Cyber Daming

Chapter 620 Calling (IV)

"I want to ask you, what do you think of the sequence in the Ming Empire now?"

Faced with this question raised by Zhang Fengyue, Li Jun was stunned for a moment.

Originally, in Li Jun's opinion, Zhang Fengyue took such an effort to meet him, and it was probably because of the matter of Fandi.

His purpose is nothing more than two points, either to warn him not to continue to interfere in the affairs of Fandi, so as not to affect the implementation of his new policy.

Or to win him over to deal with the people of the Buddhist Order who may fall into madness, and take this opportunity to pull the net to catch the bird and catch the Buddhist Order in one fell swoop.

If the other party asked any of the two questions, Li Jun would not be surprised.

But now the other party asked a question that had nothing to do with the Fandi incident, and it didn't even have much to do with himself.

This was completely beyond Li Jun's expectations.

After a moment of hesitation, Li Jun still did not answer rashly, but said in a cold voice: "Zhang Shoufu, you'd better be direct if you want to say something. I don't want to beat around the bush with you here."

Facing the vigilant Li Jun, Zhang Fengyue smiled indifferently.

"Master Li Xin, there is no need to be so vigilant. I came here today just to talk to you and listen to the views of the current Wuxu leader on the future. There is no right or wrong answer. You can say whatever you want."

Zhang Fengyue smiled and said: "If you are worried about the affairs of the foreign land, you can rest assured. Now that Siyuan is blocking on the Sangyan Divine Mountain, Master Li Xin, your people will not be worried about their lives for the time being."

My people are on the Sangyan Divine Mountain? Who?

Li Jun was shocked when he heard this, but almost at the same time he guessed who the person who went up the mountain would be.

Yuan Mingfei.

There can't be anyone else except her.

But why did she go to the Sangyan Divine Mountain at this time?

"What did she do on the Sangyan Sacred Mountain?"

Li Jun stared at Zhang Fengyue with a sharp gaze, and the murderous aura that had not yet completely calmed down was rising again.

"Since you also have questions to ask, why don't we ask one question after another today?"

Zhang Fengyue waved his sleeves calmly, and two side-by-side chairs appeared, facing the hole in the wall that was smashed open by Li Jun and his group.


Zhang Fengyue took the first seat, and Li Jun did not hesitate at all, and followed him to sit in one of them, sitting side by side with the empire's prime minister.

"Yuan Mingfei went to the Sangyan Sacred Mountain to inherit everything from the Sangyan Buddha Lingapo, trying to break into the real Buddhist Order II in this way, forcing the Sheji Nong Order to destroy the millet field by itself, in order to save you."

Zhang Fengyue gave an answer, and then did not give Li Jun a chance to ask more questions, and raised his hand to indicate that it was Li Jun's turn to answer his previous question.

"The various schools of thought existed thousands of years ago, and the emergence of the sequence has also had a history of hundreds of years. What is the need to discuss such an old matter? Could it be that you, Prime Minister Zhang, have the ability to change the sequence?"

Li Jun spoke very quickly and without thinking.

Zhang Fengyue shook his head after hearing this, "This is still a question, not your answer. Since I said that your people are not in danger of life for the time being, then you must have time to save people. I hope you can think about it before answering, Master Li Xin."

Although the other party's tone still sounded plain, Li Jun sensed an unusual meaning in his words.

It seemed that the answer he gave would have an unpredictable and far-reaching impact on himself, or the entire Wuxu.

The four looked at each other, each hiding their thoughts.

But then, Zhang Fengyue's eyes, as deep as the abyss, suddenly trembled.

Because Li Jun said four words that he did not expect at all.

"It's none of my business."

"Li Jun, I'm meeting you today not to see you throwing a tantrum, and you don't need to use Wu Xu's arrogance as a shield and act crazy here. I can remind you that although there is no right or wrong in this question, there is a left and right, and your answer will determine where many people will go in the future!"

Zhang Fengyue frowned slightly, and his tone finally showed some ups and downs, revealing a bit of the tyranny and strength of a person who has been in a high position for a long time.

"Zhang Shoufu, you don't have to be angry, this is the answer I gave."

Although Li Jun was worried about Yuan Mingfei's safety, he also knew that it was useless to be anxious at the moment.

Because Zhang Fengyue obviously wouldn't let him leave this illusion easily.

And since the other party said that Zhang Siyuan was blocking the knife on the mountain, Yuan Mingfei's life was temporarily safe, so he didn't need to be anxious.

The head of the Confucian school would not be so mean as to use his son to deceive himself in such a matter.

Li Jun still believed this.

Thinking of this, Li Jun calmed down, leaned back in the chair, and even crossed his legs in front of Zhang Fengyue.

"I don't know what the deep meaning is in asking me this question, Lord Zhang."

Li Jun said casually: "But to be honest, whether the sequence is good or bad, what does it have to do with a martial artist like me? I say it's good, but there are indeed too many disgusting and damned people in this sequence. If I say it's bad, wouldn't I be accusing myself of a crime?"

"Lord Zhang, you are in the temple, and I am in the rivers and lakes. You write with a pen, and I speak with a knife. In your eyes, there are mountains and rivers, and in my eyes, there are love and hatred. Everyone is in a different position, how can I give you an answer that satisfies you? Don't you think so?"

Zhang Fengyue, who was angry, couldn't help but laugh when he heard this: "It is said that you, Li Xinzhu, are a rude and stupid person, but what you said now doesn't sound like something a reckless man would say."

"As the old saying goes, wisdom is short-lived. People who are too smart usually don't live long. Especially for people like me, who have the courage to draw a sword, but also have the brain to hide the edge, otherwise I would have died on the street."

Li Jun paused, turned his head to look at Zhang Fengyue and smiled: "But you, Lord Zhang, are an exception."


"Don't worry, Lord Zhang, the rule you set is to ask one question after another. I have answered it just now, and now it's my turn to ask."

Li Jun used his own Taoism returns the favor to others. Zhang Fengyue interrupted him and asked, "Why would Lingjia Po be willing to give up everything he had worked so hard to get?"

"Take money from others and help them get rid of disasters. Lingjia Po escaped to save himself, and Yuan Mingfei sacrificed her life to save you. This is a deal that we both agree on."

"We both agree on it? What a good deal."

Li Jun snorted and sneered, "There really isn't a single clean person in the Buddhist order."

"Master Li Xin, do you think I am a wise and long-lived person?"

This time, Zhang Fengyue did not continue to ask Li Jun about his opinion on the order, but instead asked another question.

"Isn't it."

Li Jun closed his mouth before he finished speaking under Zhang Fengyue's teasing eyes.

Indeed, with Zhang Fengyue's rank of Confucian order II, he is already an unattainable god in the eyes of mortals.

Even among those who follow the order, he is a terrifying figure who has suffocated several generations.

But even so, Zhang Fengyue only had a short life span of more than 200 years. There were even rumors that he implemented the new policy in order to complete a ritual of the Confucian order and extend his life.

Such performance is indeed not worthy of the word "long life".

In fact, this problem has also troubled Li Jun for a long time.

Putting aside the existence of the "non-human" soul-like Ma Wangye, even the order of the military order, which has no flesh on its body, also has the situation of old age.

The mechanical body is rusted, the mechanical heart is dull, and the movements are like puppets.

The agricultural order, which can devour a city with flesh and blood fields, build millet fields to grow farm animals, and use flesh and blood to the degree of creation, has never heard of anyone who can achieve true immortality.

The Buddhist and Taoist schools are restricted by the "Five Decays of Heaven and Man". The lucky ones can seal themselves, and the unlucky ones will be directly shattered.

The military order is also affected by "gene aging". The situation is so serious that even a strong Su Ce can't resist it.

This situation is completely inconsistent with the powerful power held by the high-ranking followers.

It is as if the will of heaven has already set the rules, opening up the way for them to gain power, and at the same time sealing the upper limit of lifespan.

This makes "lifespan" the real natural enemy of the followers, and it is also something they have to fight for their lives.

Even the current dispute over the lands seems to be the Buddhist order trying to find a correct path to save its own order. But in fact, the underlying reason is still the desire for longevity.

If you can't keep advancing to the next level, even if you are the third level, you will also become a pile of yellow earth after a hundred years.

This is an unacceptable outcome for the followers who are above all living beings, and no one will be willing to sit and wait for death.

From this perspective, all the disputes that have broken out in the Ming Empire today are nothing more than for one goal.

Fight for life!

Li Jun was silent for a long time, and said in a deep voice: "I can't give an answer to this question."

"No problem, then I will change the question."

Zhang Fengyue continued to ask: "Among the twelve sequences now, some sequences are in an awkward situation. They are not as good as the martial sequence in terms of individual combat power, not as good as the Confucian sequence in terms of strategic layout, and not as good as the Buddhist and Taoist sequences in terms of manipulation of beliefs. They don't even have a decent basic base. Why can they continue to be passed on and never show signs of being cut off?"

"Is it because they have some unique features that are unknown to outsiders, so they can continue to exist? Or is it because they are needed, so they can exist?"

Li Jun continued to shake his head and said: "I don't know either."

Zhang Fengyue asked again without pause: "Then let me ask you again, what is the ritual?"

Li Jun frowned when he heard this.

Of course he knew what the ritual was. Not only that, he also played the role of a pioneer in walking alone on this new road without predecessors, and used his fists to create a new ritual.

But at this moment, facing Zhang Fengyue's question, Li Jun lost the confidence to answer, and a strange feeling arose in his heart, as if what he knew now was not the correct answer to the ritual.

Zhang Fengyue looked at Li Jun who was hesitant to speak, and said softly: "Someone should have told you that the ritual is a prerequisite for promotion to the sequence, and it is a way to make yourself feel happy and thus ignite the gene, right?"

Li Jun asked: "Is there anything wrong with this?"

"This statement is not wrong. It is now the consensus of all sequences in the empire on the ritual."

Zhang Fengyue changed the subject: "But the word 'pleasure' is different for different people. Greedy people think that taking advantage of the moment is enough to be happy. People with a generous temperament regard generous donations as a pleasure."

"One man's honey is another man's poison."

Zhang Fengyue said solemnly: "The word gene is taken from the basic factors that constitute a person. It is the unity of bones, blood, understanding, and thoughts. In this case, the conditions or events required to ignite the gene are impossible to achieve unity, so how can there be fixed conditions that can break the lock and advance to the next level?"

Zhang Fengyue did not give Li Jun time to think about his answer, and kept talking: "Rituals, in my opinion, are essentially a kind of imitation. The meaning of existence is to reduce the difficulty of breaking the lock and advancing to the next level, so that future generations have the possibility to follow the footsteps of their predecessors."

"At the same time, satisfying the rituals is also a process of tracing the source. Followers who follow the rituals to advance will be happy with the joy of others and angry with the anger of others, and gradually approach the source in all aspects. Therefore, only the source person is the truly unique follower, and others may be said to be imitators."

Zhang Fengyue's shocking words stunned Li Jun for a moment.

He had never thought so deeply about the reason for the existence of rituals. In his opinion, since countless people have been following the same path for hundreds of years, it has proved the correctness of this path.

But now it seems that it is not as simple as he imagined.

Li Jun asked in a deep voice: "Who is the source?"

"All immortals, demons, monsters, Buddhas, and ancestors are gods in the sky and saints on the earth. Of course, if one day you reach the end of your solitude, you can also be listed among them."

Zhang Fengyue said softly: "But when you really reach the end, can you guarantee that you are still you?"

Li Jun stared at the desolate city covered with snow under the building, but he still couldn't calm down, and his thoughts in his mind were boiling.

After a long silence, Li Jun let out a long breath and smiled bitterly.

"I don't know."

"In fact, I don't have a clear answer to this point."

Zhang Fengyue sighed and raised his hand to signal Li Jun.

"So, now it's your turn to ask."

At this moment, Li Jun's thoughts were like a mess, breeding countless questions.

But he still forcibly suppressed these complicated thoughts that kept surging up, cut the Gordian knot, and asked directly: "Why did Lingjia Po find Yuan Mingfei? Why can she be sure that Yuan Mingfei can let her escape from death?"

Li Jun's question instantly turned the conversation between the two from a major event related to the world's people to a trivial matter of grudges and enmity that was only a life.

But strangely, Zhang Fengyue's face did not show any surprise, and even showed a faint smile.

"Is this one question or two questions?" Zhang Fengyue asked jokingly.

"I am a brother to Zhang Siyuan in the foreign land. Logically speaking, you are an elder, Lord Zhang, so you shouldn't be so petty with a junior like me, right?"

Li Jun's smile was forced, and his eyes were dim, as if covered with a thin layer of gray mist, and there was no sharp edge just now.

At this moment, he felt exhausted physically and mentally, more exhausted than going through a life-and-death bloody battle.

"I dare not be your elder, it's unlucky."

Zhang Fengyue smiled and said, "Lin Jiapo is a cruel, decisive, and smart woman. She did this because she knew very well that Yuan Mingfei was the only one who dared to make a deal with her. At the same time, she was also the only one who could break into the second order and help her prove whether the path she was pursuing was correct."

"On the other hand, she can even borrow your and Siyuan's hands to clear some obstacles for her comeback later."

"For Lin Jiapo, this deal is a good thing to kill two birds with one stone. It is even more rare to come up with such a way to get out of the gap. If the Buddhist order had not taken the wrong path, perhaps she would not have to borrow other forces at all, and could achieve the second order by herself. She is a rare talent."

Zhang Fengyue's evaluation of Lin Jiapo was not low.

But what made Li Jun feel more shocked was Zhang Fengyue's ability to control the situation and people's hearts revealed in his words.

It seemed that every move and every word of Lingjia Po was in his sight, and there was no place to hide.

Li Jun nodded after getting the answer: "I've finished asking questions, now it's your turn, Lord Zhang."

"My question."

In this round, Zhang Fengyue pondered for a moment, contrary to his usual behavior, and then slowly asked: "Why do you think Emperor Yizong proposed the sequence?"

Li Jun raised his head and rubbed his eyebrows, and no longer pondered these questions that he had never thought about, and blurted out: "Naturally, in order to reverse the decline of the empire at that time, the revival of the Ming Dynasty."

"When the people are strong, heroes will rise up. When the people are strong, the country will be overturned. If one of the two is strong, there is already a threat of subverting the rule. What's more, after the sequence appears, the people of the world are strong in both body and mind?"

Zhang Fengyue's words were loud and clear!

"To realize the revival of the empire, it should be to take all the world's axes and axes into one's own hands, rather than spreading individual power throughout the world. Doing so is not revival and self-strengthening, but to cut off the foundation!"

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