Cyber Daming

Chapter 609: Jichang is like a tomb (I)

In the second dream, there was no surprise, Zou Sijiu still won very easily.

It was even easier than the previous one.

In this dream, the rules were the same as before.

The only difference was that this time Zou Sijiu was no longer a powerful gang leader, but a wealthy man who retired from the underworld and lived in Guangzhou.

Mr. Zou was kind and generous, valued friendship and loyalty, and was best at winning people over with virtue. Therefore, he gathered a group of powerful martial arts masters who were willing to be the guards of the Zou Mansion.

The most famous among them were Li Jun, the "crazy husband who destroyed the old man" and Chen Qisheng, the "soul-bearing Taoist".

In addition to the above two demons, there were also Ma Wangye, the "ghost of desire" who ravaged several provinces in the southwest of the empire, and Yuan Mingfei, the "nun who killed life", who were also taken in by him, washed their hands and turned over a new leaf.

However, what really made Mr. Zou feel proud was not that he had tamed these vicious and evil people who had once frightened the entire Ming Dynasty, but the son of Zou Donghuang, born to him by his wife.

This child has amazing talent and is favored by heaven and earth. After entering the Yin-Yang sequence at the age of twenty, his rank has been promoted by leaps and bounds. The ritual barriers that would take an ordinary person half a lifetime to pass could not form any obstacles in front of him.

Speaking of Zou Donghuang's temperament and character, it is even more impeccable.

This child is obedient to his father Zou Sijiu and obeys everything. Moreover, he is humble and attributes all his achievements to his father's bloodline and teachings.

Even Li Jun, the most unruly "crazy husband who kills old people" who once killed people everywhere and committed numerous bloody crimes, once sighed after drinking.

If I can be reborn as a human in the next life, I must be reborn in the Zou Mansion. Even if I can't be a direct descendant of the family, I can be a collateral descendant and get a little blessing from the Zou family. That's great luck.

If you are not a child of the Zou family, you are in vain.

This sentence was praised throughout the Ming Empire.

As Zou Sijiu's destined enemy, Wu Ciqiu was in a much better situation in this dream than before. She was no longer a lone assassin, but a landlord with thousands of miles of fertile land.

According to rumors in the martial arts world, the reason why she and Zou Sijiu became enemies was a sad love that could not be obtained.

It is said that when Zou Sijiu was young, he traveled in the martial arts world and once earned the title of "Three Wonders".

This wonder is that stunning face.

Raising a cup and looking up at the blue sky, she is as bright as a jade tree in the wind, as if she is a fairy.

Just based on that face, there are many people in the martial arts world who fall in love at first sight.

The second unique skill is the ability to make a plan that shocked the world and made the gods and ghosts weep.

The elegant Mr. Zou was as clever as a god.

He had defeated the rebellious heart of the prime minister of the empire with his own strength and saved the empire from collapse.

He led a group of passionate and righteous people to go deep into the aboriginal land, cut down mountains and destroyed temples, slaughtered all the greedy people, and saved hundreds of millions of people in the aboriginal land from fire and water.

The last unique skill is the invincible and powerful martial arts.

It's a pity that there are very few people who can pass the "first two unique skills" and are qualified to see the last unique skill.

The only battle record known to the world is the amazing act of "pressing down the dragon and tiger head with one hand" in Guangxin Prefecture, Jiangxi.

It was such a peerless person who asked the heaven and earth to grant him a look before millions of women entered their dreams, which made Wu Ciqiu haunted for his whole life, but he never got even a single look at him.

Zou Sijiu, who was infatuated by nature, could not tolerate anyone except his wife.

Since love cannot be obtained, then love turns into hatred.

Most infatuated children cannot escape this almost doomed vicious circle.

This kind of thing is not uncommon in Zou Sijiu, but only Wu Ciqiu can put it into practice.

As a local landlord, Wu Ciqiu has worked hard for many years and has raised a group of capable and warlike people. He also secretly colluded with the remnant forces left after the former prime minister of the empire was disgraced, and besieged the Zou Mansion together, vowing to wipe out the Zou family.

Unfortunately, all this was already expected by Zou Sijiu.

Without any surprise, the forces gathered by Wu Ciqiu had just entered Guangzhou Prefecture when they were found by Zou Donghuang, the unicorn son of the Zou family, and were defeated by him alone.

Poor Wu Ciqiu had not even seen the gate of Zou's mansion before she ended up with a miserable end of being deserted by her friends and family, seriously injured and dying.

Until she died, she still did not wait for the figure she had been thinking about all the time.

A glimpse of beauty in her youth made her miss her life.

It was sad and lamentable.

And at this point, a dream of the rivers and lakes was over.

Zou Sijiu once again returned to the gambling table with a mustard seed-sized chip.

He looked blank with his eyes and laughed non-stop, as if he was still immersed in the beautiful dream just now and couldn't extricate himself.

"How is it, is it more enjoyable this time?"

"If you can't enjoy being a member of the Zou family, you're in vain! When I make it big in the future, this will be the family motto of my Zou family!"

Zou Sijiu wiped the drool from the corner of his mouth, looked up and said with emotion: "I am completely convinced, Lao Zhao, how can you dream so well?"

"What you think about during the day, you dream at night. A good dream is not about the craftsmanship of the dreamer, but the intention of the dreamer."

Zhao Mengze smiled and said: "There are many people in this world who laugh at us Yin Yang Xu for using dreams to escape reality, but they all forget that in life, happiness is the most important thing."

"You are right, compared with the two dreams you created, all the dreams I had before were all eaten by dogs."

Zou Sijiu said with admiration: "I still have to learn from you about the road of yin and yang."

"I have already taught you everything I can in these two dreams. Everyone has their own aspirations, so naturally the dreams they seek are also different."

Zhao Mengze said softly: "When you find the dream that makes you feel most refreshed and happy, you will be qualified to become the master of the third dream."

Zou Sijiu fell into deep thought after hearing these words, and did not notice that the chips around him were quietly reduced.

"You still have the mind to teach at this time? Zhao Mengze, who is this Zou Sijiu to you?"

Zhao Mengze raised his hand and stroked the sky above the gambling table. A mist suddenly rose, drowning the figure of Zou Sijiu who was deep in thought.

After doing all this, Zhao Mengze raised his eyes and looked at the Wuci who was sneering across the table.

"His last name is Zou, and mine is Zhao, so we are certainly not father and son. We have never offered tea or kowtowed to each other, so we are certainly not master and apprentice."

Zhao Mengze said indifferently: "At best, I can only be considered this kid's senior."

"Senior? That's just a stranger, or even a competitor."

Wu Ci, who lost another life, only had green and white clothes left on his body.

She just sneered: "Is this kind of relationship worth helping him?"

"Why do you think I am helping him? Instead of him helping me?"

Zhao Mengze asked back: "He entered this dream today, and I, Zhao Mengze, owe him a favor that I can't repay. But you shouldn't understand these principles. People like you have no heart under the human skin, worse than pigs and dogs."

"It's just to make him willing to die for you, why do you say it so high-soundingly?"

Wu Ci was not angry, and sneered: "But even if he helps, what is your chance of leaving this gambling table?"

"Unfortunately, I only thought about winning today, and never thought about leaving."

A piece of crystal chips fell down, attracting Wu Ci's attention.

"You bet so much again, it seems that you are determined not to live?"

Wu Ci raised his eyes, and the person opposite him was already gray-haired, and the robe that originally fitted him became empty, hanging on a skinny body.

A thin and withered face, but the eyes are so sharp that people dare not look directly at it.

"You can live but don't? Zhao Mengze, what do you have in mind?"

Even though he had already tested two lives, Wu Ci still had doubts.

She suspected that Zhao Mengze was constantly throwing bait and waiting for her to take the bait. As long as she chose to burn her life span to seize the initiative of dream making, she would immediately fall into the other party's trap.

"With your courage, you dare to hook up with the group of people in the East Palace?"

Zhao Mengze laughed heroically, playing with a life span chip between his fingers.

"Your technical method is indeed exquisite, and you can actually plant four consciousnesses in the same brain."

"But I still have to remind you that what we are betting on now is not the life span written in the Book of Life and Death, but the cognition of the word "live". No matter how much flesh and blood you can multiply, how many lives you can replicate, if you lose all your chips, you will die!

Zhao Mengze said contemptuously: "If you are afraid, you'd better get out of the dream now! "

"Whether you are luring the enemy in or deliberately provoking them, Zhao Mengze, you have succeeded. I am very upset with you now."

A considerable number of chips fell on the gambling table, but unlike Zhao Mengze's chips that flashed with crystal luster, they were wrapped with clear blood vessels and tendons.

"You can create the technical method of 'Heaven and Earth' and apply it to this extent. You are also a top figure."

Wu Ci's face was gloomy, and his voice was chilling.

"But if you think that this can force me to retreat, then you are wrong. You are not the only one who has the courage to risk your life! "

The fog in the gambling table rose up, instantly drowning the two people who were looking at each other coldly.

At the same time, Zou Sijiu, who was in the fog, suddenly came back to his senses.

Somewhere in the dark, there seemed to be a voice urging him to run forward. After rushing out of the fog, Zou Sijiu suddenly froze in place.

Under the night sky, the lights were like fire, the cheers were like waves, and a magnificent Ming-style building was attached to the cliff.

This scene looked so familiar that Zou Sijiu still remembered it vividly.

Hongya Mountain, Jinlou.

The background of this dream was in Chongqing Prefecture!

"Wait. How do I know this is a dream? !"

Zou Sijiu was startled, and then he realized that his memory was not blocked, and he remembered everything clearly.

"Trouble, Lao Zhao didn't get the right to dream? "

The false dreams came one after another, and the roars in the real world came one after another.

Li Jun, wearing a helmet and armor, holding a spear, stood on a tall building. The armor plates behind him blew out turbulent air, blowing the black flames that were wrapped around him, spreading several feet in the air.

Under his feet, the flesh and blood fields covering the entire Xin'an City were no longer motionless, but flowed like rivers in the streets and alleys. The houses and buildings washed away collapsed, and the broken walls fell into the flesh and blood, and were immediately swallowed up and wrapped, disappearing without a trace.

Those farm animals transformed by ordinary people did not escape the disaster. Their limbs were tightly attached to the flesh and blood, and they could not move.

Even the An Yi licked out of the nest by the anteater kept making shrill wails, but they still could not escape the fate of being swept away.

And the end point of all the flesh and blood torrents was right in front of Li Jun.

A mountain of flesh and blood that is nearly ten feet high and is no less impressive than the tall building under his feet!

Not long ago, Tian Chou, who was hung up and ravaged by Li Jun's gun and had no power to fight back, took the initiative to melt into a field of flesh and blood.

Immediately afterwards, this piece of flesh and blood began to multiply rapidly, and it formed such a huge scale in a few calls.

For such a similar approach of accumulating strength, as long as you are not a fool, you will not choose to sit back and watch the other party take shape.

But his tempering martial arts could not find where the other party was hiding in the mountain of flesh and blood, and even Lord Ma could not find Tian Chou's trace.

The feeling of one person and one armor was surprisingly consistent. Tian Chou was the meat mountain, and the meat mountain was Tian Chou.

In this case, facing this huge and disgusting mass of bloated meat, Li Jun didn't know where to start for a while.

"Master Ma, have you updated the kind of weapon that can destroy a city at a time?"

Li Jun waited for a moment before hearing a muffled answer from the red eyes.

"If I had it, I would have taken it out long ago. How could I wait until now?"

Li Jun also knew that this was too much for a melee armor like Ma Ye, so he could only sigh helplessly.

"If only Old Chen could mobilize the Tiangui Stars of the New Dao Order, a shot would solve the problem."

Ma Wangye tentatively said, "How about I try to contact Moqijing? That kid's Kun form should also work."

"It should be too late."

Li Jun raised his head and squinted his eyes and said, "This thing is almost formed."

Almost half of the flesh and blood fields of Xin'an City were all gathered into Tian Chou's body, and the covered city finally revealed its true face.

This face is really too miserable.

The corroded road seemed to be peeled off, revealing the soil and stone cushion layer underneath, and some mixture of crushed skin, hair, flesh and blood and even tendons and bones remained in the cracks.

Under the erosion of the heavy rain, dark yellow turbidity soon formed, and scattered mechanical limbs were washed out from somewhere.

Of the shops that once stood on the street, only a square frame remained, and everything else was corroded.

If you look down from a high place, Xin'an City at this moment is half a ruin that has returned to the human world, and half a hell that has sunk into the depths of hell.

And Tian Chou's body has expanded to a terrifying height of about twenty feet.

Even Li Jun, who was standing on a tall building, could only look up.


A thunderous roar came from the meat mountain, like a satisfied burp after a person has eaten and drunk enough.

Tian Chou finally stopped growing.

At this moment, he looked like an abscess growing on the ground, surging with disgusting waves of flesh under the wind and rain.

Crack, crack, crack.

A series of strange sounds sounded, as if there were living things in the meat mountain stretching their muscles and bones.

Suddenly, the meat mountain began to wriggle and shrink inward, and in the blink of an eye it fell back to a height of only five feet, condensing into a human-shaped outline.


Two terrifying arms with splayed tendons broke out from the cocoon of flesh, and the palms grabbed the gap and tore it to the sides, revealing a huge figure with tangled muscles.

Tian Chou's body was dark red, without skin, but with pieces of "scales" of different sizes and colors, as if he was wearing a piece of tattered armor made from patchwork.

In his face, there were no facial features, but instead there were mechanical eyes that were either dark, green, or fiery red, densely packed and embedded in the whole face.


Tian Chou roared to the sky, and with his backhand he pulled out a huge steel long sword from the cocoon that gave birth to him.

The blade was also covered with cracks, as if it was made up of countless metal fragments, and disgusting blood and flesh could be seen in the gaps.


The giant stepped down, and Xin'an City shook, and the turbid waves rushed to the sky, and the shrill sound of the wind echoed in the ruins.

Half the city's wronged souls gathered in one person.

Tian Chou laughed loudly and pointed his knife at Li Jun standing on the roof.

"Master Li Xin, how does my black armor compare to yours?!"

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