Cyber Daming

Chapter 72 Duel

Under the full moon, in the main room.

The old house was already silent at this time, so the sound of gold and iron rubbing against each other was particularly harsh.

The straight-edged long knife was slowly pulled out from Gu Jia's heart, and the dazzling cold light flowing from the blade made Shi Chengfeng narrow his eyes and sneered again and again.

"He stabbed his boss in the back and committed rebellion. He is worthy of being a member of Shudao Logistics."

Li Jun drew his sword and shook off the blood, and said lightly: "Those who talk nonsense will not end well."

Shi Chengfeng snorted coldly, "Being a traitor will not end well."

Li Jun smiled and said: "Gu Jia died in your hands. He was loyal to the Lord and a hero of the group. Can you tolerate your casual criticism?"

"Is it still interesting to talk nonsense now?"

Shi Chengfeng raised his eyes and glanced at the sky, and said in a cold voice: "Eliminate the scouts, cut off communications, and create opportunities for you to rebel and kill people. It seems that you are a group with the Tianzhihui gangsters who just made trouble in the sky?"

"I said it was a coincidence, do you believe it?"

"Do you think I will believe it?"

Shi Chengfeng had already recovered from the shock and looked at Li Jun with a sinister expression.

"Just now, even two against one were no match for me. Now you are the only one left. Why don't you kneel down and beg for mercy?"

Li Jun didn't say anything, he just stretched his feet into a lunge, bent his weight-bearing left foot in a straight line with his body, held the blade of the knife up with his right hand, and held the back of the knife with the palm of his left hand.

The momentum is like lifting a cauldron or lifting a mountain.

Polu knife starting position, top the knife!

"Just because two against one won't work, doesn't mean that one against one won't work. You and I are the best at one-on-one combat!"

Shi Chengfeng, who looked like an old ape holding a knife, looked solemnly at the knife holder in front of him. A coldness as sharp as a knife hit his face, and a warning sign suddenly filled his heart.

"Army Wu Sword Technique, Eighth Grade Dzogchen?"

In terms of exquisite moves, Jun Wu's sword technique is not considered exquisite among the numerous martial arts techniques, but its killing power is among the best.

In the period when martial arts sects still existed, the original intention of many sword techniques was to defeat the enemy. They emphasized the perfection of the sword's intention during the advance and retreat, taking into account both offense and defense.

There is not so much emphasis on military swordsmanship. The core is just one thing: killing.

"You're quite knowledgeable."

"You are also a good martial artist who can practice this level of swordsmanship. It's a pity that you were born at the wrong time. The faster you improve, the faster you will die!"

"I've heard too much nonsense like yours."

Li Jun shouted low, unfolded the Yuanyuan Step Movement, and crossed the distance between the two in one step.

He raised the knife with his right hand and pushed it with his left hand, which was on the back of the knife. The knife was as fast as lightning and slashed out with a scalp-numbing whistling sound.

Although he was mentally prepared, the ferocity of the Dzogchen Polu Knife still exceeded Shi Chengfeng's expectations, and the biochip in his skull kept issuing warnings to dodge.

But in the fight with Jun Wu's swordsmanship, the most taboo thing is timidity.

Even if you are showing weakness to the enemy, you still need to have the capital for a preemptive counterattack. Otherwise, taking one step back will mean retreating step by step, and the final result will be a complete defeat.

Can't retreat!

With his mind set, Shi Chengfeng's chest was buzzing loudly. He blocked the ink knife with a single sword in his right hand, and inserted the knife in his left hand into Li Jun's back in a weird posture!


The two knives collided vertically and horizontally, creating a sonorous sound of gold and iron clashing.

Shi Chengfeng suddenly felt a chill rushing into his respiratory system, running along the steel skeleton and into the heart of the machine.

Is this evil spirit? !

Li Jun also noticed the strangeness caused by Polu's sword move, and he was thoughtful in his heart.

"At the eighth level of Dzogchen, has martial arts begun to take on the flavor of a technique?"


Shi Chengfeng's mechanical heart, which was originally running smoothly, seemed to be stuck in the mechanical spring, making a strange hissing, his arms suddenly stagnated, and the pair of butterfly knives also stopped suddenly.

Li Jun took advantage of the situation and swung his sword. The sword was like a warrior waving a flag, and the cold light enveloped his body. He knocked open the short sword that had been pressed an inch into his vest, and took advantage of the situation to strike in front of him.

Shi Chengfeng roared angrily, and his mechanical heart was running at full strength. He finally broke free from the shackles of the evil spirit at the moment when the long sword struck his face, drew back his two swords and started to attack Li Jun!

The horizontal sword is fierce and brave, like a cavalry in a formation.

The two swords are cunning and vicious, as vicious as a poisonous woman's heart.

For a moment, the splashing light of the sword almost covered up the brilliance of the moonlight falling on the roof, and the piercing screams were like a heavy rain hitting the forest, continuous and continuous.

Another extremely thrilling exchange of sword moves, the two entangled figures finally separated.

Standing still, the outcome of the previous confrontation can be seen from the injuries on the two men's bodies.

A ferocious knife edge spread from Shi Chengfeng's left shoulder to his right abdomen, almost disemboweling him.

However, although this horrific wound broke the flesh, it did not break the bones. For Shi Chengfeng, who was covered in mechanical bones, it was not a serious injury.

The only troublesome thing is the cold evil spirit of war in the body!

These things that the masters in the Imperial College and the Ministry of Industry could not explain were soaking into the artificial blood vessels along his mechanical bones.

The constant-temperature bionic blood was now piercingly cold, and a pain he had never experienced since he changed his mechanical body and entered the military path was madly devouring Shi Chengfeng's will.

On the other hand, Li Jun's sleeves were torn to pieces by the two butterfly knives, and his arms were covered with dense knife edges, but the fierce light in his eyes was getting hotter and hotter.

The moment he killed Gu Jia, the long-simmering anger in his heart had broken like a wave and could no longer be stopped.

There is an evil dragon in my heart, and now it has reared its head.

Li Jun took a deep breath, leaned closer again, and slashed open Shi Chengfeng's two knives that were stacked in front of him with all his strength. He raised his right foot like a spear and stabbed the opponent in the heart!

The huge force hit the heart of the weapon and was instantly suffocated. Shi Chengfeng stumbled backwards involuntarily. With a look of horror, he could only use his two swords to pull away a flash of sword light, trying to get a chance to breathe for himself.


A blue floor tile was stepped on and cracked, and the black uniform rushed forward at an astonishing speed.

Before Shi Chengfeng could recover from the fatigue in his chest, a frightening gust of sword wind had already torn apart his sword and struck him in front of his eyebrows!

At the critical moment, the old knife-wielding ape rolled on the ground, dodging the skull-breaking knife in a matter of millimeters.

Shi Chengfeng, who was pressed to the ground, didn't dare to stop rolling. He rolled backwards for more than ten times until there was no more sound of breaking through the air above his head, and then he finally stopped.

Fortunately, Yang's main room is spacious enough, otherwise it wouldn't be enough for him to use.

However, although this action was embarrassing, the effect was quite good. The old ape who was slashed under the force of the Polu knife rolled out of the way.

Li Jun held the knife with one arm, pointed the tip of the knife towards Shi Chengfeng who had just stood up, and said sarcastically: "Ju's father is an ape, how can he roll so easily?"

Shi Chengfeng turned a deaf ear to Li Jun's taunts. His stature became more and more unhuman, and a shrill ape cry suddenly burst out from his throat, and he slapped his chest with the sides of his two swords!

The buzzing sound coming from the 'Jufu' mechanical heart in the chest was actually stronger with the next slap!

Li Jun looked stunned and blurted out, "What the hell? Mechanical beast transformation? The fucking Beast Man?"

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