Cyber Daming

Chapter 81 The Demonic Monk

Li Jun never thought in his life that he would have a drink with a pair of exoskeleton armor and a Kunlun slave as dark as coal.

Although Li Jun doubted whether Lord Ma had the body to understand the concept of drunkenness, he still used Xu Ba's tyrannical physique to forcefully force the opponent to spit out oil, and then he stopped.

This drinking war lasted for a long time. By the time Li Jun came out of the Mingyi bar, it was already late at night.

Li Jun took a deep breath of the cold night wind to dispel the slight drunkenness in his mind.

The projection of the God of Wealth wearing a red mandarin jacket and holding a gold ingot is suspended above the head. The entire Fifth Street is located just under the crotch of the God of Wealth, which can be said to be quite advantageous.

The entrance to the alley was already crowded with vendors waiting for drunken customers. They huffed and puffed around Li Jun, diligently selling all kinds of low-quality Huang Liang Dream.

Li Jun dismissed these people casually, but before he had even taken two steps, a crisp and childish voice suddenly sounded.

"Uncle, do you want to buy a bouquet of flowers?"

Li Jun looked down and saw a girl wearing a yellow pleated skirt standing in front of her, her little hands folded in front of her, looking cute and cute.

Is there anyone selling flowers these days?

However, this doubtful thought only stayed in Li Jun's mind for a moment, and then disappeared in a flash.

Since exoskeleton armor can drink alcohol, why is it so strange that children from poor families come out to sell flowers?

This fucking world has everything.

Li Jun looked down at the girl's empty hands, forced out a kind smile, and asked softly: "Okay, but where are your flowers?"

"The flowers are here."

The girl raised her head and smiled, her big eyes as curved as the crescent moon.

She slowly raised her right hand, her middle finger and ring finger bent inward, interlocking with her thumb.

The index finger was raised, the flesh and blood on the fingertip slid open, and an eight-petal purple flower slowly emerged from the mechanical finger.

"Is this the Gesang flower?"

As soon as Li Jun finished speaking, the noisy voices in the streets suddenly stopped.

All the colorful glare was pulled away at this moment, leaving only a black silence.

When Li Jun's sight returned again, there was already heavy snow that could blind his eyes, and a biting chill suddenly hit him.

"Buddha Kingdom on Earth? Am I fucking tricked again?

Li Jun smiled bitterly and shook his head, "It's really hard to guard against it!"

However, with the experience of being recruited in Songpan Wei last time, Li Jun did not panic this time, but just frowned.

"Using Kelsang flowers as a hypnotic substance, I'm afraid those who came are from Bailong Temple. It seems that these bald donkeys have finally realized that it was me who robbed them."

"But it's okay, I just happened to find this group of monks to ask about the original Buddha bones."

Before I went to look for the mountain, the mountain came to look for me.

Li Jun raised his hand to shave his eyebrows and strode into the wind and snow.

Not long after walking in this ice and snow, a loud and loud horn sound suddenly came from above Li Jun's head.

At the same time, the sun came down like a sharp sword, cutting through the wind and snow that blocked the sky.

A towering snow-capped mountain that towered over the sky suddenly appeared in front of Li Jun.

There is a magnificent temple standing on top of the peaks. The red and gold building is like a crown on the top of the mountain, which can be seen clearly even from an extremely distant place.

"Isn't this appearance more deceptive than the giant Buddha in Mucuo? It seems that the higher the sequence, the more fun you can have."

With a sarcastic smile on his lips, Li Jun took another step towards the snow mountain.

When his footsteps landed, his figure had already appeared in the mountain temple.

In front of the main hall of the temple is a broad platform tens of feet in length, paved with gold bricks.

There are many prayer wheels as thick as beams standing on the left and right sides, with a bronze color on the outside and densely carved Sanskrit seals on the bodies.

The prayer tube rotates on its own, and bursts of Sanskrit chants can be heard in the void.

Li Jun raised his eyes and looked into the distance. The steps in front of the palace went up step by step. Standing at the top was a tall monk in red with firm eyes!

The monk's left arm was exposed, with a large dark red image of King Kong Conquering Demons tattooed on his skin, and in his hand was an iron chain as thick as his thumb.

On the right side, a golden and dazzling vajra is inserted into the ground.

The monk lowered his eyes like a vajra.

A concentrated and huge pressure instantly enveloped Li Jun's body.

"Li Jun, you have a destiny with Buddhism. I am Mu Chi, the demon monk of Bailong Temple, and I am here to guide you to Buddhism."

The demon monk? It turns out that the one who came is a Buddha at the eighth peak.

The eight bhikkhus of the Buddha are respectively represented by the beggar, the evil demon, and the fearful demon. Among them, the fearful demon is the peak of the eight Buddhas.

In the past few days in the Jiaofang Division, while Li Jun was eating, drinking and having fun, he also used the authority of the security minister to check a lot of information.

"Are you not just seeking revenge, but are you planning to let me be your bully?" Li Jun raised his eyebrows and sneered.

Mu Chi's voice sounded like it was coming down from the sky, shocking people's hearts.

"You massacred the Bodhi Company and committed a heinous crime. You can only resolve it by kowtowing devoutly before the Buddha for a hundred years."

"It will take a hundred years for this little thing to happen? It doesn't need to be that troublesome."

Li Jun raised his fingers towards the red-clothed monk on the high platform, and a fierce gangster aura shot up into the sky, "Come down, I will teach you step by step how to resolve it."

"Foolishness, anger, and arrogance are unpardonable sins."

Mu Chi shouted angrily in a cold voice, stretched out his hand to pull out the vajra, and stepped down from the high platform.

Wow wow wow

The chain he was holding with his left hand hit the steps, making a harsh friction sound.

As the iron chains slowly tightened, black shadows swayed in the peak hall, and waves of deep beast-like roars came from it.

A mechanical beast shaped like a cheetah was dragged out by Mu Chi.

The moment he saw the mechanical beast's appearance clearly, Li Jun's pupils suddenly shrank like needlepoints.

The originally peaceful Heart Lake suddenly became stormy, and a dark and angry dragon rose up from the bottom of the lake, stirring up the wind and rain.

The boiling blood filled with anger penetrated into the pupils, turning red.

The body of this mechanical beast is engraved with blood-red Sanskrit characters, its claws are as sharp as knives, flashing with cold light, and there is a heart-stopping sharp hook at the end of the beast's tail.

This is a body full of murderous aura, but its face is that of a lively child.

She has a charming smile and eyes like crescent moons.

It was clearly the girl who blocked the road selling flowers earlier.

"You're angry now? You're still as brainless as ever."

Mu Chi looked at Li Jun, whose face was ashen and ugly, and smiled disdainfully, his eyes full of ridicule and ridicule.

He pulled hard, and the mechanical beast ran out of the hall. The people around Mu Chi were jumping up and down with joy, as if welcoming the Buddha to the world.

But Li Jun, who was under the high platform, could see clearly. The eyes he looked at the red-clothed monk were full of piercing fear and pain.

There was a burning sensation in my lungs, it was the blood in my blood vessels that had boiled to its peak!

If you don’t have a knife in your hand, just punch!

Li Jun slowly opened the Baji boxing frame and mouthed words, one word at a time.

"You guys really deserve to die!"

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