Cyber Daming

Chapter 579 Going up the mountain to kill people (Part 2)

Guangxin Mansion, Guixi City.

The night rain is falling, and the neon lights are like lights.

The city is filled with projections of page after page of Taoist classics, with seal, regular script, and Xing fonts intertwining into a sea of ​​cyan.

Next to the fiery trees and silver flowers are the believers who bow their heads to realize Taoism, the lay people sitting cross-legged and practicing under the fish, dragon and mythical beasts, the door gods guarding the doors of mortals with their swords, and the spiritual officials holding the precepts stand solemnly in the strong incense.

The cave connected to the monastery hides thousands of magnificent dreams, and the ringing bells of Taoist temples soothe millions of Taoist hearts.

In such a splendid and grand city of enlightenment, a huge mountain stands in the center, reaching into the sky, and the mountains and plains are filled with magnificent Taoist palaces with bright lights.

A staircase to the sky winds along the mountain, and two dragon-tiger sedan ladders that can accommodate a thousand people go back and forth day and night to bring in people who have become immortals.

"Who is Sun Luyou?"


The moment Zhang Ximao's figure collapsed and disappeared, the mountain gate archway collapsed in the sword light.

Zhang Ximao looked shocked, and then his whole body exuded murderous aura and awe-inspiring fighting spirit.

Wuying's facial features are blurred, making it hard to see clearly.

"Open your eyes and take a good look. How has Longhu Mountain declined in your hands now? The glory of Longhu Mountain that once illuminated the entire Jiangxi Province is now only a small Guangxin Mansion. In the past, it was even Ge Zaoshan, who is not even qualified to lead our horses and kick them, now dares to grin and provoke us again and again. "

Chen Qisheng spread his fingers and the silver-white sword fell into his palm.

"Junior Brother Yang Xuan, you are here."

Chen Qisheng stepped forward, and the wind and rain blocking the road along the way retreated to both sides like being split by a sharp sword.

It is also the place where all Daoxu Bingjie who inherited the Longhu Taoism were reincarnated.


The Fuchen Taoist weapon, which had appeared in embarrassment, exploded into fragments all over the sky under the impact of the sword energy before it had time to unfold its magic.

The cold light emitted illuminated a face with a resolute expression.

Although he was behind bars, the overwhelming arrogance in Zhang Chongyuan's brows still remained.

Zhang Chongyuan said in a joking tone: "Zhang Chongcheng, do you think what I said is right?"

Now that they were facing each other head on, Chen Qisheng could only think of the four words that Zhang Chongyuan had just mocked and cursed.

Without any extra words, Zhang Ximao twitched the corners of his broken mouth, revealing a hint of helplessness. The loneliness in his eyes only existed for a short moment, and was then replaced by substantial hatred.

Zhang Chongyuan turned a blind eye to the broken arm that fell aside, and looked at Chen Qisheng with a look of disdain.

The cold light in Chen Qisheng's eyes grew stronger, the sword in his hand trembled continuously, and he said word by word: "Sun Luyou."

"Your acting skills are really poor. And if you don't die, what kind of trick is this?"

Chen Qisheng slowly raised his arm, and a wave of energy different from that of his divine thoughts arose.

The angry roars gradually subsided, and a generation of great heavenly masters died.

There was no sound, only the thunder was raging.

"You haven't been able to complete the 'Hedao' in a full sixty years. Zhang Chonglian, you are simply hopelessly stupid. Since you don't have the ability, you should hand over your seat in the Immortal Class and let someone with the ability to revitalize Longhu."

Wuying followed closely, holding a sword made of condensed true energy.

A sword light roared into the city, tearing apart the fiery trees and silver flowers, piercing through the fish, dragon and mythical beasts. The strong wind blew over the cross-legged enlightenment believers all over the street, and the sharp spiritual thoughts cut off all the consciousness connected to the dream.

The Taoist laughed angrily, and the Taoist crown on his head was blown away by the outpouring spiritual thoughts. His white hair swayed in the wind and rain, and with the ability to release magic without objects, dozens of five elements magic spells were formed in an instant.

Zhang Ximao shouted in a deep voice, but a cracking sound suddenly came from his body. The Taoist's ferocious expression suddenly suffocated, and his eyes fell on his abdomen in astonishment.


Sparks suddenly exploded before the sword's edge, as if there was an invisible barrier blocking the front.

When Chen Qisheng heard this, he couldn't help but frowned and stopped. The flying sword that was trembling behind his head became quieter, and his murderous aura became lighter.

"Wudang Zhenqi? It seems that you have already got what Zhao Yanlong has in his hands. You have some luck and opportunity, and you can barely be considered a decent person."

Zhang Chongyuan said with an arrogant look: "Chen Qisheng, it is your chance and blessing that you can kill me today and become famous in the imperial order from now on! But you must remember that I did not lose to you, the modulation born in the basic plate. Tao Tong, but lost to 'Zhang Tianshi', lost to him Zhang Chonglian!"

"Is it because you are his first disciple? Or because you are his son? Your surname is Zhang, and my surname is Zhang. We all have the same blood. If you can sit in the position of 'Zhang Tianshi', I can also sit, and I can Better than you can do!”

The roar of divine thoughts swept across the Taoist temple.


Under the sword tip, dense cracks spread rapidly, and bursts of crisp sounds could be heard.

Chen Qisheng rose into the sky with his sword and headed straight for the magnificent Taoist palace located at the highest point of the mountain!

In front of the Tianshi Mansion's promotion office, Zhang Qingli, who was waiting here, looked at the night sky in the distant mountains, his eyes were empty and dull, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

"Zhang Chongcheng, you are just a courageous gangster. If you get an advantage, you will find a safe place to hide. What qualifications do you have to speak out in front of me?"

"Zhang Chonglian, you can't hold up Longhu Mountain, and you can't sit firmly in the position of 'A-character Heavenly Immortal'."


A sword light roared out, cutting off the left arm of the man on the stage.


The demon-killing and evil-killing curse appeared on both arms, and fine ashes floated out. They were lifted up by divine thoughts and floated.

Zhang Chongyuan suddenly fell down and his legs disappeared.

"The other juniors in Longhu Mountain, Xizi generation, don't even have the courage to do so? Are they asking you to stand in front?"

"Zhang Chongyuan, why did you order the frame-up to frame my master?"

Zhang Qingli's lips moved slightly: "Friend Daoist Chen, natural selection is the will of heaven and the law of Taoism."

"You Longhushan Zhang family are really rotten."

It wasn't until that sharp sword light fell into his eyes that his scattered eyes slowly regrouped.

In the void, a dissatisfied snort sounded.

"Chen Qisheng, I advise you to stop it. If you continue to provoke Longhu Mountain, you cannot afford the consequences."

The solemn voice echoed in the Taoist temple.

At a Luotian Dajiao ceremony many years ago to honor the ancestor, he stood at the outer edge of the crowd and looked at the other person with the most reverent eyes.

"Fellow Taoist Chen, I am waiting here under the orders of the Great Celestial Master Chongcheng to convey some words to you."


The ten true martial arts bodies raised their swords and pointed them at the same time, with murderous intent rising to the sky.

Before the shocked Old Dao Longhu could recover, a figure had already passed by out of the corner of his eye.

Chen Qisheng, who was watching all this with cold eyes, turned around and left the Taoist temple. Outside the door, a Taoist priest in sackcloth was already waiting here.

"That's right. If Li Jun is allowed to go up the mountain, then they will not have the face to continue to call themselves masters and ancestors in front of hundreds of millions of Taoist disciples. Only by letting this Taoist lord die in the hands of you, a former disciple of Longhu Mountain, can they still survive Can save some funny face.”

The cold wind passed through this hole that was transparent from the front to the back, and there were still traces of the existence of the half-divided path gold elixir.

The person who persecuted his master and forced him to betray the sect was right in front of him, but Chen Qisheng's mood was extremely calm at the moment.


"The last sentence, today I let you go up the mountain. It is Zhang Chongyuan's destiny to have this calamity, and it is also the Tianshi Mansion and you who have settled the cause and effect in this life and eliminated the grudges. If you are willing to let go of the old things, the Tianshi Mansion is willing to assist you in developing the Wudang legacy and restarting the process. The old-school Tao order saves the Taoist sect from decline. "

Chen Qisheng stepped into the sky with his sword and headed straight for a mountain in the distance hidden in the night.

At this moment, a huge spiritual thought of the third level suddenly appeared, like a big net opening, trapping the flying sword in mid-air.

Pairs of frightened eyes followed the movement of the sword, and turned towards the Dragon Tiger Mountain Gate, which was majestic and inviolable in their hearts.

A faint mist escaped from his body and condensed into a human-shaped fog shadow out of thin air.


"So does it matter whether he is guilty or not? It doesn't matter at all."

"Get out of the way, you don't have to die."


The chain wrapped around him suddenly exploded with golden arcs of electricity, drowning Zhang Chongyuan's figure.

"I say it one last time, get out of the way."

"Are you the Longhu traitor named Chen Qisheng?"

Wherever the sword light passed, all the prosperity of Daocheng disappeared.

Chen Qisheng walked up indifferently, reached out and drew his long sword, and paused when he stood side by side with Zhang Qingli.

Even his own life has become a bargain in the peace talks between the sect and outsiders.

The sword fell down and hovered five feet above the ground.

The old Taoist raised his white eyebrows and shouted sternly.

"Zhenqi. Wudang?!"

"But what's so good about Sun Luyou? If not, why should I remember him, and why should I kill him?"

"If Zhang Chongyuan is reluctant to die, then I will help him, Taoist Master."


The lightning struck and was chopped into pieces by the mist figure flying into the air with a sword.

Chen Qisheng raised his feet and crossed the threshold, staring at Zhang Chongyuan on the high platform with his head hanging down.

"Now that you have changed your family, you really shouldn't use the Taoist title 'Yang Xuan' anymore."

Zhang Qingli bowed his head and said, "The first sentence is that Heavenly Master Zhang Ximao stopped him at the foot of the mountain, not because of the order of Heavenly Master's Mansion."

In the dim Taoist hall, a figure sat cross-legged on a futon on the high platform, with a chain-shaped Taoist weapon as thick as a thumb wrapped around his body.

The Great Heavenly Master of Longhu Mountain who was once inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people has now become a prisoner.

"The evil demon who wants to attack the mountain gate must first pass through me, Zhang Ximao!"

The next moment, the sword light suddenly rose.

Zhang Chongyuan looked up to the sky and glared angrily at the dome of the Taoist palace, and the spreading molten iron slowly flooded his eyes.


The backlash of his spiritual thoughts made Zhang Ximao's eyes roll down with two traces of pale tears. He looked like a madman, holding on to the severe pain of Daoji's spasm, holding the seal and chanting the incantation, commanding the stars in the sky.

The next moment, the magic barrier shattered, and the silent screams spread out, exploding in the minds of countless believers, and the intense pain instantly swallowed up their consciousness.

Of course Chen Qisheng himself didn't need these answers, but he felt that his master did.

Facing the swarming sea of ​​spells, Chen Qisheng and Wuying raised their swords to strike down at the same time.

Wagging the tail and chewing the bones.

As the sword forcefully advanced, ripples suddenly appeared in the air, and layers of stacked magic barriers were revealed.

His facial features instantly turned into ashes, the skull's head glowing with cold light was exposed, and his eyes were filled with overwhelming hatred.


As if offended by this title, the sword light pulled out a long and narrow flame without any stagnation, heading straight for Zhang Qingli's head.

"Bless the dragon and tiger, the ancestral court will live forever! Wudang will never be able to stand up again!"

The more intense lightning burned Zhang Chongyuan's body red and was about to melt.

Under the archway, a Taoist with white beard and hair suddenly appeared, his hands still holding the seal. His cold eyes stared at the floating silver-white flying sword.


Amidst the dense clanging sound, a silver-white armor covered the whole body. The Taoist ancestor's magical weapon spurted out green and red Taoist inscriptions, which were burned into the left and right arm armors, extending from Chen Qisheng's wrists to his shoulders.

"wishful thinking."

"Your master?" Zhang Chongyuan asked with a frown.

"The spirit of the old Taoist has not been extinguished. I should kill foreign enemies and protect myself from the wind and rain for future generations."

Taking the flying sword into his hand, ripples appeared from the tip of the sword and spread all over Chen Qisheng's body in an instant.

The Taoist Hall standing there is the Wanfa Zongtan Altar that connects the Dragon and Tiger Cave to Heaven.

"You should be glad that you are still valuable and that there are still people willing to protect you."

"Second sentence, when the world was divided into martial arts, Longhushan was also the scapegoat pushed to the front by the forces of the new sect. If it was not something that couldn't be done, Longhushan would not be willing to be an enemy of Wudang."

A floating dust-like Taoist magic weapon is hidden in the brilliance of the magic, waiting for an opportunity to move.

Zhang Ximao's body was like a cracked porcelain, with horrifying cracks spreading on the skin and mechanical bones at the same time, and pieces peeling off under the beating of raindrops.

He raised his sword and opened the two closed doors of the Tiju Office.

"The culprit is dead and gone, and the grudges between Longhushan and you are settled."

"Hahahahaha, you are willing but not courageous, Zhang Chongcheng, you are such a coward. Just be your dog. When he becomes a disciple, he may reward you with a bone and let you taste what it's like to become an immortal and become an ancestor."

Zhang Chongyuan, who had lost both arms, shook his body and slowly stood up from the futon.

The true energy surged and swept across, and human-shaped fog shadows condensed out, holding swords across the sky.

"Zhang Chonglian, why can you be in charge of the seat of the 'A-Character Celestial Immortal'? Why should I succumb to you and be blocked from the threshold of Preface 2 for the rest of my life?"

A huge carved talisman and seal were suspended in the air, replaying the thousand-year history of this Taoist ancestral court.

In front of the mountain gate, there stands a ten-foot-high archway. Sharp sword-shaped decorations are intertwined on the pillars, and the flying eaves are in the shape of dragons, tigers and beasts.

Zhang Chongcheng raised his hand and pointed to the mountain and said, "You can go down the mountain now."

Two powerful sword energy connected back and forth, cutting waves and breaking through the sea with great momentum.

The thunder roared and the wind and rain were like darkness.

Chen Qisheng looked at the calm expression on the other person's face and suddenly grinned.

Zhang Ximao's tone was firm and resounding, without any hesitation.

Molten molten iron continued to drip down the high platform and flow along the steps.


As soon as Zhang Qingli finished speaking, the flying sword above his head suddenly broke free from its restraints, fell from a millimeter in front of the tip of his nose, and plunged straight into the ground.


The sword light rose again, and another severed arm fell to the ground.

"Presumptuous? Hahahaha, I still have the courage to be presumptuous, do you still have it?"

Zhang Chongcheng's figure flashed before the sword light, and he shouted in a low voice.

But the white Taoist robe is very clear, even the details are clearly visible, and the two words "Jianmo" and "Zhenwu" are tattooed on the left and right sleeves are extremely clear.

"Believers are losing and dissipating, Taoism is in decline, stars in the sky have been robbed repeatedly, and technical methods have stagnated. In the current Longhu Mountain, where is there any trace of the style of the Taoist ancestral court? Yet you still want to huddle on this mountain and hide there? Sitting in the Dragon-Tiger Cave, ignoring the sect and coveting the Tao, what face do you have to continue to bear the title of 'Master Zhang'?"

Zhang Ximao sneered at Chen Qisheng's words and said coldly: "Chen Qisheng, you were once a member of the Longhu Clan, why did you help the tyrants to commit evil and betray the master? Now that you have returned from your lost ways, you still have the chance to redeem your sins. Chance."

Zhang Qingli ignored the trembling and buzzing flying sword in front of him and looked directly at Chen Qisheng calmly.

"Who is in the audience?!"


The palace door collapsed, and the cold wind from the mountaintop roared in.

The other party's face was no stranger to Chen Qisheng.

"It turns out to be a remnant of Wudang. Chen Qisheng, you will definitely die today!"

Chen Qisheng dropped a scornful sarcasm and passed Zhang Qingli.

It seemed that it was natural that he was the only one facing Chen Qisheng in front of the mountain gate at this moment.

In the scattered light and shadow, the carved talisman and seal describing Longhu's past glory exploded into pieces in the impact.

Chen Qisheng looked at Zhang Chongcheng, who had a gloomy face, and waved his hands lightly.

"As for you, it's best to stay out of the way."

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