Cyber Daming

Chapter 64 No way to escape

"The front hall was lost, and twenty-seven of our disciples were killed in the battle. Shudao Logistics is attacking the front verandah."

"The wing room has also been lost. Thirty-two people died. Tianfu Heavy Industry has rushed into the rear wing room."

The disciple kneeling under the hall looked up at the Grand Master's chair placed under the plaque, his trembling voice carrying a hint of crying.

"Master Wenyuan was beheaded, and Master Wensheng was cut into bones by Fei Baiju, Second Master."

Yang Huchou, the head of the second family of the Yang family, sat high in the middle, listening to the news reported by the clan's children, with a normal look on his face, but a bitterness in his heart.

The second wife of a declining noble family actually tried to confront the two powerful men. It was indeed a wishful thinking and a mantis trying to control the situation.

Just a few dogs kept at the door's feet can bite him all over.

"The ancestral legacy has not been found yet?"

Yang Huchou's usually strong and steady voice now became somewhat hoarse for no apparent reason.

"still none."

The disciple who reported the news lowered his head and did not dare to look at Yang Huchou's face. After hesitating for a moment, he finally couldn't hold back and spoke.

"Second Master, we can't stop it anymore."

This is so courageous.

Yang Huchou knew clearly in his heart that the terrifying strength shown by the sect had crushed the backbones of these ordinary disciples.

Before the fear of death, the defeat of the second house was already within a snap.

Everyone knows that even if they continue to resist, they will die in vain.

But in the eyes of the old man, it's not the time to give up and surrender yet!

"We have no retreat."

In the shocked eyes of the disciple, Yang Huchou suddenly stood up from his chair.

A pair of wrinkled eyes stared outside the door at the flickering night illuminated by gunfire, their eyes as firm as iron.

"To be captured now is a dead end. The Gu and Wu clans will definitely kill us to warn other hyenas who secretly covet us."

The disciple stared at Yang Huchou's back, his face twisted and desperate, and the fist on his leg tightened and loosened.

"Now we can only have a chance of survival if we fight to the death and obtain the inheritance from our ancestors."

Yang Huchou turned around suddenly, his eyes widened and his beard and hair spread out.

"Go and tell me the sons of the Yang family, your brothers. Regardless of success or failure today, someone will revise the Yang family genealogy."

"No matter what your generation status was in the past, from now on you will be at the source and called your ancestors. Your descendants will build temples for you and worship you day and night!"

The old man's expression was magnanimous and his words were sonorous.

"I, Yang Huchou, will die with them today and will never live alone. In the next life, I will be a member of the Yang family and repay today's grievances one by one!"

The disciple's mouth tightened and he finally fell silent.

He just grabbed the ground with his head and smashed a scarlet blood stain on the ground.

The last knock was directed towards Yang Huchou. The force was so strong that the white forehead bone could be seen on his forehead.

Then he stood up and walked towards the door, his blood-red face looking calm and calm.

Yang Huchou lowered his eyes and stared at the drops of blood splattered on his feet, his eyes filled with sadness.

"Ancestor, Hu Chou, did I do something wrong?"

After a long time, the old man looked at the portrait hanging under the plaque.

The Confucian scholar in the painting is wearing a blue official robe. He is Yang Zhan, the only number one scholar in the Yang family for a century.

Yang Huchou stared at the egret patch on the chest of the man in the portrait, and his expression suddenly changed.

"Zhuzi, you actually played with me in the dark under the light?!"

The night is like a curtain, and the big moon is in the sky.

A Night Owl scout from Shudao Logistics Group hovered over Yang's old house, spying on all the movements on the ground.

At this altitude, it didn't have to worry about being shot from the ground. It always maintained the cruise mode with the lowest energy consumption, and didn't even notice that the moonlight splashing on its back from the big moon above its head was gradually dimming.

A ferocious falcon with the same blood-red eyes gathered its wings and swooped down from the clouds above the night owl's head silently.

Night Owl was caught off guard, and the sharp claws of the hawk directly dug through his head. A large piece of flesh and blood was torn off, and the metal wire bundle wrapped in it exploded into clusters of electric fire.

The night owl, who was in a dying state, suddenly screamed, and then a large black shadow flew up from the front door of Yang's house.

They formed a team and rushed towards the majestic falcon.

At the same time, several Tianfu Heavy Industry falcons flashed their wings and rushed out of the clouds, flying towards the group of night owls.

Under the night sky, a large group of bionic birds with wingspans of more than one foot, blood-red eyes, and sword-like feathers were fighting together.

Talons clashed with talons, beaks struck with beaks.

There were violent roars, blood raining all over the sky and broken feathers fluttering and falling, and the scene was horrifying and horrifying.

The two night owls and falcons, who were fighting each other, pierced their claws into each other's bodies and died together in an extremely tragic manner.

At the moment of falling from the sky, two pairs of scarlet electronic eyes captured a picture at the same time.

A figure in black military uniform had already rushed across the verandah and rushed towards the backyard penthouse.

boom! boom! boom!

Li Jun's figure was like a ghost in the night, flickering in and out of darkness where the moonlight could not reach.

The two members of the Tianfu Heavy Industry Operations Department who were holding firearms looked panicked and fired randomly at the location where the figure was flashing. The bullets in the magazine were quickly consumed.

The moment the gunfire stopped, a blue blade cut out with a cold light, and two heads flew up at the same time.

The cross-section of the neck was as neat as a mirror, and blood sprayed at high speed from the blood vessels that suddenly lost pressure, covering a three-foot range, but it still did not catch up with the advancing black figure.

The ink knife that swallowed two lives slashed forward without stopping, and the terrifying force directly cut another member of the Operations Department who was also wearing a bulletproof uniform into two halves.

His half-corporeal, half-mechanical body structure allows him to still have a breath left.

In his chaotic and trembling electronic sight, he clearly saw a man in black wearing a knife, slaughtering his team wantonly.

No one is the enemy of Yihe wherever he goes.


Li Jun covered his face with his elbow to block a bullet that hit his face. There was a sharp sting from the shot location, but the uniform was still intact.

In the horrified eyes of the gunman, the ink knife cut through the left side of the neck, slicing the entire body horizontally without any hindrance.

Li Jun reached out and clasped the neck of another gunman who turned around to escape, and squeezed hard.

There was just a crisp sound, and the gunman with a broken neck bone drooped his head and fell limply to the ground.

In just a few blinks, the garden path was almost covered with broken limbs, and the smell of blood in the air was so thick that it could not be dissipated.

"There are so many ways to make achievements tonight, and you specifically stand in front of me. Li Jun, do you really think I can't kill you?"

Suddenly a night wind passed through the hall, blowing away the blood and energy, and at the same time, an angry voice reached Li Jun's ears.

Li Jun shook his wrist lightly and shook off the blood stained on the ink knife, leaning the back of the knife against his shoulder.

He raised his hand to scrape the peaks of his brows, with a ferocious smile on his lips, and his arrogance reached its peak.

"Fei Baiju, you have no way to escape today!"

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