Cyber Daming

Chapter 621: Become a famous revolutionary

"The hearts of the people are like water, which can carry or capsize a boat. If you want to achieve the rule of a single line for eternity, you can only make the people's hearts dull and never become wise. But Emperor Yizong did the opposite, announced the sequence to the world, and scattered it. Sparks everywhere."

Zhang Fengyue asked: "Why do you think Emperor Yizong did this?"


Two answers instantly appeared in Li Jun's mind.

Either that, Emperor Yizong was extremely wise, and his courage and mind were as broad as the sea. He was willing to give up the rule of his own dynasty in exchange for the magnificent scene of everyone in the world being like a dragon.

Or he was extremely stupid and chose to make this decision to drink poison to quench his thirst in order to reverse the decline of the empire.

But how could an emperor who was able to lead the Ming Empire to resurgence, a 'perfect man' with almost no shortcomings in later generations' evaluations, possibly be a fool?

But for an emperor, the ancestral law and the country are undoubtedly more important than anything else.

Li Jun thought he couldn't do it by using his family fortune accumulated over more than ten generations to do good deeds for the benefit of the world and changing his position.

Human nature is inherently evil, and fighting for every cent would lead to bloodshed, let alone a vast empire with vast territory and abundant resources?

If Emperor Yizong was really a living saint and was willing to give up the Zhu family's power, then why would he bother to try to revive the Ming Dynasty?

Therefore, these two answers seem particularly shallow and weak when placed on Emperor Yizong.

But what other reasons could there be?

Suddenly, Li Jun had a whim, and an idea that he had never had before suddenly appeared in his mind.

That is, the sequence was not created by Emperor Yizong, but had already appeared in the empire. And during his reign, the spread of the sequence had grown to an unstoppable rate.

Only in this way did Emperor Yizong come up with the idea that "it's better to block than to open up", so he simply followed the trend and established the twelve orders of three religions, nine streams, and won this ancient and brilliant civil and martial arts.

And use this to push his own momentum and power to the top, use the imperial framework to accommodate various sequences, and extend the life of the empire as much as possible.

Thinking of this, Li Jun suddenly felt enlightened, and it seemed that most of the fog that shrouded his eyes suddenly dispersed.

"Emperor Yizong knows he can't stop it."

"Of course he can't stop it."

Zhang Fengyue nodded and said, "From tribe to country, from stone axes to iron tools, from hunting to battle formations, from consuming hair and drinking blood to eating fine meat, from barbarism and unbelief to numerous sects, from Cangjie's creation of characters to the contention of a hundred schools of thought, our order is due to the nature of heaven and earth. He came from the heart of the people and did not ask for anything from the outside. Even the emperor on earth could not stop him, so he made the most correct choice at that time. "

Zhang Fengyue said with a solemn expression: "But at the same time, this emperor also saw another possibility."

"What do you mean?"

"No one can always keep people's hearts dull and never enlighten them. Mountains and rivers change, dynasties change, and the world divides and reunites. This is an unbreakable law."

Zhang Fengyue said solemnly: "But after the emergence of the sequence, it became possible for the Wansi Series to be realized."

Li Jun sneered: "How is this possible? Unless he can become a god above heaven and earth!"

"In the eyes of mortals, you and I are considered gods now."

The smile on Li Jun's lips faded, and he turned his head to look at Zhang Fengyue's profile.

The old man looked at the city under the tall buildings and remained silent.

"Even if he had this idea, it seems he has already failed. People have been dead for hundreds of years, and they have been reincarnated countless times as ghosts. How can they still be gods?"

Li Jun forced his face and said with a smile: "And the current royal family, let alone the Wansi family, saying that they are struggling now is probably a compliment. Mr. Zhang, you and I should know better about this situation. If the royal family really has any means to escape, Can you tell me? Let’s not worry about it here.”

"You're right. Maybe I'm really getting older and my temperament has become more suspicious. Everyone seems to be hiding a conspiracy."

Zhang Fengyue smiled and raised his wrist lightly towards Li Jun, "Now it's your turn to ask questions."


Li Jun hesitated for a long time.

In fact, in his opinion, there was no need to ask further.

In today's question, Zhang Fengyue didn't need to give him the answer at all.

He just told himself something through this method.

Li Jun's lips moved, but after a moment he shook his head and said, "I don't have any problems anymore."

"I thought you would ask me why I told you these things. It seems that you already have the answer to this question."

Zhang Fengyue laughed: "Since you don't have any questions, I won't take advantage of you. One last question."

"Please tell me, I'll listen. But first, if it's a difficult question, I won't be able to answer it."

Li Jun closed his eyes and looked at the undulating mountains under the distant sky.

"Whether this question is difficult or not is up to you, not me."

Zhang Fengyue stood up and walked to the broken wall.

"Li Jun, do you think it's better to be a human being or a god?"

Zhang Fengyue spoke slowly, and every word contained an unspeakable meaning of vicissitudes of life.

It’s asking questions, but it’s also like asking yourself.

Li Jun withdrew his gaze, falling on the withered and thin back, and a smile slowly opened at the corner of his mouth.

"Of course it's better to be a god."

"I see, I know."

Although Zhang Fengyue's words were extremely plain and without any emotion.

But in Li Jun's sight, he could still clearly notice the visitor's hands behind his back, and his palms were bent for a moment.

"But, I think I'm actually pretty good as a person." Li Jun suddenly changed the subject.

Zhang Fengyue turned sideways slightly, and a cold light swept through his eyes.

"Li Jun, are you kidding me?"

"I wouldn't dare."

Li Jun waved his hand and said with a smile: "This kind of question is really too confusing. No matter whether you choose left or right, the front is like a cliff. I feel like if I say a wrong word, I may be lying here today, so I I really don’t know how to answer.”

"Do you think I am plotting against you?"

"I didn't say that. It's just that I've been tricked too many times, so I have to guard against it."

Zhang Fengyue asked coldly: "So, you are not going to answer this question?"

"Answer, who said no? Mr. Zhang, you showed up in person today to answer my questions. I have to accept this face. So I must answer this question, but I don't make this choice."

Zhang Fengyue frowned slightly: "What do you mean?"

"I'm just a layman who started working on the streets. I really don't understand such invisible and intangible problems as 'human beings and gods'."

Li Jun smiled and said: "I will be happy when I meet the one I love, I will be angry when I meet injustice, I will be sad when my relatives die, and I will be happy when I meet old friends again. I want to ask Mr. Zhang, what is the god in your mouth? Will it?"

Zhang Fengyue asked: "With joy, anger, sorrow, and joy, how can he still be considered a god?"

"If it doesn't count, then what's the point of this useless god?"

Li Jun raised his head and crossed his legs, "I am burdened with the smell of blood that cannot be washed away and unfinished debts of gratitude. It would be good if I could understand people in this life."

"Is this your way?" Zhang Fengyue turned around and asked with a smile.

"So whether humans or gods are good or bad is not the point. What matters is whether I am willing to be this god!"

Li Jun said loudly: "I don't want to, God is inferior to human beings. I do, I am God."

"As expected of a person from the Hunwu Order, he has such a strong bones and a strong temperament!"

Zhang Fengyue said with a hint of ridicule: "Have you ever heard of a saying that people can't help themselves in the world?"

"That goes without saying."

Li Jun raised his eyebrows and said without hesitation: "We can only see whose fist is harder."


Zhang Fengyue laughed loudly, with a rare sense of pride on his face.

"There is no good or bad, only willingness or unwillingness. With your words, today's visit will not be in vain."

Zhang Fengyue turned to face Li Jun, and the smile in his eyes slowly disappeared.

"Li Jun, in fact, no matter what I said to you today, whether it is right or wrong, I have no intention of dragging you into trouble. If you are in the world, just take care of your grudges. If I am in the temple, then It is my responsibility to save the world.”

Zhang Fengyue said softly: "The reason why I came to see you today is because I have selfish motives."

After hearing this, Li Jun stood up and looked at the old man in front of him seriously.

"Siyuan's path is different from mine. I don't know where he will go in the future. But it can be foreseen that it will be difficult for him. Because he is my son, Zhang Fengyue."

The old man's eyes were soft and he said slowly: "I owe him too much, and I should try my best to make up for it. But in fact, he has been looking for compensation for me as a father. I know what Siyuan thinks, he is I want to be able to enjoy my old age in peace and be able to walk in peace when the coffin is sealed, instead of having to bear the stigma and being stabbed in the spine when I get to hell.”

Li Jun remained silent and listened quietly.

"If you feel that what I said today is useful to you and can barely be regarded as a favor. Then when Siyuan is in need one day, I hope you can return this favor to him."

"Pity the hearts of parents in the world."

Li Jun cupped his hands and clasped his fists: "I will definitely return this favor to him."

"Yes, what a pity the world is."

Zhang Fengyue slowly turned around and lowered his eyes to look at the city under the imperial city.

Suddenly, the originally dead city suddenly lit up with sparks of light, as if it had finally woken up from its deep sleep.

The smoke flew out of the window and rose into the sky to condense. Even in the hall that reached into the sky, you could still smell the strong smell of fireworks.

"Brother Jun."

"Li Jun."



At this moment, Li Jun's ears seemed to be filled with calls.

Some of these voices were male and female, some were familiar and some were unfamiliar, but they all became clearer and clearer with the dancing firelight, melting the ice and snow all over the city.

"It seems that your relatives and friends can't wait any longer, so I won't keep you any longer."

Zhang Fengyue said with a smile: "If one day I have the opportunity to leave the temple, I must come and see the Jianghu you mentioned."

"It's better to say goodbye. Mr. Zhang Shoufeng should give us little people some breathing room."

Li Jun's whole body seemed to be burning with invisible flames, scorching and distorting the surrounding space, and his figure quickly faded in the firelight.

"Boy, since your world doesn't want to see me, then forget it, but there is one thing you have to promise me."

Zhang Fengyue said loudly: "In the past, in the Japanese area, Su Xiongzhu gave you the name of being the sole salary master of the fourth chapter. Today, I also want to imitate him and do something that will leave a legacy in history!"

At this moment, Li Jun was escaping from this illusion, and his senses had become blurred.

In the dim light, he saw Zhang Fengyue standing with his back to him, his hands behind his back, facing the fire and the calls that were gradually burning in the city.

Faintly, Li Jun heard an old and heroic voice.

"Wu San, the lone warrior, is the king of the revolution!"


As Moqijing dropped the last shell in his body, the thick smoke in the air was torn apart by the rising flesh and blood tentacles.

The tentacles were fierce, and sharp white bones grew at the ends, like long spears.

In order to bomb Jichang, Moqijing maintained his huge Kun shape, and at this moment he was a living target in the air. But now it was too late to transform into the Peng shape that was good at speed.

Just when Moqijing was about to be pierced by the tentacles, a blue sword light arrived in time.


Dozens of tentacles were cut off in mid-air, and the smelly blood fell like rain.

Chen Qisheng's solemn gaze fell to the ground below. At this moment, Xin'an City was filled with a very strong smell of burning, and the red mist of evaporating blood almost dyed the entire city blood red.

The boiling flames lost their supply and quickly extinguished under the continuous attack of the blood and flesh fields. One after another, hideous farm animals emerged from the cracks in the fields again.

A fierce bombing emptied the stocks of Moqijing, but it seemed that it had no effect on the mill field at all.

"Is there still no way?"

Chen Qisheng's face was ashen and he frowned.

Just when he was at a loss, he was shocked to see a sudden change in the mill field.

The blood and flesh fields were surging like boiling water, and the newly born farm animals roared uneasy at the same time, turning their heads to look at the center of the mill field.

The severed tentacles swung wildly, recovered at an incredible speed, turned around, and penetrated into the same place one after another.

Minced meat flew everywhere, and blood spurted.

The entire Jichang was acting like a self-mutilation madman, as if trying to stop an enemy that was breaking through from the inside out.

"Brother Jun?!"

Chen Qisheng's eyes suddenly lit up, and the veins on the back of his hand holding the sword jumped. The condensed Qi behind him spread out into a group of Zhenwu heroes, guarding the surroundings.

But just as he was about to take action, a black and red thunder suddenly rushed out from the flesh and blood field, piercing through the sky and the earth.


In an instant, the entire Jichang was frozen in time. The next moment, a violent impact started from the hole where the thunder was blown out, sweeping across a radius of dozens of feet.

Whether it was the tentacles covered with hard bone armor or the flesh and blood field with strong recovery ability, they were instantly cut into pieces of meat as thin as hair by the impact and scattered in all directions.

A monstrous ferocity surged like a vast ocean, and where the black and red thunder disappeared, there was an extra figure.

Li Jun's black hair swayed in the wind, his naked upper body was covered with corroded scars, and the whole person stood there like an abyss, giving people an endless sense of oppression.

Even Chen Qisheng felt a little breathless.

"Master Ma, take a nap first. After killing these beasts, I will send you to the southern branch."

Li Jun looked down at the ink armor core in his palm that looked like a broken sword, and whispered to himself.

The broken sword trembled slightly, as if responding.

"Don't worry, this time they will definitely kill their country and their entire family!"

Li Jun grinned, then took a deep breath, breathing the bloody smoke and dust in Xin'an City into his lungs, and there seemed to be a flame burning in his pupils.

"Want to run?"

Black and red thunder flashed, and Li Jun's figure suddenly appeared somewhere in the city. The figure landed, leaned over and punched the ground.


Like a huge rock falling into a lake, the millet field shook and surged, and the blood and water that exploded sprayed up for several feet, and the scope of erosion was even larger than the coverage of the Moqijing shells.

The soil and sand covered under the blood and flesh fields splashed up, and the broken flesh filled the field, and the sky and the earth were dim.

An uncontrollable scream sounded, and it was Tian Chou's voice.

On the muddy ground soaked in blood, a pool of rotten meat slowly condensed into a human figure. Before the facial features were gathered, he knelt on the ground in panic and kowtowed to Li Jun.

The strong fear that surged in his heart made Tian Chou no longer have any thoughts of resistance.

The indescribable pressure pressed on him, making Tian Chou feel like a fish thrown ashore, about to suffocate, and no longer able to swim freely in the blood and flesh fields.

The extremely sharp force was even more unstoppable, attached to the torn flesh, and there was no possibility of recovery.

Jichang, which had lost its ability to recover and hide, was not a threat to Li Jun.

"Please, spare me."

Tian Chou's facial features gradually became clear on his scarlet face, but before he could finish begging for mercy, Li Jun stepped on his head.

The force rushed over, like a thousand knives, cutting Tian Chou into blood and minced meat.

[100 mastery points obtained]

[282 mastery points remaining]

[Martial arts skill 'collapse' has been learned (Taotie intake)]

The small words that appeared in front of his eyes were directly ignored by Li Jun, and his eyes swept over the faces of Shen Li and Wang Qi who had just arrived.

"Let's go, kill people."

Facing the two people's fiery eyes, Li Jun reached out and grabbed their shoulders, and jumped into the sky.

When he landed on the back of the Moqijing, Zou Sijiu and Chen Qisheng had already been waiting here.

Their eyes met, and there was no need to say more.


The Moqi Whale swung its Kun tail, its body shrank and changed rapidly, a pair of iron wings extended from its side, splitting the wind and clouds, and ripples of air circles exploded behind it, heading straight to the northwest!

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