Cyber Heroes

Chapter 1007 Is this considered a failure to show off?

"Who are you?" Ran Cheng C's expression suddenly changed.

The Six Dragons Sect's greatest advantage has always been "concealment".

Just the right amount of "hidden".

If it is completely shrunk in the darkness and is not known to anyone, once its existence is leaked, it will attract great attention from powerful forces.

Complete blockade and darkness are equivalent to telling the outside world, "There are secrets here."

The real "hiding" lies in "integrating into the background" and "just right".

The Six Dragons Sect has always judged this way. They have always hidden themselves on the surface of this world, and many things are openly displayed for others to see.

And underneath this, there are several layers of intentions hidden.

Most people can only see the second layer beneath the surface.

Experts like King Agni may be able to go one step further and see the third level, seeing something very close to the essence.

However, few people know something so deep.

Even Ran Cheng C, who is the flag leader, is not very clear about these things. He only knew that "the Six Dragons Sect is very hidden".

In fact, even if a non-core member of the Six Dragons Cult was captured, drugged and forced to reveal everything he knew, and then these contents were presented to King Agni, King Agni could only conclude, "Ah, Sure enough, they are using exaggerated propaganda to brainwash the lower classes."

Ran Cheng C didn't know anything deeper. However, he was already very proud of knowing this step.

Look, the organization behind me is so powerful, so hidden, so deep - he is so smug at times.

When this proud and secret thing was revealed by a knight, how proud Ran Cheng C was in the past, he was now so frightened.

The fuzzy modeling is enough to reflect this level of expression. His expression changed, he stood up, and asked, "How do you know this? How is this possible?"

"When you say 'How is this possible', do you mean 'How could this knight know so much about the Six Dragons Sect', or 'How could the Six Dragons Sect be like this'? Which one did you express in surprise just now?" Yuki asked in return. road.

The most critical point of this kind of dialogue is to "grasp the rhythm."

It would be wishful thinking to expect to get the correct answer directly by asking questions. Even if it is a "drug", it will inevitably blur the boundaries between "fantasy", "dream" and "reality". It is said that in ancient times, there were internal power masters who could mix pre-recorded sections of Cold War novels with real intelligence under the influence of veritaserum. Too much noise pollution will make the information obtained from the Veritaserum interrogation meaningless.

Grasping the rhythm of the conversation so that the other party has no time to think is a very useful technique. Specific information can also be analyzed by reading the conversation records afterwards. When the interrogator faces the interrogator's rhetorical questions, he should answer the questions that are not asked.

"Impossible, how could anyone notice..." Ran Cheng C stood up, his expression changing many times.

As this knight said, the front line of scientific research in the Six Dragons Religion, that is, in the group of "Sanren" and "Elders", their status is basically linked to the status of the member of the Six Dragons Religion in the Scientific Research Knights.

In this case, it would be easier for the Six Dragons Cult to develop members within the Scientific Research Knights.

The "Guardians", "Flag Master", "Altar Master" and "Dharma King" are another line, representing the force of the Six Dragon Sect.

But in a sense, the Six Dragons Sect also imitated part of the structure of the Patron. The number of Dharma Protectors and Altar Masters is relatively small. When the order from the Dharma King and the Altar Master cannot arrive, the Banner Master will be instructed by the Sanren and elders who are the leaders of the local knights.

If a member of the Six Dragons Cult is a Grand Knight of the Galapagos Temple, his status within the Six Dragons Cult will never be low.

Ran Cheng C, who can be sent to handle affairs by such an important person from the Six Dragons Sect, does know more than the average person.

Seeing that the other party could no longer keep up with his thinking, Youki nodded, and then thought for a moment. Thanks to the other person's brain damage, he doesn't need to think too fast.

A few seconds later, he slowly dropped another bombshell: "Speaking of which, do you know the true identity of your holy aunt?"

The leader of the Six Dragons Sect raised his head, and all expressions disappeared from his face. The face with insufficient polygons remained motionless. It was obvious that it had received information that could not be executed, or that there were no resources that could be called upon.

It was obvious that he was at a loss for information.

"She... she... Saint Aunt, is she... her true identity? This..."

Yuki put his hands behind his head - this was imitating Mingshan's occasional movements. Although these movements seemed non-threatening, they were unsound for some reason - and said: "This is difficult to handle. It doesn't look like you are I don’t know the true identity of your holy aunt, do you? In this case, even if I really say the name, you will definitely think that I am making it up. There is no point in telling you the real information. "

The leader of the Six Dragons Sect screamed: "This is impossible! You can't possibly know so much..."

"Yeah." Yuki raised a finger, "Let's analyze it. Your Saint Aunt's mission is usually to travel between the orbits of the third planet and the fourth planet, and present Mars to the Six Dragon Cult on Earth. The cutting-edge scientific and technological achievements produced, or the information that has not been included in the data train of the Scientific Research Knights, or that is inconvenient to be included in the data train, can be passed on."

"And during this journey, the real dangers we have to face are threefold. The power of King Agni, the power of King Zhengtian, and the traveling Court of God's Speed. And the Court of God's Speed ​​is the most terrifying. Once targeted, it will almost There is no escape.”

"And the identity of the holy aunt ensures that when she is targeted by the Speed ​​King, the Speed ​​King can give her a face and let her go. Well, maybe King Zhengtian will also turn a blind eye to her. . In this way, she can directly avoid two difficulties. And at the end of the old era, there really was such a person..."

This is all true. In order to help Yuki better understand what he thinks and believes in, Xiangshan once told Yuki many stories from the past. Although Youki still doesn’t quite understand the kind of family entanglements, emotional entanglements or family emotional entanglements that were unique to the old times. But he can still analyze interpersonal relationships.

When Ran Cheng C faced this topic, he still looked confused.

Yuki held his head: "So you don't know about this history? This...ah, that's right. The names of the people involved are all quite sensitive, especially the lubricants on the edges (note, it means soy sauce) Those of them, if the keywords appear at the same time, I am afraid it will directly lead to the attack of the moon... It is normal for you not to know."

——Ah, this is not a mess. The master said that at this time, we should improve our skills as much as possible. It is best to make the other party feel that "the other party knows a lot, and the little information I know is nothing"...

——But what I know is too secret. Even if I tell it, no one can prove it is true or false, right?

——Is this considered a "failure to show off"?

--How to do how to do?

Youki suddenly felt uneasy.

Ran Cheng C was already lost at this moment. He lowered his head and said: "This is impossible... This guy must be making it up... This is impossible... How is the identity of the Holy Aunt possible..."

Yuki scratched his head. In fact, you are right to think so. The members of the Six Dragon Sect themselves do not know the identity of Kanhara Yanye. The reason why Youki knew it was simply because Kanyuan Yanye was a former disciple of Xiangshan. He recognized it directly. This was not known at all through tracing the Six Dragons Sect’s intelligence.

——What should I say at this time...

Yuki reminded carefully: "Do you still remember? The series of Six Dragon Cult plans I just mentioned basically failed."

Ran Cheng C trembled all over.

Then, he raised his head and suddenly realized: "So, you are a man in the world. No wonder...those apprentices can use such methods. This turns out to be your handiwork."

Yuki crossed his legs - he didn't understand the meaning of this action, but judging from Xiangshan's behavior, it should be a sitting posture that showed strength - and said: "You haven't noticed it yet. There is already a wave in the world. The power is hunting you Six Dragon Cult."

Well, although this power is full of energy, it only requires a first-level heavenly warrior, an ordinary warrior who follows him to train, plus an apprentice, which is two if you count six days. Then add a young girl who can't even speak a complete sentence.

But it is clearly a "force".

"The Youhe Knights are also your people, right. The Twelfth Martial God acts in a targeted manner."

Youki thought about it for a moment and felt that this level of shock should be enough.

You cannot directly say "I am a disciple of the Twelfth Martial God". Doing so would be testing the humanity of the former apprentices of the Picosi Sect. Human nature, kindness, and loyalty are not things that can be tested by others. "Being tested" is not their mission - or to put it further, these concepts need to be protected by humans.

What Yuki said just now hinted that "the forces behind me are related to the Twelfth Martial God" and also revealed that "the Twelfth Martial God is targeting the Six Dragons Sect."

As a weight for psychological pressure, it should be heavy enough.

Ran Cheng C laughed miserably: "I see... I see... Has the Twelfth Martial God started targeting us a long time ago? No wonder... No wonder we lost so miserably not long ago?"

"Not long ago? That time?" Yuki asked eagerly. But he quickly realized that his tone was inappropriate, so he leaned back on the virtual chair and switched his legs to one side. "You have lost too many times in the past few years. I think several times have been quite miserable." ’.”

Ran Cheng C laughed at himself: "Hahaha... you don't know yet? You will know soon. The Six Dragons Sect has been forced to give up all channels of contact and verification... Fortunately, I still believed that we don't need to be afraid of the Martial God. ...hateful..."

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