Cyber Daming

Chapter 63 Confucianism Nine Yang Wenyuan

The entire Yang's old residence does not occupy a large area, and its structure cannot be called luxurious. It is just an ordinary structure with three entrances and three exits.

After the front hall are the east and west wing rooms, and behind it is an unobstructed courtyard. Beyond the courtyard is the most important main room of the entire old house.

There are many high walls in the middle, which are deep and winding. Without the ability to use heavy firepower, it is extremely difficult to sneak in from other directions.

Therefore, for the second house of the Yang family, the front hall is their most important line of defense against the Shudao Logistics attack.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

The wooden doors and window lattice could not withstand the impact of bullets at all, and were riddled with holes in an instant.

Before the wood chips flying around hit the ground, they were washed into smaller pieces by the ensuing bullet stream.

Yang Wenyuan, a well-dressed man who had just talked with Yang Huchou, the head of the Yang family's second house, in the main hall not long ago, also appeared in the front hall at this moment.

Yang Wenyuan pressed his back tightly against the wall, and the cold touch on his back made his heart beat faster and faster.

The left and right hands holding the gun and sword tremble slightly, in this way to prevent the body from stiffening and ensure that he can kill at any time.

As a role model for the younger generation of the second wife of the Yang family, Yang Wenyuan wears no Confucian shirt and wears smart clothes. He can read but is even better at killing.

His strength has already reached the peak of the ninth Confucian scholar, and he is only one official position away from being promoted to the eighth Confucian gentleman.

But this official body stood in front of him like a chasm.

It is not that Yang Wenyuan has never passed the imperial examination, but his ability to hold a pen is far inferior to his ability to hold a gun and a sword.

Even though today's imperial examinations are no longer limited to eight-part essays, the two arts of "shooting and fighting", which represent martial arts among the six arts, still rank at the bottom in the examination.

In the imperial examination, a single-plank bridge with thousands of troops and horses competing for it, Yang Wenyuan's qualifications were only qualified to be called able to read, not to be called good at reading.

And for a disciple like him who was stuck on the threshold of Confucianism 9, there were still a few people in the Yang family's second room.

This time, the reason why Yang Huchou, the second head of the Yang family, was determined to take on the two powerful men and compete for the brain tissue slices of Yang Zhan, the ancestor of the Yang family, was largely because of them.

As long as they can obtain the inheritance from their ancestors, their talents can be improved and the possibility of obtaining fame will be greatly increased.

Yang Huchou's painstaking efforts are known to everyone in the Yang family's second wife's family.

So even though they knew it would be a narrow escape this time, no one chose to retreat.

A gentleman does not argue, but he just advises readers not to be aggressive and aggressive.

Rather than letting them retreat in danger.

No matter who grabs this opportunity to become an official, he, Yang Wenyuan, will kill him!

The whistling sound of bullets piercing the air hurt people's eardrums. Yang Wenyuan felt faint sweat on his forehead, and the diffuse smell of gunpowder seemed to make the air hot.

He squinted his eyes to listen to the location of the gunfire outside the door, silently calculating the enemy's position and the remaining ammunition in the magazine.

He is proficient in the art of shooting, and his attainments in firearms are already at the master level. He is well aware of the parameters of various firearms produced by the major military-industrial groups of the Ming Empire.

As the unique crisp gunfire of Duoyanwei's light submachine gun became clearer and clearer, Yang Wenyuan could already hear the enemy's increasingly heavy footsteps.

At this moment, there is no so-called "door" in the entire front hall, and only a few creaking door frames remain to represent the concept of "entrance".

The fall has become a foregone conclusion, but Yang Wenyuan will not let the front office change hands so easily!

The moment an explosion-proof shield approached, Yang Wenyuan's body clinging to the wall suddenly lifted up, and his speed was not inferior to that of the martial arts thugs who had injected their body skills.

One of the six arts, "chariot" has already changed from the ancient meaning of driving to today's body chariot in its historical evolution.

Yang Wenyuan, who had a delicate face, made a very domineering move. He raised his foot and stepped on the shield under his feet. The man whose arms were fixed on the handle of the shield staggered forward. He raised his eyes in horror and happened to see a dark muzzle.


The sound of the exploding gunfire was somewhat similar to that of Wei Wuzu, and judging from the degree of fragmentation of the skull of the man holding the shield, the power was almost the same.

This pistol, which can be called a murderous weapon, is called the "Shen Dao", which is derived from the Shen Dao Army, an infantry warrior of the Shu Kingdom during the Three Kingdoms period.

The irony is that the manufacturer of this weapon is Tianfu Heavy Industries, which is currently attacking the back door of the house.

The broken skull was wrapped with blood and pierced into the eyes of the person behind him. Before he could scream, a sword light pierced his throat.

Yang Wenyuan showed no fear in the face of more than ten Duoyan Guards aiming at him. He picked up the corpse in front of him with his sword and resolutely pulled the trigger.

Different gunshots rang out almost simultaneously.

The bullet flowed like a knife, cutting the corpse into bones almost instantly. However, several security department employees had their eyebrows pierced by the 'magic knife'.

Zheng! The sound of the sword was as crisp as the roar of a dragon.

What moved with the sound of the sword was a figure like a giant.

Yang Wenyuan crashed into the crowd, and the autumn-like sword blade passed by the enemy's throat. Before the blood flowed out, the next person was hit by the sword again.

The Confucian swordsmanship is no more brutal and domineering than the martial arts swordsmanship, but the sword's light is more free and agile.

In the blink of an eye, almost the entire squad was wiped out in Yang Wenyuan's hands.

Even the captain of the second team, who had replaced half of his body with mechanical prosthetics, only resisted one more sword and had his entire head chopped off.

Everyone who was still alive for the time being was heartbroken and pulled the trigger to the end, not caring that it was easy to accidentally injure teammates at such a close distance.

The moment the gunfire lit up, Yang Wenyuan's body swayed a few feet to one side like catkins in the wind.

Although he had already dodged in advance, a bullet still grazed his waist, tearing out a long and narrow wound. The blood that poured out instantly dyed the white suit on his body red.

Yang Wenyuan lowered his head and glanced at his half-clothed body in blood, feeling a sudden surge of pride in his heart.

At this moment, he seemed to be connected with the ancients, and saw how the poets of the past were wielding swords and knights in the world of mortals!

"A man can be killed in ten steps, but not a thousand miles."

Yang Wenyuan suddenly felt a strong palpitation in his heart, and the ups and downs of poetry recited suddenly stopped.

The word 'no' that was just spoken was sharp and sharp, not heroic at all, more like a beg for mercy before death.

A long knife with a simple style came into view, and Yang Wenyuan found that no matter how hard he tried to dodge, he could not avoid the cold light.


Yang Wenyuan's frown suddenly relaxed, and his trembling eyes returned to calm.

In his gradually dimming vision, he happened to see a side face that was like a knife and an ax walking past him.

The straight-edged long knife was placed on the opponent's shoulder.

"This is not... to leave a message."

Yang Wenyuan's pupils were dilated and his lips were moving, but his severed trachea could not make any sound.

"Reciting poetry while fighting is really a Confucian thing."

Li Jun muttered to himself, but after seeing the words floating on his retina, he shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"This skill is at least the peak level of Xu Jiu, and only 80 mastery points are given? These days are getting more and more difficult."

Before he could complain more, Gu Jia's solemn voice came from the earphones.

"Tianfu Heavy Industry has captured the back door. Li Jun, go and intercept Fei Baiju. Even if you can't kill him, you can't let him continue to participate in the war!"

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