Cyber Daming

Chapter 541 Like a dream

"Introduce yourself, Tianque Five Pillars, Zhou Yuan."

"Li Jun, the Imperial Guard of the Japanese District."

In the elders' courtyard that had been reduced to ruins, Zhou Yuan, who was dressed in a white robe and with frost on his temples, looked at the tired young man in front of him. Hearing the word "Japanese District" in his identity, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but smile. wry smile.

"What happened in Liaodong was indeed Tianque's fault. Those two old men who made their own decisions are regretful now, but they still can't bear to apologize to you, so they went to Liu Clan to cause trouble for Liu Jinxun. If you think I really can’t swallow this feeling in my heart, so I will let them come here by themselves.”

"It's no use. My life now is a little better than before, but I'm not so pretentious that I can't stand even a little grievance. If you two really feel sorry for yourself, then go and put two pillars on Mr. Su's grave. Fragrant.”

Li Jun lazily leaned on the remains of a column that was shattered by the shell, his body fell down, and he sat cross-legged on the ground.

He raised his hand and rubbed the blood scab on his face, smiled at Zhou Yuan and said, "Thank you very much this time, Senior Zhou."

Li Jun's thank you was not said casually, but truly from the bottom of his heart.

Without the intelligence and support provided by Tianque this time, things in the Intermediate Court would not have progressed so smoothly, and he would not have been able to deal with the two brothers Liu Tu and Liu Dian overnight.

Now that everything has settled, Li Jun finally has the energy to review the entire incident, trace back all the clues and clues from the ending, and peel off the cocoons one by one, only to find that the water in it is much deeper than he thought.

In this Jinling chaos, at first glance, it seems that I am at the center of the storm, but in fact, I am not.

The hatred between himself and Liu Dian was just an inducement. One level up is the battle between the craftsmen and heroes in the Mo Xuzhong branch, and the next level is the succession battle between the two brothers Liu Tu and Liu Dian.

There is even a layer of hidden but more dangerous struggle, which is the game between the New Donglin Party and the Spring and Autumn Society! At the same time, it was also Liu Jinxun’s test of Zhang Fengyue!

Regarding this last point, Li Jun is also speculating and is not completely sure.

This was the general conclusion that he and Zou Sijiu came to through analysis after Zheng Jizhi revealed the forces behind Liu Dian before he died.

After all, for a person of Zheng Jizhi's level, he could only know the words "Spring and Autumn Meeting" from Liu Dian's mouth.

In Zou Sijiu's words, this kind of taboo, which is no different from rebellion, is a bad thing if it is placed on others, but Liu Dian dared to tell even his uncle, which means that this matter is probably within the Liu clan. It's not a big secret.

It is very likely that Liu Jinxun had known about this for a long time, and it was even with his acquiescence that Liu Dian dared to join the Spring and Autumn Society.

In other words, Liu Dian was actually a bridge, or a buffer, between Liu Jinxun and the Spring and Autumn Society.

If not, why would Lei Yao return to the Liu family with Liu Dian's brain?

"Everyone in this family is not a good person. If you pull out a hair, they may all be hollow!"

This comment Zou Sijiu blurted out when he was going back to Li Jun, Li Jun thought it was very appropriate, and it is still fresh in his memory.

If Tianque hadn't made a sudden move and used an extremely brutal and direct method to forcefully break the chaos, the storm would not have stopped tonight.

And I am trapped in the mud, I am afraid that I will face continuous troubles, and in the end I may even lose my life here.

As for why Tianque's attitude changed so much before and after, Li Jun vaguely felt that it might have something to do with Shen Li and the Six Tao Soldiers Order who he tore into pieces.

To put it bluntly, in the dispute in Jinling, he used his fists to make Tianque lower his head.

And Tianque used his fist to make Liu Clan lower his head.

As for the middle courtyard, it couldn't hold its head up from beginning to end.

"Now that everyone's worries have been lifted, there's no need to be so polite, right?"

Zhou Yuan pointed at his gray temples, squinted his eyes and smiled: "At my age, it shouldn't be too much for you to call me uncle, right?"

"Uncle Zhou."

Li Jun had a good impression of the 'Five Pillars of Tianque' in front of him. In addition, he had always been a person who respected the old and loved the young internally, and made no distinction between young and old externally. Naturally, he would not put on any airs with Zhou Yuan.

"To have Xu Si, the only independent person in the Ming Empire, call me uncle, is more shameful than setting up a central branch."

Zhou Yuan laughed loudly and looked at Li Jun with more admiration.

"Actually, this time we all came together. In addition to bringing the Minggui Warriors into Tianque, the biggest purpose is to have a chance to have a face-to-face talk with you like now."


Li Jun nodded and put on a listening posture.

"Today's Tianque has a saying of 'five pillars and three heroes'. Two martial arts, one farmer, one yin and yang, and one vertical and horizontal are five rusty beams that can barely hold up. The three heroes are Jiang Wei, Shen Li, and Zhang Changfeng , Well, there are only two masters left. There are only two sects that can cultivate the complete martial arts inheritance, and there are thousands of disciples. Among them, there are only a few dozen Wu Xu who follow the same path as you. They are all young people who are now scattered throughout the empire. They are all imitating what you were like back then. They have not been promoted quickly, but they have established more gangs than Tianque's sect. "

Zhou Yuan smiled helplessly: "If I don't say more, you should be able to see that the current Tianque is in a bleak situation with no business."

Although Zhou Yuan's words were full of self-deprecation, the expression on Li Jun's face revealed a sincere respect.

Today is different from the past. It is quite good for Tianque to be able to accumulate such a large family fortune despite the pursuit and various calculations of the three religions.

"Isn't it strange that a force like Tianque, which is based on the sect's martial order, has people from other orders in it, and can it be called a pillar?" Zhou Yuan suddenly asked.

In fact, when Li Jun heard Zhou Yuan introduce that there are agricultural order and yin and yang order in the 'Five Pillars', Li Jun thought of a past incident that Su Ce once mentioned to him.

In the war to conquer the Japanese area, the configuration of the empire's advance team was very different from today's Tianque 'Five Pillars'.

However, Li Jun did not tell Zhou Yuan in front of him, but followed the other person's words and said, "I am indeed a little curious."

"We are all lost people, so we found a roof to hug each other to keep warm."

Zhou Yuan explained with a smile: "Like me, I just think that the Zhu Ming royal family is a pitiful person and is unwilling to join Honghu to rebel against them, but I can't stand the disgusting behavior of the three religions, so after thinking about it, I found that the only way to get around is by following Tianque."

Zhou Yuan joked: "But forget it if you have heard this. When you meet those two old men from the martial arts sect in the future, you must not betray me. These two old guys are stubborn and arrogant. If they know that I am because of Tianque, who joined without any other choice, will definitely come to trouble me."

"Then I definitely can't betray you, Uncle Zhou." Li Jun laughed.

As expected of Zhou Yuan, with his plain and simple words, the atmosphere between the two became more and more harmonious.

"Actually, I came to the Central Court to meet you this time because I have another mission."

Zhou Yuan said softly: "I want you to join Tianque and add a real pillar to Tianque."

"This condition is more generous than I thought."

Li Jun smiled: "I thought he would take over Zhang Changfeng's position and join Shen Li and the others to form the Three Heroes again."

"If you are willing, it's not impossible. Jiang Wei should be able to accept it, but Shen Li is a little troublesome. This guy has developed the reckless habits of a gangster in Jinmen. Now that he has recognized you as his eldest brother, he doesn't have the face to follow you. You are equal."

Zhou Yuan sighed and said: "Actually, I know this idea is a bit overwhelming. After all, with your current strength, joining Tianque is more like putting a layer of restraint on yourself, with far more disadvantages than benefits."

"And you must be wondering in your heart whether we have found another way to obtain the solitary ritual from you, right?"

Li Jun neither admitted nor denied. He touched the scar on the back of his hand that had gradually healed and grinned.

"Actually, you don't need to tell us about the solo ritual. We have already guessed it. Everything is difficult at the beginning. You have already walked this path. All you need to do is analyze the things you have done and the people you have killed one by one. If you follow the same method, you can slowly try out the ritual. So in my opinion, what happened in Liaodong is just that they are playing the piano randomly. To be honest, even if Tianque doesn't want to have anything to do with you, he just needs to stand aside and be quiet. If you look at you quietly, you will get what you want naturally, and there is no need to do anything unpleasant. "

"So Tianque not only hated you first, but also owed you a big favor. Therefore, I am going to say something shameless here today that is quite embarrassing, but it is indeed our true thoughts now."

Zhou Yuan said solemnly: "Whether Li Jun you are willing to join Tianque or not, from now on Tianque will be your friend and help each other."

After listening to Zhou Yuan's words, Li Jun pondered for a long time.

Admittedly, Li Jun had doubts about Tianque's motives for inviting him to join. But now that I have talked about it, this worry has naturally disappeared.

Zhou Yuan said it very truthfully. His experiences along the way could not be hidden from the investigation of those who were interested. As long as he was willing to bear the cost of trial and error, the possibility of deducing the solo rituals of the first few levels was not low.

Therefore, Tianque could completely resolve the conflict with himself, then step aside and follow him to pick up things along the way.

Zhou Yuan's action was to crush all Li Jun's concerns and worries into pieces, to openly and honestly invite him.

"What I'm going to do next, if I have Tianque's identity on me, it will cause a lot of trouble for you, Uncle Zhou."

There was no word of rejection, but the meaning of the refusal was already obvious.

Zhou Yuan was obviously mentally prepared, and he reached the end of the conversation with a tacit understanding. He changed the topic and asked with a smile: "Are you planning to come to your door one after another?"

Li Jun nodded and said in a deep voice: "Some people say that I have a hard life and will kill an old man who treats me well. Although I don't believe in fate or luck, I can't help but feel guilty. So in front of Mr. Su's grave If so, I have to do it and do it well.”

"There are too few people like you these days."

Zhou Yuan expressed emotion and said: "Everyone can say the four words "Knowing kindness and repaying kindness", but not everyone can do it. Especially when you look at the obstacles blocking the road, there are many insurmountable obstacles. If you don't pay attention, It might be the tragic end of falling off a cliff. It would be very rare for people nowadays to understand the first half of "Zhien", let alone "repay" this point. No one in my life can compare with you.”

"I don't mean to compare myself with others. It's just that I have a bad temper. Since I'm lucky, I don't have to bend down."

Li Jun stood up with his knees supported, patted the dust on his clothes, and said with a smile: "For a person like me who came out of the poor streets, my hands are empty, and everything in my body is worth some money, and only these seven taels are left. Bloody."

"Then what's the other three taels?" Zhou Yuan asked curiously.

"Evil, brutal, barbaric."

Zhou Yuan suddenly asked: "It's enough to weigh two pounds?"

Li Jun nodded: "Young and old men are not deceived!"

The two looked at each other and smiled. Li Jun cupped his hands and said, "Uncle Zhou, please slowly ransack the house. I'll take my leave first."

"Don't you want to get something?"

“I can’t take it away even if I want it, so let’s forget it.”

"That's right. You can't handle these things in Mo Xu, but you have to at least bring Shen Li with you."

Looking at Li Jun who looked puzzled, Zhou Yuan said in a helpless tone: "This kid is just a bastard, and his mouth is so stinky that he curses the sky and the earth all day long. If other people hadn't stopped him, I would have I’ve wanted to kill this bastard for a long time. Since he is willing to obey you now, then you can take him away and I can be clean.”

Li Jun moved his lips and was about to speak when he saw Zhou Yuan wave his hand first.

"Don't be pretentious. Even if we are not a family, don't talk about two families. You should still give us a chance to show your kindness. Otherwise, when we are taken care of in the future, how can we have the nerve to speak to you?"

"Don't look at the scholars like Ruxu who are hiding and not daring to move. They look like persimmons that are so soft that they are rotten. In fact, they are afraid that the details will be revealed and they will not get a share of this banquet. Both Buddhism and Taoism They are no less ferocious than you. If you really encounter any trouble, don't grit your teeth and deal with it yourself. There's no need. Just let Shen Li shake things off. Look at the sunset in Tianque now, but the skinny camel is bigger than the horse, so if we try to replace it with two or three mountaintop temples, there will be no problem. "


Speaking of this, Li Jun no longer hesitated and nodded in agreement.

"That's right. Apart from being indebted to women, what else do men have to fear?"

After Zhou Yuan laughed loudly, his expression gradually became serious and he spoke seriously.

"The latest news is that tomorrow morning, the cabinet will announce the results of the investigation into the Liaodong incident, and Sangyan Temple will take the blame. Next, Ruxu's sword will point directly at the western part of the empire. This 'beheading of the Buddha' will affect The scope and intensity are far beyond what the Japanese area can match. You must be careful when doing things."

"Thank you!"

Li Jun thanked him in a deep voice, turned around and strode away.

Wang Qi felt that he had had another very long dream.

But this time in the dream, I had a lot of painful memories that I couldn't bear to look back on.

The source came from a man named Shen Li. The other person locked himself in a room and injected unknown unknown liquid into his body one injection after another. The more miserable he screamed, the harder the other person laughed.

Wang Qi still shudders when thinking about that feeling of being alternately cold and hot, hard and soft.

However, Wang Qi remembered one thing clearly: the other party had no ill intentions toward him, but was helping him to advance to the martial arts order of the sect.

But now that he woke up, Shen Li didn't know where he had gone, and the environment he was currently in was the room in his memory where he received the mission.

The plot character Ao Hu, who promised to satisfy himself after breaking the lock and being promoted, was also sitting in front of him, still staring directly at him with a pair of mechanical eyes.

"Brother, are you a god or a monster?"

Wang Qi forced out an ugly smile, but for no reason he felt as if he had said this before.

"Have we already met?"

"He is courageous and calm in times of crisis. He is indeed a man I value!"

Looking at Aohu laughing loudly in front of him, Wang Qi felt even more furious.

I seem to have heard this sentence before!

"You have passed my test. If you want to survive, you have to do one thing for me."

The progress of the conversation revealed an eerie familiarity. Wang Qi was stunned and said almost subconsciously: "Do you want me to help you kill someone named Liu? Ah, yes, Liu Xianzhou!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? Liu Xianzhou is already dead, why kill him?"

Ao Hu waved his hand and said in a deep voice: "The person I need you to help me eliminate is named Zhang Fengyue."

"Zhang Fengyue, who is this? Why do you sound so familiar to the chief minister of the cabinet?!"

Wang Qi trembled all over and said with astonishment on his face: "You want me to assassinate the chief minister of the cabinet?"

"Zhang Fengyue is the source of great evil in the world. Only by eradicating him can we save all people from the fire and water!"

"Hey, I've never heard of this kind of rhetoric, but I just took a nap. Why has the difficulty of this mission increased? Wasn't it originally about saving brothers and sisters? How come it has become about saving the world now? What are you doing?" Wang Qi muttered. Muttering.

"what are you saying?"

"Ah, nothing."

Wang Qi raised his hands and patted his face. The pain in his cheeks slowly calmed him down.

No matter what, it’s just a dream game. Who should I kill?

"I've accepted this mission from you. Bring it."

Wang Qi stretched out his hand in front of Ao Hu, but before he could say the words, Ao Hu said: "Don't worry, the organization has prepared what you want. What you need to do now Follow me to Xin'an County, Guangzhou Prefecture, where the organization will train you in all aspects."

Hey. I actually learned how to answer questions.

But why has the novice map been changed, and there is an additional organization?

"Aohu, what kind of organization are we?"


"Well, the name sounds quite impressive. It seems that not only has the difficulty increased this time, but the content has also been enriched a lot."

Wang Qi nodded with satisfaction, stood up impatiently and walked out.

He was so high-spirited that he didn't notice the complicated look in Aohu's eyes behind him, and he hesitated to speak.

"What are you doing standing still? Let's go."

Wang Qi looked back at Aohu, who was still in the same place, and shouted urgently.

Just treat this world as a game, and you should be able to live a more relaxed and happy life.


Aohu cut off the complicated thoughts in his mind and walked out of the door.

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