Cyber Daming

Chapter 542: Seek the Many, Not the Few

"In early June of the twelfth year of Jiaqi, the government offices of various prefectures and counties in Liaodong Province were attacked by bandits, and the impact was extremely bad. After investigation, it was found that Wusizangwei Sangyan Temple in Pandi was a major suspect in this incident. According to the cabinet resolution, the government will The Xindonglin Party has mobilized elite personnel to form an inspection team, which will be stationed in the area immediately to conduct a comprehensive investigation. Anyone who takes the initiative to join the team can register with the Ministry of Personnel through Tianguanjing."

"The above is the main content that will be published in the New Donglin Party's internal newspaper tomorrow."

In the empty and deep hall, cabinet member Gao Sheng slowly finished reading the contents of the newspaper he had prepared in his hand. The bright yellow light emitted from the screen of the document hit his frowning brows, and his face was solemn.

"Mr. Ge, there is a loud voice of dissatisfaction in Fandi this time."

Gao Sheng added lightly.

"Anyone would be dissatisfied if such an unfounded charge was placed on his head."

The large cabinets that lead straight to the top of the hall stand up like walls, crisscrossing them like a complex maze in this hall.

Zhang Fengyue's voice came from nowhere in the maze: "What we are doing now is to recruit a group of people to suppress others. As long as the people being attracted are obedient, let them scold the people being suppressed."

Gao Sheng's face was still filled with worry: "I'm worried that the Chinese Buddhist order also has evil intentions."

"The goal has been set, and the next step is for everyone to show their talents."

Zhang Fengyue said in a relaxed tone: "It's obvious that they have their own plans, and the Buddhist order is not as hostile as it appears now, otherwise this black pot will not be placed on Sangyan Temple. Buddha order This time it just pushed out the weakest force. Even if Sangyan Temple really disappears, it will not cause any damage to the entire Buddhist order. "

"Then why did they do this?" Gao Sheng asked in confusion.

In Gao Sheng's view, Zhang Fengyue's plan this time was simply to use force to suppress others, and he wanted to use the lame excuse of investigating the Liaodong incident as a breakthrough to forcefully promote the entire New Deal.

But the development of the situation was unexpectedly smooth for Gao Sheng, and Fo Xu actually chose a scapegoat.

And judging from what he knew, the whole thing did not cause much fluctuation within the Buddha Order. At least there was no news about the Bodhisattva's Nirvana on Lingshan Mountain.

The entire Buddhist sequence shows a well-behaved look of accepting punishment, as if the people who attacked Liaodong were really them.

The situation was so paradoxical that Gao Sheng was confused for a moment.

"Since the world was divided into martial arts and the three religions were established, we each huddled up in our own turf to recuperate, and the time has not been short. I'm afraid I don't even know what we have done secretly in these years, and how much wealth we have accumulated."

"If the Buddhist and Taoist families want to trip me up, they must first make a move to test the depth of the water. Even if they can't penetrate it all the way, they must at least force us to come up with something real, so that we can take action later. ”

Zhang Fengyue said calmly: "Of course, this is only a macroscopic thing. In the details, Sangyan Temple is also destined to suffer such a disaster."


Gao Sheng's buttocks, which were already pressed against the brocade stool, moved forward a few points, almost as if he was standing still in place while riding a horse. Despite his age, he still has gray hair and looks extremely humble.

"This group of nuns were gutted by Wu Xu back then, and they tried to learn the old-school Taoism that was almost extinct, and follow the path of spiritual and physical cultivation. In the past few years, many people from Nong Xu and Wu Xu have been secretly arrested by them They thought they were doing it secretly, but everyone knows that there are many bones under the dharma bed in Sangyan Temple."

"But they have forgotten one thing. Even the white jade capital cannot accommodate the old-school Taoist order of Wudang Mountain with great military exploits. How can Lingshan accommodate it? Finding another way is never a problem, but you must first make yourself the mainstream, otherwise you will be doomed to be beaten. They are aliens. They want to learn to run before they can walk, and they are destined to be smashed to pieces. So even if nothing happened in Liaodong this time, the kind-hearted Bodhisattvas on Lingshan would sooner or later kill them with other swords."

"According to what you say, this matter in Liaodong is getting more and more strange."

Gao Sheng asked in confusion: "Who is stirring up the storm behind the scenes?"

In the criss-crossing maze, no human voice could be heard this time.

Gao Sheng immediately realized that he had asked something he shouldn't have asked. He quickly raised the document in his hand and changed the subject: "Mr. Ge, do we really want to transfer people from the New Donglin Party to other places? I'm worried that no one from those clans will do it. I’m willing to get into trouble with Sangyan Temple.”

"So I plan to let Siyuan serve as the deputy supervisory envoy and personally lead the team to go deep into the land."

Zhang Fengyue said with a smile: "My own sons are rushing to the front. If they still don't have the courage to follow, then you can't blame me for eating meat myself and not giving them soup."

As for this, whether he was clumsy or really stupid, Gao Sheng probably saw the context of the whole thing clearly.

But deep down in his heart, he was not at all proud of having Zhang Fengyue as his confidant and solving his doubts himself. Instead, it was filled with deep fear.

Every step from the beginning of the New Deal, Zhang Fengyue's steps were not complicated. There were no foreshadowings or mysterious moves, but he could always accurately grasp the interests of most people in the game and let them They are willing to go with the flow and even take action when the situation reaches a deadlock.

This is the case with the restructuring of the criminal district, and the same is true with the current Fandiguiliu.

Simply dig a dam and a river will naturally flow into a torrent. When someone senses something is wrong, they are already trapped in it and cannot extricate themselves. They have no choice but to follow the general trend and move forward, unstoppable.

To seek the masses rather than the few, perhaps this is the original intention of "Shu Yi".

Gao Sheng thought to himself.

In the eyes of the chief minister of the empire, those so-called high-ranking followers are probably no different from other ordinary people. They are just slightly stronger individuals among all living beings.

Just when Gao Sheng was in a daze, a figure slowly came into view.

Zhang Fengyue, who was wearing a red official robe, walked to the large cabinet with the words "South Zhili" written on it, and reached out to brush off the dust on the Huangliang host on the shelf.

"I heard that Jinling City has been very lively recently. Tell me, what happened?"

Gao Sheng suppressed the complicated thoughts in his heart and said concisely: "Liu Jinxun's two sons were killed, and the people who did it were the group of Jinyi guards who escaped from the Japanese area. The leader was the lone martial artist Li Jun."

"A minister who accompanied the Sixth Department of the Capital and an official who was in charge of the frontier city killed him at will. Su Ce really left behind a group of tough bandits that are very troublesome."

Gao Sheng said contemptuously: "No matter how brave the bandit is, he is still a bandit and there is nothing to worry about. If Mr. Ge doesn't want to see these fleas again, I will deal with them now."

"Li Jun is not a flea."

Zhang Fengyue shook his head: "Su Ce will name him Salary Master, it will not be without purpose. Salary Master. The word 'Salary' is good. A prairie fire starts with a spark. This Li Jun should not be underestimated."

"Then just leave him alone?"

"It's not us who should be anxious, it's the group of immortal Buddhas standing in the sky. On the contrary, let this salary master help us try their water, and maybe we will get some unexpected gains."

"I'm worried that those powerful people will complain about this. It would be a shame if the rabbit dies and the fox dies."

"Then let Liu Jinxun come to Beijing, and I will comfort him personally."

Gao Sheng was stunned when he heard this, and for a moment he couldn't figure out what Zhang Fengyue meant by 'comfort'.

Could it be that Mr. Ge wanted to add insult to injury and take this opportunity to clean up the Liu family in one fell swoop?

"Mr. Ge, Liu Jinxun only lost two sons. The foundation of the Liu family has not been too seriously damaged. Now is an important moment for the district to return. Isn't it inappropriate to move the Liu family at this time? "

Gao Sheng speaks sincerely and gives forthright advice, just like a loyal confidant who works for the Lord's benefit.

"Gao Sheng, you are worrying too much. I am not so stupid that I don't know right from wrong. I have a very important thing to leave to Liu Jinxun."

Zhang Fengyue clasped his hands behind his back and said with a smile: "In the investigation of Sangyan Temple, although there is Siyuan who serves as a pioneer, he is still young after all. He has to follow those Bodhisattvas who have renounced their human nature to practice Buddhism and cultivated their humanity from Buddhism. The confrontation still lacks some enthusiasm, so I want Liu Jinxun to be the supervisor this time. With him taking charge, it will be enough to deter some young people who want to fish in troubled waters. "

"But with Liu Jinxun's character, I'm afraid he may not necessarily agree to come to Beijing."

"If his son had not died, then he really would not have taken this job. But now, he will definitely take it, and he will definitely do it well with all his heart and effort."

Zhang Fengyue's voice was firm and his eyes were sharp. He seemed to have seen Liu Jinxun thoroughly from the inside out.

"Now Liu Jinxun has lost the initiative and has no room for action."

Gao Sheng did not continue to ask questions this time, but continued to talk about what happened in Jinling City.

"The Ming ghosts in the middle courtyard of Mo Xu also broke out a rebellion on the same day. The rebellious Ming ghosts captured the entire middle courtyard overnight. Dean Mo Guhuang and vice president Liu Xianzhou died on the spot, and Shu Ye and Peng Ze Whereabouts unknown."

Gao Sheng looked solemn and said solemnly: "The rest of Mo Xu's casualties were over a hundred, and the number of missing people was only a lot more, and almost all of them were the main leaders of various research groups in the Central Academy. Also missing were their research results and data. And a lot of equipment. The reality carrier of Minggui Realm and the production line of Mojia have also been taken away. Now the middle courtyard is almost an empty shelf."

"When the rebellion broke out, Shanhefang, where the Central Court is located, was completely blocked. When I received the news and sent people to rescue, all the rebel Minggui had escaped. After checking the memories of many people, it was determined that it was An organization called the 'Meiki Samurai Order' is behind the scenes, and"

Gao Sheng's two snow-white eyebrows suddenly dropped, and he let out a cold snort from his twitching nose.

"The people from Tianque are also among them. Without them, Mo Guhuang probably wouldn't have died so easily."

Zhang Fengyue sighed after hearing this: "Tianque, it's such a long-lost name. After hiding it for so long, it seems that they finally couldn't bear it anymore. But it's okay. If they really sit still, I will be more afraid. Well, I won’t be so worried when it comes to action. By the way, who is out in the ‘Five Pillars’?”

"The only ones who can be sure now are Zhou Yuan and Zhao Mengze."

"Two outsiders."

Zhang Fengyue laughed dumbly: "It seems that Tianque still has a long way to go before the twins of the sect and Duxing can fight side by side."

"Mr. Ge, I think those escaped Mingguis were probably taken under Tianque's command."

"It's an obvious thing, otherwise where could they go? After all, the collar around the neck of the Central Court is engraved with my name, Zhang Fengyue, who killed my dog. Who among the four major branches has the courage to accept them?"

"Now that Tianque has got so many black-armored rangers, it will be more difficult to deal with them in the future."

Gao Sheng said angrily: "This loser Mo Guhuang has known for a long time that the Ming ghosts in the Central Court have signs of rebellion, but he couldn't find a proper solution for such a long time, and finally he was succeeded by someone. It’s really not a pity to die!”

"A group of craftsmen holding hammers changed their profession to holding swords. It was originally a very reluctant thing. They didn't have this talent in their bones. He has done a good job in suppressing these rangers over the years. The dead man is the most important, so Stop pursuing their faults.”

Zhang Fengyue patted the edge of the cabinet where the main computer was stored and said: "The Central Court has made a lot of contributions to us. Without them providing these infrastructures and methods, we would not have been able to build the Huangliang Dream of Confucianism so easily. "

"That's what you said, my lord."

The anger on Gao Sheng's face dissipated in the blink of an eye, and he said respectfully: "So I have arranged for people to gather up the collapsed Central Court Mo Xu, and the new list of Presbyterians has been prepared. They are all those who have performed outstandingly in the Ministry of Works in the past. Although the personnel, rank and ability are not too high, loyalty can be guaranteed.”

"I always trust Gao Sheng when you do things." Zhang Fengyue nodded in approval.

"However, the losses of the Intermediate Court this time are too serious. If we want to return to the previous level, I am afraid it will take a long time. Especially the members of the research team who were taken away by Tianque, these talent gaps are not easy to fill."

Gao Sheng said worriedly: "And now that the Minggui Realm is lost, I'm worried that the other four branches will no longer recognize the existence of the Central Court."

"It's enough to do your best."

Zhang Fengyue said calmly: "If they are really determined to shut down the Intermediate Court, then giving them this face will also be a good opportunity to ease these craftsmen's prejudice against us. Lest they jump over the wall and collude with Wu Xu again."


Gao Sheng accepted the order in a deep voice.

"Okay, let's end the discussion today. Gao Sheng, you should know what to do next."

Zhang Fengyue looked tired, and like an ordinary twilight old man, he patted his sore shoulders and walked toward the palace gate.

"It's time to give lectures to His Majesty again. Hey, I really don't know when I will be able to steal half a day of leisure for myself."

It wasn't until the rickety figure completely disappeared from sight that Gao Sheng, who was also a member of the cabinet, moved his body back, sat down firmly on the brocade stool, and let out a tired sigh.

"Steal half a day's leisure from floating life, half monk, half mortal, half god"

Gao Sheng had a complicated expression and murmured: "Who can be like you?"

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