Cyber Heroes

Chapter 1006 Bluffing

"Are you going to persuade the prisoner to surrender?" Yin Zhewei Song turned on the decorative lights in his righteous eyes and said excitedly, "Just like what the story says... just a few words can directly change a thug's heart and become a knight?"

"Ah, this..." Yuki scratched his head: "I have never seen a few thugs who were directly called vigilantes in one call. Guys who can become vigilantes must have merits before becoming vigilantes. . Even my master cannot just rely on words..."

"That's just not strong enough. His verbal skills are not strong enough!" Yin Zhewei patted Yuki's shoulder hard, "Have you ever heard of the Ninth God of War? One song before the battle, all the troops turned against him!"

"Ah..." Yuki's emotions were quite complicated. His master had absorbed the personality of the Ninth Martial God. In a sense, the Ninth Martial God was also his master. Therefore...he is now one of the few people in the solar system who knows the truth.

He said: "Isn't there a legend that the Ninth Martial God made all the armies turn against each other? Isn't it actually a premeditated uprising?"

"This is probably propaganda." Yin Zhewei waved his hand, "Let me tell you, you have never dealt with the idiots who protect the gene bank... which is what you call the government. People in the government will definitely do it. For the sake of publicity, the influence of the God of War is deliberately weakened."

—— come no one believes the truth...

"In addition, do you know that the first disciple of Wu Zu, a great knight and hero in ancient times, Shenyuan Yanye is known as the 'flower of tongue'..." Yin Zhewei continued to talk about those proficient communication methods. , the legend of the knight with the art of speech.

And Yuki's mood became more and more subtle.

He really knows this.

Ever since he remembered what happened to this senior sister, Master has been muttering from time to time, always listening to his instructions, and howling sadly, "You must never become like your senior sister"...

Probably only the master himself felt that when he said this, his posture was very calm and nonchalant.

Ah, in short it’s very...

Yuki couldn't find any adjectives to describe his mood at this time.

Probably due to the destruction of the old culture, there is a lack of vocabulary.

Yuki's plan to interrogate the prisoners attracted almost everyone's attention. The former apprentices had no more goals for the time being, and their strong curiosity suddenly focused on this matter.

Everyone generously said that they could let Yuki communicate first.

But at the same time, almost everyone sent Yoki private messages asking if they could watch.

Youki simply announced that the entire exchange between himself and the prisoner would be broadcast live, and he was also welcome to record it for everyone to study for themselves afterwards.

Although what Yuki wants to talk about includes many little-known "secrets".

But Youki also knows that in many cases, if you want "information" to become a "weapon", you must first spread it.

It doesn't hurt to tell these apprentices some things.

So, under the attention of many former apprentices, Yuki picked up a wire and inserted it into a port near his neck.

A window appeared in the upper right corner of almost all apprentices' vision, live broadcasting the communication process between Youki and Ran Cheng C. Some apprentices simply put down what they were doing and let this window cover their entire field of vision. Others also started recording videos directly.

Songsong even temporarily opened a chat room in the ship's server and brought in a few people with the closest connections.

Songsong said: [How do you think he will speak? What is the identity of this mysterious organization? 】

[He told us the term "Six Dragon Sect". 】Introduced Zhewei, "Let's take a look first and see how much of the intelligence this guy showed matches what Yuki told us. 】


After Yuki entered the virtual space, he looked at his hands.

Very realistic tactile sensation.

Although prosthetic people can make the prosthetic body more sensitive to touch than the physical body by mixing a large number of pressure-sensitive units into the surface material of the prosthetic body, the pressure-sensitive units will also reduce the strength of the prosthetic body and increase the material cost. Therefore, not every touch of a prosthetic person is so keen.

Youki is still in the entry-level stage, and he doesn't need a very sensitive prosthetic body.

This almost physical image...

Yoki adopted the model of his own avatar. This modeling was also done by Yin Zhewei and others for him. These former apprentices used Yuki's stripped body parts as samples, analyzed the genetic information, and then calculated the "possible appearance." Yin Zhewei and Songsong spent three hours helping him choose a good-looking "possibility".

I can vaguely see my facial features when I was a child.

Youki downloaded and saved a copy of this data, and then looked at the avatar suspended in mid-air, meditating cross-legged. This avatar is much more abstract - to put it simply, the number of polygons is 80% less than Yuki's current face.

It's probably the system default.

With such a blur, there is no need to think about how detailed personal characteristics can be expressed.

But he didn't have any dissatisfaction. Instead, he was suspended in the void, amusing himself in some way.

Of course Yuki wouldn't spoil him. The boy turned on the gravity simulation.

Then the leader of the Six Dragons Sect fell to the virtual floor.

Youki waved his hand, pulled out two chairs, sat on one, and then pointed to the other: "Sit down?"

"It's a virtual space anyway, so I won't feel tired." The leader of the Six Dragons Sect then looked at Youki, "Have you apprentices finally waited until it's time to interrogate me?"

Youki sighed: "The hostility in your tone is too obvious. I saved your life. If it weren't for me, you would have been killed by the death mechanism buried in your mind."

"Yes." The Six Dragons Cult Flag Master nodded.

"So shouldn't you thank me?"

"Oh. Yes, thank you." Ran Cheng C said without sincerity, "Are you satisfied? If you are, then get out."

"I don't quite understand your current attitude." Yuki scratched his head, "The Six Dragons Sect is planning to kill you, why are you still can I put it, why are you still so hostile to the Six Dragons? Is the Dragon Sect so loyal? I don’t quite understand?”

"Hmm? 'Six Dragons Sect'?" Ran Cheng C looked at Youki, "Did you just say, 'Six Dragons Sect'?"

"Yes, the 'Six Dragons Sect' - I suggest you make good use of the recording function." Yuki said.

The leader of the Six Dragons Sect raised his eyebrows: "You actually know about the Six Dragons Sect? How is this possible?"

"There are actually quite a few people who know about the Six Dragons Cult. Or the Demon Cult or something like that." Yuki said, "But most people probably don't take the Demon Cult seriously. People who know little will think that the Six Dragon Cult It is just an ordinary Jianghu community, a sect that operates in secret. People who know more will feel that the Six Dragons Sect is an organization organized internally by a group of scientific research knights and violates Dyson's principles to a certain extent. . It is said that King Agni is aware of this level. As for the moon, everyone feels that the Six Dragons Sect is the white glove of the top brass of the Scientific Research Knights. Am I right?"

Before the leader of the Six Dragons Sect could react, the research knight apprentices were already in a panic.

【What the hell? Damn it? What did he say? What did he say? 】

【Check quickly! Check your own prosthetic systems, then check the ship - oh my god! How come this knight-errant guy dares to say any word aaaaa!]

[Can this be said? Do you want to die? 】

[Calm down, we are offline now - check the ship quickly and see if there is any place where a bomb can be hidden. This keyword won't trigger any bombs, right? 】

Trivia, so far, no one has actually been directly bombarded by mentioning the name of "that mysterious man". But everyone is in the spirit of not being afraid of ten thousand, and trying not to mention those few words - even words with similar sounds.

The name alone triggered a wave of fear. Only after a lot of confusion did the former apprentice react.

Songsong quickly sent it before everyone else: [Did Yuki just say that 'that king' only knows this much... He knows more than the king of the moon? 】

Suddenly, the chat room was stagnant for a moment.

At this moment, everyone was stunned.

Then, fry the pan again.

Everyone is discussing the true identity of this little brother.

Ran Cheng C, on the other hand, reacted a little slower. He waited for the former apprentices to be in a state of confusion before he finally came to his senses and said, "You know a lot."

Considering that he had just recovered from a severe brain injury, this reaction was somewhat understandable.

Youji said: "My sect has been investigating the Six Dragons Sect, so I know a lot of information about you. As early as the era of the Eighth Martial God, you were already active in secret. At that time, you were not called The Six Dragons Sect has grown to a very large scale. In the past ten years or so, you have also done a lot of things on Earth. You have at least one research plan to sneak into the Green Forest and torment the Green Forest. You are studying the use of the Green Forest. Is there a way to bring people together'? No, I'm afraid it's not that simple."

"In addition, you have also done some research on the nervous system of cephalopods. At the end of the Tiger List in the past, 'Serial Missile' Gliad seemed to have received funding from the Demon Cult, right? Then there is Tianji. Within you, there are also A title like 'Tianji Sanren'?"

"Well, the Six Dragons Sect is an organization deeply related to the scientific research knights. It is said that the more advanced the scientific research knights are, the higher their status within the Six Dragons Sect? Can you be sent by the knights of the Galapagos Temple? To perform a mission... I guess your status is not ordinary either."

The flag owner's expression changed: "Who are you?"

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