Cyber Daming

Chapter 608: Gambling on dreams and risking life

The rain was like arrows, flying in front of us.

A cavalry was spinning like a flying horse, galloping through the wind.

Wu Cixia tried his best to lower his body, as if he had merged with the car under his crotch. The deep brim of his hat only revealed a line of eyes, staring at the dark road ahead.

The sound of rain was roaring, deafening, but Wu Cixia could still clearly hear the roar of the engine and the fierce shouts coming from behind him.

It was like a shadow, biting behind him tightly, and he could never get rid of it.

Wu Cixia's eyes flashed with a fierce light. His left hand pulled out a long and narrow Duoyanwei from the side of the cavalry. Without looking back, he threw the muzzle behind him and pulled the trigger to the end.

The muzzle of the gun, which was spurting fire, sprinkled a stream of hot bullets, which chiseled into the car behind him.

The raging shrapnel easily tore the bodies of the enemies in the car, and the scarlet blood covered the cracked car windows.

The out-of-control car body swung left and right on the slippery road, and finally crashed into a roadside building, exploding into a blazing fireball.


The suddenly spreading flames illuminated the long road.

Taking advantage of this fleeting light, Wu Cixia glanced behind her and glanced at the number of pursuers.

The chasing carriages filled the wide road, like a group of crouching beasts, which made people desperate.

Which wave of pursuers is this?

Wu Cixia can no longer remember.

Since she failed to assassinate Zou Sijiu, the leader of the all-powerful gang "Tianque" in Xin'an City yesterday, she has been caught in a seemingly endless pursuit.

It feels like the whole city is full of hostility towards her. Anyone she meets, regardless of gender, age or young, may be a killer of Tianque.

He was still talking and laughing the last moment, and he could pull out a knife and gun and point it at her the next moment.

Wu Cixia, who was trapped in it, felt like he was surrounded by a sea of ​​murderous intent. He was about to drown and was exhausted physically and mentally.

"Damn it, if that red-haired woman hadn't suddenly appeared, Zou Sijiu would have been a corpse now!"

Wu Cixia's heart was filled with hatred. A carefully planned assassination plan failed at the last moment when it was about to succeed. It was really unacceptable.

However, Wu Cixia couldn't remember why he had to assassinate Zou Sijiu.

It seemed that he was destined to do this.

As long as he could kill the other party, he would get huge benefits.


The sudden and violent explosion interrupted Wu Cixia's memories.

A 'fire dragon out of water' exploded not far away, and the hot air waves swept in all directions.

At the moment when he was about to be bitten by the air wave, Wu Cixia decisively twisted his right hand to the bottom, and the iron cavalry under his crotch suddenly burst into a dull roar and shot out.

While avoiding the explosion, he successfully distanced himself from the pursuers behind him.

For a person who is running away, this is a good thing.

But Wu Cixia's eyes, inexplicably, can't see the slightest bit of joy.

The reason is that there are strange black shadows in front of the road, and the sharp corners flash a creepy cold light under the illumination of the car lights.

It's a barricade!

Wu Cixia's pupils tightened fiercely.

At this distance, it's useless for her to slow down.

The flat road didn't give her the opportunity to drive over obstacles.

At the critical moment, Wu Cixia made up her mind and decisively hit the front of the car.

The body of the iron cavalry suddenly overturned, rubbing against the ground to create a dazzling spark, and slid towards the barricades blocking the road.


Wu Cixia, who was thrown into the air, pulled out the sharp blade on his back, and stabbed it at the moment of falling to the ground. The sharp blade pierced into the ground, pulling out a long crack.

When the inertia that was enveloping him weakened slightly, Wu Cixia immediately jumped up, ignoring his side that had already been rubbed to a bloody mess, holding a knife and staring coldly at the front.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

The headlights of the cars suddenly lit up, making Wu Cixia's vision white.

In a trance, shadows of people came like a tide.


The blade slashed down with a piercing scream.

Although his vision had not yet recovered, Wu Cixia's reaction was as fast as lightning. He backhanded a knife to cut through the airtight rain curtain, and the raindrops that were swinging out outlined a round arc. While splitting the blade, he raised the knife and slashed it upwards.

The attacking knifeman suddenly stopped in place, a red mark spread from his chin to his forehead, and his whole face split open, hot blood spurted up, and he fell face up in the rain.

Before the other knifeman following behind him could react to what happened, a figure had already crashed into his arms, and the sound of sharp weapons breaking flesh became one after another.

Two elite fighters from "Tianque", Wuxu seeds, died on the spot in an instant.

However, this was just the beginning of this "encirclement and killing", and more figures had already surged up like a tide.

The footsteps stepped down heavily, splashing water inches high.

Wu Cixia was extremely fierce, and instead of retreating, he rushed towards the group of Tianque gang members.

The pouring raindrops, heavy breathing, cold and bloody lights in the crowded crowd, and the clanging and sharp sounds of blades colliding and exploding one after another.

After a while, the staggered and messy footsteps finally calmed down.

The last remaining Tianque gang member had his leg bones broken by someone's kick. He knelt in the rain, his eyes blurred, and his head unconsciously drooped down.

A hand dripping with blood reached out, grabbed his hair fiercely, and turned his face towards the light.

Wu Cixia closed his eyes, licked his bloody lips, and put the knife in his hand to the protruding Adam's apple of the Tianque gang member. His wrist was very steady, and he slowly dragged the knife to cut.

The knifeman who had fainted suddenly woke up from the pain. He struggled to swing his arms, but still couldn't stop the blade from cutting across.


The body fell forward, twitching unconsciously in the rain. A circle of crimson ripples spread rapidly, and the smell of blood in the air was so strong that it seemed to be real.

Wu Cixia stood among the broken limbs and arms, pointing his knife straight ahead.

"No wonder you dared to assassinate me alone. You really have some skills."

As a voice of praise sounded, the dazzling car lights went out for the most part.

Wu Cixia's vision finally returned to normal, and he saw the person who was speaking clearly.

A heavy mink robe covered the tall body in a suit and leather shoes, and under the shiny back hair was a domineering face. The man held a gilded scepter in his right palm, and his left hand was holding a pretty girl with fiery red hair.

The man with cold eyebrows stood behind him, holding a black umbrella to block his head.

"It's a pity, this is my territory, how can you run wild here?"

This hateful face with a proud smile, even if it was burned to ashes, Wu Cixia could recognize it.

It was the Lord of Tianque, Zou Sijiu!

"Master Zou, this woman has some skills, it seems that she should have entered the martial order. Ordinary gang members are not her opponents, or let me deal with it."

The man standing behind Zou Sijiu with an umbrella spoke respectfully.

"Don't worry, Lao Li. You don't need to take action against her."

Zou Sijiu smiled slightly and looked at a young man holding a long sword standing on the right.

"Qingsheng, I'll leave her to you, don't let me down."

"Don't worry, Master Zou."

The man responded in a deep voice, and then flew out from behind the barricade, moving as fast as lightning. In the blink of an eye, he was in front of Wu Cixia, and with a flick of his wrist, a sword light like a chain slashed towards Wu Cixia's head.

The coldness hit him, Wu Cixia roared, and his upper body suddenly bent back. He bounced up again at the moment of avoiding Chen Qisheng's sweeping sword, and chopped down fiercely with both hands holding the knife.


A fleeting fire exploded at the intersection of the sword and the knife.

Wu Cixia endured the severe pain of the torn mouth, pressed all his strength on the blade, rubbed the blade and fell rapidly, and pushed the knife inward at the moment of hitting the blade, trying to cut off Chen Qisheng's right hand holding the sword.

In the critical moment, Chen Qisheng's mouth curled up a sneer of contempt.

He decisively loosened the hilt of the sword, let the blade of the hand cut away, turned around and kicked Wu Cixia's chest heavily.

The falling long sword was picked up by Chen Qisheng, and his wrist turned again to draw a cold light, rushing to Wu Cixia's neck.

A chill rose above her head, and Wu Cixia, who was still stumbling backward, could no longer avoid it, and could only barely raise her sword to block it.

But at this moment, Chen Qisheng snorted coldly, and the sword light that was attacking suddenly accelerated, with a force as heavy as a thousand pounds, swinging away the blocking blade and sticking to Wu Cixia's right hand.


Although Wu Cixia tried her best to dodge, her right arm was still cut off by the sword light at the elbow.

The cold moisture penetrated into Wu Cixia's blood along the wound, making her feel a burst of bone-piercing cold, and the intense pain was madly devouring her will.

Just when Wu Cixia's vision was about to go out, a very strong anger suddenly surged from the bottom of her heart, like a shot of cardiac stimulant, making her instantly forget the pain all over her body.

Not only that, a strong and familiar force quickly filled her body.

At this moment, Wu Cixia felt a sense of relief as if she had broken free from her restraints. She blew out a mouthful of hot blood, and her almost frozen blood began to boil again. She stepped on the ground and disappeared instantly.

"Shen Li, don't you want to avenge your previous shame? Now the opportunity is right in front of you, what are you waiting for?"

Almost at the same time as the voice was uttered, Wu Cixia suddenly appeared in front of Chen Qisheng, and punched out with her only remaining left hand.

Chen Qisheng seemed to have expected it and dodged sideways one step in advance.

After he dodged, a 'fire dragon' with bared fangs and claws flew out and pounced in front of Wu Cixia.

Farther away, Shen Li was grinning, and the muzzle of the gun on his shoulder was still emitting billowing gunpowder smoke.


The huge impact force threw Wu Cixia out like a rag bag.

But at this moment, she was indeed inhumanly strong. Although her body was almost blown to pieces by the 'fire dragon out of water', she still had a breath of air, and her eyes were unwilling to stare wide, looking at the rainy night sky dejectedly.

"You bitch, you dared to assassinate Master Zou in front of me, and made me lose face in front of Master Zou. I wish I could cut you into pieces!"

An extremely angry face squeezed into the sight.

Wu Cixia, who was dying, vaguely recognized that it was the other party who was responsible for protecting him when he assassinated Zou Sijiu before.

"Remember to open your eyes in your next life and see clearly who you can and cannot offend! Do you understand?"


A violent gunshot rang out.

Zou Sijiu, standing in the distance, looked at Wu Cixia who was blasted into pieces, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

"Xiao Shen is a good person."

Li Jun, who was responsible for holding an umbrella behind him, said respectfully: "It was Master Zou who gave him the opportunity to restore his dignity. I thank you on behalf of Shen Li."

"You are all brothers who work hard for me. There is no need to say these polite words."

Zou Sijiu looked back, his eyes were unusually bright.

"Also, you did a great job holding the umbrella, Old Li."

As soon as the words fell, the world in front of Zou Sijiu's eyes shattered like a mirror.

His vision was distorted like a whirlpool. When he returned to normal, Zou Sijiu found himself deep in a huge square covered with flocked carpets.

Next to him is a series of things stacked together, the size of a millstone, and shaped like chips.

He raised his eyes and looked up, and saw a huge figure the size of a mountain standing in the distance. His face was exactly the same as that of Wu Ci Xia, staring at him fiercely.

Zou Sijiu raised the corner of his mouth and smiled contemptuously at the other party. Then he seemed to feel something and turned around to look behind him.

A similarly huge figure sat here. Looking at the other person's familiar face, Zou Sijiu's blocked memory began to recover.

The first dream game is over, and I won.

As his memory recovered, Zou Sijiu suddenly understood.

And what he is in now is not a 'square', but a gambling table manifested in the spiritual world.

The gambling table belonging to Zhao Mengze and Wu Ci.

And all the mammothness and hugeness are due to the fact that his body size at this moment is only the size of a chip.

Obviously, in this dream game, he is the most important bargaining chip in Zhao Mengze's hand.

"Old Zhao, you did a pretty good job constructing this dream. It's so exciting!"

Zou Sijiu looked up at Zhao Mengze and gave him a thumbs up.

"To actually think of asking Li Jun and Chen Qisheng to lead my horse and put it on the pedal, I am worthy of being an experienced old dreamer."

Zou Sijiu was still recalling everything in his previous dream. When he thought of Li Jun holding an umbrella and the respectful 'Master Zou', he felt comfortable all over.

"It's a pity that the strength of the construction is a little less interesting. He looks just like a gang leader, with a slightly smaller layout."

Zou Sijiu said with a hint of regret: "If it were really as strong as a martial arts master, this would be enough."

"Why don't you do the construction and I'll fall asleep?"

A thunderous sound fell from the sky.

"You're so good at what you get, do you know how much effort I put into giving you such a big background advantage? If it were really built the way you wanted, Wu Ci Xia would have woken up a long time ago and allowed you to win so easily. ?”

Of course Zou Sijiu knew this was impossible.

If it were constructed like that, it would not be Wuci's clone personality who would die first, but Zhao Mengze himself.

"Speaking of which, wasn't the opponent's defeat a bit too simple and sloppy this time?"

Zou Sijiu suppressed the smile on his face and said sternly: "Even if this first layer of dreamland was constructed by you, Old Zhao, I have such a huge background advantage. It can be regarded as taking advantage of the right time, place, and people, and on the other side, except for When he was about to die, he suddenly exploded and had no other ability to resist. Isn't this abnormal? "

Zou Sijiu's question was not without any basis.

What is most important in dreams?

Not permissions, but rules!

In the dream just now, Zou Sijiu and Wu Cixia had their memories blocked and played different roles in the story set by Zhao Mengze.

There is no problem with this rule.

The strength of both sides is limited to a very low ranking, which is no problem at all.

Because these are equal rules.

However, in the dream, Zou Sijiu almost had the power of a city, and his men were like clouds of strong men. He easily surrounded and killed the lonely Wuci Xia Shen.

This kind of dream, which is almost equivalent to losing one's life in vain, can easily wake up the dreamer, causing the dream to be broken.

Although Wu Ci was born in Nongxu, she possesses the "New Huangliang" technique and must have a good understanding of the Yin and Yang order. It is almost impossible for her to fall into such a simple trap.

"That bitch did it on purpose."

Zhao Mengze sneered and said: "Others are rich and powerful, so I just used one life at the beginning to see what tricks we both have."

Zou Sijiu was horrified: "Then you haven't already revealed all your cards, have you?"

"That's not the case, but there won't be such a relaxing dream again in the future."

Zou Sijiu took a deep breath: "Were you just warming up just now?"

"Xiao Zou, you don't need to be nervous. After all, dream making is still our group's strength."

Zhao Mengze spoke easily: "As long as I can seize the right to construct every dream, you will not be at a disadvantage when you enter the dream. But whether you can win or not depends on you."

"rest assured."

Before Zou Sijiu finished speaking, a vortex suddenly appeared under his feet and swallowed him up.

"Are you done talking nonsense? It's time to start the second game."

Zhao Mengze, who was staring down, looked up at the other side of the table. Among the four bright colors of Wu Ci's clothes, a touch of red was quickly fading away.

"In the first dream, I respect the old and love the young and let you take a step forward. But who will be the dealer next, Zhao Mengze, what are you trying to rob?"

Wu Ci spoke coldly. It turned out that she heard clearly the conversation between Zhao Mengze and Zou Sijiu just now.

"I know that you have four lives in one, and your strength is far stronger than the average Xu San. In terms of mental strength, I am indeed not as good as you."

Zhao Mengze smiled indifferently, raised his hand and dropped a pile of flaming chips.

"Then if I use my life span to rob the banker, will you follow me?"

As the 'chips' fell on the table, Zhao Mengze's body ignited with a fierce momentum.

The soaring mental intensity made his body become even larger, overwhelming the witch sitting opposite.

"Zhao Mengze, aren't you afraid of burning yourself out?"

Wu Ci's face was ashen.

Zhao Mengze smiled and said: "Anyway, we are going to die, so why not just close our eyes peacefully as a winner?"

"You don't have to die, as long as you..."

"Since you won't follow, it seems that I will be the one to sit in this second dealer round!"

Zhao Mengze interrupted Wu Ci's words loudly.

He waved his hand, and thick fog suddenly rose from the table.

In an instant, it flooded the entire gambling table, as well as the two people sitting across from each other.

The second dream begins.

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