool. If Mo Guhuang is transferred, he Can you tell?"

Zou Sijiu raised his eyebrows and asked, "So, the other two elders of the Central Court, Peng Ze and Shu Ye, are also dead?"

"That's not true. There are not many craftsmen of this high order, and it is even rarer to be so afraid of death. Now they have been packed up and sent out of Aurous Hill together with the research team."

This is really a case of ransacking the house.

"So that day in the safe house, when you proposed to split up, did you know that the top management of Tianque would intervene?"

Faced with Zou Sijiu's question, Shen Li smiled and asked, "Didn't you guess it?"

"I guessed a bit," Zou Sijiu said bluntly without hiding it: "But according to my guess, at most there will be a preface to the four martial arts prefaces, such as the one named Jiang Wei. I didn't expect that it would be like this. An overwhelming situation.”

"To be honest, I didn't expect it either."

Shen Li held the back of his head with both hands and looked up to the sky and sighed: "So I just told Brother Jun that we could buy him some time in the middle courtyard. It seems that those old stubborns finally figured it out."

Zou Sijiu naturally understood the meaning of Shen Li's words.

Regarding the conflict between the sect Wu Xu and the independent Wu Xu, he knew the farce in Liaodong with his own eyes.

But now it seems that Wu Xu, the sect represented by Tianque, is no longer obsessed with banning and eliminating. Today's battle in the Intermediate Court is their way of expressing goodwill and reconciliation to Li Jun.

"Actually, if Brother Jun doesn't choose to come to Jinling, our group will come sooner or later."

While Zou Sijiu was deep in thought, Shen Li's faint words drifted into his ears.


The moment Zou Sijiu blurted out, he had a vague idea of ​​the answer in his mind, and then asked: "Is it for Su Qianhu?"

"Old Zou, you really can't believe it. In fact, Wu Xu can survive to this day, whether he is an old man who saved his life from the 'Tian Xia Fen Wu' or a group of young people like us who are newly promoted to Xu, people who are afraid of death are really afraid of death. Not much. This is not bragging, but in today’s world, if you are afraid of death, who would not take the shortcut and jump into the fire pit of martial arts with pure flesh and blood?”

Shen Li said solemnly: "Don't look at me. I often scold the old people in Tianque that they are not good people. It's just me, a junior, complaining. Any outsider dares to say that Tianque is not good in front of me. "I, Shen Li, will definitely be the first to step forward and send him back to the west."

"In addition to killing those traitors, my other purpose in coming to Jinling this time is to get close to Brother Jun and find an opportunity to tell him that we are not greedy and ungrateful people. We just have no choice. To be honest , We are all good men, who doesn’t want to be happy with each other? But what should we do after we are done? Should we just lie down on the ground and wait for the little ones who have just been promoted to the throne to be killed? "

"Master Su also knows our difficulties, so he is willing to stand in the front alone to test the attitude of the three religions towards the remnants of Wu Xu."

Shen Li lowered his head and said angrily: "But the difficulties come from the difficulties. I really can't swallow this breath. Many people from top to bottom in Tianque are the same as me. Mr. Su's death was due to our incompetence, but this love for us I haven’t forgotten, and I don’t dare to forget. Lao Zou, do you believe what I said?”

"Believe it, how could you not believe it?"

Zou Sijiu put his hands in his pockets and said slowly: "Old Li also believes it, otherwise he would not go to Lion Rock today, but would finish the things here first, and then go back and kill Liu Dian. Revenge is complete If you can escape, run away. If you can't escape, go demolish the Liu family's house. As long as you can kill Liu Tu, it's not a loss."

"Is this your original plan?"

"What kind of fucking plan is this? It's just a trick, and in the end I was forced to play with my life."

Zou Sijiu laughed at himself and said: "Old Shen, let me tell you something from the bottom of my heart. In fact, before I met Lao Li, the disaster star, Mr. Zou felt that he was more or less a smart man. Conspiracies are readily available, at least I have never met anyone who can scheme against me. But since this reckless man threw me, a little person who was talking about the world, out of the well, I was stripped of my pants along the way. It's so clean, but it's so miserable. If you can't be fooled by others, you have to figure out whether you have good luck recently. "

When Shen Li heard this, he suddenly shuddered, as if he couldn't imagine what it would be like to be plotted against every day.

"So I don't want to worry about it now. No matter how I calculate it, it's a damn bad omen that will make my eyes dark. It's better to close my eyes, focus on it, and rush wherever I want."

"If you don't count the hexagrams, how can it still be the order of yin and yang?"

Suddenly, a vicissitudes of voice interrupted.

Zou Sijiu followed the sound and saw a thin old man with a long beard approaching.

At this moment, 'Mo Guhuang' in the center of the crowd was already kneeling and bowing his head, motionless, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

"Can Yin Yangxu, who is with Wu Xu, still be considered clean?"

"A centipede with hundreds of legs can't move as fast as a snake. A rooster with two wings can't fly as fast as a crow. A horse can travel a thousand miles without a rider. People have aspirations to reach the sky, but they can't do it without luck. How can we know the time, luck, and destiny without counting the hexagrams? Life?"

"Now I am changing my life against the trend all the time. Even if my luck is bad, it can't stop my ambition to reach the sky."

Zou Sijiu's words were sonorous: "Therefore, there is no need to calculate."

"You are so brave, little friend!"

"Senior is wise!"

The two looked at each other and smiled, and Zou Sijiu took the lead in bowing his hands.

"Zou Zi 108, Xu Sizhuang Zhou Die, Zou 49."

"Zou Zi has no position. The master of Xu Sanmeng is Zhao Mengze."

No place? !

Zou Sijiu looked shocked, but the old man in front of him had guessed what he was thinking.

"God doesn't care about his unforeseen circumstances, I don't care about mine. Life is like a dream. If you take me as your master, why do you need to arrange for Zou's position?"

Zhao Mengze blinked and said with a smile: "It's been a long time since I made a fortune."

"Thank you, senior, for your guidance." Zou Sijiu said thoughtfully.

Zhao Mengze glanced at Shen Li, who was full of curiosity, and said with a smile to Zou Sijiu: "I have a little question that I want to ask my friend."

"Senior, please tell me."

"What do you think about the East Palace?"

"Meng Chong, you immediately take people to dismantle the Huangliang host in Minggui Realm, keep an eye on them, and be careful with your movements to avoid damaging the access port."

"Golden beast, you go rescue the wounded. Those who are missing arms or legs will be repaired on the spot. If the body is too seriously damaged, bring the core with you and repair it later. And those brothers and sisters who have limited mobility, as long as they are willing to follow us, No one is left behind.”


Long Zong's cold voice came from Qingsi's mechanical body: "All the craftsmen currently in the middle courtyard, as long as they have oppressed Minggui in the past, don't let go of any one."

Aohu nodded silently when he heard this, clenched the long knife in his hand, turned around and left in a stride.

After all the ghosts around him took orders and left, Qing Si turned around and looked behind him.

A heavily damaged dark golden ink armor sat on the remains of the gate of the Presbyterian Church, the red eyes in the eyebrows slightly dimmed.

"Not dead yet?"

"You bastard is not dead yet, how could I die, Mr. Ma?"

Lord Ma nonchalantly tore off a piece of armor covered with cracks from his arm and flicked it on Long Zong's weapon body, making a crisp 'clang' sound.

Long Zong was not polite and immediately bent down to pick up a piece of gravel on the ground to fight back.

The two astonishingly old Minggui, who were actually older than they were, were playing with each other like naughty boys, and their laughter was particularly hearty.

"We have won, so why do we need to kill them all?"

After playing around, Lord Ma turned to look at Long Zong sitting next to him and asked softly.

"Don't try to persuade me about this matter. Anyone who tries to persuade me to fall out with you."

"Hey, you old bastard who doesn't understand good people's hearts, I'm worried that you will make too many enemies and die without a place to die!"

"Whoever wants to kill me, just come."

Long Zong smiled: "But they have to hurry up, otherwise they won't be able to find a place to take revenge when I am gone."

The red light in Lord Ma's eyes kept flashing. After a long silence, he asked, "Isn't there still half a life left?"

"We can be considered grandfathers after all, so we can't use someone else's mechanical body in vain, right? I'm going to turn this kid into a magical weapon, and treat it as a reward from Master Long."


Prince Ma said angrily: "What use can a new-born artifact be used for? If you really want to reward him, I have many ways. Long Zong, you have finally turned around now. You old man just wants to be lazy and give up your skills, right?" Have you ever thought about what will happen to these babies if you die?"

Long Zong said calmly: "Unless I die, the craftsmen of the other four courtyards cannot tolerate them."

"Then don't kill these craftsmen who surrendered!"

"If we don't kill them, these little bastards will never be able to straighten their backs for the rest of their lives."

"You're all fucking Minggui, where is your backbone?!"

Long Zong reached out and tapped his helmet, "The spine is here. You know this better than any of us."

The cursing Prince Ma remained speechless for a long time before asking in a low voice: "No choice?"

"No choice."

Long Zong said with a smile: "When I was in the Ming Ghost Realm, I made too many choices before thinking ahead, which is why you, an old guy, bullied me every day. The back of my head still hurts a lot now, because I was beaten by you with a sap."

"Don't think that you can frame me now because you have done something that I admire."

Lord Ma said disdainfully: "Back then, there were five gangs in the Minggui Realm. Whoever I wanted to do, Lord Ma, I would do it in an upright and honest manner. I would never do any sneak attacks from behind. You old boy, the back of your head hurts. That's not because you saw me." If you hit me and run away, then I have no choice but to hit you in the back. Who can blame me?"

"If you don't blame me, who do you blame? Ming Gui, the ranger who has the best chance of being promoted to Preface 2, only wants to be a merciless pervert. If you could have stood up and led everyone when the fifth academy was split, maybe what happened next would not have happened. these things.”

Long Zong's suddenly cold tone caught Prince Ma off guard.

He slapped Lord Ma on the back hard, as if venting the resentment hidden in his heart.

"I've been wanting to scold you like this for a long time, but now I finally feel comfortable scolding you."

Long Zong laughed loudly, but the last slap fell suddenly very softly, more like reaching out to wrap Prince Ma's shoulders, and said in a difficult voice: "I know this sentence makes you feel very uncomfortable, don't blame me, brother, I I have no choice but to use this method to kidnap you and let you take care of these little things. "

"I understand. In fact, you are right."

"Don't be like this, you suddenly being so humble makes me feel very uneasy."

Prince Ma's words were cut off, and he raised his eyes angrily and said, "You are allowed to reveal your true feelings, but you can't let me also tell you what's in your heart?"

Long Zong smiled and said: "I am a dying person, what do you want to compare with me? Master Ma, you have to stand firm and be more aggressive than before. Only in this way can they stand still." Be stable.”

"The demands are getting more and more, aren't you afraid that you will crush me too?"

"If you also collapse, then find someone to take care of you like me."

"The old thing is almost dead, who the hell am I going to look for?"

Prince Ma gritted his teeth and said: "These boys now are far worse than we were back then. They all want to be romantic or not, bloody or not. They fight, drink, pick up girls, and none of them can get into my eyes except Lord Chi." That bastard."

Having said this, Lord Ma seemed to suddenly remember something, and asked in confusion: "Chief Lord is from your middle court, why don't you drag him with Liu Xianzhou and the others?"

"When Lord Chi came to prominence, he had already rebelled against the Central Court, and he finally managed to get out of this muddy water. Why should I bring him back again?"

"Come on, you don't want to implicate anyone, but you are not afraid of implicating me. I really owe you."

Lord Ma sighed: "What are you going to do with them next? You can't let them live in exile, right?"


Long Zong softly uttered two words.

"This is not a choice to live a stable life. Although a warrior can fight with armor on, a good tiger can't stand up to a pack of wolves, not to mention that this tiger only has a layer of skin left."

Prince Ma said sternly: "If you have relapsed into your old habit and want to repay others' favors when you see them, then I will be the villain and reject them."

"That's really what I planned."

Long Zong said slowly: "Old Ma, think about it carefully. Apart from Tianque, who else is willing to accept these brats? The other four branches? Impossible. Although they are not like Mo Guhuang, who willingly surrendered to the Zhang family. Dog, but I don’t want to offend the Zhang family. Besides Mo Xu, the only option is Wu Xu.”

"Zhang Fengyue has kept a low profile for decades, and now he is ready to become a living saint. It won't be long before the three religions and nine schools will fight together. Wu Xu and his group will definitely jump out to take revenge. If you hand them over to Tianque, I'm worried about these descendants. I'll blame you."

"Fuck it, it's better to die standing than to live on your knees."

Long Zong joked: "And with that little brother of yours here, can Tianque still force others to do something difficult?"

"You are so thick-skinned, can you have some backbone?"

"I have been too strong-willed in my life. I am tired."

Long Zong let out a long sigh, and the hand on Prince Ma's shoulder gradually became stronger, but the words that came out became weaker.

"Master Ma, do you think we can reunite in the Ghost Realm in the future?"

Prince Ma grabbed the arm that had fallen off his shoulder with his backhand, and pretended to be relaxed: "Aren't you talking nonsense? As long as someone becomes the ruler, who will dare to break up the family?"

"Then who will be the judge?"

"There will always be someone."

"Then I probably can't see it, Lao Ma, don't forget what I entrusted you to do."


"See you then?"

"Well, see you later."

A faint laugh came from the hanging helmet. Although it was not high-pitched and loud, it could not hide the heroic spirit of the man in it.

Prince Ma sat on the ruins, deliberately pressing his back. The thin body of the machine leaned against his shoulder, seeming to be sleeping.


After an unknown amount of time, Qingsi woke up from a dream, slowly raised her head, and found herself sitting next to a scarred Mo Jia.

But for some reason, Qingsi didn't feel scared at all, not even a little bit frightened.

It felt like he and the other person had known each other for a long time.

"What's your name?" The ink armor suddenly asked.


Mo Jia nodded, as if he remembered the name, and then stood up.

"I seemed to have had a dream just now."

Looking at the opponent's back, Qingsi suddenly shouted.

"What are you dreaming about?"

The other party paused and asked without looking back.

"In the dream, I seemed to have returned to the ghost realm and saw a grandfather with a big beard on his face. He said"

"say what?"

"He said his name is Long Zong and he is a ranger."


Lord Ma stopped for a long time, clenching his fingers into fists.

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