Cyber Daming

Chapter 82 I protect her

"The anger of evil thoughts is the seed of hell. Li Jun, if you don't want to fall into the endless hell, please quickly bow down and accept the precepts!"

"Just because you want to insert a brain machine into me?"

"Tie the heart ape and descend the mind horse, enter the Buddhist kingdom and observe the Vajra precepts. This is the only way to wash away your sins!"

"Ramble on and on, Mr. Ge talks a lot of nonsense!"

Swearing in Shu accent is the most hearty.

If you want to fight, then fight whatever nonsense you want!

Li Jun rushed out, faster than a galloping horse. He stepped three feet in front of Mu Chi and lifted his back. His hands clasped together like heavy hammers.

The wind blew over the roof, and the monk's robes rustled.


Mu Chi narrowed his eyes and sneered, then raised the vajra that looked like a staff and a knife with one arm and raised it to the top of his head!


The collision of flesh and iron produced a dull sound like a bell, which silenced the chanting in the air.

Mu Chi's dark face suddenly turned red, and he took several steps back uncontrollably. The gold bricks under his feet were stepped on and cracked.

The tattoo of King Kong Subduing Demons covering his left chest glowed with blood, turning bright and dark as if he was breathing.

If you look closely, you will see that the red lines with the pattern are actually metal wires.

It is engraved with Buddhist Sanskrit using miraculous micro-carving technology, and is rapidly dissipating the surging power coming from the vajra.

Li Jun struck out again as soon as he landed, his blood-soaked pupils glowing with heartfelt pleasure.

The red blood is hot, it’s time to kill the Buddha!

After squeezing into the middle door and slapping away the Buddhist pestle with his backhand, Li Jun grabbed Mu Chi's face with five fingers of his right hand and smashed the Buddhist monk to the ground in an extremely violent manner.

"With this little ability, you still want to imitate others and play Duhua?"

The sneer on Li Jun's lips had not disappeared when a harsh sound broke through the air beside him.

Glancing over from the corner of his eye, he saw the magical beast with the girl's face on its head rushing towards him.

Li Jun raised his foot and stepped down, stepping Mu Chi and the vajra in front of him into the pit, turning his shoulders and twisting his waist to punch the mechanical beast.

Although the body was still fighting forward, the childish face on the weapon's head closed its eyes in horror.

"Uncle, don't hit me."

Li Jun's eyebrows suddenly stood up and his thin lips tightened, but he still couldn't help but hesitate for a moment before he swung his fist.


After a moment's hesitation, a whip shadow struck out like lightning and whipped Li Jun away hard.

Li Jun, who had rolled to the ground, had just stood up when he felt a sharp and bone-piercing pain in his right arm. The cotton armor on his shoulder was ripped into strands, and the flesh and blood under it also rolled out an inch-long bloody mouth.

"I'm sorry, uncle, I'm sorry. If I don't sell flowers, he will beat me. I'm afraid, I'm afraid."

Snot and tears covered the girl's little face, which had become wrinkled due to guilt, and the fear that penetrated her bones was in her childish voice.

But the beast body carrying him was swinging its tail blade like a sharp knife towards Li Jun Yao in a mighty manner!

"It's a small problem, wait until uncle comes to help you solve it!"

Li Jun grinned, revealing a pair of blood-stained white teeth.

The Yuanyuan Step that promoted him to the Great Perfection realm made him as fast as a ghost. With one step, his figure was already in front of the Dharma Protector Beast.


The tail whip came to kill again, but Li Jun easily grabbed it and twisted it off with his backhand.


The girl cried out in pain, tears falling from her eyes.

"do not Cry!"

Li Jun gave a sharp shout, turned around and whipped his legs away from the sneak attack of the vajra. He knocked the beast to the ground with a heavy shoulder thrust, and grabbed his shoulder with one hand and grabbed its neck with the other.

"Be obedient and close your eyes. If it hurts, you won't have to be a beast anymore."

The beast body had already anticipated the next result, and its four sharp claws scratched deep marks on the gold bricks.


The girl seemed to have an inexplicable trust in Li Jun. After hearing this, she closed her eyes obediently and bit her lower lip with a row of tiny teeth.


A spine was uprooted from the chest, and the severe pain that could not be described in words made the girl subconsciously bite her lips until the flesh was bloody.

Before he could even utter a scream, the pupils in his eyes suddenly dilated.

"What is true and what is false? If you think she is true, can you save her in this way?"

Mu Chi stood in the distance holding a vajra, watching this scene quietly.

"Don't fight with me, you are a bunch of dream-stealing rats pretending to be Buddha."

Li Jun was shirtless and tied the girl's head tightly to his back with his military uniform. He stared at the red monk with scarlet eyes.

"This is your Buddhist country, and it is also my fantasy. Your Buddhist thoughts can drive her here, but I can't protect her with my willpower?!"

If you believe, there will be something; if you don’t believe, there will be nothing. This is the basis of faith and the underlying logic of the coming of the Buddhist Kingdom.

The roar echoed in front of this holy Buddhist temple, and the sound seemed to contain some kind of magical power. The girl's intermittent groans of pain suddenly came from the baggage behind Li Jun.

She seemed to be gritting her teeth, holding back the unimaginable pain.

Mu Chi looked indifferent, "The Buddhist Kingdom never guards against sentient beings. What you said is not a secret at all. Now that you have fallen into anger, even if you can save her with the remaining will, how much more can you compete with me for the authority of the Buddhist Kingdom?"

"Fight?" Li Jun sneered loudly, "I said there is no need to go to such trouble. I can just destroy this stupid Buddhist country like yours."

Mu Chi looked at the wound on Li Jun's shoulder, and a disdainful sneer slowly appeared at the corner of his mouth, "How much more injuries can your will sustain?"

"Then how many reincarnations can your Buddhist chants sustain?"

Mu Chi's lips moved and he was about to speak out when a black shadow quietly occupied his sight.

The terrifying demon bhikkhu calmed down his mind instantly, and the vajra pestle blew out a piercing scream, sweeping across in front of him.

"You are not qualified to fight with me hand to hand!"

Li Jun's eyes were stern, his left arm was like a pestle, and his right elbow was like an iron spear, pointing directly at Mu Chi's heart.

The monk's back was hunched, his vest and clothes exploded, and the broken mechanical bone penetrated the flesh and blood, revealing a sharp fracture.

This is just the beginning.

Li Jun reached out and grabbed his neck, but Mu Chi was restrained in place again before he could fly back.

The steps under his feet were further advanced, his shoulders were slumped and his body was bumped, and the great force of the river surged wantonly within the square inch.

Dzogchen eighth level martial arts, Bajiquan, Iron Mountain Reliance.

The red monk's robe flew backwards, and the vajra fell from his hand to the ground. It hit the gold bricks with a clanging sound, and fell to the ground far away.

What about the body of King Kong?

Li Jun put aside a section of the bloody trachea, tightened the muscles of his left arm, and stopped the bleeding from the wound left by the Vajra.

The smell of blood boiling in his nose aroused the anger in his heart, and the stinging pain from the wound made the fierceness in his bones boil.

He patted the bundle on his back with his backhand and whispered softly: "Don't worry, we can leave here after uncle kills him a few more times."


As soon as the child's voice fell, the scene in front of Li Jun suddenly changed!

The sound of Buddha ceased, the temple disappeared, and the fragrance of books and ink filled my nostrils.

A room filled with elegance appeared in front of Li Jun.

After writing the desk, Gu Yong, who was wearing a Confucian blue shirt, seemed to have taken Wu Shi Powder, his facial features twitched nervously, twisted into a crazy expression, and his eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes.

This is greed.

Greed that makes one forget life and death.

"Is this the brain of the number one scholar? This feeling is so wonderful. Now that I am the number one scholar, I am the real seed for reading in the Gu family!"

Gu Yong touched his face with both hands, with an obsessed look on his face.

"As for your knife, I was planning to throw it away after using it."

Gu Yong raised his eyes to look at Li Jun, smiled and said: "But I have changed my mind now, you have to die. If you die, no one will know about me stealing Gu Xi's slices."

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