Cyber Heroes

Chapter 977 Missed

The African martial arts leader is an incredible figure. He or she has incredible prestige, and many local sects are willing to obey the orders of this military leader. It is said that this Wu Kui has only been in Africa for a few decades - maybe twenty or thirty years specifically, but he has done a lot of great things. He has uprooted several strongholds of patrons and killed as many as many senior officers. Thirty people, and they have defeated masters from the moon several times.

Every victory is a huge encouragement to the knights on the land of Africa.

The African warriors also respected this military leader.

However, due to the flat organizational structure of the knights, most people do not know Wu Kui's true identity.

There are rumors that this Martial Leader is the "Magic Cube Angel" who was the Martial Ancestor's partner back then.

Of course, this is also unconfirmed.

Except for those sect elders and famous knights who have always followed Wu Kui, others do not really need to confirm the true identity of Wu Kui. For the knights as a whole, Wu Kuaishou's activities in this form can create more trouble for the government.

Only this time, Insider Jin Daxia received a summons from the elders of his sect, saying that there was a task assigned by Chief Wu to complete for him.

Just a few hours ago, a statement appeared on the Internet.

The content is roughly as follows:

[Hello everyone, I am the God of War, the one who came out of Paradox City not long ago.

Recently I arrived in Africa. I am very happy to think about working with African knights.

Please pay attention to the military base at this coordinate around one o'clock tomorrow afternoon.

After Hartmann's fleet reaches the other side of the world, I will take action.

Stay tuned. 】

That’s all the statement says.

The tone was very frivolous. But Leader Wu paid a certain amount of attention.

According to Chief Wu, Chief Wu himself is so approachable and approachable, rarely using a serious tone.

In other words, this may indeed be the legendary twelfth warrior god.

Moreover, the timing of the announcement was also very clever. The trajectory of the Sky Star Fleet was accurately calculated. It was known that after the announcement was issued, the Sky Star Fleet would not have time to reach this location.

Very Wuzu style.

According to the elder, Wu Kui suspected that this was really the God of War, so he asked him to come over and take a look.

He is one of the few knights closest to this base.

Insider Jin didn't dare to neglect, he put down what he was doing and came directly.

This is also considered a very important military base. Although there are no senior officers on duty on a daily basis, there are a large number of heavy tanks and countless mid-level officers leading soldiers and drones in coordinated operations, which is really powerful.

291 The Six Heroes of Dust and Sand and some other knights have been eyeing this important town for a long time. They often wander around the perimeter, looking for opportunities to attack mid-level officers or patrol teams, but they never get close to the base itself.

At this moment, Insider Jin stood in front of the sun, with the sun behind him. It was only at this time that he dared to take out his optical instruments and point them at the base to observe.

He is waiting for the God of War.

The scheduled time has come. He waited another moment. Insider Jin noticed a few traces appearing on the horizon and said, "What's coming?"

Behind him, the second and fourth sons of the Six Heroes of Dust and Sand also crawled on the ground and leaned over.

The second child took the optical instrument, looked at it for a while, and then quickly told the third child: "Don't seek death! Senior officer!"


"ACFA-65, close-to-ground flying armed force, codenamed 'Ride the Dragon'..." The second child led the third and fourth children back under the ramp and said, "The two nearest senior officers, Song Youdao and Hansen . Calculating the time, it’s time to arrive.”

"I thought the God of War would arrive first."

"No. Although the senior officers of the Sanctuary will be slower to respond due to their military duties, such a short time should be enough." The second child said, "Even if he is a Martial God..."

A bright light struck from another side of the hillside. The three of them were originally on this side of the ramp, and the sun was originally on their side. But the brightness was so high that the sunlight was too weak. The three of them fell into the shadows.

At this time, the second child continued to talk: "You have to think carefully before taking action..."

The three of them didn't even react. After this, there was a terrifying and violent scream.

The warrior is no stranger to this sound. That was the sound of something like a warrior, which was not completely aerodynamic, moving at supersonic speeds. It was the howl of the air in front of them.

What arrived one after another with this scream was the sound of violent explosions.

Immediately afterwards, there was another even more terrifying loud noise.

Laosan Insider Jin immediately did some mental calculations. Judging from the current temperature, air pressure, and the time difference between the arrival of the sound and the flash...

What about the "dragon riding" of senior military officers?

Then the second sound...

The center of the base!

He immediately climbed out of the bunker to take a look. But what came oncoming was a blast of wind mixed with massive amounts of sand and dust.

The three brothers felt that the sand dunes beneath them were moving as a whole due to the blast wind.

The attacker did not hesitate to use a high-yield bomb.

Insider Jin looked blankly in the direction of the base. Dust and smoke covered the view. He couldn't see what was happening at all.

Just when he was speaking, he missed the most critical moment for the God of War to take action.

Judging from the sound, the God of War should have suddenly burst out from behind, approached the aircraft of the two senior officers, and then dropped a high-yield bomb...

How did he do that?

Where was he hiding? How could a surprise attack reach this level?

A voice roared through the sky. That should be a formation of aerial warriors hovering in the distance. Perhaps to greet the officers, or perhaps to guard against the God of War, these aerial warriors took off in the form of fighter planes early in the morning and circled around the base. Fortunately, they escaped the first round of attacks.

Maybe it's misfortune.

A terrifying EMP flashed past. It was an electromagnetic storm. Even a knight like Insider Jin, who is very good at electromagnetic protection, feels like his eyes are blurred...

Then, there were continuous sounds of falling to the ground and explosions.

The fourth child was a little confused: "It's so fast..."

"It may not be that the God of War was faster." The second child shook his head: "That should be...the radar failed, so they collided."

"These guys think they are highly skilled in martial arts and familiar with the environment. They want to break into the smoke and dust to grasp first-hand information, or land to fight as warriors. Even if they can't see it with visible light, they still have radar. However, the intensity of the EMP just now Let's see... maybe if the Martial God has a helper at this time, he can easily disrupt them and make them collide with each other, making it difficult for them to land normally."

The third child jumped up: "Didn't you see nothing?"

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