Cyber Daming

Chapter 73 Mimicry God

[There is a beast in Chongwu Mountain. It looks like a tree with tattooed arms, a leopard and a tiger and is good at throwing. Its name is Jufu. 】

Looking at Shi Chengfeng, who was slapping his chest with a knife and roaring like an ape, many thoughts suddenly came to Li Jun's mind.

Prosthetic modification is one of the most popular methods of strengthening, and the number of people who have undergone modification in the Ming Empire is simply countless.

From temples to the private sector, people from all walks of life can see people using prosthetic limbs, whether they are traffickers or people selling pulp.

With such a large population base, the number of followers who have the talent to implant a mechanical heart and advance to the military order is naturally far ahead among all the major orders.

It is precisely because of this characteristic that the art of war ranks below the three religions and ranks first among the nine.

Li Jun has fought against many soldiers, including Hu Zhong and Ruan Yong who were in the gangs, Fei Baiju and Gu Jia who were in the powerful family, and even Luo Zhen who was in the officialdom.

He has stabbed many weapons to death with his own hands, including the Heavenly Soldiers of the Thunder Department, Feng Bo, and Giant Spirits.

From the names of these mechanical hearts, one can accurately judge their corresponding abilities.

The heavenly soldiers of the Lei tribe control the thunder, the Feng Bo controls the wind, and the giant spirit holds the power.

But without exception, these soldiers who died in Li Jun's hands were almost all passively using the abilities given to them by the Tool Heart.

No one gave Li Jun a strange feeling of being one with the machine heart like Shi Chengfeng.

It was as if he was Ju's father, and Ju's father was him.

The two become one, synchronized and on the same frequency.

Thinking of the evil spirit of the battle formation that was just born from the Dzogchen Polu Sword Technique, Li Jun suddenly seemed to have a clear understanding in his heart.

Starting from the eighth chapter of the sequence, the core of the sequence owned by the sequencer will probably undergo some unique changes, a change that is enough to achieve class leaps.

Martial arts broke through eight and evolved into a skill. Officials broke through eight and were promoted to officials. Military skills broke through eight and the same frequency was used to imitate gods.

Li Jun suddenly remembered a saying that was widely circulated in Chengdu or the entire Ming Empire:

Sequence is the cornerstone of the imperial order!

In the flash of lightning, countless thoughts were already rushing through Li Jun's mind. Just when these thoughts were about to continue to expand, the thoughts were forcibly cut off.

When fighting, thinking wildly is the only way to die.

No matter how weird Shi Chengfeng's movements were at the moment, the high-pitched and harsh hum of the machine heart was real.

There is no doubt that the old ape opposite is exploding!

If you don't take action at this time, will you wait for others to come back?

Li Jun was about to charge forward with his sword, but as soon as he stepped out with his right foot, two black shadows flew towards his face. They were so fast that he didn't even have time to raise his sword to block them.

The body could not react in time, but the martial arts genes buried deep in the flesh and blood did.

Li Jun's right foot, which had not yet landed, suddenly stepped into the air, causing his back to flip, and he barely managed to pass sideways through the narrow gap between the two black shadows.

Even so, large chunks of flesh and blood were still removed from Li Jun's chest and vest.


The black shadow flew back and fell into the ape arms again.

This time Li Jun finally saw clearly that the black shadow was the butterfly sword in Shi Chengfeng's hand!

Give your father a good vote!

Fuck you!

Li Jun smashed the green brick with his right foot, forced his crooked body to twist back, and his figure burst forward and rushed forward.

There was an ape arm waving in front, and the two swords struck again.

This time Li Jun was prepared, but the butterfly knife was spinning too fast. Even if he tried his best to swing the knife, he could only knock one of them away.

Another knife roared through the air and shot towards the heart.

At the moment when the knife edge was approaching, Li Jun, who was on the run, barely turned sideways to avoid the vital point of his heart, and pushed it with his left rib.


The arm-length butterfly pierced the flesh with a single blade and embedded itself deeply into the left rib.

Li Jun gritted his teeth, swallowed the blood that surged into his throat, and swung the knife in a vertical step!


Shi Chengfeng was also extremely brave at this time, with a fierce light in his eyes. He even crossed his arms above his head and blocked Li Jun's angry knife with his mechanical bones.

Iron filings flew and lightning suddenly appeared.

Li Jun pressed the handle of the knife with his right hand, and the ink knife rotated around his arm and cut into the opponent's arms. At the same time, he stepped forward to grab the position, grabbed the handle of the knife with his left hand, held it upside down and wiped it forward.

There was a sizzling sound and sparks flying.

A small arm of the mechanical body was broken at the elbow and was thrown into the air with the remaining force.

This change of moves was so sudden that Shi Chengfeng didn't react at all. In other words, he was in sync with the overclocking of the mechanical heart and didn't bother to react at all.

He stared at Li Jun with a pair of blood-red eyes. His right hand, which was also scarred by the knife, grabbed Li Jun's knife-holding wrist and restrained him in place!

Li Jun had countless ways to defeat Shi Chengfeng, who didn't have any martial arts skills and relied solely on his brave grappling methods.

But before he could make any move, the shrill sound of breaking through the air rushed behind him.

It's the butterfly knife that was knocked off earlier!

Li Jun didn't understand why the knife that was knocked away would spin back, but at this moment it was too late to dodge.

"Desperately? Think I'm afraid of you!"

The angry dragon in the heart lake is making waves, the anger is rising, and the blood is flaring.

The left hand is tied, and the right hand attacks!

Sink your elbows down, swing your arms to punch, and raise your palms to the sky!

The king of hell has three hands!

The vicious punch landed on Shi Chengfeng's heart, creating a terrifying dent. The neck bones are crooked, and the head hangs on the shoulders in a weird posture.


The butterfly knife whirled from behind and cut open the military uniform, penetrated from the waist, tore through the intestines and pierced the intestines, and the tip of the knife came out from the front of Li Jun's abdomen!

Li Jun suddenly coughed up a large mouthful of blood and sprayed it on the face of Shi Chengfeng, who looked distracted.

He leaned on the ground with the knife, stopped the figure from falling forward, reached out to grab the bun on the top of Shi Chengfeng's head, and pressed it on the edge of the blade with force!

With a pop, a head rolled to the ground.

[Get 200 mastery points]

[253 mastery points remaining]

[Consumption of 100 mastery points, the golden bell is upgraded to the eighth level of Dzogchen]

The Yang family's main house, which had been noisy for half the night, returned to calm. Ye Feng finally dared to step into the garden and start cleaning up the smoke and blood smell.

After a while, several subtle rustling sounds suddenly sounded in front of the main room door.

A figure with missing arms put his forehead on the Taishi chair, stood up step by step, and stood up unsteadily.

He cautiously raised his head and cast his gaze into the main room, his eyes full of hope and expectation.

They should all be dead.


A strong wind blew against the young man's face, blowing away the messy hair covering the young man's face, revealing a pale face stained with blood and tears.

A ferocious and domineering long knife was inserted into the ground close to the tip of his nose. The blade trembled and screamed.

The young man collapsed on the ground in shock, looking blankly at the figure sitting on a golden pillar.

Li Jun covered the wound that penetrated the front and back of his abdomen and showed a self-proclaimed soft smile to the young man.

What he said almost made the young man faint again.

"There is actually someone alive. You must be Yang Huchou's backup, right?"

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