Cyber Heroes

Chapter 1010 Religion

When Ran Cheng C saw Youji again, time should have passed... about a day or two.

Ran Cheng C was not sure whether his sense of time was still correct. Human's "sense of time" is highly dependent on the periodic neural activity of certain specific neural networks. This area of ​​the brain that perceives time is located right next to the area that encodes spatial information, not far from the hippocampus.

Since the technology of interfering with the hippocampus and controlling the conversion of short-term memory into long-term memory is very mature. Then, it is possible to manipulate an individual's "sense of time" to make him feel that time is shortened or lengthened.

This technology has limited practical value. The speed of human thinking is still limited by the transmission speed of neural signals and the degree of optimization of the neural network. Even if this subjective time is disrupted and humans develop the subjective drive to "speed up thinking," the speed of thinking activities will still be innately limited.

Thought cannot accelerate infinitely.

However, it can make the subject feel that a short time suddenly becomes infinitely long, and that he has wasted a lot of time inadvertently. The primitive instinct will drive him and strongly require him to "find something to do"—— Because for wild animals in the natural environment, "long-term laziness" means "easy death."

This kind of driving force will give people strong mental torture.

When one's own sense of time is manipulated by others, the manipulator can induce this kind of mental torture in a very short period of time.

Even this virtual sense of time hell is more terrifying than real "long-term detention". Although the sense of time has been adjusted, the speed of thinking will not increase much. The tortured person will only feel extremely clearly that time is passing through the gaps between his fingers, but he can't do much. Clear memory also becomes a kind of torture - because on a physiological level, the prisoner has no time to forget.

The feeling of powerlessness brought about by this is even more terrifying than the actual imprisonment.

Now that his brain has fallen into the hands of his opponent, the possibility of doing something like this is not small.

Ran Cheng C himself has done something similar.

He looked at Youki and smiled: "You're here so quickly... I thought it would take a long time before I see you again."

This torture will not even cause degenerative physiological damage. If human neural networks are not used for a long time, they run the risk of being crowded out by other functions. If a person does not speak for a long time, he may forget the skills of speaking.

But this transformation depends on objective time.

This technique of adjusting the subjective sense of time does not accelerate the adjustment of the neural network itself. The target object will not easily forget or degrade the skill.

This is an ideal method of torture.

Considering the resistance of internal strength masters to chemical drugs, this method of starting from the bottom may be more effective than confessional agents.

Youki shook his head: "Generally speaking, we do not recommend torture of prisoners. Well, Mr. Six Dragon Sect, have you calmed down now? Is there anything you want to explain?"

It's been exactly twenty-four hours since Yuki last came in. Those former apprentices were just too enthusiastic. Yuki only said that he wanted to analyze the confessions of those Six Dragon Cult members, and then these scientific research knight apprentices made many analyzes and wrote several reports based on what Ran Cheng C said.

Much more comprehensive than Yuki himself thought.

In the end, Youki had no choice but to be dragged by these old Yanbis to participate in group activities on the ship.

These former apprentices are indeed at the bottom of the Scientific Research Knights, but they have indeed seen the various collective activities of the superior Scientific Research Knights. From the "music hobby" of the classical era to the "science fiction and two-dimensional aesthetics" of Wu Zu's era, there are various literary and artistic activities of different eras. Or imitate the dinner party held by His Majesty the Martial Ancestor and the Father of All Machines in the Superman Enterprise Era, etc.

Nowadays, these former apprentices are not in a position to completely copy those collective activities, but Yin Zhewei still attached great importance to such things when he was building the sect.

It feels a bit like the so-called "Party" group activities in the old days, and they have organized it several times.

Although it can only provide virtual food and use AR images to play mini-games, the former apprentices still like this atmosphere very much.

And since yesterday, Yuki has become the centerpiece of the party, the coolest person in the entire Picosi sect station (submarine).

At first, Yuki was quite interested in this "religious activity" unique to scientific knights. But everyone was so enthusiastic, and almost everyone wanted to talk to him about the Twelfth God of War.

Yuki has been avoiding such topics for fear that he will spill the beans.

And this naturally piqued the curiosity of the former apprentices.

In the end, Youki still felt that it was more suitable for people like him to come and question this guy from the Six Dragons Cult.

He has been wandering in the wilderness with his master, and he really doesn't adapt to this... this kind of atmosphere.

It just so happened that his conversation with the leader of the Six Dragons Sect was also broadcast live, which could be regarded as giving those former apprentices something to do.

"New things to explain?" After listening to Youji's question, Ran Cheng C lowered his head and remained silent.

Youji said: "It's already this time, why are you still hesitating? Even if you have great confidence in the Six Dragons Sect, you definitely can't go back. You will have to stay here for a long time. In a virtual prison. It's okay if the people from the Six Dragons Sect don't come to save you. Once they rush in to save you, the people guarding you will kill you before they succeed. Kill an unprotected person. I don’t need to describe to you how simple the brain is, right?”

"Taking it all together, no matter how powerful the Six Dragons Sect is, you can't get any benefits from them. Apart from beliefs similar to 'religious experience', do you have any reason to stay loyal to them?"

Ran Cheng C's mouth moved for a moment, as if he wanted to say something.

Yuki immediately asked: "What's the reason?"

"There is a part of memory in my brain that tells me that even if I die for the Six Dragons Sect, I can still get enough benefits." Ran Cheng C said, "Although I don't know the reason...Although I don't remember, But there was evidence that told me... Incomparably clear evidence told me that even if I die for the Six Dragons Cult, I will still be rewarded - a huge reward."

Youji was amused: "But this 'memory of unknown disk' of yours, didn't you also tell you that the Six Dragons Sect is not afraid of any martial gods at all? Look at the results, how is it now?"

Two lines of tears fell down Ran Cheng C's face.

He burst into tears without warning.

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