Cyber Heroes

Chapter 978 Curtain Call

The fourth child is about to rush out. His blood was boiling all over, and he just wanted to fight alongside the God of War. But the second child stopped him and said: "Are you an idiot? Have you made an agreement with the God of War to recognize signals? If you rush over like this, do you think he will treat you as a knight or as a protector?"

But the third child was still beating his chest: "Second brother, second brother, just what you said just now, we missed the moment when the God of War took action! It was just that sentence! God of War! God of War!"

"Why are you panicking..." The second brother was also very sorry, but he still had to be careful with his words. He said: "The Martial Gods have come to this area, and there will be plenty of opportunities in the future. Once the smoke screen clears, we will use clear questions to send the signal 'We are knights' and then help the Martial Gods."

But before the smoke screen cleared, the sound gradually became quieter.

Afterwards, the three of them saw only the debris on the ground and most of the camp that had collapsed.


When Xiang Shan walked out of the ruins carrying a box of shells, he sighed slightly: "This is still a loss."

Although from the perspective of flexibility, these ammunition are much more flexible than those used, but based on the yield alone, he will undoubtedly lose money.

Well, yes, without a doubt. This is a bit of a loss. But in a hurry, the supplies he could take away were limited.

Then we have to place more chain mines in the ammunition depot.

Some of these mines are purely mechanical and some are intelligent. Some are triggers, and some are countdowns, and they are set up cleverly. If you remove one of them, you will have a higher probability of detonating several surrounding ones.

As long as you prepare in advance, this arrangement is not difficult.

Xiang Shan just walked out of the arsenal carrying the loot. Sagittarius, with only half his body left, slowly landed in front of him. Xiangshan manually held the shoulders of the Sagittarius body, separated it, and then inserted it into several slots on his back, waist and shoulders.

Immediately afterwards, he dragged two headless prosthetics, jumped directly, vibrated his wings, and evacuated with the assistance of vector jets.

The smoke and dust caused by the explosion are still there, and he has cleaned up all the aerial warriors high in the sky. As long as they stay away, they will be fine.

It took Xiangshan some effort to capture this base. He spent some time collecting intelligence to know the level and style of the recent senior military attachés, and then spent some time calculating the possible orbit of the Tianxing Fleet in the recent period based on the observation records of Jianghu sects around the world, and then laid an ambush in advance. , publish news regularly.

After that, it was a separation operation.

He separated the plug-ins that he couldn't use for the time being, and then combined them to look like a Sagittarius.

Well, it only has the upper body, and the lower body is a weapon launcher that can be used and thrown away.

How do you say something? "The legs are just decoration, the big shots above won't understand." In fact, modern warriors retain their legs and feet because of the need to "fight in all environments." But when necessary, many warriors will also have one or two body skills that require plug-ins such as "auxiliary feet". If only air combat is carried out, the requirements can indeed be reduced a lot.

The shooter is controlled by a clone of the AI, waiting for the countdown on a hill not far away.

Xiang Shan lurked over on his own.

Thanks to the ultra-high-end camouflage net seized in the Americas. This network saved Xiang Shan a lot of trouble. As long as they don't enter the tightly monitored folk art, even one or two patrolling soldiers can't see Xiangshan - not "optically" invisible, but "systemically" invisible.

When playing the "can't see me" trick on the soldiers, they can also cast some poison.

Although Xiang Shanman can use his internal power to kill all the soldiers in the base suddenly, on the one hand, there are always soldiers who are offline. If they cannot kill instantly, the dramatic effect will be insufficient. On the other hand, Xiangshan also knows what "visual impact" is.

Therefore, he chose to "pretend to attack head-on."

As for the two senior officers, it was an unexpected surprise.

When the countdown ended and the shooter started to drop the bomb, Xiang Shan, who was lying on the ground, suddenly jumped up.

All the attention of the two senior officers was attracted by Sagittarius, and their brains were still weighing "fight or flight", but they were unaware that there was a God of War at close range.

As a result, they were hit by large-yield tactical weapons.

Although Xiangshan chose to throw it, the bomb he threw could ignite and accelerate twice in mid-air, which could reach several times the speed of sound.

The result, of course, was a head-on hit.

As a result, two senior officers of the first level were beaten to a pulp and suffered injuries.

Meanwhile, the shooter units have bombed the base itself.

The two senior officers were no match for Xiang Shan in the first place. After being injured, there was no hope of even escaping.

Immediately afterwards, Xiangshan, who heard the movement of the fighter jet, immediately activated the EMP storm.

Yes, this move is not just for dealing with air warriors.

Although those fighter-type military martial arts practitioners are more adaptable to the environment in the atmosphere than Sagittarius, the "building cost" and "positioning" of Sagittarius are much higher than those of these miscellaneous-level fighter robots. Even if they deal slowly, Sagittarius can defeat these air forces. At most, it is just because of insufficient flexibility and ammunition that it cannot prevent the opponent from escaping.

Xiangshan mainly coveted the prosthetic bodies of the two senior military attaches.

Logically speaking, "using the internal reactor to set off an EMP storm" is useless to experts of the same level. Everyone has a reactor in their body, and the electromagnetic protection is in place. Why can your EMP cause damage to my prosthetic body?

However, to achieve electromagnetic shielding, it is necessary to use electromagnetic shielding materials such as metal to make a shield to seal the area that needs protection.

And can a barrier that has been blasted once by a large-yield explosive still guarantee "closed isolation"?

Xiangshan doesn't know either, there's no harm in giving it a try.

As for whether it was useful, he actually didn't feel it. Maybe the two senior military attaches had lost most of their combat capabilities in the explosion. It's also possible that EMP is exacerbating the damage.

Anyway, the two senior military attaches were defeated without any decent resistance.

The most important thing for Xiangshan now is to run away quickly with the loot. Xiangshan did not fly too far directly, but found a hilly area with relatively undulating terrain. He wrapped the prosthetic bodies of two senior military attachés with lead fabrics and metal foil to prevent radiation from leaking out of their bodies, and also to prevent them from being exposed to radiation. Is there any sending device? Under the cover of the camouflage net, Xiangshan buried the two prosthetics and ran away.

He planned to wait three to five days before coming back to dig out these two trophies.

Before launching the attack, Xiangshan felt that someone was observing the base around him. He thought that those were probably the chivalrous forces nearby, so he didn't bother with them.

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